#ifndef lint static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: rad.c,v 2.127 2020/04/07 00:49:09 greg Exp $"; #endif /* * Executive program for oconv, rpict and pfilt */ #include "standard.h" #include #include #include #include "platform.h" #include "rtprocess.h" #include "view.h" #include "paths.h" #include "vars.h" #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64) #define DELCMD "del" #define RENAMECMD "rename" #else #define DELCMD "rm -f" #define RENAMECMD "mv" #include #include #include #endif /* variables (alphabetical by name) */ #define AMBFILE 0 /* ambient file name */ #define DETAIL 1 /* level of scene detail */ #define EXPOSURE 2 /* picture exposure setting */ #define EYESEP 3 /* interocular distance */ #define ILLUM 4 /* mkillum input files */ #define INDIRECT 5 /* indirection in lighting */ #define MATERIAL 6 /* material files */ #define MKILLUM 7 /* mkillum options */ #define MKPMAP 8 /* mkpmap options */ #define OBJECT 9 /* object files */ #define OCONV 10 /* oconv options */ #define OCTREE 11 /* octree file name */ #define OPTFILE 12 /* rendering options file */ #define PCMAP 13 /* caustic photon map */ #define PENUMBRAS 14 /* shadow penumbras are desired */ #define PFILT 15 /* pfilt options */ #define PGMAP 16 /* global photon map */ #define PICTURE 17 /* picture file root name */ #define QUALITY 18 /* desired rendering quality */ #define RAWFILE 19 /* raw picture file root name */ #define RENDER 20 /* rendering options */ #define REPORT 21 /* report frequency and errfile */ #define RESOLUTION 22 /* maximum picture resolution */ #define RPICT 23 /* rpict parameters */ #define RVU 24 /* rvu parameters */ #define SCENE 25 /* scene files */ #define UP 26 /* view up (X, Y or Z) */ #define VARIABILITY 27 /* level of light variability */ #define VIEWS 28 /* view(s) for picture(s) */ #define ZFILE 29 /* distance file root name */ #define ZONE 30 /* simulation zone */ /* total number of variables */ int NVARS = 31; VARIABLE vv[] = { /* variable-value pairs */ {"AMBFILE", 3, 0, NULL, onevalue}, {"DETAIL", 3, 0, NULL, qualvalue}, {"EXPOSURE", 3, 0, NULL, fltvalue}, {"EYESEP", 3, 0, NULL, fltvalue}, {"illum", 3, 0, NULL, catvalues}, {"INDIRECT", 3, 0, NULL, intvalue}, {"materials", 3, 0, NULL, catvalues}, {"mkillum", 3, 0, NULL, catvalues}, {"mkpmap", 3, 0, NULL, catvalues}, {"objects", 3, 0, NULL, catvalues}, {"oconv", 3, 0, NULL, catvalues}, {"OCTREE", 3, 0, NULL, onevalue}, {"OPTFILE", 3, 0, NULL, onevalue}, {"PCMAP", 2, 0, NULL, onevalue}, {"PENUMBRAS", 3, 0, NULL, boolvalue}, {"pfilt", 2, 0, NULL, catvalues}, {"PGMAP", 2, 0, NULL, onevalue}, {"PICTURE", 3, 0, NULL, onevalue}, {"QUALITY", 3, 0, NULL, qualvalue}, {"RAWFILE", 3, 0, NULL, onevalue}, {"render", 3, 0, NULL, catvalues}, {"REPORT", 3, 0, NULL, onevalue}, {"RESOLUTION", 3, 0, NULL, onevalue}, {"rpict", 3, 0, NULL, catvalues}, {"rvu", 3, 0, NULL, catvalues}, {"scene", 3, 0, NULL, catvalues}, {"UP", 2, 0, NULL, onevalue}, {"VARIABILITY", 3, 0, NULL, qualvalue}, {"view", 2, 0, NULL, NULL}, {"ZFILE", 2, 0, NULL, onevalue}, {"ZONE", 2, 0, NULL, onevalue}, }; /* overture calculation file */ #ifdef NULL_DEVICE char overfile[] = NULL_DEVICE; #else char overfile[] = "overture.unf"; #endif time_t scenedate; /* date of latest scene or object file */ time_t octreedate; /* date of octree */ time_t matdate; /* date of latest material file */ time_t illumdate; /* date of last illum file */ char *oct0name; /* name of pre-mkillum octree */ time_t oct0date; /* date of pre-mkillum octree */ char *oct1name; /* name of post-mkillum octree */ time_t oct1date; /* date of post-mkillum octree (>= matdate) */ char *pgmapname; /* name of global photon map */ time_t pgmapdate; /* date of global photon map (>= oct1date) */ char *pcmapname; /* name of caustic photon map */ time_t pcmapdate; /* date of caustic photon map (>= oct1date) */ int nowarn = 0; /* no warnings */ int explicate = 0; /* explicate variables */ int silent = 0; /* do work silently */ int touchonly = 0; /* touch files only */ int nprocs = 1; /* maximum executing processes */ int sayview = 0; /* print view out */ char *rvdevice = NULL; /* rvu output device */ char *viewselect = NULL; /* specific view only */ #define DEF_RPICT_PATH "rpict" /* default rpict path */ /* command paths */ char c_oconv[256] = "oconv"; char c_mkillum[256] = "mkillum"; char c_mkpmap[256] = "mkpmap"; char c_rvu[256] = "rvu"; char c_rpict[256] = DEF_RPICT_PATH; char c_rpiece[] = "rpiece"; char c_pfilt[256] = "pfilt"; int overture = 0; /* overture calculation needed */ int children_running = 0; /* set negative in children */ char *progname; /* global argv[0] */ char *rifname; /* global rad input file name */ char radname[PATH_MAX]; /* root Radiance file name */ #define inchild() (children_running < 0) static void rootname(char *rn, char *fn); static time_t checklast(char *fnames); static char * newfname(char *orig, int pred); static void checkfiles(void); static void getoctcube(double org[3], double *sizp); static void setdefaults(void); static void oconv(void); static void mkpmap(void); static char * addarg(char *op, char *arg); static void oconvopts(char *oo); static void mkillumopts(char *mo); static void mkpmapopts(char *mo); static void checkambfile(void); static double ambval(void); static void renderopts(char *op, char *po); static void lowqopts(char *op, char *po); static void medqopts(char *op, char *po); static void hiqopts(char *op, char *po); static void xferopts(char *ro); static void pfiltopts(char *po); static int matchword(char *s1, char *s2); static char * specview(char *vs); static char * getview(int n, char *vn); static int myprintview(char *vopts, FILE *fp); static void rvu(char *opts, char *po); static void rpict(char *opts, char *po); static int touch(char *fn); static int runcom(char *cs); static int rmfile(char *fn); static int mvfile(char *fold, char *fnew); static int next_process(int reserve); static void wait_process(int all); static void finish_process(void); static void badvalue(int vc); static void syserr(char *s); int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { char ropts[512]; char popts[64]; int i; progname = argv[0]; /* get options */ for (i = 1; i < argc && argv[i][0] == '-'; i++) switch (argv[i][1]) { case 's': silent++; break; case 'n': nprocs = 0; break; case 'N': nprocs = atoi(argv[++i]); if (nprocs < 0) nprocs = 0; break; case 't': touchonly++; break; case 'e': explicate++; break; case 'o': rvdevice = argv[++i]; break; case 'V': sayview++; break; case 'v': viewselect = argv[++i]; break; case 'w': nowarn++; break; default: goto userr; } if (i >= argc) goto userr; rifname = argv[i]; /* assign Radiance root file name */ rootname(radname, rifname); /* load variable values */ loadvars(rifname); /* get any additional assignments */ for (i++; i < argc; i++) if (setvariable(argv[i], matchvar) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: unknown variable: %s\n", progname, argv[i]); quit(1); } /* check assignments */ checkvalues(); /* check files and dates */ checkfiles(); /* set default values as necessary */ setdefaults(); /* print all values if requested */ if (explicate) printvars(stdout); /* build octree (and run mkillum) */ oconv(); /* run mkpmap if indicated */ mkpmap(); /* check date on ambient file */ checkambfile(); /* run simulation */ renderopts(ropts, popts); xferopts(ropts); if (rvdevice != NULL) rvu(ropts, popts); else rpict(ropts, popts); quit(0); userr: fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-w][-s][-n|-N npr][-t][-e][-V][-v view][-o dev] rfile [VAR=value ..]\n", progname); quit(1); return 1; /* pro forma return */ } static void rootname( /* remove tail from end of fn */ char *rn, char *fn ) { char *tp, *dp; for (tp = NULL, dp = rn; (*rn = *fn++); rn++) if (ISDIRSEP(*rn)) dp = rn; else if (*rn == '.') tp = rn; if (tp != NULL && tp > dp) *tp = '\0'; } static time_t checklast( /* check files and find most recent */ char *fnames ) { char thisfile[PATH_MAX]; time_t thisdate, lastdate = 0; if (fnames == NULL) return(0); while ((fnames = nextword(thisfile, PATH_MAX, fnames)) != NULL) { if (thisfile[0] == '!' || (thisfile[0] == '\\' && thisfile[1] == '!')) { if (!lastdate) lastdate = 1; continue; } if (!(thisdate = fdate(thisfile))) syserr(thisfile); if (thisdate > lastdate) lastdate = thisdate; } return(lastdate); } static char * newfname( /* create modified file name */ char *orig, int pred ) { char *cp; int n; int suffix; n = 0; cp = orig; suffix = -1; /* suffix position, length */ while (*cp) { if (*cp == '.') suffix = n; else if (ISDIRSEP(*cp)) suffix = -1; cp++; n++; } if (suffix == -1) suffix = n; if ((cp = bmalloc(n+2)) == NULL) syserr(progname); strncpy(cp, orig, suffix); cp[suffix] = pred; /* root name + pred + suffix */ strcpy(cp+suffix+1, orig+suffix); return(cp); } static void checkfiles(void) /* check for existence and modified times */ { char fntemp[256]; time_t objdate; if (!vdef(OCTREE)) { if ((vval(OCTREE) = bmalloc(strlen(radname)+5)) == NULL) syserr(progname); sprintf(vval(OCTREE), "%s.oct", radname); vdef(OCTREE)++; } else if (vval(OCTREE)[0] == '!') { fprintf(stderr, "%s: illegal '%s' specification\n", progname, vnam(OCTREE)); quit(1); } octreedate = fdate(vval(OCTREE)); if (vdef(ILLUM)) { /* illum requires secondary octrees */ oct0name = newfname(vval(OCTREE), '0'); oct1name = newfname(vval(OCTREE), '1'); oct0date = fdate(oct0name); oct1date = fdate(oct1name); } else oct0name = oct1name = vval(OCTREE); if ((scenedate = checklast(vval(SCENE))) && (objdate = checklast(vval(OBJECT))) > scenedate) scenedate = objdate; illumdate = checklast(vval(ILLUM)); if (!octreedate & !scenedate & !illumdate) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: need '%s' or '%s' or '%s'\n", progname, vnam(OCTREE), vnam(SCENE), vnam(ILLUM)); quit(1); } if (vdef(PGMAP)) { if (!*sskip2(vval(PGMAP),1)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: '%s' missing # photons argument\n", progname, vnam(PGMAP)); quit(1); } atos(fntemp, sizeof(fntemp), vval(PGMAP)); pgmapname = savqstr(fntemp); pgmapdate = fdate(pgmapname); } if (vdef(PCMAP)) { if (!