[Radiance-general] Transparent / -lucent materials libraries

[email protected] [email protected]
Mon, 06 Aug 2001 13:02:26 +0200

Hello  everybody,

The way Radiance deals with translucent materials is interesting but 
requires some knowledge about material parameters, especially the roughness 
parameter. It is possible to measure glass sheets and then fit the 
parameters to the data but I guess somebody has already made this.

Do you know and can you recommend any material libraries for transparent 
and translucent materials? How could they be obtained (links, contact 
information etc.)?

Best regards,
Markku Norvasuo

Markku Norvasuo, Senior Research Scientist (MArch, MScTech)
Technical Research Centre of Finland
P.O.Box 1804, FIN-02044 VTT, Finland
Tel. +358 9 456 6269 (office), +358 40 515 1100 (mobile)
Fax  +358 9 456 2408, e-mail: [email protected]
* * * N.B. address and fax changed from June 15. * * *