[Radiance-general] animation

atelier iebele abel [email protected]
Fri, 03 May 2002 14:38:09 +0200

Hi all,

I am rendering an animation of an interior scene. At this moment one
frame takes about half an hour to render(*), with fine results per
frame. When I view the frames as an animation however, the artifacts are
"unstable". It looks like Radiance renders shadows,
reflections(specularity) and indirect illumination in a random way.
Sometimes objects also get different color intensities in the rendered
image, as if they were lit in a (radical) other way.
I have rendered a lot of still images in Radiance and never noticed that
two renderings with exactly the same geometry, render-options, viewport
etc. results in slightly different images (!).
How can I solve this? Does anybody knows how to render without these
"moving artifacts"? Is there a random thing in Radiance that we can turn
off ?



(*)  Below are the settings I use for the rendering. I know that I can
increase the quality using different settings, but that is not the point
here. My point is that the overall solution has too many, and
unexpectable differences between  rendered images.

The settings are (as they appear in my ran file):
DIRECTORY  = /disk11/ani01
OCTREE = glow.oct
VIEWFILE = ani01.vp
START  = 1
END  = 448
BASENAME = /disk11/ani01/ani01%03d
RESOLUTION = 720 576
render = -dp 1024 -ab 1 -ad 1024 -ar 2048 -as 512 -aa 0.2 -lr 1 -st 0.01
-ps 8 -av 20 20 20
pfilt  = -r .7