#ifndef lint static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: ranimove1.c,v 3.24 2018/11/17 20:15:51 greg Exp $"; #endif /* * ranimove1.c * * Basic frame rendering routines for ranimove(1). * * Created by Gregory Ward on Wed Jan 08 2003. */ #include "copyright.h" #include #include "platform.h" #include "ranimove.h" #include "otypes.h" #include "otspecial.h" #include "source.h" #include "random.h" double acctab[256]; /* accuracy value table */ int hres, vres; /* frame resolution (fcur) */ double pixaspect; /* pixel aspect ratio */ VIEW vw; /* view for this frame */ COLOR *cbuffer; /* color at each pixel */ float *zbuffer; /* depth at each pixel */ OBJECT *obuffer; /* object id at each pixel */ short *xmbuffer; /* x motion at each pixel */ short *ymbuffer; /* y motion at each pixel */ uby8 *abuffer; /* accuracy at each pixel */ uby8 *sbuffer; /* sample count per pixel */ VIEW vwprev; /* last frame's view */ COLOR *cprev; /* last frame colors */ float *zprev; /* last frame depth */ OBJECT *oprev; /* last frame objects */ uby8 *aprev; /* last frame accuracy */ float *cerrmap; /* conspicuous error map */ COLOR *val2map; /* value-squared map for variance */ double frm_stop; /* when to stop rendering this frame */ double hlsmax; /* maximum high-level saliency this frame */ static void next_frame(void); static int sample_here(int x, int y); static int offset_cmp(const void *p1, const void *p2); static void setmotion(int n, FVECT wpos); static void init_frame_sample(void); #if 0 void write_map( /* write out float map (debugging) */ float *mp, char *fn ) { FILE *fp = fopen(fn, "w"); COLOR scanbuf[2048]; int x, y; if (fp == NULL) return; newheader("RADIANCE", fp); fputformat(COLRFMT, fp); fputc('\n', fp); /* end header */ fprtresolu(hres, vres, fp); for (y = vres; y--; ) { /* write scanlines */ float *bp = mp + (y+1)*hres - 1; for (x = hres; x--; bp--) setcolor(scanbuf[x], *bp, *bp, *bp); if (fwritescan(scanbuf, hres, fp) < 0) break; } fclose(fp); } #endif static void next_frame(void) /* prepare next frame buffer */ { VIEW *fv; char *err; /* get previous view */ if (vw.type != 0) vwprev = vw; else if (fcur > 1 && (fv = getview(fcur-1)) != NULL) { vwprev = *fv; if (setview(&vwprev) != NULL) vwprev.type = 0; } /* get current view */ if ((fv = getview(fcur)) == NULL) { sprintf(errmsg, "cannot get view for frame %d", fcur); error(USER, errmsg); } vw = *fv; if ((err = setview(&vw)) != NULL) { sprintf(errmsg, "view error at frame %d: %s", fcur, err); error(USER, errmsg); } if (cbuffer == NULL) { int n; /* compute resolution and allocate */ switch (sscanf(vval(RESOLUTION), "%d %d %lf", &hres, &vres, &pixaspect)) { case 1: vres = hres; /* fall through */ case 2: pixaspect = 1.; /* fall through */ case 3: if ((hres > 0) & (vres > 0)) break; /* fall through */ default: sprintf(errmsg, "bad %s value", vnam(RESOLUTION)); error(USER, errmsg); } normaspect(viewaspect(&vw), &pixaspect, &hres, &vres); cbuffer = (COLOR *)malloc(sizeof(COLOR)*hres*vres); zbuffer = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*hres*vres); obuffer = (OBJECT *)malloc(sizeof(OBJECT)*hres*vres); xmbuffer = (short *)malloc(sizeof(short)*hres*vres); ymbuffer = (short *)malloc(sizeof(short)*hres*vres); abuffer = (uby8 *)calloc(hres*vres, sizeof(uby8)); sbuffer = (uby8 *)calloc(hres*vres, sizeof(uby8)); cprev = (COLOR *)malloc(sizeof(COLOR)*hres*vres); zprev = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*hres*vres); oprev = (OBJECT *)malloc(sizeof(OBJECT)*hres*vres); aprev = (uby8 *)malloc(sizeof(uby8)*hres*vres); if ((cbuffer==NULL) | (zbuffer==NULL) | (obuffer==NULL) | (xmbuffer==NULL) | (ymbuffer==NULL) | (abuffer==NULL) | (sbuffer==NULL) | (cprev==NULL) | (zprev == NULL) | (oprev==NULL) | (aprev==NULL)) error(SYSTEM, "out of memory in init_frame"); for (n = hres*vres; n--; ) { zprev[n] = -1.f; oprev[n] = OVOID; } frm_stop = getTime() + rtperfrm; } else { COLOR *cp; /* else just swap buffers */ float *fp; OBJECT *op; uby8 *bp; cp = cprev; cprev = cbuffer; cbuffer = cp; fp = zprev; zprev = zbuffer; zbuffer = fp; op = oprev; oprev = obuffer; obuffer = op; bp = aprev; aprev = abuffer; abuffer = bp; memset(abuffer, '\0', sizeof(uby8)*hres*vres); memset(sbuffer, '\0', sizeof(uby8)*hres*vres); frm_stop += rtperfrm; } cerrmap = NULL; val2map = NULL; } #define SAMPDIST 3 /* Maximum distance to neighbor sample */ #define SAMPDIST2 (SAMPDIST*SAMPDIST) static int sample_here( /* 4x4 quincunx sample at this pixel? */ int x, int y ) { if (y & 0x1) /* every other row has samples */ return(0); if (y & 0x3) /* every fourth row is offset */ x += 2; return((x & 0x3) == 0); /* every fourth column is sampled */ } void sample_pos( /* compute jittered sample position */ double hv[2], int x, int y, int sn ) { int hl[2]; hl[0] = x; hl[1] = y; multisamp(hv, 2, urand(ilhash(hl,2) + sn)); hv[0] = ((double)x + hv[0]) / (double)hres; hv[1] = ((double)y + hv[1]) / (double)vres; } double sample_wt( /* compute interpolant sample weight */ int xo, int yo ) { static double etab[400]; /* we can't use the name rad2 here, for some reason Visual C thinks that is a constant (compiler bug?) */ int rad_2 = xo*xo + yo*yo; int i; if (etab[0] <= FTINY) /* initialize exponent table */ for (i = 400; i--; ) etab[i] = exp(-0.1*i); /* look up Gaussian */ i = (int)((10.*3./(double)SAMPDIST2)*rad_2 + .5); if (i >= 400) return(0.0); return(etab[i]); } static int offset_cmp( /* compare offset distances */ const void *p1, const void *p2 ) { return(*(const int *)p1 - *(const int *)p2); } int getclosest( /* get nc closest neighbors on same object */ int *iarr, int nc, int x, int y ) { #define NSCHECK ((2*SAMPDIST+1)*(2*SAMPDIST+1)) static int hro, vro; static int ioffs[NSCHECK]; OBJECT myobj; int i0, nf; int i, j; /* get our object number */ myobj = obuffer[fndx(x, y)]; /* special case for borders */ if ((x < SAMPDIST) | (x >= hres-SAMPDIST) | (y < SAMPDIST) | (y >= vres-SAMPDIST)) { int tndx[NSCHECK][2]; nf = 0; for (j = y - SAMPDIST; j <= y + SAMPDIST; j++) { if (j >= vres) break; if (j < 0) j = 0; for (i = x - SAMPDIST; i <= x + SAMPDIST; i++) { if (i >= hres) break; if (i < 0) i = 0; i0 = fndx(i, j); if (!sbuffer[i0]) continue; if ((myobj != OVOID) & (obuffer[i0] != myobj)) continue; tndx[nf][0] = (i-x)*(i-x) + (j-y)*(j-y); tndx[nf][1] = i0; nf++; } } qsort((void *)tndx, nf, 2*sizeof(int), offset_cmp); if (nf > nc) nf = nc; for (i = nf; i--; ) iarr[i] = tndx[i][1]; return(nf); } /* initialize offset array */ if ((hres != hro) | (vres != vro)) { int toffs[NSCHECK][2]; i0 = fndx(SAMPDIST, SAMPDIST); nf = 0; for (i = 0; i <= 2*SAMPDIST; i++) for (j = 0; j <= 2*SAMPDIST; j++) { toffs[nf][0] = (i-SAMPDIST)*(i-SAMPDIST) + (j-SAMPDIST)*(j-SAMPDIST); toffs[nf][1] = fndx(i, j) - i0; nf++; } qsort((void *)toffs, nf, 2*sizeof(int), offset_cmp); for (i = NSCHECK; i--; ) ioffs[i] = toffs[i][1]; hro = hres; vro = vres; } /* find up to nc neighbors */ i0 = fndx(x, y); for (j = 0, nf = 0; (j < NSCHECK) & (nf < nc); j++) { i = i0 + ioffs[j]; if (sbuffer[i] && (myobj == OVOID) | (obuffer[i] == myobj)) iarr[nf++] = i; } /* return number found */ return(nf); #undef NSCHECK } static void setmotion( /* compute motion vector for this pixel */ int n, FVECT wpos ) { FVECT ovp; int moi; int xp, yp; /* ID object and update maximum HLS */ moi = getmove(obuffer[n]); if (moi >= 0 && obj_move[moi].cprio > hlsmax) hlsmax = obj_move[moi].cprio; if (vwprev.type == 0) /* return leaves MO_UNK */ return; if (moi >= 0) { /* move object point back */ multp3(ovp, wpos, obj_move[moi].bxfm); wpos = ovp; } if (viewloc(ovp, &vwprev, wpos) <= 0) return; xp = (int)(ovp[0]*hres); yp = (int)(ovp[1]*vres); xmbuffer[n] = xp - (n % hres); ymbuffer[n] = yp - (n / hres); if ((xp < 0) | (xp >= hres)) return; if ((yp < 0) | (yp >= vres)) return; n = fndx(xp, yp); if ((zprev[n] < 0.97*ovp[2]) | (zprev[n] > 1.03*ovp[2])) oprev[n] = OVOID; /* assume it's a bad match */ } static void init_frame_sample(void) /* sample our initial frame */ { RAY ir; int x, y; int n; if (!silent) { printf("\tComputing initial samples..."); fflush(stdout); } hlsmax = CSF_SMN; for (y = vres; y--; ) for (x = hres; x--; ) { double hv[2]; n = fndx(x, y); xmbuffer[n] = ymbuffer[n] = MO_UNK; sample_pos(hv, x, y, 0); ir.rmax = viewray(ir.rorg, ir.rdir, &vw, hv[0], hv[1]); if (ir.rmax < -FTINY) { setcolor(cbuffer[n], 0., 0., 0.); zbuffer[n] = FHUGE; obuffer[n] = OVOID; abuffer[n] = ADISTANT; continue; } if (!sample_here(x, y)) { /* just cast */ rayorigin(&ir, PRIMARY, NULL, NULL); if (!localhit(&ir, &thescene)) { if (ir.ro != &Aftplane && sourcehit(&ir)) { rayshade(&ir, ir.ro->omod); rayparticipate(&ir); } copycolor(cbuffer[n], ir.rcol); zbuffer[n] = ir.rot; obuffer[n] = ir.robj; abuffer[n] = ADISTANT; sbuffer[n] = 1; } else { zbuffer[n] = ir.rot; obuffer[n] = ir.robj; setmotion(n, ir.rop); } continue; } if (nprocs > 1) { /* get sample */ int rval; rayorigin(&ir, PRIMARY, NULL, NULL); ir.rno = n; rval = ray_pqueue(&ir); if (!rval) continue; if (rval < 0) quit(1); n = ir.rno; } else ray_trace(&ir); copycolor(cbuffer[n], ir.rcol); zbuffer[n] = ir.rot; obuffer[n] = ir.robj; sbuffer[n] = 1; if (ir.rot >= 0.99*FHUGE) abuffer[n] = ADISTANT; else { abuffer[n] = ALOWQ; setmotion(n, ir.rop); } } if (nprocs > 1) /* get stragglers */ while (ray_presult(&ir, 0)) { n = ir.rno; copycolor(cbuffer[n], ir.rcol); zbuffer[n] = ir.rot; obuffer[n] = ir.robj; sbuffer[n] = 1; if (ir.rot >= FHUGE) abuffer[n] = ADISTANT; else { abuffer[n] = ALOWQ; setmotion(n, ir.rop); } } /* ambiguate object boundaries */ for (y = vres-1; y--; ) for (x = hres-1; x--; ) { OBJECT obj; n = fndx(x, y); if ((obj = obuffer[n]) == OVOID) continue; if ((obuffer[n+1] != OVOID) & (obuffer[n+1] != obj)) { obuffer[n] = OVOID; obuffer[n+1] = OVOID; } if ((obuffer[n+hres] != OVOID) & (obuffer[n+hres] != obj)) { obuffer[n] = OVOID; obuffer[n+hres] = OVOID; } } if (!silent) printf("done\n"); } int getambcolor( /* get ambient color for object if we can */ COLOR clr, int obj ) { OBJREC *op; if (obj == OVOID) return(0); op = objptr(obj); /* search for material */ if (op->omod == OVOID) return(0); op = findmaterial(objptr(op->omod)); if (op == NULL) return(0); /* * Since this routine is called to compute the difference * from rendering with and without interreflections, * we don't want to return colors for materials that are * explicitly excluded from the HQ ambient calculation. */ if (hirendparams.ambincl >= 0) { int i; char *lv; for (i = 0; (lv = rpambmod(&hirendparams,i)) != NULL; i++) if (lv[0] == op->oname[0] && !strcmp(lv+1, op->oname+1)) break; if ((lv != NULL) ^ hirendparams.ambincl) return(0); } switch (op->otype) { case MAT_PLASTIC: case MAT_METAL: case MAT_PLASTIC2: case MAT_METAL2: case MAT_PFUNC: case MAT_MFUNC: case MAT_PDATA: case MAT_MDATA: case MAT_TRANS: case MAT_TRANS2: case MAT_TFUNC: case MAT_TDATA: if (op->oargs.nfargs < 3) return(0); setcolor(clr, op->oargs.farg[0], op->oargs.farg[1], op->oargs.farg[2]); return(1); case MAT_BRTDF: if (op->oargs.nfargs < 6) return(0); setcolor(clr, op->oargs.farg[0]+op->oargs.farg[3], op->oargs.farg[1]+op->oargs.farg[4], op->oargs.farg[2]+op->oargs.farg[5]); scalecolor(clr, 0.5); return(1); case MAT_LIGHT: case MAT_GLOW: case MAT_ILLUM: setcolor(clr, 0., 0., 0.); return(1); } return(0); } double estimaterr( /* estimate relative error from samples */ COLOR cs, COLOR cs2, int ns, int ns0 ) { double d, d2, brt; if (ns <= 1 || (brt = bright(cs)/ns) < 1e-14) return(1.0); /* use largest of RGB std. dev. */ d2 = colval(cs2,RED) - colval(cs,RED)*colval(cs,RED)/ns; d = colval(cs2,GRN) - colval(cs,GRN)*colval(cs,GRN)/ns; if (d > d2) d2 = d; d = colval(cs2,BLU) - colval(cs,BLU)*colval(cs,BLU)/ns; if (d > d2) d2 = d; /* use s.d. if <= 1 central sample */ if (ns0 <= 1) return(sqrt(d2/(ns-1))/brt); /* use s.d./sqrt(ns0) otherwise */ return(sqrt(d2/((ns-1)*ns0))/brt); } double comperr( /* estimate relative error in neighborhood */ int *neigh, int nc, int ns0 ) { COLOR csum, csum2; COLOR ctmp; int i; int ns; int n; /* add together samples */ setcolor(csum, 0., 0., 0.); setcolor(csum2, 0., 0., 0.); for (i = 0, ns = 0; (i < nc) & (ns < NSAMPOK); i++) { n = neigh[i]; addcolor(csum, cbuffer[n]); if (val2map != NULL) { addcolor(csum2, val2map[n]); ns += sbuffer[n]; continue; } if (sbuffer[n] != 1) error(CONSISTENCY, "bad count in comperr"); setcolor(ctmp, colval(cbuffer[n],RED)*colval(cbuffer[n],RED), colval(cbuffer[n],GRN)*colval(cbuffer[n],GRN), colval(cbuffer[n],BLU)*colval(cbuffer[n],BLU)); addcolor(csum2, ctmp); ns++; } return(estimaterr(csum, csum2, ns, ns0)); } void comp_frame_error(void) /* initialize