[Radiance-general] winxmit.cal

Giulio Antonutto Giulio.Antonutto at arup.com
Wed Mar 31 17:34:42 CEST 2004

you should find it on the web site of radiance...
may be the RAYPATH is not set up... or the libraries are missing...


winmix.cal is:

--------------------start of file-------------------
	winxmit.cal - window transmittance function.


winxmit = 1.018 * Rdot * (1 + (1 - Rdot*Rdot)^1.5);

--------------------end of file------------------------------

after saving the file with the right name you can simply place it in your
scene directory or add the RAYPATH varable to your configuration file that
is used to define the location of radiance libaries
usually such file is

1 - .bash_profile

after a good back up of the file add:

export RAYPATH


2 - .cshrc

after a good back up of the file add:

setenv RAYPATH .:/your/system/path/to/radiance/libraries:{RAYPATH}

hope it helps,

different directories can be defined, just separate them with " : "
  " . " stays for current directory.

-----Original Message-----
From: Alexandre Kisslinger [mailto:alexkr at iastate.edu]
Sent: 31 March 2004 16:08
To: radiance-general at radiance-online.org
Subject: [Radiance-general] winxmit.cal

I'm trying to use gensky as shown on chapter 3.1.3 of the Radiance book.
I have problems because the program can't find winxmit.cal.
Can anyone advice me on where I should keep winxmit.cal?


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