#ifndef lint static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: glrad.c,v 3.16 2003/06/30 14:59:13 schorsch Exp $"; #endif /* * Program to display Radiance scene using OpenGL. */ #include #include #ifndef NOSTEREO #include #endif #include #include #include #include "radogl.h" #include "view.h" #include "paths.h" #include "glradicon.h" #include "rtprocess.h" #ifndef MAXVIEW #define MAXVIEW 63 /* maximum number of standard views */ #endif #ifndef MAXSCENE #define MAXSCENE 127 /* maximum number of scene files */ #endif #define ZOOMPCT 9 /* percent to zoom at a time */ #define MOVPCT 7 /* percent distance to move /frame */ #define MOVDIR(b) ((b)==Button1 ? 1 : (b)==Button2 ? 0 : -1) #define MOVDEG (-5) /* degrees to orbit CW/down /frame */ #define MOVORB(s) ((s)&ShiftMask ? 1 : (s)&ControlMask ? -1 : 0) #define BORWIDTH 5 /* border width */ #define ourscreen DefaultScreen(ourdisplay) #define ourroot RootWindow(ourdisplay,ourscreen) #define ourmask (StructureNotifyMask|ExposureMask|KeyPressMask|\ ButtonPressMask|ButtonReleaseMask) #define levptr(etype) ((etype *)¤tevent) XEvent currentevent; /* current event */ int mapped = 0; /* window is mapped? */ unsigned long ourblack=0, ourwhite=~0; Display *ourdisplay = NULL; /* our display */ XVisualInfo *ourvinf; /* our visual information */ Window gwind = 0; /* our graphics window */ int hres, vres; /* rendering window dimensions */ int maxhres, maxvres; /* maximum given dimensions */ GLXContext gctx; /* our GLX context */ double pwidth, pheight; /* pixel dimensions (mm) */ int headlocked = 0; /* lock vertical motion */ struct { char *nam; /* view name (NULL if none) */ VIEW *v; /* parameters (NULL term.) */ } vwl[MAXVIEW+1]; /* our list of views */ int currentview = 0; /* current view number */ VIEW thisview = STDVIEW; /* displayed view */ double eyedist = 1; /* interocular distance */ VIEW lastview; /* last recorded view */ char *progname; /* global argv[0] */ char *radfile; /* rad input file */ char *scene[MAXSCENE+1]; /* material and scene file list */ int nscenef = 0; /* number of scene files */ char *octree; /* octree name (NULL if unnec.) */ SUBPROC rtpd; /* rtrace process descriptors */ int silent = 0; /* run rad silently? */ int backvis = 1; /* back faces visible? */ int stereo = 0; /* do stereo? */ #ifdef NOSTEREO #define setstereobuf(bid) 0 #else #define setstereobuf(bid) (glXWaitGL(), \ XSGISetStereoBuffer(ourdisplay, gwind, bid), \ glXWaitX()) #endif int displist; /* our scene display list */ int no_render = 0; /* don't rerender */ extern char *fgetline(), *atos(), *scan4var(); extern int nowarn; /* turn warnings off? */ main(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { char *viewsel = NULL; long vwintvl = 0; int i; progname = argv[0]; for (i = 1; i < argc && argv[i][0] == '-'; i++) switch (argv[i][1]) { case 'v': viewsel = argv[++i]; break; case 'w': nowarn = !nowarn; break; case 's': silent = !silent; break; case 'S': stereo = !stereo; break; case 'c': vwintvl = atoi(argv[++i]); break; case 'b': backvis = !backvis; break; default: goto userr; } if (i >= argc) goto userr; #ifdef NOSTEREO if (stereo) error(INTERNAL, "stereo not supported in this version"); #endif /* run rad and get views */ runrad(argc-i, argv+i); /* check view */ if (viewsel != NULL) if (viewsel[0] == '-') { char *ve = viewsel; if (!sscanview(&thisview, viewsel) || (ve = setview(&thisview)) != NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: bad view: %s\n", progname, ve); quit(1); } currentview = -1; } else if ((currentview = findvw(viewsel)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: no such view: %s\n", progname, viewsel); quit(1); } /* open GL */ dev_open(radfile = argv[i]); /* load octree or scene files */ if (octree != NULL) { displist = rgl_octlist(octree, NULL, NULL, NULL); startrtrace(octree); } else displist = rgl_filelist(nscenef, scene, NULL); /* set initial view */ dev_view(currentview < 0 ? &thisview : vwl[currentview].v); /* input/render loop */ while (dev_input(vwintvl)) ; /* all done */ quit(0); userr: fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-w][-s][-b][-S][-v view] rfile [VAR=value]..