[Radiance-general] unsubscribe

Peter Apian-Bennewitz [email protected]
Sun, 17 Feb 2002 22:15:36 +0100

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david taylor wrote:

>  Please unsubscribe me from this mailing.  Thank
> [email protected]
> This message was checked by MailScan for WorkgroupMail.
> www.workgroupmail.com

as with all mailing lists, admin request should not be sent to the list

Stated in the welcome message sent at your subscription (and repeated
monthly), one good way to manage one's subscription is to sent email to
the robot managing the list:

     [email protected]

commands  given in the message body include: "help" for overview and
"unsubsribe".  "help" says:

    unsubscribe <password> [address]
        Unsubscribe from the mailing list.  Your password must match
        the one you gave when you subscribed.  If you are trying to
        unsubscribe from a different address than the one you
        subscribed from, you may specify it in the 'address' field.

With the mailman program we use at radiance-online, you find it easiest
to  manage your subscription via the web (www.radiance-online.org, click
on "general" mailing list). You are free to change any details of your
subsciption, including removal.

In case you forgot your password, you can have it emailed to you. See
the webpage for details. (Last text entry on "Radiance-general
Subscribers" section). It's all designed so that users have a direct and
easy way to manage their account without having to wait for humans.

If all fails, sent email to

     [email protected]

which forwards your mail to the admin in charge (currently me). Admins
are happy to reply, but it may take some  days for non-urgent things.

Humans being what they are, the web interface is fastest and sending
email to the robot is faster than sending stuff to the admin.

Many thanks, happy rendering,

 pab-opto, Freiburg, Germany, www.pab-opto.de

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david taylor wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>&nbsp;<font size=-1>Please unsubscribe me from this
mailing.&nbsp; Thank [email protected]</font>
<p>This message was checked by MailScan for WorkgroupMail.
<br><a href="http://www.workgroupmail.com" target="workgroupmail">www.workgroupmail.com</a></blockquote>
as with all mailing lists, admin request should not be sent to the list
<p>Stated in the welcome message sent at your subscription (and repeated
monthly), one good way to manage one's subscription is to sent email to
the robot managing the list:
<blockquote>[email protected]</blockquote>
commands&nbsp; given in the message body include: "help" for overview and
"unsubsribe".&nbsp; "help" says:
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; unsubscribe &lt;password> [address]
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Unsubscribe from the mailing
list.&nbsp; Your password must match
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; the one you gave when you
subscribed.&nbsp; If you are trying to
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; unsubscribe from a different
address than the one you
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; subscribed from, you may
specify it in the 'address' field.
<p>With the mailman program we use at radiance-online, you find it easiest
to&nbsp; manage your subscription via the web (www.radiance-online.org,
click on "general" mailing list). You are free to change any details of
your subsciption, including removal.
<p>In case you forgot your password, you can have it emailed to you. See
the webpage for details. (Last text entry on "Radiance-general Subscribers"
section). It's all designed so that users have a direct and easy way to
manage their account without having to wait for humans.
<p>If all fails, sent email to
<blockquote>[email protected]</blockquote>
which forwards your mail to the admin in charge (currently me). Admins
are happy to reply, but it may take some&nbsp; days for non-urgent things.
<p>Humans being what they are, the web interface is fastest and sending
email to the robot is faster than sending stuff to the admin.
<p>Many thanks, happy rendering,
&nbsp;pab-opto, Freiburg, Germany, www.pab-opto.de</pre>
