[Radiance-general] Compiling on CYGWIN

Carsten Bauer [email protected]
Wed, 18 Jun 2003 18:48:20 +0000

Hi Bruce,

please give some more info on the process, e.g. error messages thrown at you 
during the makeall install run, these are necessary for finding out what's 
going on. Have the libraries got compiled sucessfully? ( check into 
../ray/src/lib for librt.a and libradiance.a ). Differnet locations of X 
headers may cause trouble. You probably need options like
 -L/usr/X11R6/lib  -I/usr/include/X11
(or similar with your correct paths for the cygwin installation) in your
rmake file. Put them within the "MACH= .. " line.
When errors during compiling appear, in the end the few sucessful compiled 
executives don't get moved to the instdir, but remain in the production dir 
(probably you might alreday have a rpict or so in ../ray/src/rt., who knows 

Be patient, often it's just some minor thing which causes trouble ...


PS: I must admit that I talk about the general Linux/Unix installation, I 
don't know anything about cygwin, so I cannot assure if there isn't a 
fundamental problem or so..