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Revision: 2.3
Committed: Fri Oct 28 17:55:06 1994 UTC (29 years, 11 months ago) by greg
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 2.2: +20 -5 lines
Log Message:
made windows compatible with large AND small screens

File Contents

# User Rev Content
1 greg 2.1 #!/usr/local/bin/wish -f
2     # SCCSid "$SunId$ LBL"
3     #
4     # TCL/TK-based Rad Input File Editor
5     #
7     # Insert our autoload directory (may require local system modification)
9     set radlib /usr/local/lib/ray/tcl
10     set helplib $radlib
12     set auto_path [linsert $auto_path 0 $radlib]
14     # Create required procedures
16     proc modified {} { # check for radvar modification
17     global radvar oldradvar
18     if {! [info exists oldradvar]} {return 0}
19     foreach n [array names oldradvar] {
20     if {! [info exists radvar($n)] ||
21     "$radvar($n)" != "$oldradvar($n)"} {
22     return 1
23     }
24     }
25     return 0
26     }
28     proc chksave {} { # check if RIF is saved and accost user if not
29     global readonly rifname oldradvar curmess
30     if $readonly {
31     set warnmess "You have modified variables, but the file\
32     \"[file tail $rifname]\" was opened read-only.
33     Do you wish to save this information somehow?"
34     set yesmess {Go to File Screen}
35     } else {
36     set warnmess "The file \"[file tail $rifname]\" has been\
37     modified since it was last saved.
38     Do you wish to save it now?"
39     set yesmess {Save File}
40     }
41     if [modified] {
42     switch [tk_dialog .dlg {File Modified} $warnmess \
43     warning 0 $yesmess {Discard Changes} \
44     {Cancel Operation}] {
45     1 { return 1 }
46     2 { return 0 }
47     }
48     if $readonly {
49     .file invoke
50     set curmess {Rename file or uncheck read-only to save.}
51     return 0
52     } else {
53     catch {unset oldradvar}
54     save_vars $rifname
55     }
56     } else { return 1 }
57     }
59     # Set global variable default values
61     set readonly 0
62     set alldone 0
63     set rifname [pwd]/
65     # Propogate essential variables
67     proc setrname {name elem op} {
68     global rifname
69     wm title . $rifname
70     wm iconname . [file tail $rifname]
71     }
72     trace variable rifname w setrname
74     # Make main window frames
76 greg 2.3 set smallscrn [expr [winfo screenwidth .] < 830]
78     if $smallscrn {
79     frame .upper -geometry 640x410
80     frame .upper.right -geometry 120x410
81     } else {
82     frame .upper -geometry 830x410
83     frame .upper.right -geometry 130x410
84     }
85 greg 2.1 pack .upper -side top
86 greg 2.2 place .upper.right -relx .98 -rely 0 -anchor ne
87 greg 2.1 message .mess -relief ridge -font fixed -textvariable curmess \
88 greg 2.2 -anchor nw -width 620
89 greg 2.1 pack .mess -side top -expand yes -fill both
90     helplink .mess trad trad messages
92     # Make mode buttons
94     proc changescreen {} { # switch screen according to curmode
95 greg 2.3 global curscreen curmode curmess smallscrn
96 greg 2.1 if [info exists curscreen] {
97     if {"$curmode" == "$curscreen"} {return}
98     destroy .upper.left
99     do_$curscreen done
100     set curmess {}
101     }
102     set curscreen $curmode
103     do_$curscreen .upper.left
104 greg 2.3 if $smallscrn {
105     .upper.left configure -geometry 520x410
106     } else {
107     .upper.left configure -geometry 700x410
108     }
109 greg 2.1 place .upper.left -x 0 -y 0
110     }
112     label .upper.right.title -text "- TRAD -"
113     pack .upper.right.title -side top -pady 10
115     proc setbutt v {
116     radiobutton .$v -text [string toupper $v] \
117     -variable curmode -value $v \
118     -width 9 -relief groove -anchor w \
119     -command changescreen
120     pack .$v -in .upper.right -side top -pady 5
121     helplink .$v trad $v intro
122     }
124     setbutt file
125     setbutt scene
126     setbutt zone
127     setbutt views
128     setbutt options
129     setbutt action
130     setbutt results
131     rename setbutt {}
132     button -text HELP -width 9 \
133     -command "gethelp trad trad intro"
134     pack -side top -pady 10 -anchor se
135     helplink trad trad help
136     button .upper.right.quit -text QUIT \
137     -command {if [chksave] {destroy .}} -width 9
138     pack .upper.right.quit -side top -pady 10 -anchor se
139     helplink .upper.right.quit trad trad quit
141 greg 2.3 if $smallscrn {
142     wm minsize . 640 460
143     } else {
144     wm minsize . 830 460
145     }
146 greg 2.1 wm iconbitmap . @$radlib/trad.icon
148     proc gotfile {{o 1}} { # set file possession state
149     global oldradvar radvar
150     catch {unset oldradvar}
151     if $o {
152     set mode normal
153     foreach n [array names radvar] {
154     set oldradvar($n) $radvar($n)
155     }
156     } else {
157     set mode disabled
158     }
159     foreach b {scene zone views options action results} {
160     .$b configure -state $mode
161     }
162     }
164     # Decide where to go and start
166     if {[llength $argv] == 0} {
167     gotfile 0
168     set curmess "Choose a Radiance project file."
169     .file invoke
170     } elseif {[llength $argv] == 1} {
171     cd [file dirname $argv]
172     set curfile [file tail $argv]
173     if {! [file exists $curfile]} {
174     newnew $argv
175     .scene invoke
176     } elseif {[newload $curfile]} {
177     if $alldone {
178     set curmess "All renderings are finished."
179     .results invoke
180     } else {
181     .action invoke
182     }
183     } else {
184     .file invoke
185     }
186     } else {
187     puts stderr {Usage: trad [rifname]}
188     exit 1
189     }