frame error values */ { uby8 *edone = NULL; COLOR objamb; double eest; int neigh[NSAMPOK]; int nc; int x, y, i; int n; if (!silent) { printf("\tComputing error map\n"); fflush(stdout); } if (acctab[0] <= FTINY) /* initialize accuracy table */ for (i = 256; i--; ) acctab[i] = errorf(i); /* estimate sample error */ if (!curparams->ambounce && hirendparams.ambounce) { /* * Our error estimate for the initial value is based * on the assumption that most of it comes from the * lack of an interreflection calculation. The relative * error should be less than the ambient value divided * by the returned ray value -- we take half of this. */ edone = (uby8 *)calloc(hres*vres, sizeof(uby8)); for (n = hres*vres; n--; ) { if ((abuffer[n] != ALOWQ) | (obuffer[n] == OVOID)) continue; if (!getambcolor(objamb, obuffer[n])) continue; multcolor(objamb, ambval); if ((eest = bright(cbuffer[n])) <= FTINY) continue; eest = bright(objamb) / eest; if (eest > 1.) /* should we report this? */ continue; eest *= 0.50; /* use 50% ambient error */ i = errori(eest); if (i < AMIN) i = AMIN; else if (i >= ADISTANT/2) i = ADISTANT/2-1; abuffer[n] = i; edone[n] = 1; } } /* final statistical estimate */ for (y = vres; y--; ) for (x = hres; x--; ) { n = fndx(x, y); if (abuffer[n] == ADISTANT) continue; /* don't update these */ if (edone != NULL && edone[n]) continue; /* already done this */ if (sbuffer[n] >= 255) { abuffer[n] = ADISTANT; continue; /* can't take any more */ } nc = getclosest(neigh, NSAMPOK, x, y); if (nc <= 0) { abuffer[n] = ANOVAL; continue; /* no clue what to do for him */ } i = errori(comperr(neigh, nc, sbuffer[n])); if (i < AMIN) i = AMIN; else if (i >= ADISTANT) i = ADISTANT-1; abuffer[n] = i; /* can't be better than closest */ if (i < abuffer[neigh[0]] && abuffer[neigh[0]] >= AMIN) abuffer[n] = abuffer[neigh[0]]; } if (edone != NULL) free((void *)edone); } void init_frame(void) /* render base (low quality) frame */ { int restart; /* allocate/swap buffers */ next_frame(); /* check rendering status */ restart = (!nobjects || vdef(MOVE)); if (!restart && curparams != &lorendparams && nprocs > 1) restart = -1; /* post low quality parameters */ if (curparams != &lorendparams) ray_restore(curparams = &lorendparams); if (restart > 0) { /* load new octree */ char *oct = getoctspec(fcur); if (oct == NULL) { sprintf(errmsg, "cannot get scene for frame %d", fcur); error(USER, errmsg); } if (!silent) { printf("\tLoading octree..."); fflush(stdout); } if (nprocs > 1) ray_pinit(oct, nprocs); else ray_init(oct); } else if (restart < 0) { /* update children */ if (!silent) { printf("\tRestarting %d processes...", nprocs); fflush(stdout); } ray_pclose(0); ray_popen(nprocs); } if (restart && !silent) printf("done\n"); /* sample frame buffer */ init_frame_sample(); /* initialize frame error */ comp_frame_error(); #if 0 { float *ebuf = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*hres*vres); char fnm[256]; int n; for (n = hres*vres; n--; ) ebuf[n] = acctab[abuffer[n]]; sprintf(fnm, vval(BASENAME), fcur); strcat(fnm, "_inerr.pic"); write_map(ebuf, fnm); free((void *)ebuf); } #endif } void