*sskip2(vval(PCMAP),1)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: '%s' missing # photons argument\n", progname, vnam(PCMAP)); quit(1); } atos(fntemp, sizeof(fntemp), vval(PCMAP)); pcmapname = savqstr(fntemp); pcmapdate = fdate(pcmapname); } matdate = checklast(vval(MATERIAL)); } static void getoctcube( /* get octree bounding cube */ double org[3], double *sizp ) { static double oorg[3], osiz = 0.; double min[3], max[3]; char buf[1024]; FILE *fp; int i; if (osiz <= FTINY) { if (!nprocs && fdate(oct1name) < (scenedate>illumdate?scenedate:illumdate)) { /* run getbbox */ sprintf(buf, "getbbox -w -h %s", vdef(SCENE) ? vval(SCENE) : vval(ILLUM)); if ((fp = popen(buf, "r")) == NULL) syserr("getbbox"); if (fscanf(fp, "%lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf", &min[0], &max[0], &min[1], &max[1], &min[2], &max[2]) != 6) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: error reading bounding box from getbbox\n", progname); quit(1); } for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) if (max[i] - min[i] > osiz) osiz = max[i] - min[i]; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) oorg[i] = (max[i]+min[i]-osiz)*.5; pclose(fp); } else { /* from octree */ oconv(); /* does nothing if done already */ sprintf(buf, "getinfo -d < %s", oct1name); if ((fp = popen(buf, "r")) == NULL) syserr("getinfo"); if (fscanf(fp, "%lf %lf %lf %lf", &oorg[0], &oorg[1], &oorg[2], &osiz) != 4) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: error reading bounding cube from getinfo\n", progname); quit(1); } pclose(fp); } } org[0] = oorg[0]; org[1] = oorg[1]; org[2] = oorg[2]; *sizp = osiz; } static void setdefaults(void) /* set default values for unassigned var's */ { double org[3], lim[3], size; char buf[128]; if (!vdef(ZONE)) { getoctcube(org, &size); sprintf(buf, "E %g %g %g %g %g %g", org[0], org[0]+size, org[1], org[1]+size, org[2], org[2]+size); vval(ZONE) = savqstr(buf); vdef(ZONE)++; } if (!vdef(EYESEP)) { if (sscanf(vval(ZONE), "%*s %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf", &org[0], &lim[0], &org[1], &lim[1], &org[2], &lim[2]) != 6) badvalue(ZONE); sprintf(buf, "%f", 0.01*(lim[0]-org[0]+lim[1]-org[1]+lim[2]-org[2])); vval(EYESEP) = savqstr(buf); vdef(EYESEP)++; } if (!vdef(INDIRECT)) { vval(INDIRECT) = "0"; vdef(INDIRECT)++; } if (!vdef(QUALITY)) { vval(QUALITY) = "L"; vdef(QUALITY)++; } if (!vdef(RESOLUTION)) { vval(RESOLUTION) = "512"; vdef(RESOLUTION)++; } if (!vdef(PICTURE)) { vval(PICTURE) = radname; vdef(PICTURE)++; } if (!vdef(VIEWS)) { vval(VIEWS) = "X"; vdef(VIEWS)++; } if (!vdef(DETAIL)) { vval(DETAIL) = "M"; vdef(DETAIL)++; } if (!vdef(PENUMBRAS)) { vval(PENUMBRAS) = "F"; vdef(PENUMBRAS)++; } if (!vdef(VARIABILITY)) { vval(VARIABILITY) = "L"; vdef(VARIABILITY)++; } } static void oconv(void) /* run oconv and mkillum if necessary */ { static char illumtmp[] = "ilXXXXXX"; char combuf[PATH_MAX], ocopts[64], mkopts[1024]; oconvopts(ocopts); /* get options */ if (octreedate < scenedate) { /* check date on original octree */ if (touchonly && octreedate) touch(vval(OCTREE)); else { /* build command */ if (vdef(MATERIAL)) sprintf(combuf, "%s%s %s %s > %s", c_oconv, ocopts, vval(MATERIAL), vval(SCENE), vval(OCTREE)); else sprintf(combuf, "%s%s %s > %s", c_oconv, ocopts, vval(SCENE), vval(OCTREE)); if (runcom(combuf)) { /* run it */ fprintf(stderr, "%s: error generating octree\n\t%s removed\n", progname, vval(OCTREE)); unlink(vval(OCTREE)); quit(1); } } octreedate = time((time_t *)NULL); if (octreedate < scenedate) /* in case clock is off */ octreedate = scenedate; } if (oct1name == vval(OCTREE)) /* no mkillum? */ oct1date = octreedate > matdate ? octreedate : matdate; if ((oct1date >= octreedate) & (oct1date >= matdate) & (oct1date >= illumdate)) /* all done */ return; /* make octree0 */ if ((oct0date < scenedate) | (oct0date < illumdate)) { if (touchonly && (oct0date || oct1date)) { if (oct0date) touch(oct0name); } else { /* build command */ if (octreedate) sprintf(combuf, "%s%s -i %s %s > %s", c_oconv, ocopts, vval(OCTREE), vval(ILLUM), oct0name); else if (vdef(MATERIAL)) sprintf(combuf, "%s%s %s %s > %s", c_oconv, ocopts, vval(MATERIAL), vval(ILLUM), oct0name); else sprintf(combuf, "%s%s %s > %s", c_oconv, ocopts, vval(ILLUM), oct0name); if (runcom(combuf)) { /* run it */ fprintf(stderr, "%s: error generating octree\n\t%s removed\n", progname, oct0name); unlink(oct0name); quit(1); } } oct0date = time((time_t *)NULL); if (oct0date < octreedate) /* in case clock is off */ oct0date = octreedate; if (oct0date < illumdate) /* ditto */ oct0date = illumdate; } if (touchonly && oct1date) touch(oct1name); else { mkillumopts(mkopts); /* build mkillum command */ mktemp(illumtmp); sprintf(combuf, "%s%s %s \"<\" %s > %s", c_mkillum, mkopts, oct0name, vval(ILLUM), illumtmp); if (runcom(combuf)) { /* run it */ fprintf(stderr, "%s: error running %s\n", progname, c_mkillum); unlink(illumtmp); quit(1); } rmfile(oct0name); /* make octree1 (frozen) */ if (octreedate) sprintf(combuf, "%s%s -f -i %s %s > %s", c_oconv, ocopts, vval(OCTREE), illumtmp, oct1name); else if (vdef(MATERIAL)) sprintf(combuf, "%s%s -f %s %s > %s", c_oconv, ocopts, vval(MATERIAL), illumtmp, oct1name); else sprintf(combuf, "%s%s -f %s > %s", c_oconv, ocopts, illumtmp, oct1name); if (runcom(combuf)) { /* run it */ fprintf(stderr, "%s: error generating octree\n\t%s removed\n", progname, oct1name); unlink(oct1name); unlink(illumtmp); quit(1); } rmfile(illumtmp); } oct1date = time((time_t *)NULL); if (oct1date < oct0date) /* in case clock is off */ oct1date = oct0date; } static void mkpmap(void) /* run mkpmap if indicated */ { char combuf[2048], *cp; time_t tnow; /* nothing to do? */ if ((pgmapname == NULL) | (pgmapdate >= oct1date) && (pcmapname == NULL) | (pcmapdate >= oct1date)) return; /* just update existing file dates? */ if (touchonly && (pgmapname == NULL) | (pgmapdate > 0) && (pcmapname == NULL) | (pcmapdate > 0)) { if (pgmapname != NULL) touch(pgmapname); if (pcmapname != NULL) touch(pcmapname); } else { /* else need to (re)run pkpmap */ strcpy(combuf, c_mkpmap); for (cp = combuf; *cp; cp++) ; mkpmapopts(cp); /* force file overwrite */ cp = addarg(cp, "-fo+"); if (vdef(REPORT)) { char errfile[256]; int n; double minutes; n = sscanf(vval(REPORT), "%lf %s", &minutes, errfile); if (n == 2) sprintf(cp, " -t %d -e %s", (int)(minutes*60), errfile); else if (n == 1) sprintf(cp, " -t %d", (int)(minutes*60)); else badvalue(REPORT); } if (pgmapname != NULL && pgmapdate < oct1date) { cp = addarg(cp, "-apg"); addarg(cp, vval(PGMAP)); cp = sskip(sskip(cp)); /* remove any bandwidth */ *cp = '\0'; } if (pcmapname != NULL && pcmapdate < oct1date) { cp = addarg(cp, "-apc"); addarg(cp, vval(PCMAP)); cp = sskip(sskip(cp)); /* remove any bandwidth */ *cp = '\0'; } cp = addarg(cp, oct1name); if (runcom(combuf)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: error running %s\n", progname, c_mkpmap); if (pgmapname != NULL && pgmapdate < oct1date) unlink(pgmapname); if (pcmapname != NULL && pcmapdate < oct1date) unlink(pcmapname); quit(1); } } tnow = time((time_t *)NULL); if (pgmapname != NULL) pgmapdate = tnow; if (pcmapname != NULL) pcmapdate = tnow; oct1date = tnow; /* trigger ambient file removal if needed */ } static char * addarg( /* append argument and advance pointer */ char *op, char *arg ) { while (*op) op++; *op = ' '; while ( (*++op = *arg++) ) ; return(op); } static void oconvopts( /* get oconv options */ char *oo ) { /* BEWARE: This may be called via setdefaults(), so no assumptions */ *oo = '\0'; if (!vdef(OCONV)) return; if (vval(OCONV)[0] != '-') { atos(c_oconv, sizeof(c_oconv), vval(OCONV)); oo = addarg(oo, sskip2(vval(OCONV), 1)); } else oo = addarg(oo, vval(OCONV)); } static void mkillumopts( /* get mkillum options */ char *mo ) { /* BEWARE: This may be called via setdefaults(), so no assumptions */ if (nprocs > 1) sprintf(mo, " -n %d", nprocs); else *mo = '\0'; if (!vdef(MKILLUM)) return; if (vval(MKILLUM)[0] != '-') { atos(c_mkillum, sizeof(c_mkillum), vval(MKILLUM)); mo = addarg(mo, sskip2(vval(MKILLUM), 1)); } else mo = addarg(mo, vval(MKILLUM)); } static void mkpmapopts( /* get mkpmap options */ char *mo ) { /* BEWARE: This may be called via setdefaults(), so no assumptions */ if (nprocs > 1) sprintf(mo, " -n %d", nprocs); else *mo = '\0'; if (!vdef(MKPMAP)) return; if (vval(MKPMAP)[0] != '-') { atos(c_mkpmap, sizeof(c_mkpmap), vval(MKPMAP)); mo = addarg(mo, sskip2(vval(MKPMAP), 1)); } else mo = addarg(mo, vval(MKPMAP)); } static void checkambfile(void) /* check date on ambient file */ { time_t afdate; if (!vdef(AMBFILE)) return; if (!(afdate = fdate(vval(AMBFILE)))) return; if (oct1date > afdate) { if (touchonly) touch(vval(AMBFILE)); else rmfile(vval(AMBFILE)); } } static double ambval(void) /* compute ambient value */ { if (vdef(EXPOSURE)) { if (vval(EXPOSURE)[0] == '+' || vval(EXPOSURE)[0] == '-') return(.5/pow(2.,vflt(EXPOSURE))); return(.5/vflt(EXPOSURE)); } if (vlet(ZONE) == 'E') return(10.); if (vlet(ZONE) == 'I') return(.01); badvalue(ZONE); return 0; /* pro forma return */ } static void renderopts( /* set rendering options */ char *op, char *po ) { char pmapf[256], *bw; if (vdef(PGMAP)) { *op = '\0'; bw = sskip2(vval(PGMAP), 2); atos(pmapf, sizeof(pmapf), vval(PGMAP)); op = addarg(addarg(op, "-ap"), pmapf); if (atoi(bw) > 0) op = addarg(op, bw); } switch(vscale(QUALITY)) { case LOW: lowqopts(op, po); break; case MEDIUM: medqopts(op, po); break; case HIGH: hiqopts(op, po); break; } if (vdef(PCMAP)) { bw = sskip2(vval(PCMAP), 2); atos(pmapf, sizeof(pmapf), vval(PCMAP)); op = addarg(addarg(op, "-ap"), pmapf); if (atoi(bw) > 0) op = addarg(op, bw); } if (vdef(RENDER)) { op = addarg(op, vval(RENDER)); bw = strstr(vval(RENDER), "-aa "); if (bw != NULL && atof(bw+4) <= FTINY) overture = 0; } if (rvdevice != NULL) { if (vdef(RVU)) { if (vval(RVU)[0] != '-') { atos(c_rvu, sizeof(c_rvu), vval(RVU)); po = addarg(po, sskip2(vval(RVU), 1)); } else po = addarg(po, vval(RVU)); } } else { if (vdef(RPICT)) { if (vval(RPICT)[0] != '-') { atos(c_rpict, sizeof(c_rpict), vval(RPICT)); po = addarg(po, sskip2(vval(RPICT), 1)); } else po = addarg(po, vval(RPICT)); } } } static void lowqopts( /* low quality rendering options */ char *op, char *po ) { double d, org[3], siz[3]; *op = '\0'; *po = '\0'; if (sscanf(vval(ZONE), "%*s %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf", &org[0], &siz[0], &org[1], &siz[1], &org[2], &siz[2]) != 6) badvalue(ZONE); siz[0] -= org[0]; siz[1] -= org[1]; siz[2] -= org[2]; if ((siz[0] <= FTINY) | (siz[1] <= FTINY) | (siz[2] <= FTINY)) badvalue(ZONE); getoctcube(org, &d); d *= 