#ifndef lint static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: radcompare.c,v 2.28 2021/09/27 19:00:04 greg Exp $"; #endif /* * Compare Radiance files for significant differences * * G. Ward */ #include #include #include "rtmath.h" #include "platform.h" #include "rtio.h" #include "resolu.h" #include "color.h" #include "depthcodec.h" #include "normcodec.h" #include "lookup.h" /* Reporting levels */ #define REP_QUIET 0 /* no reporting */ #define REP_ERROR 1 /* report errors only */ #define REP_WARN 2 /* report warnings as well */ #define REP_VERBOSE 3 /* verbose reporting */ int report = REP_WARN; /* reporting level */ int ign_header = 0; /* ignore header differences? */ double rel_min = 1e-5; /* positive for relative comparisons */ double rms_lim = 0.01; /* RMS difference limit */ double max_lim = 0.25; /* difference limit if non-negative */ int lin1cnt=0, lin2cnt=0; /* file line position */ int comment_c = '\0'; /* comment delimiter for text files */ const char nsuffix[10][3] = { /* 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. */ "th","st","nd","rd","th","th","th","th","th","th" }; #define num_sfx(n) nsuffix[(n)%10] /* file types */ const char *file_type[] = { "Unrecognized", "TEXT_generic", "ascii", COLRFMT, CIEFMT, DEPTH16FMT, NORMAL32FMT, "float", "double", "BSDF_RBFmesh", "Radiance_octree", "Radiance_tmesh", "8-bit_indexed_name", "16-bit_indexed_name", "24-bit_indexed_name", "BINARY_unknown", NULL /* terminator */ }; /* keep consistent with above */ enum {TYP_UNKNOWN, TYP_TEXT, TYP_ASCII, TYP_RGBE, TYP_XYZE, TYP_DEPTH, TYP_NORM, TYP_FLOAT, TYP_DOUBLE, TYP_RBFMESH, TYP_OCTREE, TYP_TMESH, TYP_ID8, TYP_ID16, TYP_ID24, TYP_BINARY}; #define has_header(t) (!( 1L<<(t) & (1L<str = NULL, (bp)->siz = 0) /* 100 MByte limit on line buffer */ #define MAXBUF (100L<<20) /* input files */ char *progname = NULL; const char stdin_name[] = ""; const char *f1name=NULL, *f2name=NULL; FILE *f1in=NULL, *f2in=NULL; int f1swap=0, f2swap=0; /* running real differences */ double diff2sum = 0; long nsum = 0; /* Report usage and exit */ static void usage() { fputs("Usage: ", stderr); fputs(progname, stderr); fputs(" [-h][-c#][-s|-w|-v][-rel min_test][-rms epsilon][-max epsilon] reference test\n", stderr); exit(2); } /* Read a text line, increasing buffer size as necessary */ static int read_line(LINEBUF *bp, FILE *fp) { static int doneWarn = 0; bp->len = 0; if (!bp->str) { bp->str = (char *)malloc(bp->siz = 512); if (!bp->str) goto memerr; } while (fgets(bp->str + bp->len, bp->siz - bp->len, fp)) { bp->len += strlen(bp->str + bp->len); if (bp->str[bp->len-1] == '\n') break; /* found EOL */ if (bp->len < bp->siz - 4) continue; /* at EOF? */ if (bp->siz >= MAXBUF) { if ((report >= REP_WARN) & !doneWarn) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: warning - input line(s) past %ld MByte limit\n", progname, MAXBUF>>20); doneWarn++; } break; /* return MAXBUF partial line */ } if ((bp->siz += bp->siz/2) > MAXBUF) bp->siz = MAXBUF; bp->str = (char *)realloc(bp->str, bp->siz); if (!bp->str) goto memerr; } if (comment_c) { /* elide comment? */ char *cp = sskip2(bp->str,0); if (*cp == comment_c) { *cp++ = '\n'; *cp = '\0'; bp->len = cp - bp->str; } } return(bp->len); memerr: fprintf(stderr, "%s: out of memory in read_line() allocating %d byte buffer\n", progname, bp->siz); exit(2); } /* Free line buffer */ static void free_line(LINEBUF *bp) { if (bp->str) free(bp->str); init_line(bp); } /* Get type ID from name (or 0 if not found) */ static int xlate_type(const char *nm) { int i; if (!nm || !