[Radiance-general] sky definition

Georg Mischler [email protected]
Tue, 14 Oct 2003 14:49:34 -0400 (EDT)

Rob Guglielmetti wrote:

> [email protected] wrote:
>> Here are the questions:
>> 1. All I do to specify the sun is write the following one line for the sun :
>> does gensky model the sun as a light material using these definitions?
>> !gensky 4 11 13:0 +s -a (latitude) -o (longitude) -m (meridian) �B (horizontal
>> used?)

Just type the command into a shell (console window), and you'll
get a better idea about what you still need to add yourself.

>   And, .9 .9 1
> (which is used as an example blue sky on the gensky manpage) is just
> such a combination!  I mentioned this to Greg a little while ago, and I
> think it got fixed in the distribution, but the radiance website still
> has the error:
> http://www.radiance-online.org/pipermail/radiance-general/2003-May/000789.html
> (hmm, Schorsch, yours still has this error as well:
> http://www.schorsch.com/rayfront/manual/htmlman/gensky.html)

That will be updated when I integrate a more current version
of Radiance with Rayfront.

Btw: Rayfront users don't need to worry about this. They can just
set the sky/ground color with the standard Rayfront color selector,
and the software will normalize the values to a weighted average
of 1 internally. The original deviation is remembered though,
so that you won't get confused too much when you reopen the same
dialog later.


Georg Mischler  --  simulations developer  --  schorsch at schorsch com
+schorsch.com+  --  lighting design tools  --  http://www.schorsch.com/