#ifndef lint static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: glarendx.c,v 2.13 2018/08/02 18:33:50 greg Exp $"; #endif /* * Compute Glare Index given by program name or -t option: * * dgi - Daylight Glare Index * brs_gi - Building Research Station Glare Index (Petherbridge * & Hopkinson) * ugr - Unified Glare Rating System (Fischer) * guth_dgr - Guth discomfort glare rating * guth_vcp - Guth visual comfort probability * cie_cgi - CIE Glare Index (1983, due to Einhorn) * vert_dir - Direct vertical illuminance * vert_ind - Indirect vertical illuminance (from input) * vert_ill - Total vertical illuminance * * 12 April 1991 Greg Ward EPFL * 19 April 1993 R. Compagnon EPFL (added dgi, brs_gi, ugr) */ #include #include "standard.h" #include "view.h" struct glare_src { FVECT dir; /* source direction */ double dom; /* solid angle */ double lum; /* average luminance */ struct glare_src *next; } *all_srcs = NULL; struct glare_dir { double ang; /* angle (in radians) */ double indirect; /* indirect illuminance */ struct glare_dir *next; } *all_dirs = NULL; typedef double gdfun(struct glare_dir *gd); static gdfun dgi; static gdfun brs_gi; static gdfun ugr; static gdfun guth_dgr; static gdfun guth_vcp; static gdfun cie_cgi; static gdfun direct; static gdfun indirect; static gdfun total; static gethfunc headline; static void init(void); static void read_input(void); static void print_values(gdfun *func); static double posindex(FVECT sd, FVECT vd, FVECT vu); struct named_func { char *name; gdfun *func; char *descrip; } all_funcs[] = { {"dgi", dgi, "Daylight Glare Index"}, {"brs_gi", brs_gi, "BRS Glare Index"}, {"ugr", ugr, "Unified Glare Rating"}, {"guth_vcp", guth_vcp, "Guth Visual Comfort Probability"}, {"cie_cgi", cie_cgi, "CIE Glare Index (Einhorn)"}, {"guth_dgr", guth_dgr, "Guth Disability Glare Rating"}, {"vert_dir", direct, "Direct Vertical Illuminance"}, {"vert_ill", total, "Total Vertical Illuminance"}, {"vert_ind", indirect, "Indirect Vertical Illuminance"}, {NULL} }; #define newp(type) (type *)malloc(sizeof(type)) char *progname; int print_header = 1; VIEW midview = STDVIEW; int wrongformat = 0; int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { struct named_func *funp; char *progtail; int i; /* get program name */ progname = argv[0]; progtail = strrchr(progname, '/'); /* final component */ if (progtail == NULL) progtail = progname; else progtail++; /* get options */ for (i = 1; i < argc && argv[i][0] == '-'; i++) switch (argv[i][1]) { case 't': progtail = argv[++i]; break; case 'h': print_header = 0; break; default: goto userr; } if (i < argc-1) goto userr; if (i == argc-1) /* open file */ if (freopen(argv[i], "r", stdin) == NULL) { perror(argv[i]); exit(1); } /* find and run calculation */ for (funp = all_funcs; funp->name != NULL; funp++) if (!strcmp(funp->name, progtail)) { init(); read_input(); if (print_header) { printargs(i, argv, stdout); putchar('\n'); } print_values(funp->func); exit(0); /* we're done */ } /* invalid function */ userr: fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s -t type [-h] [input]\n", progname); fprintf(stderr, "\twhere 'type' is one of the following:\n"); for (funp = all_funcs; funp->name != NULL; funp++) fprintf(stderr, "\t%12s\t%s\n", funp->name, funp->descrip); exit(1); } static int headline( /* get line from header */ char *s, void *p ) { char fmt[MAXFMTLEN]; if (print_header) /* copy to output */ fputs(s, stdout); if (isview(s)) sscanview(&midview, s); else if (isformat(s)) { formatval(fmt, s); wrongformat = strcmp(fmt, "ascii"); } return(0); } static void init(void) /* initialize calculation */ { /* read header */ getheader(stdin, headline, NULL); if (wrongformat) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: bad input format\n", progname); exit(1); } /* set view */ if (setview(&midview) != NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: bad view information in input\n", progname); exit(1); } } static void read_input(void) /* read glare sources from stdin */ { #define S_SEARCH 0 #define S_SOURCE 1 #define S_DIREC 2 int state = S_SEARCH; char buf[128]; struct glare_src *gs; struct glare_dir *gd; while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), stdin) != NULL) switch (state) { case S_SEARCH: if (!strcmp(buf, "BEGIN glare source\n")) state = S_SOURCE; else if (!strcmp(buf, "BEGIN indirect illuminance\n")) state = S_DIREC; break; case S_SOURCE: if (!strncmp(buf, "END", 3)) { state = S_SEARCH; break; } if ((gs = newp(struct glare_src)) == NULL) goto memerr; if (sscanf(buf, FVFORMAT, &gs->dir[0], &gs->dir[1], &gs->dir[2]) != 3 || sscanf(sskip2(buf, 3), "%lf %lf", &gs->dom, &gs->lum) != 2) goto readerr; normalize(gs->dir); gs->next = all_srcs; all_srcs = gs; break; case S_DIREC: if (!strncmp(buf, "END", 3)) { state = S_SEARCH; break; } if ((gd = newp(struct glare_dir)) == NULL) goto memerr; if (sscanf(buf, "%lf %lf", &gd->ang, &gd->indirect) != 2) goto readerr; gd->ang *= PI/180.0; /* convert to radians */ gd->next = all_dirs; all_dirs = gd; break; } return; memerr: perror(progname); exit(1); readerr: fprintf(stderr, "%s: read error on input\n", progname); exit(1); #undef S_SEARCH #undef S_SOURCE #undef S_DIREC } static void print_values( /* print out calculations */ gdfun *func ) { struct glare_dir *gd; for (gd = all_dirs; gd != NULL; gd = gd->next) printf("%f\t%f\n", gd->ang*(180.0/PI), (*func)(gd)); } static double direct( /* compute direct vertical illuminance */ struct glare_dir *gd ) { FVECT mydir; double d, dval; struct glare_src *gs; spinvector(mydir, midview.vdir, midview.vup, gd->ang); dval = 0.0; for (gs = all_srcs; gs != NULL; gs = gs->next) { d = DOT(mydir,gs->dir); if (d > FTINY) dval += d * gs->dom * gs->lum; } return(dval); } static double indirect( /* return indirect vertical illuminance */ struct glare_dir *gd ) { return(gd->indirect); } static double total( /* return total vertical illuminance */ struct glare_dir *gd ) { return(direct(gd)+gd->indirect); } /* * posindex - compute glare position index from: * * Source Direction * View Direction * View Up Direction * * All vectors are assumed to be normalized. * This function is an implementation of the method proposed by * Robert Levin in his 1975 JIES article. * This calculation presumes the view direction and up vectors perpendicular. * We return a value less than zero for improper positions. */ static double posindex( /* compute position index */ FVECT sd, FVECT vd, FVECT vu ) { double sigma, tau; double d; d = DOT(sd,vd); if (d <= 0.0) return(-1.0); if (d >= 1.0) return(1.0); sigma = acos(d) * (180./PI); d = fabs(DOT(sd,vu)/sqrt(1.0-d*d)); if (d >= 1.0) tau = 0.0; else tau = acos(d) * (180./PI); return( exp( sigma*( (35.2 - tau*.31889 - 1.22*exp(-.22222*tau))*1e-3 + sigma*(21. + tau*(.26667 + tau*-.002963))*1e-5 ) ) ); } static double dgi( /* compute Daylight Glare Index */ struct glare_dir *gd ) { struct glare_src *gs; FVECT mydir,testdir[7],vhor; double r,posn,omega,p[7],sum; int i,n; spinvector(mydir, midview.vdir, midview.vup, gd->ang); sum = 0.0; n = 0; for (gs = all_srcs; gs != NULL; gs = gs->next) { /* compute 1/p^2 weighted solid angle of the source */ r = sqrt(1 - pow(1.