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Revision: 3.3
Committed: Fri Oct 17 10:42:45 1997 UTC (27 years, 2 months ago) by gregl
Content type: text/plain
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 3.2: +2 -1 lines
Log Message:
added -ld option to output of -d

File Contents

# Content
1 /* Copyright (c) 1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc. */
3 #ifndef lint
4 static char SCCSid[] = "$SunId$ SGI";
5 #endif
7 /*
8 * Compute rays corresponding to a given picture or view.
9 */
12 #include "standard.h"
14 #include "view.h"
16 #include "resolu.h"
18 extern int putf(), putd(), puta();
20 int (*putr)() = puta;
24 RESOLU rs = {PIXSTANDARD, 512, 512};
26 double pa = 1.;
28 int zfd = -1;
30 char *progname;
33 main(argc, argv)
34 int argc;
35 char *argv[];
36 {
37 char *err;
38 int rval, getdim = 0;
39 register int i;
41 progname = argv[0];
42 if (argc < 2)
43 goto userr;
44 for (i = 1; i < argc && argv[i][0] == '-'; i++)
45 switch (argv[i][1]) {
46 case 'f': /* output format */
47 switch (argv[i][2]) {
48 case 'a': /* ASCII */
49 putr = puta;
50 break;
51 case 'f': /* float */
52 putr = putf;
53 break;
54 case 'd': /* double */
55 putr = putd;
56 break;
57 default:
58 goto userr;
59 }
60 break;
61 case 'v': /* view file or option */
62 if (argv[i][2] == 'f') {
63 rval = viewfile(argv[++i], &vw, NULL);
64 if (rval <= 0) {
65 fprintf(stderr,
66 "%s: no view in file\n",
67 argv[i]);
68 exit(1);
69 }
70 break;
71 }
72 rval = getviewopt(&vw, argc-i, argv+i);
73 if (rval < 0)
74 goto userr;
75 i += rval;
76 break;
77 case 'd': /* report dimensions only */
78 getdim++;
79 break;
80 case 'x': /* x resolution */
81 rs.xr = atoi(argv[++i]);
82 if (rs.xr <= 0) {
83 fprintf(stderr, "%s: bad x resolution\n",
84 progname);
85 exit(1);
86 }
87 break;
88 case 'y': /* y resolution */
89 rs.yr = atoi(argv[++i]);
90 if (rs.yr <= 0) {
91 fprintf(stderr, "%s: bad y resolution\n",
92 progname);
93 exit(1);
94 }
95 break;
96 case 'p': /* pixel aspect ratio */
97 pa = atof(argv[++i]);
98 break;
99 default:
100 goto userr;
101 }
102 if (i > argc | i+2 < argc)
103 goto userr;
104 if (i < argc) {
105 rval = viewfile(argv[i], &vw, &rs);
106 if (rval <= 0) {
107 fprintf(stderr, "%s: no view in picture\n", argv[i]);
108 exit(1);
109 }
110 if (i+1 < argc) {
111 zfd = open(argv[i+1], O_RDONLY);
112 if (zfd < 0) {
113 fprintf(stderr,
114 "%s: cannot open depth buffer\n",
115 argv[i+1]);
116 exit(1);
117 }
118 }
119 }
120 if ((err = setview(&vw)) != NULL) {
121 fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", progname, err);
122 exit(1);
123 }
124 if (i == argc)
125 normaspect(viewaspect(&vw), &pa, &rs.xr, &rs.yr);
126 if (getdim) {
127 printf("-x %d -y %d -ld%c\n", rs.xr, rs.yr,
128 vw.vaft > FTINY ? '+' : '-');
129 exit(0);
130 }
131 putrays();
132 exit(0);
133 userr:
134 fprintf(stderr,
135 "Usage: %s [ -f{a|f|d} | -d ] { view opts .. | picture [zbuf] }\n",
136 progname);
137 exit(1);
138 }
141 putrays()
142 {
143 static FLOAT loc[2];
144 static FVECT rorg, rdir;
145 float *zbuf;
146 int sc;
147 double d;
148 register int si, i;
150 if (zfd >= 0) {
151 zbuf = (float *)malloc(scanlen(&rs)*sizeof(float));
152 if (zbuf == NULL) {
153 fprintf(stderr, "%s: not enough memory\n", progname);
154 exit(1);
155 }
156 }
157 for (sc = 0; sc < numscans(&rs); sc++) {
158 if (zfd >= 0) {
159 if (read(zfd, zbuf, scanlen(&rs)*sizeof(float)) <
160 scanlen(&rs)*sizeof(float)) {
161 fprintf(stderr, "%s: depth buffer read error\n",
162 progname);
163 exit(1);
164 }
165 }
166 for (si = 0; si < scanlen(&rs); si++) {
167 pix2loc(loc, &rs, si, sc);
168 d = viewray(rorg, rdir, &vw, loc[0], loc[1]);
169 if (d < -FTINY)
170 rorg[0] = rorg[1] = rorg[2] =
171 rdir[0] = rdir[1] = rdir[2] = 0.;
172 else if (zfd >= 0)
173 for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
174 rorg[i] += rdir[i]*zbuf[si];
175 rdir[i] = -rdir[i];
176 }
177 else if (d > FTINY) {
178 rdir[0] *= d; rdir[1] *= d; rdir[2] *= d;
179 }
180 (*putr)(rorg, rdir);
181 }
182 }
183 if (zfd >= 0)
184 free((char *)zbuf);
185 }
188 puta(ro, rd) /* put out ray in ASCII format */
189 FVECT ro, rd;
190 {
191 printf("%.5e %.5e %.5e %.5e %.5e %.5e\n",
192 ro[0], ro[1], ro[2],
193 rd[0], rd[1], rd[2]);
194 }
197 putf(ro, rd) /* put out ray in float format */
198 FVECT ro, rd;
199 {
200 float v[6];
202 v[0] = ro[0]; v[1] = ro[1]; v[2] = ro[2];
203 v[3] = rd[0]; v[4] = rd[1]; v[5] = rd[2];
204 fwrite(v, sizeof(float), 6, stdout);
205 }
208 putd(ro, rd) /* put out ray in double format */
209 FVECT ro, rd;
210 {
211 double v[6];
213 v[0] = ro[0]; v[1] = ro[1]; v[2] = ro[2];
214 v[3] = rd[0]; v[4] = rd[1]; v[5] = rd[2];
215 fwrite(v, sizeof(double), 6, stdout);
216 }