#ifndef lint static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: ranimove2.c,v 3.9 2005/07/24 21:11:53 greg Exp $"; #endif /* * ranimove2.c * * Frame refinement routines for ranimove(1). * * Created by Gregory Ward on Wed Jan 08 2003. */ #include "copyright.h" #include #include "ranimove.h" #include "random.h" #define HL_ERR 0.32 /* highlight error threshold */ int cerrzero; /* is cerrmap all zeroes? */ static int ppri_cmp(const void *pp1, const void *pp2); static int ray_refine(int n); static long refine_rays(long nrays); extern int refine_first(void) /* initial refinement pass */ { int *esamp = (int *)zprev; /* OK to reuse */ int hl_erri = errori(HL_ERR); int nextra = 0; int x, y, xp, yp; int neigh; register int n, np; if (sizeof(int) < sizeof(*zprev)) error(CONSISTENCY, "code error in refine_first"); if (!silent) { printf("\tFirst refinement pass..."); fflush(stdout); } memset((void *)esamp, '\0', sizeof(int)*hres*vres); /* * In our initial pass, we look for lower error pixels from * the same objects in the previous frame, and copy them here. */ for (y = vres; y--; ) for (x = hres; x--; ) { n = fndx(x, y); if (obuffer[n] == OVOID) continue; if (xmbuffer[n] == MO_UNK) continue; xp = x + xmbuffer[n]; if ((xp < 0) | (xp >= hres)) continue; yp = y + ymbuffer[n]; if ((yp < 0) | (yp >= vres)) continue; np = fndx(xp, yp); /* make sure we hit same object */ if (oprev[np] != obuffer[n]) continue; /* is previous frame error lower? */ if (aprev[np] < AMIN + ATIDIFF) continue; if (aprev[np] <= abuffer[n] + ATIDIFF) continue; /* shadow & highlight detection */ if (abuffer[n] > hl_erri && getclosest(&neigh, 1, x, y) && bigdiff(cbuffer[neigh], cprev[np], HL_ERR*(.9+.2*frandom()))) continue; abuffer[n] = aprev[np] - ATIDIFF; copycolor(cbuffer[n], cprev[np]); esamp[n] = 1; /* record extrapolated sample */ nextra++; } for (n = hres*vres; n--; ) /* update sample counts */ if (esamp[n]) sbuffer[n] = 1; if (!silent) printf("extrapolated %d pixels\n", nextra); return(1); } /* * We use a recursive computation of the conspicuity * map to avoid associated memory costs and simplify * coding. We create a virtual image pyramid, pooling * variance calculations, etc. The top of the pyramid * corresponds to the foveal resolution, as there should * not be any interesting mechanisms above this level. */ #define CSF_C0 1.14 #define CSF_C1 0.67 #define CSF_C2 1.7 #define CSF_S1 6.1 #define CSF_S2 7.3 #define CSF_P1 45.9 #define CSF_PC (30./45.9*CSF_P1) #define CSF_VR0 0.15 #define CSF_VRC 80. struct ConspSum { COLOR vsum; /* value sum */ COLOR v2sum; /* value^2 sum */ long nsamp; /* number of samples */ long xmsum; /* x-motion sum */ long ymsum; /* y-motion sum */ int npix; /* number of pixels */ double hls; /* high-level saliency */ }; static double pixel_deg; /* base pixel frequency */ static int fhsiz, fvsiz; /* foveal subimage size */ static void clr_consp(struct ConspSum *cs); static void sum_consp(struct ConspSum *cdest, struct ConspSum *cs); static void est_consp(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, struct ConspSum *cs); static void subconspicuity(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, struct ConspSum *cs); static void clr_consp( /* initialize a conspicuity sum */ register struct ConspSum *cs ) { if (cs == NULL) return; setcolor(cs->vsum, 0., 0., 0.); setcolor(cs->v2sum, 0., 0., 0.); cs->nsamp = 0; cs->xmsum = cs->ymsum = 0; cs->npix = 0; cs->hls = 0; } static void sum_consp( /* sum in conspicuity result */ register struct ConspSum *cdest, register struct ConspSum *cs ) { if ((cdest == NULL) | (cs == NULL)) return; addcolor(cdest->vsum, cs->vsum); addcolor(cdest->v2sum, cs->v2sum); cdest->nsamp += cs->nsamp; cdest->xmsum += cs->xmsum; cdest->ymsum += cs->ymsum; cdest->npix += cs->npix; if (cs->hls > cdest->hls) cdest->hls = cs->hls; } static void est_consp( /* estimate error conspicuity & update */ int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, register struct ConspSum *cs ) { double rad2, mtn2, cpd, vm, vr, csf, eest; /* do we care? */ if (cs->hls <= FTINY) return; /* get relative error */ if (cs->nsamp < NSAMPOK) { int neigh[NSAMPOK]; /* gather neighbors */ eest = comperr(neigh, getclosest(neigh, NSAMPOK, (x0+x1)>>1, (y0+y1)>>1), cs->nsamp); } else eest = estimaterr(cs->vsum, cs->v2sum, cs->nsamp, cs->nsamp); if ((x0 == x1-1) & (y0 == y1-1)) { /* update pixel error */ int n = fndx(x0, y0); int ai; int ne; if (sbuffer[n] >= 255) { abuffer[n] = ADISTANT; } else { ai = errori(eest); if (ai < AMIN) ai = AMIN; else if (ai >= ADISTANT) ai = ADISTANT-1; abuffer[n] = ai; /* can't improve on closest */ if (!cs->nsamp && getclosest(&ne, 1, x0, y0) && abuffer[ne] < ai && abuffer[ne] >= AMIN) abuffer[n] = abuffer[ne]; } } /* compute radius^2 */ rad2 = 0.125*((x1-x0)*(x1-x0) + (y1-y0)*(y1-y0)); /* average motion^2 */ mtn2 = (double)cs->xmsum*cs->xmsum + (double)cs->ymsum*cs->ymsum; mtn2 /= (double)(cs->npix*cs->npix); /* motion blur hides us? */ if (mblur*mblur*mtn2 >= 4.*rad2) return; /* too small to see? */ cpd = pixel_deg * pixel_deg / rad2; if (cpd > CSF_PC*CSF_PC) return; cpd = sqrt(cpd); /* compute CSF [Daley98] */ vm = rate * sqrt(mtn2) / pixel_deg; vr = cs->hls/hlsmax*vm + CSF_VR0; /* use hls tracking eff. */ if (vr > CSF_VRC) vr = CSF_VRC; vr = vm - vr; if (vr < 0) vr = -vr; csf = log(CSF_C2*(1./3.)*vr); if (csf < 0) csf = -csf; csf = CSF_S1 + CSF_S2*csf*csf*csf; csf *= CSF_C0*CSF_C2*4.*PI*PI*CSF_C1*CSF_C1*cpd*cpd; csf *= exp(-CSF_C1*4.*PI/CSF_P1*(CSF_C2*vr + 2.)*cpd); /* compute visible error */ eest = eest*csf/ndthresh - 1.; if (eest <= FTINY) return; /* scale by saleincy */ eest *= cs->hls; /* worth the bother? */ if (eest <= .01) return; /* put into map */ for ( ; y0 < y1; y0++) { float *em0 = cerrmap + fndx(x0, y0); register float *emp = em0 + (x1-x0); while (emp-- > em0) if (eest > *emp) *emp = eest; } cerrzero = 0; } static void subconspicuity( /* compute subportion of conspicuity */ int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, struct ConspSum *cs ) { struct ConspSum mysum; int i; if ((x0 >= x1) | (y0 >= y1)) error(CONSISTENCY, "bad call to subconspicuity"); clr_consp(&mysum); /* prepare sum */ if ((x0 == x1-1) & (y0 == y1-1)) { /* single pixel */ double hls; register int n = fndx(x0, y0); if (sbuffer[n]) { copycolor(mysum.vsum, cbuffer[n]); copycolor(mysum.v2sum, val2map[n]); mysum.nsamp = sbuffer[n]; } if ((mysum.xmsum = xmbuffer[n]) == MO_UNK) mysum.xmsum = 0; else mysum.ymsum = ymbuffer[n]; mysum.npix = 1; /* max. hls in fovea */ mysum.hls = obj_prio(obuffer[n]); if (x0 >= fhsiz) { hls = obj_prio(obuffer[fndx(x0-fhsiz,y0)]); if (hls > mysum.hls) mysum.hls = hls; } if (x0 < hres-fhsiz) { hls = obj_prio(obuffer[fndx(x0+fhsiz,y0)]); if (hls > mysum.hls) mysum.hls = hls; } if (y0 >= fvsiz) { hls = obj_prio(obuffer[fndx(x0,y0-fvsiz)]); if (hls > mysum.hls) mysum.hls = hls; } if (y0 < vres-fvsiz) { hls = obj_prio(obuffer[fndx(x0,y0+fvsiz)]); if (hls > mysum.hls) mysum.hls = hls; } } else if (x0 == x1-1) { /* vertical pair */ for (i = y0 ; i < y1; i++) subconspicuity(x0, i, x1, i+1, &mysum); } else if (y0 == y1-1) { /* horizontal pair */ for (i = x0 ; i < x1; i++) subconspicuity(i, y0, i+1, y1, &mysum); } else { /* rectangle */ subconspicuity(x0, y0, (x0+x1)>>1, (y0+y1)>>1, &mysum); subconspicuity((x0+x1)>>1, y0, x1, (y0+y1)>>1, &mysum); subconspicuity(x0, (y0+y1)>>1, (x0+x1)>>1, y1, &mysum); subconspicuity((x0+x1)>>1, (y0+y1)>>1, x1, y1, &mysum); } /* update