#ifndef lint static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: glaresrc.c,v 2.7 2022/11/29 20:45:21 greg Exp $"; #endif /* * Gather samples and compute glare sources. */ #include "glare.h" #include "linregr.h" #define vcont(vd,vu) ((vu)-(vd)<=SEPS) #define hcont(s1,s2) ((s1)->r-(s2)->l>=-SEPS&&(s2)->r-(s1)->l>=-SEPS) struct source *curlist = NULL; /* current source list */ struct source *donelist = NULL; /* finished sources */ void pict_stats(void); static struct srcspan * newspan(int l, int r, int v, float *sb); static void addindirect(int h, int v, double br); static void addsrcspan(struct srcspan *nss); static void mergesource(struct source *sp, struct source *ap); static void close_sources(int v); static void close_allsrcs(void); static struct srcspan * splitspan(struct srcspan *sso, double h, double v, double m); static struct source * splitsource(struct source *so); static void donesource(struct source *sp); static struct source * findbuddy(struct source *s, struct source *l); static void absorb(struct source *s); static void freespans(struct source *sp); static struct srcspan * newspan( /* allocate a new source span */ int l, int r, int v, float *sb ) { struct srcspan *ss; int i; ss = (struct srcspan *)malloc(sizeof(struct srcspan)); if (ss == NULL) memerr("source spans"); ss->l = l; ss->r = r; ss->v = v; ss->brsum = 0.0; for (i = l; i < r; i++) ss->brsum += sb[i+hsize]; return(ss); } void analyze(void) /* analyze our scene */ { int h, v; int left; float *spanbr; spanbr = (float *)malloc((2*hsize+1)*sizeof(float)); if (spanbr == NULL) memerr("view span brightness buffer"); for (v = vsize; v >= -vsize; v--) { close_sources(v); #ifndef DEBUG if (verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: analyzing... %3ld%%\r", progname, 100L*(vsize-v)/(2*vsize)); fflush(stderr); } #endif getviewspan(v, spanbr); left = hsize + 1; for (h = -hsize; h <= hsize; h++) { if (spanbr[h+hsize] < 0.0) { /* off view */ if (left < h) { addsrcspan(newspan(left,h,v,spanbr)); left = hsize + 1; } continue; } if (spanbr[h+hsize] > threshold) { /* in source */ if (left > h) left = h; } else { /* out of source */ if (left < h) { addsrcspan(newspan(left,h,v,spanbr)); left = hsize + 1; } addindirect(h, v, spanbr[h+hsize]); } } if (left < h) addsrcspan(newspan(left,h,v,spanbr)); } free((void *)spanbr); close_allsrcs(); } static void addindirect( /* add brightness to indirect illuminances */ int h, int v, double br ) { double tanb, d; int hl; int i; hl = hlim(v); if (h <= -hl) { /* left region */ d = (double)(-h-hl)/sampdens; if (d >= 1.0-FTINY) return; tanb = d/sqrt(1.0-d*d); for (i = 0; i < nglardirs; i++) { d = indirect[i].lcos - tanb*indirect[i].lsin; if (d > 0.0) { indirect[i].sum += d * br; indirect[i].n += d; } } return; } if (h >= hl) { /* right region */ d = (double)(-h+hl)/sampdens; if (d <= -1.0+FTINY) return; tanb = d/sqrt(1.0-d*d); for (i = 0; i < nglardirs; i++) { d = indirect[i].rcos - tanb*indirect[i].rsin; if (d > 0.0) { indirect[i].sum += d * br; indirect[i].n += d; } } return; } /* central region */ for (i = 0; i < nglardirs; i++) { d = cos(h_theta(h,v) - indirect[i].theta); if (d > 0.0) { indirect[i].sum += d * br; indirect[i].n += d; } } } void comp_thresh(void) /* compute glare threshold */ { int h, v; int nsamps; double brsum, br; if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "%s: computing glare threshold...\n", progname); brsum = 0.0; nsamps = 0; for (v = vsize; v >= -vsize; v -= TSAMPSTEP) { for (h = -hsize; h <= hsize; h += TSAMPSTEP) { if ((br = getviewpix(h, v)) < 0.0) continue; brsum += br; nsamps++; } } if (nsamps == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: no viewable scene!\n", progname); exit(1); } threshold = GLAREBR * brsum / nsamps; if (threshold <= FTINY) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: threshold zero!\n", progname); exit(1); } if (verbose) { #ifdef DEBUG pict_stats(); #endif fprintf(stderr, "%s: threshold set to %f cd/m2 from %d samples\n", progname, threshold, nsamps); } } static void addsrcspan( /* add new source span to our list */ struct srcspan *nss ) { struct source *last, *cs, *this; struct srcspan *ss; cs = NULL; for (this = curlist; this != NULL; this = this->next) { for (ss = this->first; ss != NULL; ss = ss->next) { if (!vcont(nss->v, ss->v)) break; if (hcont(ss, nss)) { if (cs == NULL) cs = this; else { last->next = this->next; mergesource(cs, this); this = last; } break; } } last = this; } if (cs == NULL) { cs = (struct source *)malloc(sizeof(struct source)); if (cs == NULL) memerr("source records"); cs->dom = 0.0; cs->first = NULL; cs->next = curlist; curlist = cs; } nss->next = cs->first; cs->first = nss; } static void mergesource( /* merge source ap into source sp */ struct source *sp, struct source *ap ) { struct srcspan head; struct srcspan *alp, *prev, *tp; head.next = sp->first; prev = &head; alp = ap->first; while (alp != NULL && prev->next != NULL) { if (prev->next->v > alp->v) { tp = alp->next; alp->next = prev->next; prev->next = alp; alp = tp; } prev = prev->next; } if (prev->next == NULL) prev->next = alp; sp->first = head.next; if (ap->dom > 0.0 && sp->dom > 0.0) { /* sources are done */ sp->dir[0] *= sp->dom; sp->dir[1] *= sp->dom; sp->dir[2] *= sp->dom; fvsum(sp->dir, sp->dir, ap->dir, ap->dom); normalize(sp->dir); sp->brt = (sp->brt*sp->dom + ap->brt*ap->dom) / (sp->dom + ap->dom); } free((void *)ap); } static void close_sources( /* close sources above v */ int v ) { struct source head; struct source *last, *this; head.next = curlist; last = &head; for (this = curlist; this != NULL; this = this->next) if (!vcont(v, this->first->v)) { last->next = this->next; donesource(this); this = last; } else last = this; curlist = head.next; } static void close_allsrcs(void) /* done with everything */ { struct source *this, *next; this = curlist; while (this != NULL) { next = this->next; donesource(this); this = next; } curlist = NULL; } static struct srcspan * splitspan( /* divide source span at point */ struct srcspan *sso, double h, double v, double m ) { struct srcspan *ssn; double d; int hs; d = h - m*(sso->v - v); hs = d < 0. ? d-.5 : d+.5; if (sso->l >= hs) return(NULL); if (sso->r <= hs) return(sso); /* need to split it */ ssn = (struct srcspan *)malloc(sizeof(struct srcspan)); if (ssn == NULL) memerr("source spans in splitspan"); ssn->brsum = (double)(hs - sso->l)/(sso->r - sso->l) * sso->brsum; sso->brsum -= ssn->brsum; ssn->v = sso->v; ssn->l = sso->l; ssn->r = sso->l = hs; return(ssn); } static struct source * splitsource( /* divide source in two if it's big and long */ struct source *so ) { LRSUM lr; LRLIN fit; struct srcspan *ss, *ssn; struct srcspan *ssl, *ssnl, head; int h; double mh, mv; struct source *sn; lrclear(&lr); for (ss = so->first; ss != NULL; ss = ss->next) for (h = ss->l; h < ss->r; h++) lrpoint(h, ss->v, &lr); if ((double)lr.n/(sampdens*sampdens) < SABIG) return(NULL); /* too small */ if (lrfit(&fit, &lr) < 0) return(NULL); /* can't fit a line */ if (fit.correlation < LCORR && fit.correlation > -LCORR) return(NULL); if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "%s: splitting large source\n", progname); mh = lrxavg(&lr); mv = lryavg(&lr); sn = (struct source *)malloc(sizeof(struct source)); if (sn == NULL) memerr("source records in splitsource"); sn->dom = 0.0; sn->first = NULL; ssnl = NULL; head.next = so->first; ssl = &head; for (ss = so->first; ss != NULL; ssl = ss, ss = ss->next) if ((ssn = splitspan(ss, mh, mv, fit.slope)) != NULL) { if (ssn == ss) { /* remove from old */ ssl->next = ss->next; ss = ssl; } if (ssnl == NULL) /* add to new */ sn->first = ssn; else ssnl->next = ssn; ssn->next = NULL; ssnl = ssn; } so->first = head.next; return(sn); } static void donesource( /* finished with this source */ struct source *sp ) { struct source *newsrc; struct srcspan *ss; int h, n; double hsum, vsum, d; while ((newsrc = splitsource(sp)) != NULL) /* split it? */ donesource(newsrc); sp->dom = 0.0; hsum = vsum = 0.0; sp->brt = 0.0; n = 0; for (ss = sp->first; ss != NULL; ss = ss->next) { sp->brt += ss->brsum; n += ss->r - ss->l; for (h = ss->l; h < ss->r; h++) { d = pixsize(h, ss->v); hsum += d*h; vsum += d*ss->v; sp->dom += d; } } freespans(sp); if (sp->dom <= FTINY) { /* must be right at edge of image */ free((void *)sp); return; } sp->brt /= (double)n; compdir(sp->dir, (int)(hsum/sp->dom), (int)(vsum/sp->dom)); sp->next = donelist; donelist = sp; if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "%s: source at [%.3f,%.3f,%.3f], dw %.5f, br %.1f (%d samps)\n", progname, sp->dir[0], sp->dir[1], sp->dir[2], sp->dom, sp->brt, n); } static struct source * findbuddy( /* find close enough source to s in l*/ struct source *s, struct source *l ) { struct source *bestbuddy = NULL; double d, r, mindist = MAXBUDDY; r = sqrt(s->dom/PI); for ( ; l != NULL; l = l->next) { d = sqrt(dist2(l->dir, s->dir)) - sqrt(l->dom/PI) - r; if (d < mindist) { bestbuddy = l; mindist = d; } } return(bestbuddy); } void absorb_specks(void) /* eliminate too-small sources */ { struct source head, *buddy; struct source *last, *this; if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "%s: absorbing small sources...\n", progname); head.next = donelist; last = &head; for (this = head.next; this != NULL; this = this->next) if (TOOSMALL(this)) { last->next = this->next; buddy = findbuddy(this, head.next); if (buddy != NULL) mergesource(buddy, this); else absorb(this); this = last; } else last = this; donelist = head.next; } static void absorb( /* absorb a source into indirect */ struct source *s ) { FVECT dir; double d; int i; for (i = 0; i < nglardirs; i++) { spinvector(dir, ourview.vdir, ourview.vup, indirect[i].theta); d = DOT(dir,s->dir)*s->dom*(sampdens*sampdens); if (d <= 0.0) continue; indirect[i].sum += d * s->brt; indirect[i].n += d; } freespans(s); free((void *)s); } static void freespans( /* free spans associated with source */ struct source *sp ) { struct srcspan *ss; while ((ss = sp->first) != NULL) { sp->first = ss->next; free((void *)ss); } }