[Radiance-general] Problem with avlmemi

Roland Schregle [email protected]
Thu, 07 Mar 2002 15:34:47 +0100

Jan Wienold wrote:
> Hi all,
> we installed the 3.4 RADIANCE and get now in many cases following error message:
> rpict: consistency - address not found in avlmemi
> We also tried to store an ambient file and to restart the job with it - with the same result.
> If we use our "older" version (I think it is 3.1 patchlevel 11), this problem does not occur.
> Any idea how to solve that?

Howdy Jan -- long time no see! :^)

Oh yeah... the age-old avlmemi bug... the plight of any RADIANCE
developer! This problem popped up on patchlevel 20. I circumvented it by
simply disabling the call to sortambvals() at line #230 in the ambient.c

#if 0        
   if (tracktime)                          /* sort to minimize thrashing
*/             sortambvals(0);
Runs fine without it! Maybe Greg can shed some light on why
sortambvals() is needed. As far as I can see this should be redundant on
modern VM systems.

See ya!

"Life is too short for core dumps"