-gs->dom/2./PI,2.)); fcross(vhor,gs->dir,midview.vup); normalize(vhor); VCOPY(testdir[0],gs->dir); fvsum(testdir[1],gs->dir,vhor,r); fvsum(testdir[2],gs->dir,vhor,0.5*r); fvsum(testdir[5],testdir[2],midview.vup,-0.866*r); fvsum(testdir[2],testdir[2],midview.vup,0.866*r); fvsum(testdir[3],gs->dir,vhor,-r); fvsum(testdir[4],gs->dir,vhor,-0.5*r); fvsum(testdir[6],testdir[4],midview.vup,0.866*r); fvsum(testdir[4],testdir[4],midview.vup,-0.866*r); for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) { normalize(testdir[i]); posn = posindex(testdir[i],mydir,midview.vup); if (posn <= FTINY) p[i] = 0.0; else p[i] = 1./(posn*posn); } r = 1-gs->dom/2./PI; omega = gs->dom*p[0]; omega += (r*PI*(1+1/r/r)-2*PI)*(-p[0]+(p[1]+p[2])*0.5); omega += (2*PI-r*PI*(1+1/r/r))*(-p[0]-0.1667*(p[1]+p[3]) +0.3334*(p[2]+p[4]+p[5]+p[6])); sum += pow(gs->lum,1.6) * pow(omega,0.8) / (gd->indirect/PI + 0.07*sqrt(gs->dom)*gs->lum); n++; } if (n == 0) return(0.0); return( 10*log10(0.478*sum) ); } static double brs_gi( /* compute BRS Glare Index */ struct glare_dir *gd ) { struct glare_src *gs; FVECT mydir; double p; double sum; spinvector(mydir, midview.vdir, midview.vup, gd->ang); sum = 0.0; for (gs = all_srcs; gs != NULL; gs = gs->next) { p = posindex(gs->dir, mydir, midview.vup); if (p <= FTINY) continue; sum += pow(gs->lum/p,1.6) * pow(gs->dom,0.8); } if (sum <= FTINY) return(0.0); sum /= gd->indirect/PI; return(10*log10(0.478*sum)); } static double guth_dgr( /* compute Guth discomfort glare rating */ struct glare_dir *gd ) { #define q(w) (20.4*w+1.52*pow(w,.2)-.075) struct glare_src *gs; FVECT mydir; double p; double sum; double wtot, brsum; int n; spinvector(mydir, midview.vdir, midview.vup, gd->ang); sum = wtot = brsum = 0.0; n = 0; for (gs = all_srcs; gs != NULL; gs = gs->next) { p = posindex(gs->dir, mydir, midview.vup); if (p <= FTINY) continue; sum += gs->lum * q(gs->dom) / p; brsum += gs->lum * gs->dom; wtot += gs->dom; n++; } if (n == 0) return(0.0); return( pow(.5*sum/pow((brsum+(5.-wtot)*gd->indirect/PI)/5.,.44), pow((double)n, -.0914) ) ); #undef q } #ifndef M_SQRT2 #define M_SQRT2 1.41421356237309504880 #endif #define norm_integral(z) (1.-.5*erfc((z)/M_SQRT2)) static double guth_vcp( /* compute Guth visual comfort probability */ struct glare_dir *gd ) { extern double erfc(); double dgr; dgr = guth_dgr(gd); if (dgr <= FTINY) return(100.0); return(100.*norm_integral(6.374-1.3227*log(dgr))); } static double cie_cgi( /* compute CIE Glare Index */ struct glare_dir *gd ) { struct glare_src *gs; FVECT mydir; double dillum; double p; double sum; spinvector(mydir, midview.vdir, midview.vup, gd->ang); sum = 0.0; for (gs = all_srcs; gs != NULL; gs = gs->next) { p = posindex(gs->dir, mydir, midview.vup); if (p <= FTINY) continue; sum += gs->lum*gs->lum * gs->dom / (p*p); } if (sum <= FTINY) return(0.0); dillum = direct(gd); return(8.*log10(2.*sum*(1.+dillum/500.)/(dillum+gd->indirect))); } static double ugr( /* compute Unified Glare Rating */ struct glare_dir *gd ) { struct glare_src *gs; FVECT mydir; double p; double sum; spinvector(mydir, midview.vdir, midview.vup, gd->ang); sum = 0.0; for (gs = all_srcs; gs != NULL; gs = gs->next) { p = posindex(gs->dir, mydir, midview.vup); if (p <= FTINY) continue; sum += gs->lum*gs->lum * gs->dom / (p*p); } if (sum <= FTINY) return(0.0); return(8.*log10(0.25*sum*PI/gd->indirect)); }