#ifndef lint static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: rsensor.c,v 2.19 2020/07/20 15:54:29 greg Exp $"; #endif /* * Compute sensor signal based on spatial sensitivity. * * Created Feb 2008 for Architectural Energy Corp. */ #include "ray.h" #include "source.h" #include "view.h" #include "random.h" #define DEGREE (PI/180.) #define MAXNT 181 /* maximum number of theta divisions */ #define MAXNP 360 /* maximum number of phi divisions */ extern char *progname; /* global argv[0] */ extern int nowarn; /* don't report warnings? */ /* current sensor's perspective */ VIEW ourview = {VT_ANG,{0.,0.,0.},{0.,0.,1.},{1.,0.,0.}, 1.,180.,180.,0.,0.,0.,0., {0.,0.,0.},{0.,0.,0.},0.,0.}; unsigned long nsamps = 10000; /* desired number of initial samples */ unsigned long nssamps = 9000; /* number of super-samples */ int ndsamps = 32; /* number of direct samples */ int nprocs = 1; /* number of rendering processes */ float *sensor = NULL; /* current sensor data */ int sntp[2]; /* number of sensor theta and phi angles */ float maxtheta; /* maximum theta value for this sensor */ float tvals[MAXNT+1]; /* theta prob. values (1-D table of 1-cos(t)) */ float *pvals = NULL; /* phi prob. values (2-D table in radians) */ int ntheta = 0; /* polar angle divisions */ int nphi = 0; /* azimuthal angle divisions */ double gscale = 1.; /* global scaling value */ #define s_theta(t) sensor[(t+1)*(sntp[1]+1)] #define s_phi(p) sensor[(p)+1] #define s_val(t,p) sensor[(p)+1+(t+1)*(sntp[1]+1)] static void comp_sensor(char *sfile); static void over_options() /* overriding options */ { directvis = (ndsamps <= 0); do_irrad = 0; } static void print_defaults() /* print out default parameters */ { over_options(); printf("-n %-9d\t\t\t# number of processes\n", nprocs); printf("-rd %-9ld\t\t\t# ray directions\n", nsamps); /* printf("-rs %-9ld\t\t\t# ray super-samples\n", nssamps); */ printf("-dn %-9d\t\t\t# direct number of samples\n", ndsamps); printf("-vp %f %f %f\t# view point\n", ourview.vp[0], ourview.vp[1], ourview.vp[2]); printf("-vd %f %f %f\t# view direction\n", ourview.vdir[0], ourview.vdir[1], ourview.vdir[2]); printf("-vu %f %f %f\t# view up\n", ourview.vup[0], ourview.vup[1], ourview.vup[2]); printf("-vo %f\t\t\t# view fore clipping distance\n", ourview.vfore); print_rdefaults(); } void quit(ec) /* make sure exit is called */ int ec; { if (ray_pnprocs > 0) /* close children if any */ ray_pclose(0); else if (ray_pnprocs < 0) _exit(ec); /* avoid flush in child */ exit(ec); } int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { int doheader = 1; int optwarn = 0; int i, rval; progname = argv[0]; /* set up rendering defaults */ rand_samp = 1; dstrsrc = 0.65; srcsizerat = 0.1; directrelay = 3; ambounce = 1; maxdepth = -10; /* get options from command line */ for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { while ((rval = expandarg(&argc, &argv, i)) > 0) ; if (rval < 0) { sprintf(errmsg, "cannot expand '%s'", argv[i]); error(SYSTEM, errmsg); } if (argv[i][0] != '-') { if (i >= argc-1) break; /* final octree argument */ if (!ray_pnprocs) { over_options(); if (doheader) { /* print header */ newheader("RADIANCE", stdout); printargs(argc, argv, stdout); fputformat("ascii", stdout); putchar('\n'); } /* start process(es) */ if (strcmp(argv[argc-1], ".")) ray_pinit(argv[argc-1], nprocs); } comp_sensor(argv[i]); /* process a sensor file */ continue; } if (argv[i][1] == 'r') { /* sampling options */ if (argv[i][2] == 'd') nsamps = atol(argv[++i]); else if (argv[i][2] == 's') nssamps = atol(argv[++i]); else { sprintf(errmsg, "bad option at '%s'", argv[i]); error(USER, errmsg); } continue; } /* direct component samples */ if (argv[i][1] == 'd' && argv[i][2] == 'n') { ndsamps = atoi(argv[++i]); continue; } if (argv[i][1] == 'v') { /* next sensor view */ if (argv[i][2] == 'f') { rval = viewfile(argv[++i], &ourview, NULL); if (rval < 0) { sprintf(errmsg, "cannot open view file \"%s\"", argv[i]); error(SYSTEM, errmsg); } else if (rval == 0) { sprintf(errmsg, "bad view file \"%s\"", argv[i]); error(USER, errmsg); } continue; } rval = getviewopt(&ourview, argc-i, argv+i); if (rval >= 0) { i += rval; continue; } sprintf(errmsg, "bad view option at '%s'", argv[i]); error(USER, errmsg); } if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-w")) { /* toggle warnings */ nowarn = !nowarn; continue; } if (ray_pnprocs) { if (!optwarn++) error(WARNING, "rendering options should appear before first sensor"); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-defaults")) { print_defaults(); return(0); } if (argv[i][1] == 'h') { /* header toggle */ doheader = !doheader; continue; } if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-n")) { /* number of processes */ nprocs = atoi(argv[++i]); if (nprocs <= 0) error(USER, "illegal number of processes"); continue; } rval = getrenderopt(argc-i, argv+i); if (rval < 0) { sprintf(errmsg, "bad render option at '%s'", argv[i]); error(USER, errmsg); } i += rval; } if (sensor == NULL) error(USER, i 1 && sarr[ntp[1]+1] <= sarr[ntp[1]]+FTINY) { sprintf(errmsg, "Phi values not monotinically increasing in sensor file '%s'", sfile); error(USER, errmsg); } ++ntp[1]; } warnedneg = 0; ntp[0] = 0; /* get thetas + data */ while (fgets(linebuf, sizeof(linebuf), fp) != NULL) { ++ntp[0]; if ((ntp[0]+1)*(ntp[1]+1) > nelem) { nelem += (nelem>>2) + ntp[1]; sarr = (float *)realloc((void *)sarr, sizeof(float)*nelem); if (sarr == NULL) error(SYSTEM, "out of memory in load_sensor()"); } cp = linebuf; i = ntp[0]*(ntp[1]+1); for ( ; ; ) { sarr[i] = atof(cp); cp = fskip(cp); if (cp == NULL) break; if (sarr[i] < .0) { if (!warnedneg++) { sprintf(errmsg, "Negative value(s) in sensor file '%s' (ignored)\n", sfile); error(WARNING, errmsg); } sarr[i] = .0; } else if (sarr[i] > FTINY && i > ntp[0]*(ntp[1]+1)) last_pos_val = i; ++i; } if (i == ntp[0]*(ntp[1]+1)) /* empty line? */ break; if (ntp[0] > 1 && sarr[ntp[0]*(ntp[1]+1)] <= sarr[(ntp[0]-1)*(ntp[1]+1)]) { sprintf(errmsg, "Theta values not monotinically increasing in sensor file '%s'", sfile); error(USER, errmsg); } if (i != (ntp[0]+1)*(ntp[1]+1)) { sprintf(errmsg, "bad column count near line %d in sensor file '%s'", ntp[0]+1, sfile); error(USER, errmsg); } } /* truncate zero region */ ntp[0] = (last_pos_val + ntp[1])/(ntp[1]+1) - 1; nelem = (ntp[0]+1)*(ntp[1]+1); fclose(fp); errmsg[0] = '\0'; /* sanity checks */ if (!last_pos_val) sprintf(errmsg, "no positive sensor values in file '%s'", sfile); else if (fabs(sarr[ntp[1]+1]) > FTINY) sprintf(errmsg, "minimum theta must be 0 in sensor file '%s'", sfile); else if (fabs(sarr[1]) > FTINY) sprintf(errmsg, "minimum phi must be 0 in sensor file '%s'", sfile); else if (sarr[ntp[1]] < 270.-FTINY) sprintf(errmsg, "maximum phi must be 270 or greater in sensor file '%s'", sfile); else if (sarr[ntp[1]] >= 360.