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Revision: 3.5
Committed: Mon Jul 14 22:24:00 2003 UTC (21 years, 7 months ago) by schorsch
Content type: text/plain
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 3.4: +6 -5 lines
Log Message:
Instrumented headers against multiple inclusion and for use from C++.
Moved includes in headers out of "C" scope.

File Contents

# Content
1 /* RCSid $Id: ranimove.h,v 3.4 2003/06/27 11:32:12 schorsch Exp $ */
2 /*
3 * ranimove.h
4 *
5 * Radiance object animation program
6 *
7 * The main difference between this program and ranimate is that
8 * ranimove is optimized for object motion, and includes a complete
9 * blur simulation. We also have a number of clever schemes
10 * for optimizing the computation, allowing rendering time
11 * per frame and noticeable difference threshold to be specified.
12 * Parallel rendering uses multiple processors on the local host,
13 * and network rendering is not directly supported. (However, no
14 * one says you can't run ranimove on other machines at the
15 * same time; just be careful not to overlap frames.)
16 *
17 * See the ranimove(1) man page for further details.
18 */
19 #ifndef _RAD_RANIMOVE_H_
20 #define _RAD_RANIMOVE_H_
22 #include "ray.h"
23 #include "view.h"
24 #include "vars.h"
26 #ifdef __cplusplus
27 extern "C" {
28 #endif
30 /* input variables (alphabetical by name) */
31 #define BASENAME 0 /* output image base name */
32 #define END 1 /* number of animation frames */
33 #define EXPOSURE 2 /* how to compute exposure */
34 #define HIGHQ 3 /* high quality setting */
35 #define LOWQ 4 /* low quality setting */
36 #define MBLUR 5 /* motion blur parameter */
37 #define MOVE 6 /* object movement */
38 #define OCONV 7 /* oconv options */
39 #define OCTREEF 8 /* octree file name */
40 #define RATE 9 /* frame rate (fps) */
41 #define RESOLUTION 10 /* desired final resolution */
42 #define RIF 11 /* rad input file */
43 #define VIEWFILE 12 /* animation frame views */
45 #define NV_INIT 13 /* number of variables */
47 #define VV_INIT { \
48 {"BASENAME", 3, 0, NULL, onevalue}, \
49 {"END", 3, 0, NULL, intvalue}, \
50 {"EXPOSURE", 3, 0, NULL, onevalue}, \
51 {"highq", 2, 0, NULL, catvalues}, \
52 {"lowq", 2, 0, NULL, catvalues}, \
53 {"MBLUR", 2, 0, NULL, fltvalue}, \
54 {"move", 2, 0, NULL, NULL}, \
55 {"oconv", 2, 0, NULL, catvalues}, \
56 {"OCTREE", 3, 0, NULL, onevalue}, \
57 {"RATE", 2, 0, NULL, fltvalue}, \
58 {"RESOLUTION", 3, 0, NULL, onevalue}, \
59 {"RIF", 3, 0, NULL, onevalue}, \
60 {"VIEWFILE", 2, 0, NULL, onevalue} \
61 }
63 struct ObjMove {
64 int parent; /* parent object index */
65 char name[64]; /* object name */
66 char xf_file[128]; /* transform file name */
67 char spec[512]; /* object file or command */
68 char prio_file[128]; /* priority file name */
69 int cfm; /* current frame number */
70 char xfs[512]; /* part transform arguments */
71 MAT4 xfm; /* part transform matrix */
72 MAT4 cxfm; /* combined transform matrix */
73 MAT4 bxfm; /* transform to previous frame */
74 double prio; /* part priority */
75 double cprio; /* combined priority */
76 };
78 extern int silent; /* run silently? */
80 extern int quickstart; /* time initial frame as well? */
82 extern int nprocs; /* number of rendering processes */
84 extern int rtperfrm; /* seconds to spend per frame */
86 extern double ndthresh; /* noticeable difference threshold */
87 extern int ndtset; /* did user set ndthresh? */
89 extern int fbeg; /* starting frame */
90 extern int fend; /* ending frame */
91 extern int fcur; /* current frame being rendered */
