[Radiance-general] dxfimport | toren.com

Jelle Feringa / EZCT Architecture & Design Research jelle.feringa at ezct.net
Sat Jul 9 14:29:02 CEST 2005

Hi group,


I'm happy to tell you Iebele Abel released a dxf to rad converter for Linux.

What's good about the converter is that implies a way of organizing your
radiance scene.

The workflow is based on the layers present in the .dxf file, the modifier
in the generated .rad file will correspond to the name of the layer in the
.dxf file. The point of this is that when you need to make different
renderings of a project in progress you use the layers for mapping the
materials to the .rad geometry. When presented a modified model, just
overwrite the existing .rad geometry using dxfimport, launch your
renderscript et voila, another render iteration on its way. When working for
rapid changing projects this workflow is killer. 

Something which is highly productive for this type of workflow is to have a
standardized radiance library where the layer number in your dxf file
corresponds to the material in your materials definitions. If this way of
working is familiar to you, & you happen to work on Linux, you should
definitely take a look at Iebele's dxfimport converter ! 


When looking for a converter with lots of options, look further, but
dxfimport fits perfectly in a highly streamlined radiance workflow, based on
.dxf input.


Iebele, perhaps you could elaborate on which entities dxfimport handles?
Which versions of .dxf are supported in dxfimport? What about unreasonable
large models, do these work with dxfimport?


Cheers, Jelle.

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