[Radiance-general] rad

Rob Guglielmetti [email protected]
Tue, 20 Aug 2002 17:40:02 -0400

On 20 Aug 2002, at 17:19, Thomas Seebohm wrote:

> When you run the rad command the first thing it does is to call on
> rpict with arguments like the following where the resolution, -x, and,
> -y, are 64. The output pic image is then piped to /dev/null
> rpict -vu 0 0 1 -vf ca1.vf -dp 1024 -ar 32 -ms 2.5 -ds .3 -dt .1 -dc
> .5 -dr 1 -sj .7 -st .1 -ab 3 -af sc5.amb -aa .15 -ad 768 -as 196 -av
> 0.5 0.5 0.5 -lr 6 -lw .002 -x 64 -y 64 -ps 1 sc5.oct > /dev/null
> What is the purpose of this call on rpict?

That is called the overture calculation; it's a way of populating the
ambient cache file with useful data, which speeds up subsequent
renderings.  Since it's a tiny file (64x64 pixels) the computation 
does not take long, but the abmient file can be used for 
subsequent larger images.  

... and that would be my first *answer* posted to this list, opposed 
to the usual litany of questions. Hooray!  (awaiting corrections...)

Rob Guglielmetti