[Radiance-general] multiple processors

Francesco Anselmo francesco.anselmo at arup.com
Thu Dec 1 10:46:55 CET 2005

Hi Brett, 

>If I do this:
>>rad -v single_view -N 5 myscene.rif
>Rad will *not* split up my scene for me (using rpiece).  However, if I
specify multiple views, rad >*will* run rpict multiple times
simultaneously (ie. as forked/backgrounded processes).
>Is this expected behaviour? I was hoping it would split my scene!

As Greg already explained, this is the expected behaviour, but if you
need to render
more than 1 view you can always share the ambient cache and save some

>(Let's *assume* my NFS lockd is working okay).  

There shouldn't be any problem with NFS lockd if you're using a recent
linux distro.
Of course you will need to login to each machine or use some kind of
remote login 
to launch your rpiece processes.

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