[Radiance-general] Re: light maps in radiance

Carsten Bauer [email protected]
Wed, 28 Jun 2000 02:07:43 +0200

Hi Peter !

A short answer due to lack of  time:

> ..Unless one maps a brightfunc/brightpic onto the large area
undulating radiance    > output ...

This - or similar arrangements- are exactly  the crucial topics ...

>  near field/far field  - ? a somewhat "blown up" terminology, I
admit,  far field is in fact the room, near field is e.g. the good old
lampshade. (and there's of course Garfield :) ...
My interest often lies in the point where luminaire and lighting design
meet, that may explain my special demands.

> suggestions ?

I put  them on halt still within a very vague state, I thought about  a
combination of raytracing and radiosity approaches or forward
raytracing, resulting in the end in a further light source primitive.
But before I really should have a closer look at the activities form
other contributors.

so long