3./(siz[0]+siz[1]+siz[2]); switch (vscale(DETAIL)) { case LOW: po = addarg(po, "-ps 16"); op = addarg(op, "-dp 64"); sprintf(op, " -ar %d", (int)(8*d)); op += strlen(op); break; case MEDIUM: po = addarg(po, "-ps 8"); op = addarg(op, "-dp 128"); sprintf(op, " -ar %d", (int)(16*d)); op += strlen(op); break; case HIGH: po = addarg(po, "-ps 4"); op = addarg(op, "-dp 256"); sprintf(op, " -ar %d", (int)(32*d)); op += strlen(op); break; } po = addarg(po, "-pt .16"); if (vbool(PENUMBRAS)) op = addarg(op, "-ds .4"); else op = addarg(op, "-ds 0"); op = addarg(op, "-dt .2 -dc .25 -dr 0 -ss 0 -st .5"); if (vdef(AMBFILE)) { sprintf(op, " -af %s", vval(AMBFILE)); op += strlen(op); } else overture = 0; switch (vscale(VARIABILITY)) { case LOW: op = addarg(op, "-aa .3 -ad 256"); break; case MEDIUM: op = addarg(op, "-aa .25 -ad 512"); break; case HIGH: op = addarg(op, "-aa .2 -ad 1024"); break; } op = addarg(op, "-as 0"); d = ambval(); sprintf(op, " -av %.2g %.2g %.2g", d, d, d); op += strlen(op); op = addarg(op, "-lr 6 -lw .003"); } static void medqopts( /* medium quality rendering options */ char *op, char *po ) { double d, org[3], siz[3], asz; *op = '\0'; *po = '\0'; if (sscanf(vval(ZONE), "%*s %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf", &org[0], &siz[0], &org[1], &siz[1], &org[2], &siz[2]) != 6) badvalue(ZONE); siz[0] -= org[0]; siz[1] -= org[1]; siz[2] -= org[2]; if ((siz[0] <= FTINY) | (siz[1] <= FTINY) | (siz[2] <= FTINY)) badvalue(ZONE); getoctcube(org, &d); asz = (siz[0]+siz[1]+siz[2])/3.; d /= asz; switch (vscale(DETAIL)) { case LOW: po = addarg(po, vbool(PENUMBRAS) ? "-ps 4" : "-ps 8"); op = addarg(op, "-dp 256"); sprintf(op, " -ar %d", (int)(16*d)); op += strlen(op); sprintf(op, " -ms %.2g", asz/20.); op += strlen(op); break; case MEDIUM: po = addarg(po, vbool(PENUMBRAS) ? "-ps 3" : "-ps 6"); op = addarg(op, "-dp 512"); sprintf(op, " -ar %d", (int)(32*d)); op += strlen(op); sprintf(op, " -ms %.2g", asz/40.); op += strlen(op); break; case HIGH: po = addarg(po, vbool(PENUMBRAS) ? "-ps 2" : "-ps 4"); op = addarg(op, "-dp 1024"); sprintf(op, " -ar %d", (int)(64*d)); op += strlen(op); sprintf(op, " -ms %.2g", asz/80.); op += strlen(op); break; } po = addarg(po, "-pt .08"); if (vbool(PENUMBRAS)) op = addarg(op, "-ds .2 -dj .9"); else op = addarg(op, "-ds .3"); op = addarg(op, "-dt .1 -dc .5 -dr 1 -ss 1 -st .1"); if ( (overture = vint(INDIRECT)) ) { sprintf(op, " -ab %d", overture); op += strlen(op); } if (vdef(AMBFILE)) { sprintf(op, " -af %s", vval(AMBFILE)); op += strlen(op); } else overture = 0; switch (vscale(VARIABILITY)) { case LOW: op = addarg(op, "-aa .2 -ad 329 -as 42"); break; case MEDIUM: op = addarg(op, "-aa .15 -ad 800 -as 128"); break; case HIGH: op = addarg(op, "-aa .1 -ad 1536 -as 392"); break; } d = ambval(); sprintf(op, " -av %.2g %.2g %.2g", d, d, d); op += strlen(op); op = addarg(op, "-lr 8 -lw 1e-4"); } static void hiqopts( /* high quality rendering options */ char *op, char *po ) { double d, org[3], siz[3], asz; *op = '\0'; *po = '\0'; if (sscanf(vval(ZONE), "%*s %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf", &org[0], &siz[0], &org[1], &siz[1], &org[2], &siz[2]) != 6) badvalue(ZONE); siz[0] -= org[0]; siz[1] -= org[1]; siz[2] -= org[2]; if ((siz[0] <= FTINY) | (siz[1] <= FTINY) | (siz[2] <= FTINY)) badvalue(ZONE); getoctcube(org, &d); asz = (siz[0]+siz[1]+siz[2])/3.; d /= asz; switch (vscale(DETAIL)) { case LOW: po = addarg(po, vbool(PENUMBRAS) ? "-ps 1" : "-ps 8"); op = addarg(op, "-dp 1024"); sprintf(op, " -ar %d", (int)(32*d)); op += strlen(op); sprintf(op, " -ms %.2g", asz/40.); op += strlen(op); break; case MEDIUM: po = addarg(po, vbool(PENUMBRAS) ? "-ps 1" : "-ps 5"); op = addarg(op, "-dp 2048"); sprintf(op, " -ar %d", (int)(64*d)); op += strlen(op); sprintf(op, " -ms %.2g", asz/80.); op += strlen(op); break; case HIGH: po = addarg(po, vbool(PENUMBRAS) ? "-ps 1" : "-ps 3"); op = addarg(op, "-dp 4096"); sprintf(op, " -ar %d", (int)(128*d)); op += strlen(op); sprintf(op, " -ms %.2g", asz/160.); op += strlen(op); break; } po = addarg(po, "-pt .04"); if (vbool(PENUMBRAS)) op = addarg(op, "-ds .1 -dj .9"); else op = addarg(op, "-ds .2"); op = addarg(op, "-dt .05 -dc .75 -dr 3 -ss 16 -st .01"); sprintf(op, " -ab %d", overture=vint(INDIRECT)+1); op += strlen(op); if (vdef(AMBFILE)) { sprintf(op, " -af %s", vval(AMBFILE)); op += strlen(op); } else overture = 0; switch (vscale(VARIABILITY)) { case LOW: op = addarg(op, "-aa .125 -ad 512 -as 64"); break; case MEDIUM: op = addarg(op, "-aa .1 -ad 1536 -as 768"); break; case HIGH: op = addarg(op, "-aa .075 -ad 4096 -as 2048"); break; } d = ambval(); sprintf(op, " -av %.2g %.2g %.2g", d, d, d); op += strlen(op); op = addarg(op, "-lr 12 -lw 1e-5"); } #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64) static void setenv( /* set an environment variable */ char *vname, char *value ) { char *evp; evp = bmalloc(strlen(vname)+strlen(value)+2); if (evp == NULL) syserr(progname); sprintf(evp, "%s=%s", vname, value); if (putenv(evp) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: out of environment space\n", progname); quit(1); } if (!silent) printf("set %s\n", evp); } #endif static void xferopts( /* transfer options if