[Radiance-general] computing illuminance across a grid

Rob Guglielmetti [email protected]
Thu, 23 May 2002 11:53:58 -0400

Some more info:

I just did a falsecolor image of my scene and it too shows 
a totally dark room, with a single patch of direct sun.  THe 
rest of the space is < 1Lux.  So, that explains why the 
cnt/rcalc/rtrace/rcalc program is returning these zero 
values, but I don't understand why the lighting analysis 
and the pic files don't seem to agree on things at all.  It's 
a simple room with a north-facing clerestory and an 
opening punched out of the south wall.  There is a scene 
description with a gensky command and the two 
hemispheres for sky/ground glow.  Several renderings of 
the space show that it is indeed illuminated, and running 
it through pcond -h creates a nice looking image.  I've 
been using the rad program for now, so I think the 
parameters are in order, I have ambient=4 detail=high 

So, my photons are leaving the scene between the time I 
create the pic files and the time I run the ligting analysis.  
Did I create my model over a black hole?  Hmmm...

 Rob Guglielmetti <[email protected]>