filter_frame(void) /* interpolation, motion-blur, and exposure */ { const double expval = expspec_val(getexp(fcur)); int x, y; int neigh[NPINTERP]; int nc; COLOR cval; double w, wsum; int n; #if 0 /* XXX TEMPORARY!! */ conspicuity(); write_map(cerrmap, "outcmap.pic"); { float *ebuf = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*hres*vres); for (n = hres*vres; n--; ) ebuf[n] = acctab[abuffer[n]]; write_map(ebuf, "outerr.pic"); free((void *)ebuf); } #endif if (!silent) { printf("\tFiltering frame\n"); fflush(stdout); } /* normalize samples */ for (n = hres*vres; n--; ) { if (sbuffer[n] <= 1) continue; w = 1.0/(double)sbuffer[n]; scalecolor(cbuffer[n], w); } /* interpolate samples */ for (y = vres; y--; ) for (x = hres; x--; ) { n = fndx(x, y); if (sbuffer[n]) continue; nc = getclosest(neigh, NPINTERP, x, y); setcolor(cbuffer[n], 0., 0., 0.); if (nc <= 0) { /* no acceptable neighbors */ if (y < vres-1) nc = fndx(x, y+1); else if (x < hres-1) nc = fndx(x+1, y); else continue; copycolor(cbuffer[n], cbuffer[nc]); continue; } wsum = 0.; while (nc-- > 0) { copycolor(cval, cbuffer[neigh[nc]]); w = sample_wt((neigh[nc]%hres) - x, (neigh[nc]/hres) - y); scalecolor(cval, w); addcolor(cbuffer[n], cval); wsum += w; } w = 1.0/wsum; scalecolor(cbuffer[n], w); } /* motion blur if requested */ if (mblur > .02) { int xs, ys, xl, yl; int rise, run; long rise2, run2; int n2; int cnt; /* sum in motion streaks */ memset(outbuffer, '\0', sizeof(COLOR)*hres*vres); memset(wbuffer, '\0', sizeof(float)*hres*vres); for (y = vres; y--; ) for (x = hres; x--; ) { n = fndx(x, y); if (xmbuffer[n] == MO_UNK) { run = rise = 0; } else { run = (int)(mblur*xmbuffer[n]); rise = (int)(mblur*ymbuffer[n]); } if (!(run | rise)) { addcolor(outbuffer[n], cbuffer[n]); wbuffer[n] += 1.; continue; } xl = x - run/4; yl = y - rise/4; if (run < 0) { xs = -1; run = -run; } else xs = 1; if (rise < 0) { ys = -1; rise = -rise; } else ys = 1; rise2 = run2 = 0L; if (rise > run) { cnt = rise + 1; w = 1./cnt; copycolor(cval, cbuffer[n]); scalecolor(cval, w); while (cnt) if (rise2 >= run2) { if ((xl >= 0) & (xl < hres) & (yl >= 0) & (yl < vres)) { n2 = fndx(xl, yl); addcolor(outbuffer[n2], cval); wbuffer[n2] += w; } yl += ys; run2 += run; cnt--; } else { xl += xs; rise2 += rise; } } else { cnt = run + 1; w = 1./cnt; copycolor(cval, cbuffer[n]); scalecolor(cval, w); while (cnt) if (run2 >= rise2) { if ((xl >= 0) & (xl < hres) & (yl >= 0) & (yl < vres)) { n2 = fndx(xl, yl); addcolor(outbuffer[n2], cval); wbuffer[n2] += w; } xl += xs; rise2 += rise; cnt--; } else { yl += ys; run2 += run; } } } /* compute final results */ for (n = hres*vres; n--; ) { if (wbuffer[n] <= FTINY) continue; w = expval/wbuffer[n]; scalecolor(outbuffer[n], w); } } else { /* no blur -- just exposure */ memcpy(outbuffer, cbuffer, sizeof(COLOR)*hres*vres); for (n = ((expval < 0.99) | (expval > 1.01))*hres*vres; n--; ) scalecolor(outbuffer[n], expval); } /* for (n = hres*vres; n--; ) if (!sbuffer[n]) setcolor(outbuffer[n], 0., 0., 0.); */ #if 0 { float *sbuf = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*hres*vres); char fnm[256]; sprintf(fnm, vval(BASENAME), fcur); strcat(fnm, "_outsamp.pic"); for (n = hres*vres; n--; ) sbuf[n] = (float)sbuffer[n]; write_map(sbuf, fnm); free((void *)sbuf); } #endif } void send_frame(void) /* send frame to destination */ { char fname[1024]; double d; FILE *fp; int y; /* open output picture */ sprintf(fname, vval(BASENAME), fcur); strcat(fname, ".hdr"); fp = fopen(fname, "w"); if (fp == NULL) { sprintf(errmsg, "cannot open output frame \"%s\"", fname); error(SYSTEM, errmsg); } SET_FILE_BINARY(fp); if (!silent) { printf("\tWriting to \"%s\"\n", fname); fflush(stdout); } /* write header */ newheader("RADIANCE", fp); printargs(gargc, gargv, fp); fprintf(fp, "SOFTWARE= %s\n", VersionID); fprintf(fp, "FRAME=%d\n", fcur); fputnow(fp); fputs(VIEWSTR, fp); fprintview(&vw, fp); fputc('\n', fp); d = expspec_val(getexp(fcur)); if ((d < 0.99) | (d > 1.01)) fputexpos(d, fp); d = viewaspect(&vw) * hres / vres; if ((d < 0.99) | (d > 1.01)) fputaspect(d, fp); fputformat(COLRFMT, fp); fputc('\n', fp); /* end header */ fprtresolu(hres, vres, fp); if (fflush(fp) == EOF) goto writerr; #if (PIXSTANDARD != (YMAJOR|YDECR)) error(CONSISTENCY, "bad code in send_frame"); #endif for (y = vres; y--; ) /* write scanlines */ if (fwritescan(outbuffer+y*hres, hres, fp) < 0) goto writerr; if (fclose(fp) == EOF) goto writerr; if (vdef(ZNAME)) { /* output z-buffer */ sprintf(fname, vval(ZNAME), fcur); strcat(fname, ".zbf"); fp = fopen(fname, "w"); if (fp == NULL) { sprintf(errmsg, "cannot open z-file \"%s\"\n", fname); error(SYSTEM, errmsg); } SET_FILE_BINARY(fp); if (!silent) { printf("\tWriting depths to \"%s\"\n", fname); fflush(stdout); } for (y = vres; y--; ) if (fwrite(zbuffer+y*hres, sizeof(float), hres, fp) != hres) goto writerr; if (fclose(fp) == EOF) goto writerr; } if (vdef(MNAME)) { /* output motion buffer */ unsigned short *mbuffer = (unsigned short *)malloc( sizeof(unsigned short)*3*hres); int x, n; if (mbuffer == NULL) error(SYSTEM, "out of memory in send_frame"); sprintf(fname, vval(MNAME), fcur); strcat(fname, ".mvo"); fp = fopen(fname, "w"); if (fp == NULL) { sprintf(errmsg, "cannot open motion file \"%s\"\n", fname); error(SYSTEM, errmsg); } SET_FILE_BINARY(fp); if (!silent) { printf("\tWriting motion vectors to \"%s\"\n", fname); fflush(stdout); } for (y = vres; y--; ) { for (x = hres; x--; ) { n = fndx(x,y); mbuffer[3*x] = xmbuffer[n] + 0x8000; mbuffer[3*x+1] = ymbuffer[n] + 0x8000; mbuffer[3*x+2] = (oprev[n]!=OVOID)*0x8000; } if (fwrite(mbuffer, sizeof(*mbuffer), 3*hres, fp) != 3*hres) goto writerr; } free((void *)mbuffer); if (fclose(fp) == EOF) goto writerr; } return; /* all is well */ writerr: sprintf(errmsg, "error writing file \"%s\"", fname); error(SYSTEM, errmsg); } void free_frame(void) /* free frame allocation */ { if (cbuffer == NULL) return; free((void *)cbuffer); cbuffer = NULL; free((void *)zbuffer); zbuffer = NULL; free((void *)obuffer); obuffer = NULL; free((void *)xmbuffer); xmbuffer = NULL; free((void *)ymbuffer); ymbuffer = NULL; free((void *)cprev); cprev = NULL; free((void *)zprev); zprev = NULL; free((void *)oprev); oprev = NULL; cerrmap = NULL; val2map = NULL; hres = vres = 0; vw.type = vwprev.type = 0; frm_stop = 0; }