[Radiance-general] Re: Radiance and sRGB (continued)

Greg Ward [email protected]
Fri, 15 Feb 2002 08:12:26 -0800

Sorry Markku -- I didn't really finish answering your question....

The RGB color space used by all version of Radiance for the last 5 years 
at least should be the same, namely those given in src/common/color.h.  
The latest 3.4 release handles the transformation into other spaces 
differently, so using the -p option of pcond, ra_tiff, or ra_xyze will 
give you a different result, and this different will be significant for 
large white point changes.  (If you stick with an equal-energy white, as 
you are encouraged to do by the outdated documentation, there will be no 
change in your results.)

The ra_tiff program does not normally report the Radiance primaries to 
the appropriate chromaticity tags in the TIFF output.  It only does this 
if you use the ra_tiff -p option or a PRIMARIES= line appears in the 
Radiance header. The latter only happens when one of the other programs 
(pcond or ra_xyze) puts it there when it gets a -p option.  All very 
confusing, but I'm sure I must have had a good reason for doing it this 
way.  I just can't recall what it was.


P.S. to Mischler -- good find on the replmarks bug.  Sure enough, it's 
in 3.4 as well.  I've put in a fix for the next release.