[Radiance-general] Re: Online availability of conference CD-ROM?

Greg Ward [email protected]
Thu, 2 Oct 2003 10:07:17 -0700

I suppose we should appeal to Peter A-B to make the ISO image of the CD 
available online.  I don't know if there are bandwidth issues -- Peter?

For my part, I have put some snapshots from the workshop up on my 
website, for those who are interested.  The URL is:


Also, for those who downloaded Photosphere recently and are 
experiencing crashes, there is a new version that fixes this problem 
also on my website:


The command-line tool for building HDR images is also available, but I 
have only compiled it on the Mac for the moment.  I should get around 
to compiling it under Linux "real soon now".  (Photosphere won't be 
available on other platforms until someone volunteers to rewrite the 

