[Radiance-daysim] DGP calculation in Daysim

Cammarano Silvia silvia.cammarano at polito.it
Wed Oct 23 09:01:20 PDT 2013

Hi folks!

I'm trying to calculate the annual DGP profile using Daysim but I'm having
troubles setting the right Viewpoint File. I'm using the advanced dynamic
shading model. I think to have properly set the shading device geometry and
material since Daysim can calculate illuminances for both up and down
shading status. At the end of the simulation the .dgp file is empty.


Can anyone help me?


Thanks a lot!














arch. Silvia Cammarano

PhD student in Energetics


Politecnico di Torino

DENERG: Department of Energy

Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24

10129 Torino



office:    +39 0110904410

fax:         +39 0110904499

skype:  silvia.cammarano




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