[Radiance-general] Re: colorpict modifiers in instances and frozen octrees?

Lars O. Grobe [email protected]
Fri, 18 Oct 2002 12:24:57 +0200


I rewrote my Makefile, so I store all geometry in dxf, pic in tif (that's 
what the rest of the team gives me), and make than converts everything into a 
work directory. Here I use oconv and co, and in the makefile, I set the 
RAYPATH=$RAYPATH:./ . That works fine in general, but if I use material 
aliases, the pictures are not mapped. That's quite funny... I always used a 
mapping-file containing only aliases to the material definitons which I hold 
in a seperate file, as dxf2rad uses layer names to set modifiers, and I was 
able to simply correct the mapping without interfering with the rest of the 
scene if one object changed. Are there any special issues concerning 
colorpict and aliases???

So, with
oconv material.mat mapping.mat object.rad sky.rad > object.oct
I have no visible mappings, with
oconv material.mat object.rad sky.rad > object.oct
everything is fine.....if I set the modifiers in the object.rad file itself.

Thank you, CU, Lars.