[Radiance-general] Luxhour and sunhour reenderings

Phillip Greenup [email protected]
Fri, 11 Jul 2003 08:51:15 +1000

Hi Jochen,

There are several annual daylight simulation tools that use Radiance.  Two of these are DAYSIM (http://irc.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/ie/light/daysim.html) and the Dynamic Lighting System (http://www.iesd.dmu.ac.uk/~pcc/dls/).  They both use similar techniques (daylight coefficients), but run in different ways.  Both are free to download.

I haven't used DLS, but have DAYSIM, and it's a pleasure to use.  it can give you daylight illuminances at given points for every hour (or more often) of the daylit year.  you can also set a threshold level and it will provide daylight autonomies at the given points.  daylight autonomy describes how often the natural illumination at a point exceeds the threshold value.  with the hourly (or more often) daylight illuminances, you can calculate your annual luxhours.

John Mardaljevic's web site (http://www.iesd.dmu.ac.uk/~jm/) also describes an algorithm for predicting solar penetration.  this will give you annual sunhours, or equivalent.  the algorithm isn't yet available, but contact John if you'd like more info.

good luck!

Phillip Greenup
Specialist Engineer
Arup Australasia
Level 10, 201 Kent St
Sydney NSW 2000
Ph (02) 9320 9426
Fax (02) 9320 9321

>>> [email protected] 10/07/2003 11:54:43 pm >>>
Hi everybody,
Does somebody know how to produce a rendering highlighting annual sunhours or luxhours, if possible combined with a file with cloudiness factors of a Test Reference Year for a certain location ???
I don't even know where to start !