indicated */ char *ro ) { int fd, n; char *cp; n = strlen(ro); if (n < 2) return; if (vdef(OPTFILE)) { for (cp = ro; cp[1]; cp++) if (isspace(cp[1]) && (cp[2] == '@' || (cp[2] == '-' && isalpha(cp[3])))) *cp = '\n'; else *cp = cp[1]; *cp = '\n'; fd = open(vval(OPTFILE), O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0666); if (fd < 0 || write(fd, ro, n) != n || close(fd) < 0) syserr(vval(OPTFILE)); sprintf(ro, " @%s", vval(OPTFILE)); } #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64) else if (n > 50) { setenv("ROPT", ro+1); strcpy(ro, " $ROPT"); } #endif } static void pfiltopts( /* get pfilt options */ char *po ) { *po = '\0'; if (vdef(EXPOSURE)) { po = addarg(po, "-1 -e"); po = addarg(po, vval(EXPOSURE)); } switch (vscale(QUALITY)) { case MEDIUM: po = addarg(po, "-r .6"); break; case HIGH: po = addarg(po, "-m .25"); break; } if (vdef(PFILT)) { if (vval(PFILT)[0] != '-') { atos(c_pfilt, sizeof(c_pfilt), vval(PFILT)); po = addarg(po, sskip2(vval(PFILT), 1)); } else po = addarg(po, vval(PFILT)); } } static int matchword( /* match white-delimited words */ char *s1, char *s2 ) { while (isspace(*s1)) s1++; while (isspace(*s2)) s2++; while (*s1 && !isspace(*s1)) if (*s1++ != *s2++) return(0); return(!*s2 || isspace(*s2)); } static char * specview( /* get proper view spec from vs */ char *vs ) { static char vup[7][12] = {"-vu 0 0 -1","-vu 0 -1 0","-vu -1 0 0", "-vu 0 0 1", "-vu 1 0 0","-vu 0 1 0","-vu 0 0 1"}; static char viewopts[128]; char *cp; int xpos, ypos, zpos, viewtype, upax; int i; double cent[3], dim[3], mult, d; if (vs == NULL || *vs == '-') return(vs); upax = 0; /* get the up vector */ if (vdef(UP)) { if (vval(UP)[0] == '-' || vval(UP)[0] == '+') upax = 1-'X'+UPPER(vval(UP)[1]); else upax = 1-'X'+vlet(UP); if ((upax < 1) | (upax > 3)) badvalue(UP); if (vval(UP)[0] == '-') upax = -upax; } /* check standard view names */ xpos = ypos = zpos = 0; if (*vs == 'X') { xpos = 1; vs++; } else if (*vs == 'x') { xpos = -1; vs++; } if (*vs == 'Y') { ypos = 1; vs++; } else if (*vs == 'y') { ypos = -1; vs++; } if (*vs == 'Z') { zpos = 1; vs++; } else if (*vs == 'z') { zpos = -1; vs++; } switch (*vs) { case VT_PER: case VT_PAR: case VT_ANG: case VT_HEM: case VT_PLS: case VT_CYL: viewtype = *vs++; break; default: viewtype = VT_PER; break; } cp = viewopts; if ((!*vs || isspace(*vs)) && (xpos|ypos|zpos)) { /* got one! */ *cp++ = '-'; *cp++ = 'v'; *cp++ = 't'; *cp++ = viewtype; if (sscanf(vval(ZONE), "%*s %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf", ¢[0], &dim[0], ¢[1], &dim[1], ¢[2], &dim[2]) != 6) badvalue(ZONE); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { dim[i] -= cent[i]; if (dim[i] <= FTINY) badvalue(ZONE); cent[i] += .5*dim[i]; } mult = vlet(ZONE)=='E' ? 2. : .45 ; sprintf(cp, " -vp %.3g %.3g %.3g -vd %.3g %.3g %.3g", cent[0]+xpos*mult*dim[0], cent[1]+ypos*mult*dim[1], cent[2]+zpos*mult*dim[2], -xpos*dim[0], -ypos*dim[1], -zpos*dim[2]); cp += strlen(cp); /* redirect up axis if necessary */ switch (upax) { case 3: /* plus or minus Z axis */ case -3: case 0: if (!(xpos|ypos)) upax = 2; break; case 2: /* plus or minus Y axis */ case -2: if (!(xpos|zpos)) upax = 1; break; case 1: /* plus or minus X axis */ case -1: if (!(ypos|zpos)) upax = 3; break; } cp = addarg(cp, vup[upax+3]); switch (viewtype) { case VT_PER: cp = addarg(cp, "-vh 45 -vv 45"); break; case VT_PAR: d = sqrt(dim[0]*dim[0]+dim[1]*dim[1]+dim[2]*dim[2]); sprintf(cp, " -vh %.3g -vv %.3g", d, d); cp += strlen(cp); break; case VT_ANG: case VT_HEM: case VT_PLS: cp = addarg(cp, "-vh 180 -vv 180"); break; case VT_CYL: cp = addarg(cp, "-vh 180 -vv 90"); break; } } else { while (!isspace(*vs)) /* else skip id */ if (!*vs++) return(NULL); if (upax) { /* prepend up vector */ strcpy(cp, vup[upax+3]); cp += strlen(cp); } } if (cp == viewopts) /* append any additional options */ vs++; /* skip prefixed space if unneeded */ strcpy(cp, vs); #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64) if (strlen(viewopts) > 40) { setenv("VIEW", viewopts); return("$VIEW"); } #endif return(viewopts); } static char * getview( /* get view n, or NULL if none */ int n, char *vn /* returned view name */ ) { char *mv; if (viewselect != NULL) { /* command-line selected */ if (n) /* only do one */ return(NULL); if (isint(viewselect)) { /* view number? */ n = atoi(viewselect)-1; goto numview; } if (viewselect[0] == '-') { /* already specified */ if (vn != NULL) strcpy(vn, "0"); return(viewselect); } if (vn != NULL) { for (mv = viewselect; *mv && !isspace(*mv); *vn++ = *mv++) ; *vn = '\0'; } /* check list */ while ((mv = nvalue(VIEWS, n++)) != NULL) if (matchword(viewselect, mv)) return(specview(mv)); return(specview(viewselect)); /* standard view? */ } numview: mv = nvalue(VIEWS, n); /* use view n */ if ((vn != NULL) & (mv != NULL)) { if (*mv != '-') { char *mv2 = mv; while (*mv2 && !isspace(*mv2)) *vn++ = *mv2++; *vn = '\0'; } else sprintf(vn, "%d", n+1); } return(specview(mv)); } static int myprintview( /* print out selected view */ char *vopts, FILE *fp ) { VIEW vwr; char buf[128]; char *cp; #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64) /* XXX Should we allow something like this for all platforms? */ /* XXX Or is