[Radiance-general] octree size

O Graf s0343631 at sms.ed.ac.uk
Sun Jul 25 16:36:07 CEST 2004


I am trying to visualise a point set from a laser scan using rholo command. To
keep the conversion to RADIANCE-format easier i created a .rad-file with small
spheres for each point to represent the original file. But as far as i know i
have to create an octree first, before running the actual rholo command. And
exactly this is my problem. Because I am working on a university computer,
memory used for calculations is restricted and the oconv process gets killed
after a couple of minutes each time I try to run it. The resulting .oct-file is
empty. The original point set is a file with a bit more than 200Mb. If i convert
each point in this file to a sphere, the resulting .rad-file is about 500Mb.
After the octree calculation for this 500Mb file failed, I reduced the number
of spheres by taking only each 3rd, then 10th, then 20th point. At the moment i
have a .rad-file with 31Mb and the oconv process still gets killed. Now I am
wondering how much memory does each sphere need in an octree? Is there any
approximate rule to calculate the required memory for .oct-files? Or may be
there is another possibility to create a holodeck-file out of my spheres?

Thanks in advance!

Best regards,


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