*nm) return(TYP_UNKNOWN); for (i = 1; file_type[i]; i++) if (!strcmp(nm, file_type[i])) return(i); return(TYP_UNKNOWN); } /* Compare real values and keep track of differences */ static int real_check(double r1, double r2) { double diff2 = (r1 - r2)*(r1 - r2); if (rel_min > 0) { /* doing relative differences? */ double av2 = .25*(r1*r1 + 2.*fabs(r1*r2) + r2*r2); if (av2 < rel_min*rel_min) av2 = rel_min*rel_min; diff2 /= av2; } if (max_lim >= 0 && diff2 > max_lim*max_lim) { if (report != REP_QUIET) printf( "%s: %sdifference between %.8g and %.8g exceeds epsilon of %.8g\n", progname, (rel_min > 0) ? "relative " : "", r1, r2, max_lim); return(0); } diff2sum += diff2; nsum++; return(1); } /* Compare two color values for equivalence */ static int color_check(COLOR c1, COLOR c2) { int p; if (!real_check((colval(c1,RED)+colval(c1,GRN)+colval(c1,BLU))*(1./3.), (colval(c2,RED)+colval(c2,GRN)+colval(c2,BLU))*(1./3.))) return(0); p = (colval(c1,GRN) > colval(c1,RED)) ? GRN : RED; if (colval(c1,BLU) > colval(c1,p)) p = BLU; return(real_check(colval(c1,p), colval(c2,p))); } /* Compare two normal directions for equivalence */ static int norm_check(FVECT nv1, FVECT nv2) { double max2 = nv1[2]*nv2[2]; int imax = 2; int i = 2; /* identify largest component */ while (i--) { double tm2 = nv1[i]*nv2[i]; if (tm2 > max2) { imax = i; max2 = tm2; } } i = 3; /* compare smaller components */ while (i--) { if (i == imax) continue; if (!real_check(nv1[i], nv2[i])) return(0); } return(1); } /* Compare two strings for equivalence */ static int equiv_string(char *s1, char *s2) { #define CLS_STR 0 #define CLS_INT 1 #define CLS_FLT 2 /* skip whitespace at beginning */ while (isspace(*s1)) s1++; while (isspace(*s2)) s2++; while (*s1) { /* check each word */ int inquote; if (!*s2) /* unexpected EOL in s2? */ return(0); inquote = *s1; if ((inquote != '\'') & (inquote != '"')) inquote = 0; if (inquote) { /* quoted text must match exactly */ if (*s1++ != *s2++) return(0); while (*s1 != inquote) { if (!*s1) return(0); if (*s1++ != *s2++) return(0); } s1++; if (*s2++ != inquote) return(0); } else { /* else classify word type */ char *s1s = s1; char *s2s = s2; int cls = CLS_STR; s1 = sskip(s1); s2 = sskip(s2); if (iskip(s1s) == s1) { if (iskip(s2s) == s2) cls = CLS_INT; else if (fskip(s2s) == s2) cls = CLS_FLT; } else if (fskip(s1s) == s1) { if (fskip(s2s) != s2) return(0); cls = CLS_FLT; } switch (cls) { case CLS_INT: /* strncmp() faster */ case CLS_STR: if (s1 - s1s != s2 - s2s) return(0); if (strncmp(s1s, s2s, s1 - s1s)) return(0); break; case CLS_FLT: if (!real_check(atof(s1s), atof(s2s))) return(0); break; } } while (isspace(*s1)) s1++; while (isspace(*s2)) s2++; } return(!