#ifndef lint static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: netproc.c,v 2.15 2004/03/26 21:36:19 schorsch Exp $"; #endif /* * Parallel network process handling routines */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "rtmisc.h" #include "selcall.h" #include "netproc.h" #include "paths.h" PSERVER *pslist = NULL; /* global process server list */ static NETPROC *pindex[FD_SETSIZE]; /* process index table */ static char ourhost[64]; /* this host name */ static char ourdir[PATH_MAX]; /* our working directory */ static char ouruser[32]; /* our user name */ static char *ourshell; /* our user's shell */ static fd_set errdesc; /* error file descriptors */ static int maxfd; /* maximum assigned descriptor */ extern char *remsh; /* externally defined remote shell program */ static int readerrs(int fd); static void wait4end(void); static int finishjob(PSERVER *ps, int pn, int status); extern PSERVER * addpserver( /* add a new process server */ char *host, char *dir, char *usr, int np ) { register PSERVER *ps; /* allocate the struct */ if (np < 1) return(NULL); ps = (PSERVER *)malloc(sizeof(PSERVER)+(np-1)*sizeof(NETPROC)); if (ps == NULL) return(NULL); if (!ourhost[0]) { /* initialize */ char dirtmp[PATH_MAX]; register char *cp; register int len; strcpy(ourhost, myhostname()); getcwd(dirtmp, sizeof(dirtmp)); if ((cp = getenv("HOME")) != NULL) { if (!strcmp(cp, dirtmp)) ourdir[0] = '\0'; else if (!strncmp(cp, dirtmp, len=strlen(cp)) && dirtmp[len] == '/') strcpy(ourdir, dirtmp+len+1); else strcpy(ourdir, dirtmp); } else strcpy(ourdir, dirtmp); if ((cp = getenv("USER")) != NULL) strcpy(ouruser, cp); if ((ourshell = getenv("SHELL")) == NULL) ourshell = "/bin/sh"; FD_ZERO(&errdesc); maxfd = -1; } /* assign host, directory, user */ if (host == NULL || !strcmp(host, ourhost) || !strcmp(host, LHOSTNAME)) ps->hostname[0] = '\0'; else strcpy(ps->hostname, host); if (dir == NULL) strcpy(ps->directory, ourdir); else strcpy(ps->directory, dir); if (usr == NULL || !strcmp(usr, ouruser)) ps->username[0] = '\0'; else strcpy(ps->username, usr); /* clear process slots */ ps->nprocs = np; while (np--) { ps->proc[np].com = NULL; ps->proc[np].pid = -1; ps->proc[np].efd = -1; ps->proc[np].errs = NULL; ps->proc[np].elen = 0; ps->proc[np].cf = NULL; } /* insert in our list */ ps->next = pslist; pslist = ps; /* check for signs of life */ if (!pserverOK(ps)) { delpserver(ps); /* failure -- abort */ return(NULL); } return(ps); } extern void delpserver( /* delete a process server */ PSERVER *ps ) { PSERVER pstart; register PSERVER *psp; register int i; /* find server in our list */ pstart.next = pslist; for (psp = &pstart; ps != psp->next; psp = psp->next) if (psp->next == NULL) return; /* not in our list! */ /* kill any running jobs */ for (i = 0; i < ps->nprocs; i++) if (ps->proc[i].com != NULL) { kill(SIGTERM, ps->proc[i].pid); wait4job(ps, ps->proc[i].pid); } /* remove server from list */ psp->next = ps->next; pslist = pstart.next; free((void *)ps); /* free associated memory */ } extern PSERVER * findjob( /* find out where process is running */ register int *pnp /* modified */ ) { register PSERVER *ps; register int i; for (ps = pslist; ps != NULL; ps = ps->next) for (i = 0; i < ps->nprocs; i++) if (ps->proc[i].pid == *pnp) { *pnp = i; return(ps); } return(NULL); /* not found */ } extern int startjob( /* start a job on a process server */ register PSERVER *ps, char *command, pscompfunc *compf ) { char udirt[PATH_MAX]; char *av[16]; int pfd[2], pid; register int i; if (ps == NULL) { /* find a server */ for (ps = pslist; ps != NULL; ps = ps->next) if ((i = startjob(ps, command, compf)) != -1) return(i); /* got one */ return(-1); /* no slots anywhere */ } for (i = 0; i < ps->nprocs; i++) if (ps->proc[i].com == NULL) break; if (i >= ps->nprocs) return(-1); /* out of process slots */ /* open pipe */ if (pipe(pfd) < 0) { perror("cannot open pipe"); exit(1); } /* start child