93 extern char lorendoptf[]; /* LQ options file */
94 extern RAYPARAMS lorendparams; /* LQ rendering parameters */
95 extern char hirendoptf[]; /* HQ options file */
96 extern RAYPARAMS hirendparams; /* HQ rendering parameters */
97 extern RAYPARAMS *curparams; /* current parameter settings */
98 extern int twolevels; /* low and high quality differ */
100 extern double mblur; /* vflt(MBLUR) */
101 extern double rate; /* vflt(RATE) */
103 extern char objtmpf[]; /* object temporary file */
105 extern struct ObjMove *obj_move; /* object movements */
107 extern int haveprio; /* high-level saliency specified */
109 extern int gargc; /* global argc for printargs */
110 extern char **gargv; /* global argv for printargs */
112 VIEW *getview();
113 int countviews();
114 int getmove();
115 char *getexp(), *getoctspec(), *getobjname(), *getxf();
116 double expspec_val(), obj_prio();
117 void setdefaults(), setmove(), animate(), getradfile(), setrendparams();
118 void init_frame(), filter_frame(), send_frame(), free_frame();
119 int refine_frame();
120 double getTime();
122 /*************************************************************************
123 * Frame rendering stuff (defined in ranimove1.c and ranimove2.c)
124 */
125 /* enumerated accuracy map values */
126 #define ANOVAL 0 /* unevaluated pixel */
127 #define ALOWQ 1 /* single low-quality sample */
128 #define AHIGHQ 2 /* single high-quality sample */
129 #define AMIN 3 /* start of error lookup table */
130 #define ADISTANT 255 /* ray went off to infinity */
132 extern double acctab[256]; /* accuracy value table */
134 extern int hres, vres; /* frame resolution (fcur) */
135 extern double pixaspect; /* pixel aspect ratio */
137 extern VIEW vw; /* view for this frame */
138 extern COLOR *cbuffer; /* color at each pixel */
139 extern float *zbuffer; /* depth at each pixel */
140 extern OBJECT *obuffer; /* object id at each pixel */
141 extern short *xmbuffer; /* x motion at each pixel */
142 extern short *ymbuffer; /* y motion at each pixel */
143 extern BYTE *abuffer; /* accuracy at each pixel */
144 extern BYTE *sbuffer; /* sample count per pixel */
146 extern VIEW vwprev; /* last frame's view */
147 extern COLOR *cprev; /* last frame colors */
148 extern float *zprev; /* last frame depth */
149 extern OBJECT *oprev; /* last frame objects */
150 extern BYTE *aprev; /* last frame accuracy */
152 extern float *cerrmap; /* conspicuous error map */
153 extern int cerrzero; /* is all of cerrmap zero? */
154 extern COLOR *val2map; /* value-squared map for variance */
156 extern double frm_stop; /* when to stop rendering this frame */
158 extern double hlsmax; /* maximum high-level saliency */
160 #define CSF_SMN (1./0.82) /* 1/avg_tracking_efficacy */
162 #define outbuffer cprev /* used to hold final output */
163 #define wbuffer zprev /* used for final filtering */
165 #define fndx(x,y) ((y)*hres + (x))
167 #define MO_UNK -32768 /* unknown motion value */
169 #define FOV_DEG 1.0 /* foveal radius (degrees) */
171 #define LOG_E1 (-0.0233) /* ln(0.977) */
172 #define errorf(i) exp(LOG_E1*((i)-AMIN))
173 #define errori(e) (int)(log(e)*(1./LOG_E1) + (AMIN+.5))
175 #define NSAMPOK 5 /* samples enough for error estimation */
177 #define NPINTERP 4 /* number of pixels to interpolate */
179 #define ATIDIFF 7 /* error difference for time extrapolation */
181 void write_map(), sample_pos(), comp_frame_error(), conspicuity();
182 int getclosest(), getambcolor(), refine_first();
183 double sample_wt(), estimaterr(), comperr();
186 #ifdef __cplusplus
187 }
188 #endif
189 #endif /* _RAD_RANIMOVE_H_ */