conspicuity */ est_consp(x0, y0, x1, y1, &mysum); /* sum into return value */ sum_consp(cs, &mysum); } extern void conspicuity(void) /* compute conspicuous error map */ { int fhres, fvres; int fx, fy; /* reuse previous z-buffer */ cerrmap = (float *)zprev; memset((void *)cerrmap, '\0', sizeof(float)*hres*vres); cerrzero = 1; /* compute base pixel frequency */ pixel_deg = .5*(hres/vw.horiz + vres/vw.vert); /* compute foveal resolution */ fhres = vw.horiz/FOV_DEG + 0.5; if (fhres <= 0) fhres = 1; else if (fhres > hres) fhres = hres; fvres = vw.vert/FOV_DEG + 0.5; if (fvres <= 0) fvres = 1; else if (fvres > vres) fvres = vres; fhsiz = hres/fhres; fvsiz = vres/fvres; /* call our foveal subroutine */ for (fy = fvres; fy--; ) for (fx = fhres; fx--; ) subconspicuity(hres*fx/fhres, vres*fy/fvres, hres*(fx+1)/fhres, vres*(fy+1)/fvres, NULL); } /* * The following structure is used to collect data on the * initial error in the ambient value estimate, in order * to correct for it in the subsequent frames. */ static struct AmbSum { double diffsum[3]; /* sum of (correct - ambval) */ long nsamps; /* number of values in sum */ } *asump = NULL; static int ppri_cmp( /* pixel priority comparison */ const void *pp1, const void *pp2 ) { double se1 = cerrmap[*(const int *)pp1]; double se2 = cerrmap[*(const int *)pp2]; int adiff; /* higher conspicuity to front */ if (se1 < se2) return(1); if (se1 > se2) return(-1); /* else higher error to front */ adiff = (int)abuffer[*(const int *)pp1] - (int)abuffer[*(const int *)pp2]; if (adiff) return(adiff); /* else fewer samples to front */ return((int)sbuffer[*(const int *)pp1] - (int)sbuffer[*(const int *)pp2]); } static int ray_refine( /* refine the given pixel by tracing a ray */ register int n ) { RAY ir; COLOR ctmp; int i; if (n < 0) { /* fetching stragglers */ if (nprocs <= 1 || !ray_presult(&ir, 0)) return(-1); n = ir.rno; } else { /* else tracing a new ray */ double hv[2]; if (sbuffer[n] >= 255) /* reached limit? */ return(-1); sample_pos(hv, n%hres, n/hres, sbuffer[n]); ir.rmax = viewray(ir.rorg, ir.rdir, &vw, hv[0], hv[1]); if (ir.rmax < -FTINY) return(-1); if (nprocs > 1) { int rval; rayorigin(&ir, PRIMARY, NULL, NULL); ir.rno = n; rval = ray_pqueue(&ir); if (!rval) return(-1); if (rval < 0) quit(1); n = ir.rno; } else ray_trace(&ir); } if (abuffer[n] == ALOWQ && asump != NULL) { if (sbuffer[n] != 1) error(CONSISTENCY, "bad code in ray_refine"); if (getambcolor(ctmp, obuffer[n]) && (colval(ctmp,RED) > 0.01) & (colval(ctmp,GRN) > 0.01) & (colval(ctmp,BLU) > 0.01)) { for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) asump->diffsum[i] += (colval(ir.rcol,i) - colval(cbuffer[n],i)) / colval(ctmp,i); asump->nsamps++; } sbuffer[n] = 0; } setcolor(ctmp, colval(ir.rcol,RED)*colval(ir.rcol,RED), colval(ir.rcol,GRN)*colval(ir.rcol,GRN), colval(ir.rcol,BLU)*colval(ir.rcol,BLU)); if (!sbuffer[n]) { /* first sample */ copycolor(cbuffer[n], ir.rcol); copycolor(val2map[n], ctmp); abuffer[n] = AHIGHQ; sbuffer[n] = 1; } else { /* else sum in sample */ addcolor(cbuffer[n], ir.rcol); addcolor(val2map[n], ctmp); sbuffer[n]++; } return(n); } static long refine_rays( /* compute refinement rays */ long nrays ) { int *pord; int ntodo; long rdone; int i; /* skip if nothing significant */ if (ndtset && cerrzero) return(0); /* initialize priority list */ pord = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*hres*vres); for (i = hres*vres; i--; ) pord[i] = i; /* sort our priorities */ ntodo = hres*vres; if (nrays < ntodo) qsort((void *)pord, hres*vres, sizeof(int), ppri_cmp); i = 0; /* trace rays in list */ for (rdone = 0; rdone < nrays; rdone++) { if (ndtset && i >= 1000 && cerrmap[pord[i]] <= FTINY) ntodo = i; if (i >= ntodo) { /* redo conspicuity & priority */ while (ray_refine(-1) >= 0) ; conspicuity(); if (ndtset && cerrzero) break; qsort((void *)pord, hres*vres, sizeof(int), ppri_cmp); ntodo = hres*vres/8; i = 0; } /* sample next pixel */ ray_refine(pord[i++]); } /* clean up and return */ while (ray_refine(-1) >= 0) ; free((void *)pord); return(rdone); } extern int refine_frame( /* refine current frame */ int pass ) { static double rtime_used = 0; static long ray_cnt = 0; static double ctime_used = 0; static int csp_cnt = 0; int timed = (fcur > fbeg) | (pass > 0) | (quickstart); double time_start, rtime_start, time_done; struct AmbSum myAmbSum; long rays_todo, nr; register int n; /* IBR refinement? */ if ((pass == 0) & (fcur > fbeg)) return(refine_first()); /* any time left? */ time_start = getTime(); if (timed) { if (time_start >= frm_stop) goto nomore; if (csp_cnt > 0 && time_start + ctime_used/csp_cnt >= frm_stop) goto nomore; } asump = NULL; /* use resampling to update ambval? */ if (!curparams->ambounce && hirendparams.ambounce) { myAmbSum.diffsum[RED] = myAmbSum.diffsum[GRN] = myAmbSum.diffsum[BLU] = 0; myAmbSum.nsamps = 0; asump = &myAmbSum; } /* initialize value-squared map */ if (val2map == NULL) { val2map = cprev; /* OK to reuse at this point */ n = (asump == NULL) ? hres*vres : 0; while (n--) if (sbuffer[n]) setcolor(val2map[n], colval(cbuffer[n],RED)*colval(cbuffer[n],RED), colval(cbuffer[n],GRN)*colval(cbuffer[n],GRN), colval(cbuffer[n],BLU)*colval(cbuffer[n],BLU)); else setcolor(val2map[n], 0., 0., 0.); } /* compute conspicuity */ if (!silent) { printf("\tComputing conspicuity map\n"); fflush(stdout); } conspicuity(); csp_cnt++; #if 0 if (pass == 1) { char fnm[256]; sprintf(fnm, vval(BASENAME), fcur); strcat(fnm, "_incmap.pic"); write_map(cerrmap, fnm); } #endif /* get ray start time */ rtime_start = getTime(); ctime_used += rtime_start - time_start; if (timed && rtime_start >= frm_stop) return(0); /* error done but out of time */ if (rtime_used <= FTINY) { if (quickstart) rays_todo = 1000; else rays_todo = hres*vres; } else { rays_todo = (long)((frm_stop - rtime_start) * ray_cnt / rtime_used); if (rays_todo < 1000) return(0); /* let's call it a frame */ } /* set higher rendering quality */ if (twolevels && curparams != &hirendparams) { ray_restore(curparams = &hirendparams); if (nprocs > 1) { /* need to update children */ if (!silent) { printf("\tRestarting %d processes\n", nprocs); fflush(stdout); } ray_pclose(0); ray_popen(nprocs); } } /* compute refinement rays */ if (!silent) { printf("\tRefinement pass %d...", pass+1); /*, rays_todo); */ fflush(stdout); } if (asump != NULL) /* flag low-quality samples */ for (n = hres*vres; n--; ) if (sbuffer[n]) abuffer[n] = ALOWQ; /* trace those rays */ nr = refine_rays(rays_todo); if (!silent) printf("traced %ld HQ rays\n", nr); if (nr <= 0) return(0); /* update timing stats */ while (ray_cnt >= 1L<<20) { ray_cnt >>= 1; rtime_used *= .5; } ray_cnt += nr; time_done = getTime(); rtime_used += time_done - rtime_start; if (!timed && time_done > frm_stop) frm_stop = time_done; /* update ambient value */ if (asump != NULL && asump->nsamps >= 1000) { double sf = 1./(double)asump->nsamps; for (n = 3; n--; ) { asump->diffsum[n] *= sf; asump->diffsum[n] += colval(lorendparams.ambval,n); if (asump->diffsum[n] < 0) asump->diffsum[n] = 0; } setcolor(lorendparams.ambval, asump->diffsum[RED], asump->diffsum[GRN], asump->diffsum[BLU]); if (!silent) printf("\tUpdated parameter: -av %f %f %f\n", asump->diffsum[RED], asump->diffsum[GRN], asump->diffsum[BLU]); asump = NULL; } return(1); nomore: /* make sure error map is updated */ if ((fcur == fbeg) | (pass > 1)) comp_frame_error(); return(0); }