\n", argv[0]); quit(1); } void quit(code) /* exit gracefully */ int code; { if (ourdisplay != NULL) dev_close(); /* if (rtpd.pid > 0) { */ if (rtpd.running) { if (close_process(&rtpd) > 0) wputs("bad exit status from rtrace\n"); /* rtpd.pid = 0; */ } exit(code); } startrtrace(octname) /* start rtrace on octname */ char *octname; { static char *av[12] = {"rtrace", "-h", "-fff", "-ld+", "-opL", "-x", "1"}; int ac = 7; if (nowarn) av[ac++] = "-w-"; av[ac++] = octname; av[ac] = NULL; if (open_process(&rtpd, av) <= 0) error(SYSTEM, "cannot start rtrace process"); } runrad(ac, av) /* run rad and load variables */ int ac; char **av; { static char optfile[] = TEMPLATE; int nvn = 0, nvv = 0; FILE *fp; int cval; register char *cp; char radcomm[256], buf[128], nam[32]; /* set rad commmand */ strcpy(radcomm, "rad -w -v 0 "); /* look out below! */ cp = radcomm + 19; if (silent) { strcpy(cp, "-s "); cp += 3; } while (ac--) { strcpy(cp, *av++); while (*cp) cp++; *cp++ = ' '; } strcpy(cp, "OPTFILE="); /* create temporary options file */ strcpy(cp+8, mktemp(optfile)); if (system(radcomm)) /* update octree */ error(USER, "error executing rad command"); /* replace "-v 0" with "-n -e -s -V" */ strcpy(radcomm+7, "-n -e -s -V"); radcomm[18] = ' '; if ((fp = popen(radcomm, "r")) == NULL) error(SYSTEM, "cannot start rad command"); buf[0] = '\0'; /* read variables alphabetically */ /* get exposure */ if ((cp = scan4var(buf, sizeof(buf), "EXPOSURE", fp)) != NULL) { expval = atof(cp); if (*cp == '-' | *cp == '+') expval = pow(2., expval); expval *= 0.5; /* compensate for local shading */ } /* look for eye separation */ if ((cp = scan4var(buf, sizeof(buf), "EYESEP", fp)) != NULL) eyedist = atof(cp); /* look for materials */ while ((cp = scan4var(buf, sizeof(buf), "materials", fp)) != NULL) { nscenef += wordstring(scene+nscenef, cp); buf[0] = '\0'; } /* look for octree */ if ((cp = scan4var(buf, sizeof(buf), "OCTREE", fp)) != NULL) octree = savqstr(cp); /* look for scene files */ while ((cp = scan4var(buf, sizeof(buf), "scene", fp)) != NULL) { nscenef += wordstring(scene+nscenef, cp); buf[0] = '\0'; } /* load view names */ while ((cp = scan4var(buf, sizeof(buf), "view", fp)) != NULL) { if (nvn >= MAXVIEW) error(INTERNAL, "too many views in rad file"); vwl[nvn++].nam = *cp == '-' ? (char *)NULL : savqstr(atos(nam, sizeof(nam), cp)); buf[0] = '\0'; } /* load actual views */ do if (isview(buf)) { vwl[nvv].v = (VIEW *)bmalloc(sizeof(VIEW)); copystruct(vwl[nvv].v, &stdview); sscanview(vwl[nvv].v, buf); if ((cp = setview(vwl[nvv++].v)) != NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: bad view %d - %s\n", progname, nvv, cp); quit(1); } } while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp) != NULL); if (nvv != nvn) error(INTERNAL, "view miscount in runrad"); pclose(fp); /* open options file */ if ((fp = fopen(optfile, "r")) == NULL) error(SYSTEM, "cannot open options file"); /* get relevant options */ while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp) != NULL) if (!strncmp(buf, "-av ", 4)) setcolor(ambval, atof(buf+4), atof(sskip2(buf+4,1)), atof(sskip2(buf+4,2))); else if (backvis && !strncmp(buf, "-bv", 3) && (!buf[3] || strchr("0-FfNn \n",buf[3])!