it still required at all? */ again: #endif if (vopts == NULL) return(-1); #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64) if (vopts[0] == '$') { vopts = getenv(vopts+1); goto again; } #endif vwr = stdview; sscanview(&vwr, cp=vopts); /* set initial options */ while ((cp = strstr(cp, "-vf ")) != NULL && *atos(buf, sizeof(buf), cp += 4)) { viewfile(buf, &vwr, NULL); /* load -vf file */ sscanview(&vwr, cp); /* reset tail */ } fputs(VIEWSTR, fp); fprintview(&vwr, fp); /* print full spec. */ fputc('\n', fp); return(0); } static void rvu( /* run rvu with first view */ char *opts, char *po ) { char *vw; char combuf[PATH_MAX]; /* build command */ if (touchonly || (vw = getview(0, NULL)) == NULL) return; if (sayview) myprintview(vw, stdout); sprintf(combuf, "%s %s%s%s -R %s ", c_rvu, vw, opts, po, rifname); if (nprocs > 1) sprintf(combuf+strlen(combuf), "-n %d ", nprocs); if (rvdevice != NULL) sprintf(combuf+strlen(combuf), "-o %s ", rvdevice); if (vdef(EXPOSURE)) sprintf(combuf+strlen(combuf), "-pe %s ", vval(EXPOSURE)); strcat(combuf, oct1name); if (runcom(combuf)) { /* run it */ fprintf(stderr, "%s: error running %s\n", progname, c_rvu); quit(1); } } static int syncf_done( /* check if an rpiece sync file is complete */ char *sfname ) { FILE *fp = fopen(sfname, "r"); int todo = 1; int x, y; if (fp == NULL) return(0); if (fscanf(fp, "%d %d", &x, &y) != 2) goto checked; todo = x*y; /* total number of tiles */ if (fscanf(fp, "%d %d", &x, &y) != 2 || (x != 0) | (y != 0)) goto checked; /* XXX assume no redundant tiles */ while (fscanf(fp, "%d %d", &x, &y) == 2) if (!--todo) break; checked: fclose(fp); return(!todo); } static void rpict( /* run rpict and pfilt for each view */ char *opts, char *po ) { #define do_rpiece (sfile[0]!='\0') char combuf[5*PATH_MAX+512]; char rawfile[PATH_MAX], picfile[PATH_MAX]; char zopt[PATH_MAX+4], rep[PATH_MAX+16], res[32]; char rppopt[32], sfile[PATH_MAX], *pfile = NULL; char pfopts[128]; char vs[32], *vw; int vn, mult; FILE *fp; time_t rfdt, pfdt; int xres, yres; double aspect; int n; /* get pfilt options */ pfiltopts(pfopts); /* get resolution, reporting */ switch (vscale(QUALITY)) { case LOW: mult = 1; break; case MEDIUM: mult = 2; break; case HIGH: mult = 3; break; } n = sscanf(vval(RESOLUTION), "%d %d %lf", &xres, &yres, &aspect); if (n == 3) sprintf(res, "-x %d -y %d -pa %.3f", mult*xres, mult*yres, aspect); else if (n) { aspect = 1.; if (n == 1) yres = xres; sprintf(res, "-x %d -y %d", mult*xres, mult*yres); } else badvalue(RESOLUTION); rep[0] = '\0'; if (vdef(REPORT)) { double minutes; n = sscanf(vval(REPORT), "%lf %s", &minutes, rawfile); if (n == 2) sprintf(rep, " -t %d -e %s", (int)(minutes*60), rawfile); else if (n == 1) sprintf(rep, " -t %d", (int)(minutes*60)); else badvalue(REPORT); } /* set up parallel rendering */ sfile[0] = '\0'; if ((nprocs > 1) & !touchonly & !vdef(ZFILE) && getview(0, vs) != NULL) { if (!strcmp(c_rpict, DEF_RPICT_PATH) && getview(1, NULL) == NULL) { sprintf(sfile, "%s_%s_rpsync.txt", vdef(RAWFILE) ? vval(RAWFILE) : vval(PICTURE), vs); strcpy(rppopt, "-PP pfXXXXXX"); } else { strcpy(rppopt, "-S 1 -PP pfXXXXXX"); } pfile = rppopt + strlen(rppopt) - 8; if (mktemp(pfile) == NULL) { if (do_rpiece) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot create\n", pfile); quit(1); } pfile[-5] = '\0'; pfile = NULL; } } vn = 0; /* do each view */ while ((vw = getview(vn++, vs)) != NULL) { if (sayview) myprintview(vw, stdout); sprintf(picfile, "%s_%s.hdr", vval(PICTURE), vs); if (vdef(ZFILE)) sprintf(zopt, " -z %s_%s.zbf", vval(ZFILE), vs); else zopt[0] = '\0'; /* check date on picture */ pfdt = fdate(picfile); if (pfdt >= oct1date) continue; /* get raw file name */ sprintf(rawfile, "%s_%s.unf", vdef(RAWFILE) ? vval(RAWFILE) : vval(PICTURE), vs); rfdt = fdate(rawfile); if (touchonly) { /* update times only */ if (rfdt) { if (rfdt < oct1date) touch(rawfile); } else if (pfdt && pfdt < oct1date) touch(picfile); continue; } /* parallel running? */ if (do_rpiece) { if (rfdt < oct1date || !fdate(sfile)) { int xdiv = 8+nprocs/3, ydiv = 8+nprocs/3; if (rfdt >= oct1date) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: partial output not created with %s\n", rawfile, c_rpiece); quit(1); } if (rfdt) { /* start fresh */ rmfile(rawfile); rfdt = 0; } if (!silent) printf("\techo %d %d > %s\n", xdiv, ydiv, sfile); if ((fp = fopen(sfile, "w")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot create\n", sfile); quit(1); } fprintf(fp, "%d %d\n", xdiv, ydiv); fclose(fp); } } else if (next_process(0)) { if (pfile != NULL) sleep(10); continue; } else if (!inchild()) pfile = NULL; /* XXX Remember to call finish_process() */ /* build rpict command */ if (rfdt >= oct1date) { /* already in progress */ if (do_rpiece) { sprintf(combuf, "%s -R %s %s%s %s %s%s%s -o %s %s", c_rpiece, sfile, rppopt, rep, vw, res, opts, po, rawfile, oct1name); while (next_process(1)) { sleep(10); combuf[strlen(c_rpiece)+2] = 'F'; } } else sprintf(combuf, "%s%s%s%s%s -ro %s %s", c_rpict, rep, opts, po, zopt, rawfile, oct1name); if (runcom(combuf)) /* run rpict/rpiece */ goto rperror; } else { if (overture) { /* run overture calculation */ sprintf(combuf, "%s%s %s%s -x 64 -y 64 -ps 1 %s > %s", c_rpict, rep, vw, opts, oct1name, overfile); if (!do_rpiece || !next_process(0)) { if (runcom(combuf)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: error in overture for view %s\n", progname, vs); quit(1); } #ifndef NULL_DEVICE rmfile(overfile); #endif } else if (do_rpiece) sleep(20); } if (do_rpiece) { sprintf(combuf, "%s -F %s %s%s %s %s%s%s -o %s %s", c_rpiece, sfile, rppopt, rep, vw, res, opts, po, rawfile, oct1name); while (next_process(1)) sleep(10); } else { sprintf(combuf, "%s%s %s %s%s%s%s %s > %s", c_rpict, rep, vw, res, opts, po, zopt, oct1name, rawfile); } if ((pfile != NULL) & !do_rpiece) { if (!silent) printf("\t%s\n", combuf); fflush(stdout); sprintf(combuf, "%s%s %s %s%s%s %s > %s", c_rpict, rep, rppopt, res, opts, po, oct1name, rawfile); fp = popen(combuf, "w"); if (fp == NULL) goto rperror; myprintview(vw, fp); if (pclose(fp)) goto rperror; } else if (runcom(combuf)) goto rperror; } if (do_rpiece) { /* need to finish raw, first */ finish_process(); wait_process(1); if (!syncf_done(sfile)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s did not complete rendering of view %s\n", progname, c_rpiece, vs); quit(1); } } if (!vdef(RAWFILE) || strcmp(vval(RAWFILE),vval(PICTURE))) { /* build pfilt command */ if (do_rpiece) sprintf(combuf, "%s%s -x %d -y %d -p %.3f %s > %s", c_pfilt, pfopts, xres, yres, aspect, rawfile, picfile); else if (mult > 1) sprintf(combuf, "%s%s -x /%d -y /%d %s > %s", c_pfilt, pfopts, mult, mult, rawfile, picfile); else sprintf(combuf, "%s%s %s > %s", c_pfilt, pfopts, rawfile, picfile); if (runcom(combuf)) { /* run pfilt */ fprintf(stderr, "%s: error filtering view %s\n\t%s removed\n", progname, vs, picfile); unlink(picfile); quit(1); } } /* remove/rename raw file */ if (vdef(RAWFILE)) { sprintf(combuf, "%s_%s.hdr", vval(RAWFILE), vs); mvfile(rawfile, combuf); } else rmfile(rawfile); if (do_rpiece) /* done with sync file */ rmfile(sfile); else finish_process(); /* exit if child */ } wait_process(1); /* wait for children to finish */ if (pfile != NULL) { /* clean up persistent rpict */ RT_PID pid; fp = fopen(pfile, "r"); if (fp != NULL) { if (fscanf(fp, "%*s %d", &pid) != 1 || kill(pid, 1) < 0) unlink(pfile); fclose(fp); } } return; rperror: fprintf(stderr, "%s: error rendering view %s\n", progname, vs); quit(1); #undef do_rpiece } static int touch( /* update a file */ char *fn ) { if (!silent) printf("\ttouch %s\n", fn); if (!nprocs) return(0); return(setfdate(fn, time((time_t *)NULL))); } static int runcom( /* run command */ char *cs ) { if (!silent) /* echo it */ printf("\t%s\n", cs); if (!nprocs) return(0); fflush(NULL); /* flush output and pass to shell */ return(system(cs)); } static int rmfile( /* remove a file */ char *fn ) { if (!silent) printf("\t%s %s\n", DELCMD, fn); if (!nprocs) return(0); return(unlink(fn)); } static int mvfile( /* move a file */ char *fold, char *fnew ) { if (!silent) printf("\t%s %s %s\n", RENAMECMD, fold, fnew); if (!nprocs) return(0); return(rename(fold, fnew)); } #ifdef RHAS_FORK_EXEC static int next_process(int reserve) /* fork the next process */ { RT_PID child_pid; if (nprocs <= 1) return(0); /* it's us or no one */ if (inchild()) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: internal error 1 in next_process()\n", progname); quit(1); } if (reserve > 0 && children_running >= nprocs-reserve) return(0); /* caller holding back process(es) */ if (children_running >= nprocs) wait_process(0); /* wait for someone to finish */ fflush(NULL); /* flush output */ child_pid = fork(); /* split process */ if (child_pid == 0) { /* we're the child */ children_running = -1; nprocs = 1; return(0); } if (child_pid > 0) { /* we're the parent */ ++children_running; return(1); } fprintf(stderr, "%s: warning -- fork() failed\n", progname); return(0); } static void wait_process( /* wait for process(es) to finish */ int all ) { int ourstatus = 0, status; RT_PID pid; if (all) all = children_running; else if (children_running > 0) all = 1; while (all-- > 0) { pid = wait(&status); if (pid < 0) syserr(progname); status = status>>8 & 0xff; --children_running; if (status != 0) { /* child's problem is our problem */ if ((ourstatus == 0) & (children_running > 0)) fprintf(stderr, "%s: waiting for remaining processes\n", progname); ourstatus = status; all = children_running; } } if (ourstatus != 0) quit(ourstatus); /* bad status from child */ } #else /* ! RHAS_FORK_EXEC */ static int next_process(int reserve) { return(0); /* cannot start new process */ } static void wait_process(all) int all; { (void)all; /* no one to wait for */ } int kill(pid, sig) /* win|unix_process.c should also wait and kill */ RT_PID pid; int sig; { return 0; } #endif /* ! RHAS_FORK_EXEC */ static void finish_process(void) /* exit a child process */ { if (!inchild()) return; /* in parent -- noop */ exit(0); } static void badvalue( /* report bad variable value and exit */ int vc ) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: bad value for variable '%s'\n", progname, vnam(vc)); quit(1); } static void syserr( /* report a system error and exit */ char *s ) { perror(s); quit(1); } void quit(ec) /* exit program */ int ec; { exit(ec); }