[Radiance-general] masking openings

Jelle Feringa // EZCT / Paris jelle.feringa at ezct.net
Wed Feb 9 15:01:20 CET 2005

I’m working on a python script which applies genetic algorithms for a façade
design (yeah, still doing that
I’m computing the fitness value of a given simulations by producing a
falsecolor image, by calculating the 64 brightest levels per channel, R
being most intense (direct light) , G being diffused light, and B for
This approach seems to be ok, except that openings are also included, since
their bright values. I need to get rid of those. First I tried the most
simple approach, setting the viewfile such that the sky isn’t included, et
voila, openings are black. This approach seems oversimplistic, since it
yields a complete different rendering, looks like any source outside of the
clipping plane isn’t included (I suppose this is the expected behaviour). So
I need to do this in a smarter manner. Has anyone run into this before? The
best would be to render the mask as a separated image, such that they can be
combined using pcomb.
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