process */ if ((pid = fork()) == 0) { close(pfd[0]); /* connect stderr to pipe */ if (pfd[1] != 2) { dup2(pfd[1], 2); close(pfd[1]); } if (ps->hostname[0]) { /* rsh command */ av[i=0] = remsh; av[++i] = ps->hostname; av[++i] = "-n"; /* no stdin */ if (ps->username[0]) { /* different user */ av[++i] = "-l"; av[++i] = ps->username; av[++i] = "cd"; udirt[0] = '~'; strcpy(udirt+1, ouruser); av[++i] = udirt; av[++i] = ";"; } if (ps->directory[0]) { /* change directory */ av[++i] = "cd"; av[++i] = ps->directory; av[++i] = ";"; } av[++i] = command; av[++i] = NULL; } else { /* shell command */ av[0] = ourshell; av[1] = "-c"; av[2] = command; av[3] = NULL; } execv(av[0], av); _exit(1); } if (pid == -1) { perror("fork failed"); exit(1); } ps->proc[i].com = command; /* assign process slot */ ps->proc[i].cf = compf; ps->proc[i].pid = pid; close(pfd[1]); /* get piped stderr file descriptor */ ps->proc[i].efd = pfd[0]; fcntl(pfd[0], F_SETFD, 1); /* set close on exec flag */ pindex[pfd[0]] = ps->proc + i; /* assign error fd index */ FD_SET(pfd[0], &errdesc); /* add to select call parameter */ if (pfd[0] > maxfd) maxfd = pfd[0]; return(pid); /* return to parent process */ } static int readerrs( /* read error output from fd */ int fd ) { char errbuf[BUFSIZ]; int nr; register NETPROC *pp; /* look up associated process */ if ((pp = pindex[fd]) == NULL) abort(); /* serious consistency error */ nr = read(fd, errbuf, BUFSIZ-1); if (nr < 0) { perror("read error"); exit(1); } if (nr == 0) /* stream closed (process finished) */ return(0); errbuf[nr] = '\0'; /* add to error buffer */ if (pp->elen == 0) pp->errs = (char *)malloc(nr+1); else pp->errs = (char *)realloc((void *)pp->errs, pp->elen+nr+1); if (pp->errs == NULL) { perror("malloc failed"); exit(1); } strcpy(pp->errs+pp->elen, errbuf); pp->elen += nr; return(nr); } static void wait4end(void) /* read error streams until someone is done */ { fd_set readfds, excepfds; register int i; /* find end of descriptor set */ for ( ; maxfd >= 0; maxfd--) if (FD_ISSET(maxfd, &errdesc)) break; if (maxfd < 0) return; /* nothing to read */ readfds = excepfds = errdesc; while (select(maxfd+1, &readfds, NULL, &excepfds, NULL) > 0) for (i = 0; i <= maxfd; i++) /* get pending i/o */ if (FD_ISSET(i, &readfds) || FD_ISSET(i, &excepfds)) if (readerrs(i) == 0) return; /* finished process */ perror("select call failed"); exit(1); } static int finishjob( /* clean up finished process */ PSERVER *ps, int pn, int status ) { register NETPROC *pp; pp = ps->proc + pn; if (pp->cf != NULL) /* client cleanup */ status = (*pp->cf)(ps, pn, status); close(pp->efd); /* close error stream */ pindex[pp->efd] = NULL; FD_CLR(pp->efd, &errdesc); free((void *)pp->errs); pp->com = NULL; /* clear settings */ pp->pid = -1; pp->efd = -1; pp->errs = NULL; pp->elen = 0; pp->cf = NULL; return(status); } extern int wait4job( /* wait for process to finish */ PSERVER *ps, int pid ) { int status, psn, psn2; PSERVER *ps2; if (pid == -1) { /* wait for first job */ if (ps != NULL) { for (psn = ps->nprocs; psn--; ) if (ps->proc[psn].com != NULL) break; if (psn < 0) return(-1); /* no processes this server */ } do { wait4end(); /* wait for something to end */ if ((psn2 = wait(&status)) == -1) return(-1); /* none left */ ps2 = findjob(&psn2); if (ps2 != NULL) /* clean up job if ours */ status = finishjob(ps2, psn2, status); } while (ps2 == NULL || (ps != NULL && ps2 != ps)); return(status); /* return job status */ } psn = pid; /* else find specific job */ ps2 = findjob(&psn); /* find process slot */ if (ps2 == NULL || (ps != NULL && ps2 != ps)) return(-1); /* inconsistent target */ ps = ps2; do { wait4end(); /* wait for something to end */ if ((psn2 = wait(&status)) == -1) return(-1); /* none left */ ps2 = findjob(&psn2); if (ps2 != NULL) /* clean up job if ours */ status = finishjob(ps2, psn2, status); } while (ps2 != ps || psn2 != psn); return(status); /* return job status */ }