[Radiance-general] MPI-Version of radiance?

Randolph Fritz [email protected]
Fri, 26 Jul 2002 10:03:15 -0700

On Tue, Jul 23, 2002 at 12:25:39PM +0200, [email protected] wrote:
> I just found that there has been done some work on a mpi-radiance in
> the past. This seams to be quite an interesting development but
> AFAIK only a very old version of rpict has been modified to make use
> of mpi. Are there any new versions of this, or is there anybody
> working on a "parallel-radiance"? (I ask this after having rendered
> some pictures on a sun 880, an 4xultrasparc - what still took
> days... ;-).

It's a good question...I worked the with the MPI version a few years
ago.  Later on, I found out that LBL had a parallelized version
already but that it wasn't published.  Anyone willing to speak more
directly to this?  What's the status?

Also, what are people's favorite clusters?
