#!/usr/bin/perl -w # RCSid $Id: rtpict.pl,v 2.9 2019/07/23 18:17:55 greg Exp $ # # Run rtrace in parallel mode to simulate rpict -n option # May also be used to render layered images with -o* option # # G. Ward # use strict; # we'll run rpict if no -n or -o* option my $nprocs = 1; # rtrace options and the associated number of arguments my %rtraceC = ('-dt',1, '-dc',1, '-dj',1, '-ds',1, '-dr',1, '-dp',1, '-ss',1, '-st',1, '-e',1, '-am',1, '-ab',1, '-af',1, '-ai',1, '-aI',1, '-ae',1, '-aE',1, '-av',3, '-aw',1, '-aa',1, '-ar',1, '-ad',1, '-as',1, '-me',3, '-ma',3, '-mg',1, '-ms',1, '-lr',1, '-lw',1); # boolean rtrace options my @boolO = ('-w', '-bv', '-dv', '-i', '-u'); # view options and the associated number of arguments my %vwraysC = ('-vf',1, '-vtv',0, '-vtl',0, '-vth',0, '-vta',0, '-vts',0, '-vtc',0, '-x',1, '-y',1, '-vp',3, '-vd',3, '-vu',3, '-vh',1, '-vv',1, '-vo',1, '-va',1, '-vs',1, '-vl',1, '-pa',1, '-pj',1, '-pd',1); # options we need to silently ignore my %ignoreC = ('-t',1, '-ps',1, '-pt',1, '-pm',1); # Starting options for rtrace (rpict values) my @rtraceA = split(' ', 'rtrace -u- -dt .05 -dc .5 -ds .25 -dr 1 ' . '-aa .2 -ar 64 -ad 512 -as 128 -lr 7 -lw 1e-03'); my @vwraysA = ('vwrays', '-ff', '-pj', '.67'); my @vwrightA = ('vwright', '-vtv'); my @rpictA = ('rpict'); my $outpatt = '^-o[vrxlLRXnNsmM]+'; my $refDepth = ""; my $irrad = 0; my $outlyr; my $outdir; my $outpic; my $outzbf; OPTION: # sort through options while ($#ARGV >= 0 && "$ARGV[0]" =~ /^[-\@]/) { # Check for file inclusion if ("$ARGV[0]" =~ /^\@/) { open my $handle, '<', substr($ARGV[0], 1); shift @ARGV; chomp(my @args = <$handle>); close $handle; unshift @ARGV, split(/\s+/, "@args"); next OPTION; } # Check booleans for my $boopt (@boolO) { if ("$ARGV[0]" =~ ('^' . $boopt . '[-+01tfynTFYN]?$')) { if ("$ARGV[0]" eq '-i') { $irrad = ! $irrad; } elsif ("$ARGV[0]" =~ /^-i[-+01tfynTFYN]/) { $irrad = ("$ARGV[0]" =~ /^-i[+1tyTY]/); } push @rtraceA, $ARGV[0]; push @rpictA, shift(@ARGV); next OPTION; } } # Check view options if (defined $vwraysC{$ARGV[0]}) { push @vwraysA, $ARGV[0]; my $isvopt = ("$ARGV[0]" =~ /^-v/); push(@vwrightA, $ARGV[0]) if ($isvopt); push @rpictA, shift(@ARGV); for (my $i = $vwraysC{$rpictA[-1]}; $i-- > 0; ) { push @vwraysA, $ARGV[0]; push(@vwrightA, $ARGV[0]) if ($isvopt); push @rpictA, shift(@ARGV); } next OPTION; } # Check rtrace options if (defined $rtraceC{$ARGV[0]}) { push @rtraceA, $ARGV[0]; push @rpictA, shift(@ARGV); for (my $i = $rtraceC{$rpictA[-1]}; $i-- > 0; ) { push @rtraceA, $ARGV[0]; push @rpictA, shift(@ARGV); } next OPTION; } # Check options to ignore if (defined $ignoreC{$ARGV[0]}) { push @rpictA, shift(@ARGV); for (my $i = $ignoreC{$rpictA[-1]}; $i-- > 0; ) { push @rpictA, shift(@ARGV); } next OPTION; } # Check for output file or number of processes if ("$ARGV[0]" eq '-o') { shift @ARGV; $outpic = shift(@ARGV); } elsif ("$ARGV[0]" eq '-z') { push @rpictA, shift(@ARGV); $outzbf = $ARGV[0]; push @rpictA, shift(@ARGV); } elsif ("$ARGV[0]" eq '-n') { shift @ARGV; $nprocs = shift(@ARGV); } elsif ("$ARGV[0]" eq '-d') { shift @ARGV; $refDepth = ' -d ' . shift(@ARGV); } elsif ("$ARGV[0]" =~ "$outpatt") { push @rtraceA, $ARGV[0]; $outlyr = substr(shift(@ARGV), 2); $outdir = shift(@ARGV); } else { die "Unsupported option: " . $ARGV[0] . "\n"; } } die "Number of processes must be positive" if ($nprocs <= 0); if (defined $outdir) { # check conflicting options die "Options -o and -o* are mutually exclusive\n" if (defined $outpic); die "Options -z and -o* are mutually exclusive\n" if (defined $outzbf); } if (defined $outpic) { # redirect output? die "File '$outpic' already exists\n" if (-e $outpic); open STDOUT, '>', "$outpic"; } ##################################################################### ##### May as well run rpict? if ($nprocs == 1 && !defined($outdir)) { push(@rpictA, $ARGV[0]) if ($#ARGV == 0); exec @rpictA ; } # OK, we're running rtrace in some capacity... push @rtraceA, ('-n', "$nprocs"); die "Need single octree argument\n" if ($#ARGV != 0); my $oct = $ARGV[0]; my $view = `@vwrightA 0`; chomp $view; my @res = split(/\s/, `@vwraysA -d`); ##################################################################### ##### Generating picture with depth buffer? if (defined $outzbf) { exec "@vwraysA | @rtraceA -fff -olv @res $oct | " . "rsplit -ih -iH -f " . "-of $outzbf " . "-oh -oH -of3 '!pvalue -r -df' | " . "getinfo -a 'VIEW=$view'"; } ##################################################################### ##### Base case with output picture only? if (! defined $outdir) { exec "@vwraysA | @rtraceA -ffc @res $oct | getinfo -a 'VIEW=$view'"; } ##################################################################### ##### Layered image output case my @rsplitA = ("rsplit", "'-t '", "-ih", "-iH", "-oh", "-oH"); # Supported rtrace -o* options and output file name.typ my %rtoutC = ( v => 'radiance.hdr', r => 'mirrored.hdr', x => 'unmirrored.hdr', l => 'effective.dpt', L => 'firstsurface.dpt', R => 'mirrored.dpt', X => 'unmirrored.dpt', n => 'perturbed.nrm', N => 'unperturbed.nrm', s => 'surface.idx', m => 'modifier.idx', M => 'material.idx' ); # Arguments for rsplit based on output file type my %rcodeC = ( '.hdr', ['-of3', '!pvalue -r -df -u'], '.dpt', ['-of', "!rcode_depth$refDepth -ff"], '.nrm', ['-of3', '!rcode_norm -ff'], '.idx', ['-oa', '!rcode_ident "-t "'] ); if ($irrad) { # adjust actions for -i+ option $rtoutC{'v'} = 'irradiance.hdr'; delete $rtoutC{'r'}; delete $rtoutC{'x'}; delete $rtoutC{'R'}; delete $rtoutC{'X'}; } if (! -d $outdir) { mkdir $outdir or die("Cannot create output directory '$outdir'\n"); } # construct rsplit command foreach my $oval (split //, $outlyr) { die "Duplicate or unsupported type '$oval' in -o$outlyr\n" if (!defined $rtoutC{$oval}); my ($otyp) = ($rtoutC{$oval} =~ /(\.[^.]+)$/); push @rsplitA, $rcodeC{$otyp}[0]; push @rsplitA, qq{'$rcodeC{$otyp}[1] > "$outdir/$rtoutC{$oval}"'}; delete $rtoutC{$oval}; } # call rtrace + rsplit exec "@vwraysA | @rtraceA -fff @res $oct | getinfo -a 'VIEW=$view' | @rsplitA";