*s2); /* match if we reached the end of s2, too */ #undef CLS_STR #undef CLS_INT #undef CLS_FLT } /* Check if string is var=value pair and set if not in ignore list */ static int setheadvar(char *val, void *p) { char newval[128]; LUTAB *htp = (LUTAB *)p; LUENT *tep; char *key; int kln, vln; int n; adv_linecnt(htp); /* side-effect is to count lines */ if (!isalpha(*val)) /* key must start line */ return(0); /* check if we need to swap binary data */ if ((n = isbigendian(val)) >= 0) { if (nativebigendian() == n) return(0); f1swap += (htp == &hdr1); f2swap += (htp == &hdr2); return(0); } key = val++; while (*val && !isspace(*val) & (*val != '=')) val++; kln = val - key; while (isspace(*val)) /* check for value */ *val++ = '\0'; if (*val != '=') return(0); *val++ = '\0'; while (isspace(*val)) val++; if (!*val) /* nothing set? */ return(0); /* check if key to ignore */ for (n = 0; hdr_ignkey[n]; n++) if (!strcmp(key, hdr_ignkey[n])) return(0); vln = strlen(val); /* eliminate space and newline at end */ while (isspace(val[--vln])) ; val[++vln] = '\0'; if (!(tep = lu_find(htp, key))) return(-1); /* memory allocation error */ if (!tep->key) tep->key = strcpy(malloc(kln+1), key); if (tep->data) { /* check for special cases */ if (!strcmp(key, "EXPOSURE")) { sprintf(newval, "%.6e", atof(tep->data)*atof(val)); vln = strlen(val = newval); } free(tep->data); } tep->data = strcpy(malloc(vln+1), val); return(1); } /* Lookup correspondent in other header */ static int match_val(const LUENT *ep1, void *p2) { const LUENT *ep2 = lu_find((LUTAB *)p2, ep1->key); if (!ep2 || !ep2->data) { if (report != REP_QUIET) printf("%s: variable '%s' missing in '%s'\n", progname, ep1->key, f2name); return(-1); } if (!equiv_string((char *)ep1->data, (char *)ep2->data)) { if (report != REP_QUIET) { printf("%s: header variable '%s' has different values\n", progname, ep1->key); if (report >= REP_VERBOSE) { printf("%s: %s=%s\n", f1name, ep1->key, (char *)ep1->data); printf("%s: %s=%s\n", f2name, ep2->key, (char *)ep2->data); } } return(-1); } return(1); /* good match */ } /* Compare two sets of header variables */ static int headers_match() { int ne = lu_doall(&hdr1, match_val, &hdr2); if (ne < 0) return(0); /* something didn't match! */ /* non-fatal if second header has extra */ if (report >= REP_WARN && (ne = lu_doall(&hdr2, NULL, NULL) - ne)) printf("%s: warning - '%s' has %d extra header setting(s)\n", progname, f2name, ne); return(1); /* good match */ } /* Check generic input to determine if it is binary, -1 on error */ static int input_is_binary(FILE *fin) { int n = 0; int c = 0; while ((c = getc(fin)) != EOF) { ++n; if (!c | (c > 127)) break; /* non-ascii character */ if (n >= 10240) break; /* enough to be confident */ } if (!n) return(-1); /* first read failed */ if (fseek(fin, 0L, 0) < 0) return(-1); /* rewind failed */ return(!c | (c > 127)); } /* Identify and return data type from header (if one) */ static int identify_type(const char *name, FILE *fin, LUTAB *htp) { extern const char HDRSTR[]; int c; /* check magic header start */ if ((c = getc(fin)) != HDRSTR[0]) { if (c == EOF) goto badeof; ungetc(c, fin); c = 0; } else if ((c = getc(fin)) != HDRSTR[1]) { if (c == EOF) goto badeof; ungetc(c, fin); ungetc(HDRSTR[0], fin); c = 0; } if (c) { /* appears to have a header */ char sbuf[32]; if (!fgets(sbuf, sizeof(sbuf), fin)) goto badeof; adv_linecnt(htp); /* for #?ID string */ if (report >= REP_WARN && strncmp(sbuf, "RADIANCE", 8)) { fputs(name, stdout); fputs(": warning - unexpected