-FTINY) sprintf(errmsg, "maximum phi must be less than 360 in sensor file '%s'", sfile); if (errmsg[0]) error(USER, errmsg); return((float *)realloc((void *)sarr, sizeof(float)*nelem)); } /* Initialize probability table */ static void init_ptable( char *sfile ) { int samptot = nsamps; float *rowp, *rowp1; double rowsum[MAXNT], rowomega[MAXNT]; double thdiv[MAXNT+1], phdiv[MAXNP+1]; double tsize, psize; double prob, frac, frac1; int i, j, t, p; /* free old table */ if (sensor != NULL) free((void *)sensor); if (pvals != NULL) free((void *)pvals); if (sfile == NULL || !*sfile) { sensor = NULL; sntp[0] = sntp[1] = 0; pvals = NULL; ntheta = nphi = 0; return; } /* load sensor table */ sensor = load_sensor(sntp, sfile); if (sntp[0] > MAXNT) { sprintf(errmsg, "Too many theta rows in sensor file '%s'", sfile); error(INTERNAL, errmsg); } if (sntp[1] > MAXNP) { sprintf(errmsg, "Too many phi columns in sensor file '%s'", sfile); error(INTERNAL, errmsg); } /* compute boundary angles */ maxtheta = DEGREE*(1.5f*s_theta(sntp[0]-1) - 0.5f*s_theta(sntp[0]-2)); if (maxtheta > PI) maxtheta = PI; thdiv[0] = .0; for (t = 1; t < sntp[0]; t++) thdiv[t] = DEGREE/2.*(s_theta(t-1) + s_theta(t)); thdiv[sntp[0]] = maxtheta; phdiv[0] = DEGREE*(1.5f*s_phi(0) - 0.5f*s_phi(1)); for (p = 1; p < sntp[1]; p++) phdiv[p] = DEGREE/2.*(s_phi(p-1) + s_phi(p)); phdiv[sntp[1]] = DEGREE*(1.5f*s_phi(sntp[1]-1) - 0.5f*s_phi(sntp[1]-2)); /* size our table */ tsize = 1. - cos(maxtheta); psize = PI*tsize/maxtheta; if (sntp[0]*sntp[1] < samptot) /* don't overdo resolution */ samptot = sntp[0]*sntp[1]; ntheta = (int)(sqrt((double)samptot*tsize/psize)*sntp[0]/sntp[1]) + 1; if (ntheta > MAXNT) ntheta = MAXNT; nphi = samptot/ntheta; pvals = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*(ntheta+1)*(nphi+1)); if (pvals == NULL) error(SYSTEM, "out of memory in init_ptable()"); gscale = .0; /* compute our inverse table */ for (i = 0; i < sntp[0]; i++) { rowp = &s_val(i,0); rowsum[i] = 1e-20; for (j = 0; j < sntp[1]; j++) rowsum[i] += *rowp++; rowomega[i] = cos(thdiv[i]) - cos(thdiv[i+1]); rowomega[i] *= 2.*PI / (double)sntp[1]; gscale += rowsum[i] * rowomega[i]; } if (gscale <= FTINY) { sprintf(errmsg, "Sensor values sum to zero in file '%s'", sfile); error(USER, errmsg); } for (i = 0; i < ntheta; i++) { prob = (double)i / (double)ntheta; for (t = 0; t < sntp[0]; t++) if ((prob -= rowsum[t]*rowomega[t]/gscale) <= .0) break; if (t >= sntp[0]) error(INTERNAL, "code error 1 in init_ptable()"); frac = 1. + prob/(rowsum[t]*rowomega[t]/gscale); tvals[i] = 1. - ( (1.-frac)*cos(thdiv[t]) + frac*cos(thdiv[t+1]) ); /* offset b/c sensor values are centered */ if ((t < sntp[0]-1) & (!t | (frac >= 0.5))) { frac -= 0.5; } else { frac += 0.5; --t; } pvals[i*(nphi+1)] = phdiv[0]; for (j = 1; j < nphi; j++) { prob = (double)j / (double)nphi; rowp = &s_val(t,0); rowp1 = &s_val(t+1,0); for (p = 0; p < sntp[1]; p++) if ((prob -= (1.-frac)*rowp[p]/rowsum[t] + frac*rowp1[p]/rowsum[t+1]) <= .0) break; if (p >= sntp[1]) { /* should never happen? */ p = sntp[1] - 1; prob = .5; } frac1 = 1. + prob/((1.-frac)*rowp[p]/rowsum[t] + frac*rowp1[p]/rowsum[t+1]); pvals[i*(nphi+1) + j] = (1.-frac1)*phdiv[p] + frac1*phdiv[p+1]; } pvals[i*(nphi+1) + nphi] = phdiv[sntp[1]]; } /* duplicate final row */ memcpy(pvals+ntheta*(nphi+1), pvals+(ntheta-1)*(nphi+1), sizeof(*pvals)*(nphi+1)); tvals[0] = .0f; tvals[ntheta] = (float)tsize; } /* Get normalized direction from random variables in [0,1) range */ static void get_direc( FVECT dvec, double x, double y ) { double xfrac = x*ntheta; int tndx = (int)xfrac; double yfrac = y*nphi; int pndx = (int)yfrac; double rad, phi; FVECT dv; int i; xfrac -= (double)tndx; yfrac -= (double)pndx; pndx += tndx*(nphi+1); dv[2] = 1. - ((1.