# RCSid $Id: mixtex.rif,v 1.4 2018/12/07 17:44:58 greg Exp $ # # A test of different mixtures and textures on disks # OCTREE = mixtex.oct materials = basic.mat materials = mixtex.mat scene = sunset_sky.rad scene = glass_pane.rad scene = diorama_walls.rad rect_opening.rad front_cap.rad scene = disks.rad scene = constellation.rad scene = blinds.rad objects = saucer.rad ZONE = I -8 0 0 5 0 3 EXP = 1.5 PGMAP = mixtex.gpm 1M 40 PCMAP = mixtex.cpm 10M 40 RES = 1024 QUAL = Hi AMB = mixtex.amb IND = 1 VAR = Hi DET = Med PEN = True mkpmap = -apo m_blinds20c_f render = @render.opt -ss 16 view= def -vta -vp -0.2 3.07 2.78 -vd -2.64 -0.48 -1.25 -vh 66.6667 -vv 37.5 view = fish -vf fish.vf view= plan -vtl -vp -4 2.5 2.5 -vd 0 0 -1 -vu -1 0 0 -vh 5 -vv 5 view= rplan -vtl -vp -4 2.5 0.5 -vd 0 0 1 -vu -1 0 0 -vh 5 -vv 5