[Radiance-general] Re: animation

Greg Ward [email protected]
Thu, 9 May 2002 22:02:00 -0700

Hi lebele,

I concur with Georg that you should use the -af option of rpict to save 
your ambient values, both to accelerate your rendering and to reduce 
differences between adjacent frames.  The -ps 8 option you specify is 
also going to aggravate sampling errors in your image.  I also think you 
should use a larger value for -lr -- 1 is awfully limiting.

If you want to minimize sampling differences, you can explicitly turn 
off some of the randomness in Radiance with:
	-dj 0 -sj 0
You will lose penumbras and soft specular reflections in the process, 

I agree with Peter that pinterp will speed things up considerably, along 
with the -af option. (INTERPOLATE=4 is a good starting value).


> I am rendering an animation of an interior scene. At this moment one
> frame takes about half an hour to render(*), with fine results per
> frame. When I view the frames as an animation however, the artifacts are
> "unstable". It looks like Radiance renders shadows,
> reflections(specularity) and indirect illumination in a random way.
> Sometimes objects also get different color intensities in the rendered
> image, as if they were lit in a (radical) other way.
> I have rendered a lot of still images in Radiance and never noticed that
> two renderings with exactly the same geometry, render-options, viewport
> etc. results in slightly different images (!).
> How can I solve this? Does anybody knows how to render without these
> "moving artifacts"? Is there a random thing in Radiance that we can turn
> off ?
> Regards,
> Iebele
> (*)  Below are the settings I use for the rendering. I know that I can
> increase the quality using different settings, but that is not the point
> here. My point is that the overall solution has too many, and
> unexpectable differences between  rendered images.
> The settings are (as they appear in my ran file):
> DIRECTORY  = /disk11/ani01
> OCTREE = glow.oct
> VIEWFILE = ani01.vp
> START  = 1
> END  = 448
> BASENAME = /disk11/ani01/ani01%03d
> RESOLUTION = 720 576
> render = -dp 1024 -ab 1 -ad 1024 -ar 2048 -as 512 -aa 0.2 -lr 1 -st 0.01
> -ps 8 -av 20 20 20
> pfilt  = -r .7