[Radiance-general] plasfunc

Richard Murray rfmurray at sas.upenn.edu
Sun Feb 6 23:18:38 CET 2005

Any advice on using the plasfunc material type?  I've searched the 
Radiance documentation, digests, etc., and the following was the best I 
could come up with, but it doesn't seem to work.  Any advice would be 

I think I should be able to define a material like this:

     void plasfunc myplastic
     2 refl mybrdf.cal
     4 1 1 1 0

and then in a file mybrdf.cal, put an arbitrary definition for the BRDF 
function refl, something like this:

     refl(x,y,z,area) = (x*Nx + y*Ny + z*Nz)^10;

(This isn't actually the form of BRDF I'm interested in.)  Then, I 
define an object with material myplastic:

     myplastic sphere ball
     4 0 0 .5 .5

When I render this, though (with light sources, other objects, etc. 
added), the sphere just looks Lambertian.  What am I doing wrong?



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