header ID: ", stdout); fputs(sbuf, stdout); } if (getheader(fin, setheadvar, htp) < 0) { fputs(name, stderr); fputs(": unknown error reading header\n", stderr); return(-1); } adv_linecnt(htp); /* for trailing emtpy line */ return(xlate_type((const char *)lu_find(htp,"FORMAT")->data)); } c = input_is_binary(fin); /* else peek to see if binary */ if (c < 0) { fputs(name, stderr); fputs(": read/seek error\n", stderr); return(-1); } if (c) return(TYP_BINARY); return(TYP_TEXT); badeof: if (report != REP_QUIET) { fputs(name, stdout); fputs(": unexpected end-of-file\n", stdout); } return(-1); } /* Check that overall RMS error is below threshold */ static int good_RMS() { if (!nsum) return(1); if (diff2sum/(double)nsum > rms_lim*rms_lim) { if (report != REP_QUIET) printf( "%s: %sRMS difference between '%s' and '%s' of %.5g exceeds limit of %.5g\n", progname, (rel_min > 0) ? "relative " : "", f1name, f2name, sqrt(diff2sum/(double)nsum), rms_lim); return(0); } if (report >= REP_VERBOSE) printf("%s: %sRMS difference of reals in '%s' and '%s' is %.5g\n", progname, (rel_min > 0) ? "relative " : "", f1name, f2name, sqrt(diff2sum/(double)nsum)); return(1); } /* Compare two inputs as generic binary files */ static int compare_binary() { int c1=0, c2=0; if (report >= REP_VERBOSE) { fputs(progname, stdout); fputs(": comparing inputs as binary\n", stdout); } for ( ; ; ) { /* exact byte matching */ c1 = getc(f1in); c2 = getc(f2in); if (c1 == EOF) { if (c2 == EOF) return(1); /* success! */ if (report != REP_QUIET) { fputs(f1name, stdout); fputs(": unexpected end-of-file\n", stdout); } return(0); } if (c2 == EOF) { if (report != REP_QUIET) { fputs(f2name, stdout); fputs(": unexpected end-of-file\n", stdout); } return(0); } if (c1 != c2) break; /* quit and report difference */ } if (report == REP_QUIET) return(0); printf("%s: binary files '%s' and '%s' differ at byte offset %ld|%ld\n", progname, f1name, f2name, ftell(f1in), ftell(f2in)); if (report >= REP_VERBOSE) printf("%s: byte in '%s' is 0x%X, byte in '%s' is 0x%X\n", progname, f1name, c1, f2name, c2); return(0); } /* Compare two inputs as generic text files */ static int compare_text() { LINEBUF l1buf, l2buf; if (report >= REP_VERBOSE) { fputs(progname, stdout); fputs(": comparing inputs as ASCII text", stdout); if (comment_c) { fputs(", ignoring comments starting with '", stdout); fputc(comment_c, stdout); fputc('\'', stdout); } fputc('\n', stdout); } SET_FILE_TEXT(f1in); /* originally set to binary */ SET_FILE_TEXT(f2in); init_line(&l1buf); init_line(&l2buf); /* compare a line at a time */ while (read_line(&l1buf, f1in)) { lin1cnt++; if (!*sskip2(l1buf.str,0)) continue; /* ignore empty lines */ while (read_line(&l2buf, f2in)) { lin2cnt++; if (*sskip2(l2buf.str,0)) break; /* found other non-empty line */ } if (!l2buf.len) { /* input 2 EOF? */ if (report != REP_QUIET) { fputs(f2name, stdout); fputs(": unexpected end-of-file\n", stdout); } free_line(&l1buf); free_line(&l2buf); return(0); } /* compare non-empty lines */ if (!equiv_string(l1buf.str, l2buf.str)) { if (report != REP_QUIET) { printf("%s: inputs '%s' and '%s' differ at line %d|%d\n", progname, f1name, f2name, lin1cnt, lin2cnt); if ( report >= REP_VERBOSE && (l1buf.len < 256) & (l2buf.len < 256) ) { fputs("------------- Mismatch -------------\n", stdout); printf("%s@%d:\t%s", f1name, lin1cnt, l1buf.str); printf("%s@%d:\t%s", f2name, lin2cnt, l2buf.str); } } free_line(&l1buf); free_line(&l2buf); return(0); } } free_line(&l1buf); /* check for EOF on input 2 */ while (read_line(&l2buf, f2in)) { if (!