=NULL)) backvis = 0; fclose(fp); unlink(optfile); /* delete options file */ } int findvw(nm) /* find named view */ register char *nm; { register int n; if (*nm >= '1' & *nm <= '9' && (n = atoi(nm)-1) <= MAXVIEW && vwl[n].v != NULL) return(n); for (n = 0; vwl[n].v != NULL; n++) if (vwl[n].nam != NULL && !strcmp(nm, vwl[n].nam)) return(n); return(-1); } int varmatch(s, vn) /* match line to variable */ register char *s, *vn; { register int c; for ( ; *vn && *s == *vn; s++, vn++) ; while (isspace(*s)) s++; if (*s == '=') return(*vn); while (!(c = toupper(*s++) - toupper(*vn)) && *vn++) ; return(c); } char * scan4var(buf, buflen, vname, fp) /* scan for variable from fp */ char *buf; int buflen; char *vname; FILE *fp; { int cval; register char *cp; /* search out matching line */ while ((cval = varmatch(buf, vname))) { if (cval > 0) /* gone too far? */ return(NULL); buf[0] = '\0'; /* else get next line */ if (fgetline(buf, buflen, fp) == NULL) return(NULL); } /* skip variable name and '=' */ for (cp = buf; *cp++ != '='; ) ; while (isspace(*cp)) cp++; return(cp); } dev_open(id) /* initialize GLX driver */ char *id; { static int atlBest[] = {GLX_RGBA, GLX_RED_SIZE,4, GLX_GREEN_SIZE,4, GLX_BLUE_SIZE,4, GLX_DOUBLEBUFFER, GLX_DEPTH_SIZE,15, None}; XSetWindowAttributes ourwinattr; XWMHints ourxwmhints; /* open display server */ ourdisplay = XOpenDisplay(NULL); if (ourdisplay == NULL) error(USER, "cannot open X-windows; DISPLAY variable set?\n"); /* find a usable visual */ ourvinf = glXChooseVisual(ourdisplay, ourscreen, atlBest); if (ourvinf == NULL) error(USER, "no suitable visuals available"); /* get a context */ gctx = glXCreateContext(ourdisplay, ourvinf, NULL, GL_TRUE); /* open window */ ourwinattr.background_pixel = ourblack; ourwinattr.border_pixel = ourblack; ourwinattr.event_mask = ourmask; /* this is stupid */ ourwinattr.colormap = XCreateColormap(ourdisplay, ourroot, ourvinf->visual, AllocNone); gwind = XCreateWindow(ourdisplay, ourroot, 0, 0, DisplayWidth(ourdisplay,ourscreen)-2*BORWIDTH, DisplayHeight(ourdisplay,ourscreen)-2*BORWIDTH, BORWIDTH, ourvinf->depth, InputOutput, ourvinf->visual, CWBackPixel|CWBorderPixel|CWColormap|CWEventMask, &ourwinattr); if (gwind == 0) error(SYSTEM, "cannot create window\n"); XStoreName(ourdisplay, gwind, id); #ifndef NOSTEREO if (stereo) /* check if stereo working */ switch (XSGIQueryStereoMode(ourdisplay, gwind)) { case STEREO_TOP: case STEREO_BOTTOM: break; case STEREO_OFF: error(USER, "wrong video mode: run \"/usr/gfx/setmon -n STR_TOP\" first"); case X_STEREO_UNSUPPORTED: error(USER, "stereo not supported on this screen"); default: error(INTERNAL, "unknown stereo mode"); } #endif /* set window manager hints */ ourxwmhints.flags = InputHint|IconPixmapHint; ourxwmhints.input = True; ourxwmhints.icon_pixmap = XCreateBitmapFromData(ourdisplay, gwind, glradicon_bits, glradicon_width, glradicon_height); XSetWMHints(ourdisplay, gwind, &ourxwmhints); /* set GLX context */ glXMakeCurrent(ourdisplay, gwind, gctx); glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glDepthFunc(GL_LESS); glShadeModel(GL_SMOOTH); glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL); glLightModeli(GL_LIGHT_MODEL_TWO_SIDE, GL_TRUE); glEnable(GL_LIGHTING); glFrontFace(GL_CCW); glCullFace(GL_BACK); if (backvis) glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE); else glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE); glDrawBuffer(GL_BACK); /* figure out sensible view */ pwidth = (double)DisplayWidthMM(ourdisplay, ourscreen) / DisplayWidth(ourdisplay, ourscreen); pheight = (double)DisplayHeightMM(ourdisplay, ourscreen) / DisplayHeight(ourdisplay, ourscreen); if (stereo) { /* set stereo mode */ setstereobuf(STEREO_BUFFER_LEFT); pheight *= 2.; } /* map the window */ XMapWindow(ourdisplay, gwind); no_render++; do dev_input(0); /* get resize event */ while (hres == 0 & vres == 0); no_render--; rgl_checkerr("initializing GLX"); } dev_close() /* close our display and free resources */ { glXMakeCurrent(ourdisplay, None, NULL); glXDestroyContext(ourdisplay, gctx); XDestroyWindow(ourdisplay, gwind); gwind = 0; XCloseDisplay(ourdisplay); ourdisplay = NULL; } int dev_view(nv) /* assign new driver view */ register VIEW *nv; { int newhres = hres, newvres = vres; double wa, va; /* check view legality */ if (nv->type != VT_PER) { error(COMMAND, "illegal view type"); nv->type = VT_PER; } if (nv->horiz > 160. | nv->vert > 160.) { error(COMMAND, "illegal view angle"); if (nv->horiz > 160.) nv->horiz = 160.; if (nv->vert > 160.) nv->vert = 160.; } if (hres != 0 & vres != 0) { wa = (vres*pheight)/(hres*pwidth); va = viewaspect(nv); if (va > wa+.05) { newvres = (pwidth/pheight)*va*newhres + .5; if (newvres > maxvres) { newvres = maxvres; newhres = (pheight/pwidth)/va*newvres + .5; } } else if (va < wa-.05) { newhres = (pheight/pwidth)/va*newvres + .5; if (newhres > maxhres) { newhres = maxhres; newvres = (pwidth/pheight)*va*newhres + .5; } } if (newhres != hres | newvres != vres) { no_render++; XResizeWindow(ourdisplay, gwind, newhres, newvres); do dev_input(0); /* get resize event */ while (newhres != hres | newvres != vres); no_render--; } } copystruct(&thisview, nv); setglpersp(&thisview); render(); return(1); } int dev_input(nsecs) /* get next input event */ int nsecs; { #if 0 static time_t lasttime = 0; time_t thistime; if (nsecs > 0) { thistime = time(0); nsecs -= (long)(thistime - lasttime); lasttime = thistime; } if (nsecs > 0) alarm(nsecs); #endif XNextEvent(ourdisplay, levptr(XEvent)); switch (levptr(XEvent)->type) { case ConfigureNotify: resizewindow(levptr(XConfigureEvent)); break; case UnmapNotify: mapped = 0; break; case MapNotify: mapped = 1; break; case Expose: fixwindow(levptr(XExposeEvent)); break; case KeyPress: return(getkey(levptr(XKeyPressedEvent))); case ButtonPress: getmove(levptr(XButtonPressedEvent)); break; } return(1); } render() /* render our display list and swap buffers */ { double d; if (!mapped | no_render) return; glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT|GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); glCallList(displist); if (stereo) { /* do right eye for stereo */ setstereobuf(STEREO_BUFFER_RIGHT); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT|GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glPushMatrix(); d = -eyedist / sqrt(thisview.hn2); glTranslated(d*thisview.hvec[0], d*thisview.hvec[1], d*thisview.hvec[2]); glCallList(displist); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glPopMatrix(); setstereobuf(STEREO_BUFFER_LEFT); } glXSwapBuffers(ourdisplay, gwind); /* calls glFlush() */ rgl_checkerr("rendering display list"); } moveview(dx, dy, mov, orb) /* move our view */ int dx, dy, mov, orb; { VIEW nv; FVECT odir, v1, wp; double d; register int li; /* start with old view */ copystruct(&nv, &thisview); /* change view direction */ if ((d = viewray(v1, odir, &thisview, (dx+.5)/hres, (dy+.5)/vres)) < -FTINY) return(0); /* outside view */ if (mov | orb) { if (!getintersect(wp, v1, odir, d)) return(0); VSUM(odir, wp, nv.vp, -1.); } else VCOPY(nv.vdir, odir); if (orb && mov) { /* orbit left/right */ spinvector(odir, odir, nv.vup, d=MOVDEG*PI/180.