/* Copyright (c) 1991 Regents of the University of California */ #ifndef lint static char SCCSid[] = "$SunId$ LBL"; #endif /* * Circle sources in a displayed image. * * 18 Mar 1991 Greg Ward */ #include "standard.h" #include "view.h" #include "resolu.h" #include "vfork.h" #include #include #include #define XIM "ximage" #define NSEG 30 /* number of segments per circle */ #define FONTNAME "8x13" /* text font we'll use */ float col[3] = {1.,0.,0.}; /* color */ VIEW ourview = STDVIEW; /* view for picture */ RESOLU pres; /* picture resolution */ char *progname; /* program name */ Display *theDisplay = NULL; /* connection to server */ #define rwind RootWindow(theDisplay,ourScreen) #define ourScreen DefaultScreen(theDisplay) GC vecGC, strGC; Window gwind; main(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { char *windowname = NULL; FILE *fp; progname = *argv++; argc--; while (argc > 0 && argv[0][0] == '-') { switch (argv[0][1]) { case 'n': windowname = *++argv; argc--; break; case 'c': col[0] = atof(*++argv); col[1] = atof(*++argv); col[2] = atof(*++argv); argc -= 3; break; } argv++; argc--; } if (argc < 1 || argc > 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-n windowname][-c color] picture [glaresrc]\n", progname); exit(1); } init(argv[0], windowname); if (argc < 2) fp = stdin; else if ((fp = fopen(argv[1], "r")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot open \"%s\"\n", progname, argv[1]); exit(1); } circle_sources(fp); exit(0); } init(pname, wname) /* get view and find window */ char *pname, *wname; { extern Window xfindwind(); XWindowAttributes wa; XColor xc; XGCValues gcv; register int i; /* get the viewing parameters */ if (viewfile(pname, &ourview, &pres) <= 0 || setview(&ourview) != NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot get view from \"%s\"\n", progname, pname); exit(1); } /* open the display */ if ((theDisplay = XOpenDisplay(NULL)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot open display; DISPLAY variable set?\n", progname); exit(1); } /* find our window */ if (wname == NULL) { /* remove directory prefix from name */ for (i = strlen(pname); i-- > 0; ) if (pname[i] == '/') break; wname = pname+i+1; i = 0; } else i = 1; gwind = xfindwind(theDisplay, rwind, wname, 4); if (gwind == None) { if (i) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot find \"%s\" window\n", progname, wname); exit(2); } /* start ximage */ if (vfork() == 0) { execlp(XIM, XIM, "-c", "256", pname, 0); perror(XIM); fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot start %s\n", progname, XIM); kill(getppid(), SIGPIPE); _exit(1); } do sleep(8); while ((gwind=xfindwind(theDisplay,rwind,wname,4)) == None); } else XMapRaised(theDisplay, gwind); do { XGetWindowAttributes(theDisplay, gwind, &wa); sleep(6); } while (wa.map_state != IsViewable); if (wa.width != scanlen(&pres) || wa.height != numscans(&pres)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: warning -- window seems to be the wrong size!\n", progname); if (pres.or & YMAJOR) { pres.xr = wa.width; pres.yr = wa.height; } else { pres.xr = wa.height; pres.yr = wa.width; } } /* set graphics context */ gcv.font = XLoadFont(theDisplay, FONTNAME); if (gcv.font == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot load font \"%s\"\n", progname, FONTNAME); exit(1); } xc.red = col[0] >= 1.0 ? 65535 : (unsigned)(65536*col[0]); xc.green = col[1] >= 1.0 ? 65535 : (unsigned)(65536*col[1]); xc.blue = col[2] >= 1.0 ? 65535 : (unsigned)(65536*col[2]); xc.flags = DoRed|DoGreen|DoBlue; gcv.background = xc.green >= 32768 ? BlackPixel(theDisplay,DefaultScreen(theDisplay)) : WhitePixel(theDisplay,DefaultScreen(theDisplay)) ; if (XAllocColor(theDisplay, wa.colormap, &xc)) { gcv.foreground = xc.pixel; vecGC = XCreateGC(theDisplay,gwind, GCForeground|GCBackground|GCFont,&gcv); strGC = vecGC; } else { gcv.function = GXinvert; vecGC = XCreateGC(theDisplay,gwind,GCFunction,&gcv); gcv.foreground = xc.green < 32768 ? BlackPixel(theDisplay,DefaultScreen(theDisplay)) : WhitePixel(theDisplay,DefaultScreen(theDisplay)) ; strGC = XCreateGC(theDisplay,gwind, GCForeground|GCBackground|GCFont,&gcv); } } circle_sources(fp) /* circle sources listed in fp */ FILE *fp; { char linbuf[256]; int reading = 0; FVECT dir; double dom, lum; while (fgets(linbuf, sizeof(linbuf), fp) != NULL) if (reading) { if (!strncmp(linbuf, "END", 3)) { XFlush(theDisplay); return; } if (sscanf(linbuf, "%lf %lf %lf %lf %lf", &dir[0], &dir[1], &dir[2], &dom, &lum) != 5) break; circle(dir, dom); value(dir, lum); } else if (!strcmp(linbuf, "BEGIN glare source\n")) reading++; fprintf(stderr, "%s: error reading glare sources\n", progname); exit(1); } circle(dir, dom) /* indicate a solid angle on image */ FVECT dir; double dom; { FVECT start, cur; XPoint pt[NSEG+1]; FVECT pp; int ip[2]; register int i; fcross(cur, dir, ourview.vup); if (normalize(cur) == 0.0) goto fail; spinvector(start, dir, cur, acos(1.-dom/(2.*PI))); for (i = 0; i <= NSEG; i++) { spinvector(cur, start, dir, 2.*PI*i/NSEG); cur[0] += ourview.vp[0]; cur[1] += ourview.vp[1]; cur[2] += ourview.vp[2]; viewloc(pp, &ourview, cur); if (pp[2] <= 0.0) goto fail; loc2pix(ip, &pres, pp[0], pp[1]); pt[i].x = ip[0]; pt[i].y = ip[1]; } XDrawLines(theDisplay, gwind, vecGC, pt, NSEG+1, CoordModeOrigin); return; fail: fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot draw source at (%f,%f,%f)\n", progname, dir[0], dir[1], dir[2]); } value(dir, v) /* print value on image */ FVECT dir; double v; { FVECT pos; FVECT pp; int ip[2]; char buf[32]; pos[0] = ourview.vp[0] + dir[0]; pos[1] = ourview.vp[1] + dir[1]; pos[2] = ourview.vp[2] + dir[2]; viewloc(pp, &ourview, pos); if (pp[2] <= 0.0) return; loc2pix(ip, &pres, pp[0], pp[1]); sprintf(buf, "%.0f", v); XDrawImageString(theDisplay, gwind, strGC, ip[0], ip[1], buf, strlen(buf)); }