*sskip2(l2buf.str,0)) continue; if (report != REP_QUIET) { fputs(f1name, stdout); fputs(": unexpected end-of-file\n", stdout); } free_line(&l2buf); return(0); } free_line(&l2buf); return(good_RMS()); /* final check for reals */ } /* Check image/map resolutions */ static int check_resolu(const char *class, RESOLU *r1p, RESOLU *r2p) { if (r1p->rt != r2p->rt) { if (report != REP_QUIET) printf( "%s: %ss '%s' and '%s' have different pixel ordering\n", progname, class, f1name, f2name); return(0); } if ((r1p->xr != r2p->xr) | (r1p->yr != r2p->yr)) { if (report != REP_QUIET) printf( "%s: %ss '%s' and '%s' are different sizes\n", progname, class, f1name, f2name); return(0); } return(1); } /* Compare two inputs that are known to be RGBE or XYZE images */ static int compare_hdr() { RESOLU rs1, rs2; COLOR *scan1, *scan2; int x, y; if (report >= REP_VERBOSE) { fputs(progname, stdout); fputs(": comparing inputs as HDR images\n", stdout); } fgetsresolu(&rs1, f1in); fgetsresolu(&rs2, f2in); if (!check_resolu("HDR image", &rs1, &rs2)) return(0); scan1 = (COLOR *)malloc(scanlen(&rs1)*sizeof(COLOR)); scan2 = (COLOR *)malloc(scanlen(&rs2)*sizeof(COLOR)); if (!scan1 | !scan2) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: out of memory in compare_hdr()\n", progname); exit(2); } for (y = 0; y < numscans(&rs1); y++) { if ((freadscan(scan1, scanlen(&rs1), f1in) < 0) | (freadscan(scan2, scanlen(&rs2), f2in) < 0)) { if (report != REP_QUIET) printf("%s: unexpected end-of-file\n", progname); free(scan1); free(scan2); return(0); } for (x = 0; x < scanlen(&rs1); x++) { if (color_check(scan1[x], scan2[x])) continue; if (report != REP_QUIET) { printf( "%s: pixels at scanline %d offset %d differ\n", progname, y, x); if (report >= REP_VERBOSE) { printf("%s: (R,G,B)=(%g,%g,%g)\n", f1name, colval(scan1[x],RED), colval(scan1[x],GRN), colval(scan1[x],BLU)); printf("%s: (R,G,B)=(%g,%g,%g)\n", f2name, colval(scan2[x],RED), colval(scan2[x],GRN), colval(scan2[x],BLU)); } } free(scan1); free(scan2); return(0); } } free(scan1); free(scan2); return(good_RMS()); /* final check of RMS */ } /* Set reference depth based on header variable */ static int set_refdepth(DEPTHCODEC *dcp, LUTAB *htp) { static char depthvar[] = DEPTHSTR; const char *drval; depthvar[LDEPTHSTR-1] = '\0'; drval = (const char *)lu_find(htp, depthvar)->data; if (!drval) return(0); dcp->refdepth = atof(drval); if (dcp->refdepth <= 0) { if (report != REP_QUIET) { fputs(dcp->inpname, stderr); fputs(": bad reference depth '", stderr); fputs(drval, stderr); fputs("'\n", stderr); } return(-1); } return(1); } /* Compare two encoded depth maps */ static int compare_depth() { long nread = 0; DEPTHCODEC dc1, dc2; if (report >= REP_VERBOSE) { fputs(progname, stdout); fputs(": comparing inputs as depth maps\n", stdout); } set_dc_defaults(&dc1); dc1.hdrflags = HF_RESIN; dc1.finp = f1in; dc1.inpname = f1name; set_dc_defaults(&dc2); dc2.hdrflags = HF_RESIN; dc2.finp = f2in; dc2.inpname = f2name; if (report != REP_QUIET) { dc1.hdrflags |= HF_STDERR; dc2.hdrflags |= HF_STDERR; } if (!process_dc_header(&dc1, 0, NULL)) return(0); if (!process_dc_header(&dc2, 0, NULL)) return(0); if (!check_resolu("Depth map", &dc1.res, &dc2.res)) return(0); if (set_refdepth(&dc1, &hdr1) < 0) return(0); if (set_refdepth(&dc2, &hdr2) < 0) return(0); while (nread < dc1.res.xr*dc1.res.yr) { double d1 = decode_depth_next(&dc1); double d2 = decode_depth_next(&dc2); if ((d1 < 0) | (d2 < 0)) { if (report != REP_QUIET) printf("%s: unexpected end-of-file\n", progname); return(0); } ++nread; if (real_check(d1, d2)) continue; if (report != REP_QUIET) printf("%s: %ld%s depth values differ\n", progname, nread, num_sfx(nread)); return(0); } return(good_RMS()); /* final check of RMS */ } /* Compare two encoded normal maps */ static int compare_norm() { long nread = 0; NORMCODEC nc1, nc2; if (report >= REP_VERBOSE) { fputs(progname, stdout); fputs(": comparing inputs as normal maps\n", stdout); } set_nc_defaults(&nc1); nc1.hdrflags = HF_RESIN; nc1.finp = f1in; nc1.inpname = f1name; set_nc_defaults(&nc2); nc2.hdrflags = HF_RESIN; nc2.finp = f2in; nc2.inpname = f2name; if (report != REP_QUIET) { nc1.hdrflags |= HF_STDERR; nc2.hdrflags |= HF_STDERR; } if (!process_nc_header(&nc1, 0, NULL)) return(0); if (!process_nc_header(&nc2, 0, NULL)) return(0); if (!check_resolu("Normal map", &nc1.res, &nc2.res)) return(0); while (nread < nc1.res.xr*nc1.res.yr) { FVECT nv1, nv2; int rv1 = decode_normal_next(nv1, &nc1); int rv2 = decode_normal_next(nv2, &nc2); if ((rv1 < 0) | (rv2 < 0)) { if (report != REP_QUIET) printf("%s: unexpected end-of-file\n", progname); return(0); } ++nread; if (rv1 == rv2 && (!rv1 || norm_check(nv1, nv2))) continue; if (report != REP_QUIET) printf("%s: %ld%s normal vectors differ\n", progname, nread, num_sfx(nread)); return(0); } return(good_RMS()); /* final check of RMS */ } /* Compare two inputs that are known to be 32-bit floating-point data */ static int compare_float() { long nread = 0; float f1, f2; if (report >= REP_VERBOSE) { fputs(progname, stdout); fputs(": comparing inputs as 32-bit IEEE floats\n", stdout); } while (getbinary(&f1, sizeof(f1), 1, f1in)) { if (!getbinary(&f2, sizeof(f2), 1, f2in)) goto badeof; ++nread; if (f1swap) swap32((char *)&f1, 1); if (f2swap) swap32((char *)&f2, 1); if (real_check(f1, f2)) continue; if (report != REP_QUIET) printf("%s: %ld%s float values differ\n", progname, nread, num_sfx(nread)); return(0); } if (!getbinary(&f2, sizeof(f2), 1, f2in)) return(good_RMS()); /* final check of RMS */ badeof: if (report != REP_QUIET) printf("%s: unexpected end-of-file\n", progname); return(0); } /* Compare two inputs that are known to be 64-bit floating-point data */ static int compare_double() { long nread = 0; double f1, f2; if (report >= REP_VERBOSE) { fputs(progname, stdout); fputs(": comparing inputs as 64-bit IEEE doubles\n", stdout); } while (getbinary(&f1, sizeof(f1), 1, f1in)) { if (!getbinary(&f2, sizeof(f2), 1, f2in)) goto badeof; ++nread; if (f1swap) swap64((char *)&f1, 1); if (f2swap) swap64((char *)&f2, 1); if (real_check(f1, f2)) continue; if (report != REP_QUIET) printf("%s: %ld%s double values differ\n", progname, nread, num_sfx(nread)); return(0); } if (!getbinary(&f2, sizeof(f2), 1, f2in)) return(good_RMS()); /* final check of RMS */ badeof: if (report != REP_QUIET) printf("%s: unexpected end-of-file\n", progname); return(0); } /* Compare two Radiance files for equivalence */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int typ1, typ2; int a; progname = argv[0]; for (a = 1; a < argc && argv[a][0] == '-'; a++) { switch (argv[a][1]) { case 'h': /* ignore header info. */ ign_header = !ign_header; continue; case 'c': /* ignore comments */ comment_c = argv[a][2]; continue; case 's': /* silent operation */ report = REP_QUIET; continue; case 'w': /* turn off warnings */ if (report > REP_ERROR) report = REP_ERROR; continue; case 'v': /* turn on verbose mode */ report = REP_VERBOSE; continue; case 'm': /* maximum epsilon */ max_lim = atof(argv[++a]); continue; case 'r': if (argv[a][2] == 'e') /* relative difference */ rel_min = atof(argv[++a]); else if (argv[a][2] == 'm') /* RMS limit */ rms_lim = atof(argv[++a]); else usage(); continue; case '\0': /* first file from stdin */ f1in = stdin; f1name = stdin_name; break; default: usage(); } break; } if (a != argc-2) /* make sure of two inputs */ usage(); if (!strcmp(argv[a], argv[a+1])) { /* inputs are same? */ if (report >= REP_WARN) printf("%s: warning - identical inputs given\n", progname); return(0); } if (!f1name) f1name = argv[a]; if (!f2name) f2name = argv[a+1]; /* open inputs */ SET_FILE_BINARY(stdin); /* in case we're using it */ if (!f1in && !(f1in = fopen(f1name, "rb"))) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot open for reading\n", f1name); return(2); } if (!strcmp(f2name, "-")) { f2in = stdin; f2name = stdin_name; } else if (!(f2in = fopen(f2name, "rb"))) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot open for reading\n", f2name); return(2); } /* load headers */ if ((typ1 = identify_type(f1name, f1in, &hdr1)) < 0) return(2); if ((typ2 = identify_type(f2name, f2in, &hdr2)) < 0) return(2); if (typ1 != typ2) { if (report != REP_QUIET) printf("%s: '%s' format is %s and '%s' is %s\n", progname, f1name, file_type[typ1], f2name, file_type[typ2]); return(1); } ign_header |= !has_header(typ1); /* check headers if indicated */ if (!ign_header && !headers_match()) return(1); if (!ign_header & (report >= REP_WARN)) { if (lin1cnt != lin2cnt) printf("%s: warning - headers are different lengths\n", progname); if (typ1 == TYP_UNKNOWN) printf("%s: warning - unrecognized format\n", progname); } if (report >= REP_VERBOSE) { printf("%s: data format is %s\n", progname, file_type[typ1]); if ((typ1 == TYP_FLOAT) | (typ1 == TYP_DOUBLE)) { if (f1swap) printf("%s: input '%s' is byte-swapped\n", progname, f1name); if (f2swap) printf("%s: input '%s' is byte-swapped\n", progname, f2name); } } switch (typ1) { /* compare based on type */ case TYP_BINARY: case TYP_TMESH: case TYP_OCTREE: case TYP_RBFMESH: case TYP_ID8: case TYP_ID16: case TYP_ID24: case TYP_UNKNOWN: return( !compare_binary() ); case TYP_TEXT: case TYP_ASCII: return( !compare_text() ); case TYP_RGBE: case TYP_XYZE: return( !compare_hdr() ); case TYP_DEPTH: return( !compare_depth() ); case TYP_NORM: return( !compare_norm() ); case TYP_FLOAT: return( !compare_float() ); case TYP_DOUBLE: return( !compare_double() ); } return(1); }