[Radiance-general] distance forsky dome

Giulio Antonutto [email protected]
Tue, 18 Nov 2003 15:30:29 -0000

just about rendering quality,

I suggest you to use "light" instead "glow", 
consider window with mkillum (generate light distribution for windows pol.),
use them like emitters without the sky.... 
(or with a fake overcast/intermediate or clear sky outside, just for


PS about radii dimension you should take into account parallax errors (two
points in your model, both looking north, and intersecting in different
places the sky dome: less this angle, better it is...)

-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: 18 November 2003 15:06
To: [email protected]
Subject: [Radiance-general] distance forsky dome

Hello, Radiance-general.

For making material, $B!F!G(JPicture Perfect RGB Rendering Using Prefiltering 
and Sharp Color Primaries$B!G!G(J is very helpful for me.

Now I have another problem.

I$B!G(Jd like to make sky dome that material depend on sky distribution 
measured 145 points. These 145 points relate to CIE IDMP. I think the best 
way is to make it by using $B!H(Jbrightfunc$B!I(J and $B!H(Jsource$B!I(J which has o 
distance. But this is very difficult way for me. 
Then I made it by using square*145 by $B!H(Jpolygon$B!I(J. I know this way give sky 
distance. Maybe distance between room and sky is important. 

When the radius of sky dome was changed so that indoor (1.5m * 1.2*1.3m) 
illuminance by rtrace might become suitable, the almost same value as an 
actual measurement was acquired in the radius of 200m.But rendered picture 
is not good.
Giving sky material ;

void glow sky_1
4	luminance/179  luminance/179  luminance/179  0


I have some questions.
1: When I make sky dome, is to use $B!H(Jpolygon$B!I(Jthat have distance suitable? 
2: Supposing that is right, is there any suitable radius to sky dome?
3;And for material of sun,is "lumiance/179" suitable??

I$B!G(Jm confusing$B!D(JPlease give advice.

Kouichi kobayashi
Tokyo University of Science

$B$"$J$?$N(JPC$B$r<i$k$?$a$KDj4|E*$J%;%-%e%j%F%#BP:v$r!#%^%$%/%m%=%U%H(J $B%;%-%e%j(J
$B%F%#>pJs%;%s%?!<(J http://www.microsoft.com/japan/protect/hm.asp 

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