*mov); VSUM(nv.vp, wp, odir, -1.); spinvector(nv.vdir, nv.vdir, nv.vup, d); } else if (orb) { /* orbit up/down */ fcross(v1, odir, nv.vup); if (normalize(v1) == 0.) return(0); spinvector(odir, odir, v1, d=MOVDEG*PI/180.*orb); VSUM(nv.vp, wp, odir, -1.); spinvector(nv.vdir, nv.vdir, v1, d); } else if (mov) { /* move forward/backward */ d = MOVPCT/100. * mov; VSUM(nv.vp, nv.vp, odir, d); } if (!mov ^ !orb && headlocked) { /* restore head height */ VSUM(v1, thisview.vp, nv.vp, -1.); d = DOT(v1, thisview.vup); VSUM(nv.vp, nv.vp, thisview.vup, d); } if (setview(&nv) != NULL) return(0); /* illegal view */ dev_view(&nv); return(1); } static waitabit() /* pause a moment */ { struct timespec ts; ts.tv_sec = 0; ts.tv_nsec = 5000000; nanosleep(&ts, NULL); } getmove(ebut) /* get view change */ XButtonPressedEvent *ebut; { int movdir = MOVDIR(ebut->button); int movorb = MOVORB(ebut->state); int moved = 0; Window rootw, childw; int rootx, rooty, wx, wy; unsigned int statemask; copylastv( movorb ? (movdir ? "left/right" : "up/down") : (movdir ? "fore/back" : "rotate") ); XNoOp(ourdisplay); while (!XCheckMaskEvent(ourdisplay, ButtonReleaseMask, levptr(XEvent))) { /* pause so as not to move too fast */ waitabit(); if (!XQueryPointer(ourdisplay, gwind, &rootw, &childw, &rootx, &rooty, &wx, &wy, &statemask)) break; /* on another screen */ if (!moveview(wx, vres-1-wy, movdir, movorb)) { sleep(1); continue; } else moved++; } if (!moved) { /* do final motion */ movdir = MOVDIR(levptr(XButtonReleasedEvent)->button); wx = levptr(XButtonReleasedEvent)->x; wy = levptr(XButtonReleasedEvent)->y; moveview(wx, vres-1-wy, movdir, movorb); } } getintersect(wp, org, dir, md) /* intersect ray with scene geometry */ FVECT wp; /* returned world intersection point */ FVECT org, dir; double md; { float fbuf[6]; /* check to see if rtrace is running */ /* if (rtpd.pid <= 0) */ if (!rtpd.running) return(0); /* assign origin */ fbuf[0] = org[0]; fbuf[1] = org[1]; fbuf[2] = org[2]; /* compute clipping distance */ if (md <= FTINY) md = FHUGE; fbuf[3] = dir[0]*md; fbuf[4] = dir[1]*md; fbuf[5] = dir[2]*md; /* trace that ray */ if (process(&rtpd, (char *)fbuf, (char *)fbuf, 4*sizeof(float), 6*sizeof(float)) != 4*sizeof(float)) error(INTERNAL, "error getting data back from rtrace process"); if (fbuf[3] >= .99*FHUGE) return(0); /* missed local objects */ wp[0] = fbuf[0]; wp[1] = fbuf[1]; wp[2] = fbuf[2]; return(1); /* else return world intersection */ } setglpersp(vp) /* set perspective view in GL */ register VIEW *vp; { double d, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax; zmin = 0.1; zmax = 1000.; if (thisview.vfore > FTINY) zmin = thisview.vfore; if (thisview.vaft > FTINY) zmax = thisview.vaft; xmax = zmin * tan(PI/180./2. * thisview.horiz); xmin = -xmax; d = thisview.hoff * (xmax - xmin); xmin += d; xmax += d; ymax = zmin * tan(PI/180./2. * thisview.vert); ymin = -ymax; d = thisview.voff * (ymax - ymin); ymin += d; ymax += d; /* set view matrix */ glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity(); glFrustum(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax); gluLookAt(thisview.vp[0], thisview.vp[1], thisview.vp[2], thisview.vp[0] + thisview.vdir[0], thisview.vp[1] + thisview.vdir[1], thisview.vp[2] + thisview.vdir[2], thisview.vup[0], thisview.vup[1], thisview.vup[2]); rgl_checkerr("setting perspective view"); } int getkey(ekey) /* get input key */ register XKeyPressedEvent *ekey; { int n; char buf[8]; n = XLookupString(ekey, buf, sizeof(buf), NULL, NULL); if (n != 1) return(1); switch (buf[0]) { case 'h': /* turn on height motion lock */ headlocked = 1; break; case 'H': /* turn off height