-xfrac)*tvals[tndx] + xfrac*tvals[tndx+1]); rad = sqrt(1. - dv[2]*dv[2]); phi = (1.-yfrac)*pvals[pndx] + yfrac*pvals[pndx+1]; dv[0] = -rad*sin(phi); dv[1] = rad*cos(phi); for (i = 3; i--; ) dvec[i] = dv[0]*ourview.hvec[i] + dv[1]*ourview.vvec[i] + dv[2]*ourview.vdir[i] ; } /* Get sensor value in the specified direction (normalized) */ static float sens_val( FVECT dvec ) { FVECT dv; float theta, phi; int t, p; dv[2] = DOT(dvec, ourview.vdir); theta = acos(dv[2]); if (theta >= maxtheta) return(.0f); dv[0] = DOT(dvec, ourview.hvec); dv[1] = DOT(dvec, ourview.vvec); phi = atan2(-dv[0], dv[1]); while (phi < .0f) phi += (float)(2.*PI); t = (int)(theta/maxtheta * sntp[0]); p = (int)(phi*(1./(2.*PI)) * sntp[1]); /* hack for non-uniform sensor grid */ theta *= (float)(1./DEGREE); phi *= (float)(1./DEGREE); while (t+1 < sntp[0] && theta >= s_theta(t+1)) ++t; while (t-1 >= 0 && theta <= s_theta(t-1)) --t; while (p+1 < sntp[1] && phi >= s_phi(p+1)) ++p; while (p-1 >= 0 && phi <= s_phi(p-1)) --p; return(s_val(t,p)); } /* Print origin and direction */ static void print_ray( FVECT rorg, FVECT rdir ) { printf("%.6g %.6g %.6g %.8f %.8f %.8f\n", rorg[0], rorg[1], rorg[2], rdir[0], rdir[1], rdir[2]); } /* Compute sensor output */ static void comp_sensor( char *sfile ) { int ndirs = dstrsrc > FTINY ? ndsamps : ndsamps > 0 ? 1 : 0; char *err; int nt, np; COLOR vsum; RAY rr; double sf; int i, j; /* set view */ ourview.type = VT_ANG; ourview.horiz = ourview.vert = 180.; ourview.hoff = ourview.voff = .0; err = setview(&ourview); if (err != NULL) error(USER, err); /* assign probability table */ init_ptable(sfile); /* stratified MC sampling */ setcolor(vsum, .0f, .0f, .0f); nt = (int)(sqrt((double)nsamps*ntheta/nphi) + .5); np = nsamps/nt; sf = gscale/nsamps; for (i = 0; i < nt; i++) for (j = 0; j < np; j++) { VCOPY(rr.rorg, ourview.vp); get_direc(rr.rdir, (i+frandom())/nt, (j+frandom())/np); if (ourview.vfore > FTINY) VSUM(rr.rorg, rr.rorg, rr.rdir, ourview.vfore); if (!ray_pnprocs) { print_ray(rr.rorg, rr.rdir); continue; } rr.rmax = .0; rayorigin(&rr, PRIMARY|SPECULAR, NULL, NULL); scalecolor(rr.rcoef, sf); if (ray_pqueue(&rr) == 1) addcolor(vsum, rr.rcol); } /* remaining rays pure MC */ for (i = nsamps - nt*np; i-- > 0; ) { VCOPY(rr.rorg, ourview.vp); get_direc(rr.rdir, frandom(), frandom()); if (ourview.vfore > FTINY) VSUM(rr.rorg, rr.rorg, rr.rdir, ourview.vfore); if (!ray_pnprocs) { print_ray(rr.rorg, rr.rdir); continue; } rr.rmax = .0; rayorigin(&rr, PRIMARY|SPECULAR, NULL, NULL); scalecolor(rr.rcoef, sf); if (ray_pqueue(&rr) == 1) addcolor(vsum, rr.rcol); } if (!ray_pnprocs) /* just printing rays */ return; /* scale partial result */ scalecolor(vsum, sf); /* add direct component */ for (i = ndirs; i-- > 0; ) { SRCINDEX si; initsrcindex(&si); while (srcray(&rr, NULL, &si)) { sf = sens_val(rr.rdir); if (sf <= FTINY) continue; sf *= si.dom/ndirs; scalecolor(rr.rcoef, sf); if (ray_pqueue(&rr) == 1) { multcolor(rr.rcol, rr.rcoef); addcolor(vsum, rr.rcol); } } } /* finish our calculation */ while (ray_presult(&rr, 0) > 0) { multcolor(rr.rcol, rr.rcoef); addcolor(vsum, rr.rcol); } /* print our result */ printf("%.4e %.4e %.4e\n", colval(vsum,RED), colval(vsum,GRN), colval(vsum,BLU)); }