motion lock */ headlocked = 0; break; case 'l': /* retrieve last (premouse) view */ if (lastview.type) { VIEW vtmp; copystruct(&vtmp, &thisview); dev_view(&lastview); copystruct(&lastview, &vtmp); } else XBell(ourdisplay, 0); break; case 'n': /* move to next standard view */ gotoview(currentview+1); break; case 'p': /* move to last standard view */ gotoview(currentview-1); break; case '+': /* zoom in */ zoomview(100+ZOOMPCT, ekey->x, vres-1-ekey->y); break; case '-': /* zoom out */ zoomview(100-ZOOMPCT, ekey->x, vres-1-ekey->y); break; case 'v': /* spit current view to stdout */ fputs(VIEWSTR, stdout); fprintview(&thisview, stdout); fputc('\n', stdout); break; case 'V': /* append view to rad file */ appendview(NULL, &thisview); break; case 'q': /* quit the program */ return(0); default: XBell(ourdisplay, 0); break; } return(1); } zoomview(pct, dx, dy) /* zoom in or out around (dx,dy) */ int pct; int dx, dy; { double h, v; FVECT direc; if (pct == 100 | pct <= 0) return; copylastv("zooming"); h = (dx+.5)/hres - 0.5; v = (dy+.5)/vres - 0.5; h *= (1. - 100./pct); v *= (1. - 100./pct); thisview.vdir[0] += h*thisview.hvec[0] + v*thisview.vvec[0]; thisview.vdir[1] += h*thisview.hvec[1] + v*thisview.vvec[1]; thisview.vdir[2] += h*thisview.hvec[2] + v*thisview.vvec[2]; thisview.horiz = 2.*180./PI * atan( 100./pct * tan(PI/180./2.*thisview.horiz) ); thisview.vert = 2.*180./PI * atan( 100./pct * tan(PI/180./2.*thisview.vert) ); setview(&thisview); dev_view(&thisview); } gotoview(vwnum) /* go to specified view number */ int vwnum; { if (vwnum < 0) for (vwnum = currentview; vwl[vwnum+1].v != NULL; vwnum++) ; else if (vwnum >= MAXVIEW || vwl[vwnum].v == NULL) vwnum = 0; copylastv("standard view"); dev_view(vwl[currentview=vwnum].v); } appendview(nm, vp) /* append standard view */ char *nm; VIEW *vp; { FILE *fp; /* check if already in there */ if (!memcmp(&thisview, vwl[currentview].v, sizeof(VIEW))) { error(COMMAND, "view already in standard list"); return; } /* append to file */ if ((fp = fopen(radfile, "a")) == NULL) { error(COMMAND, "cannot append rad input file"); return; } fputs("view=", fp); if (nm != NULL) { fputc(' ', fp); fputs(nm, fp); } fprintview(vp, fp); fputc('\n', fp); fclose(fp); /* append to our list */ while (vwl[currentview].v != NULL) currentview++; if (currentview >= MAXVIEW) error(INTERNAL, "too many views in appendview"); vwl[currentview].v = (VIEW *)bmalloc(sizeof(VIEW)); copystruct(vwl[currentview].v, &thisview); if (nm != NULL) vwl[currentview].nam = savqstr(nm); } copylastv(cause) /* copy last view position */ char *cause; { static char *lastvc; if (cause == lastvc) return; /* only record one view per cause */ lastvc = cause; copystruct(&lastview, &thisview); } fixwindow(eexp) /* repair damage to window */ register XExposeEvent *eexp; { if (hres == 0 | vres == 0) { /* first exposure */ resizewindow((XConfigureEvent *)eexp); return; } if (eexp->count) /* wait for final exposure */ return; /* rerender everything */ render(); } resizewindow(ersz) /* resize window */ register XConfigureEvent *ersz; { static char resizing[] = "resizing window"; double wa, va; glViewport(0, 0, hres=ersz->width, vres=ersz->height); if (hres > maxhres) maxhres = hres; if (vres > maxvres) maxvres = vres; if (no_render) return; wa = (vres*pheight)/(hres*pwidth); va = viewaspect(&thisview); if (va > wa+.05) { copylastv(resizing); thisview.vert = 2.*180./PI * atan( tan(PI/180./2. * thisview.horiz) * wa ); } else if (va < wa-.05) { copylastv(resizing); thisview.horiz = 2.*180./PI * atan( tan(PI/180./2. * thisview.vert) / wa ); } else return; setview(&thisview); dev_view(&thisview); }