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Revision: 1.3
Committed: Wed Apr 17 11:55:03 1991 UTC (33 years, 8 months ago) by greg
Content type: text/plain
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.2: +6 -3 lines
Log Message:
corrected calculation of Guth F (average field luminance)

File Contents

# Content
1 /* Copyright (c) 1991 Regents of the University of California */
3 #ifndef lint
4 static char SCCSid[] = "$SunId$ LBL";
5 #endif
7 /*
8 * Compute Glare Index given by program name:
9 *
10 * guth_dgr - Guth discomfort glare rating
11 * guth_vcp - Guth visual comfort probability
12 *
13 * 12 April 1991 Greg Ward EPFL
14 */
16 #include "standard.h"
17 #include "view.h"
19 extern double erfc();
21 double posindex();
22 int headline();
24 double direct(), guth_dgr(), guth_vcp();
26 struct named_func {
27 char *name;
28 double (*func)();
29 } all_funcs[] = {
30 {"direct", direct},
31 {"guth_dgr", guth_dgr},
32 {"guth_vcp", guth_vcp},
33 {NULL}
34 };
36 struct glare_src {
37 FVECT dir; /* source direction */
38 double dom; /* solid angle */
39 double lum; /* average luminance */
40 struct glare_src *next;
41 } *all_srcs = NULL;
43 struct glare_dir {
44 double ang; /* angle (in radians) */
45 double indirect; /* indirect illuminance */
46 struct glare_dir *next;
47 } *all_dirs = NULL;
49 #define newp(type) (type *)malloc(sizeof(type))
51 char *progname;
52 int print_header = 1;
54 VIEW midview = STDVIEW;
57 main(argc, argv)
58 int argc;
59 char *argv[];
60 {
61 extern char *rindex();
62 struct named_func *funp;
63 char *progtail;
64 int i;
65 /* get program name */
66 progname = argv[0];
67 progtail = rindex(progname, '/'); /* final component */
68 if (progtail == NULL)
69 progtail = progname;
70 else
71 progtail++;
72 /* get options */
73 for (i = 1; i < argc && argv[i][0] == '-'; i++)
74 switch (argv[i][1]) {
75 case 't':
76 progtail = argv[++i];
77 break;
78 case 'h':
79 print_header = 0;
80 break;
81 default:
82 goto userr;
83 }
84 if (i < argc-1)
85 goto userr;
86 if (i == argc-1) /* open file */
87 if (freopen(argv[i], "r", stdin) == NULL) {
88 perror(argv[i]);
89 exit(1);
90 }
91 /* read header */
92 getheader(stdin, headline);
93 if (print_header) { /* add to header */
94 printargs(i, argv, stdout);
95 putchar('\n');
96 }
97 /* set view */
98 if (setview(&midview) != NULL) {
99 fprintf(stderr, "%s: bad view information in input\n");
100 exit(1);
101 }
102 /* get findglare data */
103 read_input();
104 /* find calculation */
105 for (funp = all_funcs; funp->name != NULL; funp++)
106 if (!strcmp(funp->name, progtail)) {
107 print_values(funp->func);
108 exit(0); /* we're done */
109 }
110 /* invalid function */
111 fprintf(stderr, "%s: unknown function!\n", progtail);
112 exit(1);
113 userr:
114 fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-t type][-h] [input]\n", progname);
115 exit(1);
116 }
119 headline(s) /* get line from header */
120 char *s;
121 {
122 if (print_header) /* copy to output */
123 fputs(s, stdout);
124 if (!strncmp(s, VIEWSTR, VIEWSTRL))
125 sscanview(&midview, s+VIEWSTRL);
126 }
129 read_input() /* read glare sources from stdin */
130 {
131 #define S_SEARCH 0
132 #define S_SOURCE 1
133 #define S_DIREC 2
134 int state = S_SEARCH;
135 char buf[128];
136 register struct glare_src *gs;
137 register struct glare_dir *gd;
139 while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), stdin) != NULL)
140 switch (state) {
141 case S_SEARCH:
142 if (!strcmp(buf, "BEGIN glare source\n"))
143 state = S_SOURCE;
144 else if (!strcmp(buf, "BEGIN indirect illuminance\n"))
145 state = S_DIREC;
146 break;
147 case S_SOURCE:
148 if (!strncmp(buf, "END", 3)) {
149 state = S_SEARCH;
150 break;
151 }
152 if ((gs = newp(struct glare_src)) == NULL)
153 goto memerr;
154 if (sscanf(buf, "%lf %lf %lf %lf %lf",
155 &gs->dir[0], &gs->dir[1], &gs->dir[2],
156 &gs->dom, &gs->lum) != 5)
157 goto readerr;
158 normalize(gs->dir);
159 gs->next = all_srcs;
160 all_srcs = gs;
161 break;
162 case S_DIREC:
163 if (!strncmp(buf, "END", 3)) {
164 state = S_SEARCH;
165 break;
166 }
167 if ((gd = newp(struct glare_dir)) == NULL)
168 goto memerr;
169 if (sscanf(buf, "%lf %lf",
170 &gd->ang, &gd->indirect) != 2)
171 goto readerr;
172 gd->ang *= PI/180.0; /* convert to radians */
173 gd->next = all_dirs;
174 all_dirs = gd;
175 break;
176 }
177 return;
178 memerr:
179 perror(progname);
180 exit(1);
181 readerr:
182 fprintf(stderr, "%s: read error on input\n", progname);
183 exit(1);
184 #undef S_SEARCH
185 #undef S_SOURCE
186 #undef S_DIREC
187 }
190 print_values(funp) /* print out calculations */
191 double (*funp)();
192 {
193 register struct glare_dir *gd;
195 for (gd = all_dirs; gd != NULL; gd = gd->next)
196 printf("%f\t%f\n", gd->ang*(180.0/PI), (*funp)(gd));
197 }
200 double
201 direct(gd) /* compute direct illuminance */
202 struct glare_dir *gd;
203 {
204 FVECT mydir;
205 double d, dval;
206 register struct glare_src *gs;
208 spinvector(mydir, midview.vdir, midview.vup, gd->ang);
209 dval = 0.0;
210 for (gs = all_srcs; gs != NULL; gs = gs->next) {
211 d = DOT(mydir,gs->dir);
212 if (d > FTINY)
213 dval += d * gs->dom * gs->lum;
214 }
215 return(dval);
216 }
219 /*
220 * posindex - compute glare position index from:
221 *
222 * Source Direction
223 * View Direction
224 * View Up Direction
225 *
226 * All vectors are assumed to be normalized.
227 * This function is an implementation of the method proposed by
228 * Robert Levin in his 1975 JIES article.
229 * We return a value less than zero for improper positions.
230 */
232 double
233 posindex(sd, vd, vu) /* compute position index */
234 FVECT sd, vd, vu;
235 {
236 double sigma, tau;
237 double d;
239 d = DOT(sd,vd);
240 if (d <= 0.0)
241 return(-1.0);
242 sigma = acos(d) * (180./PI);
243 tau = acos(DOT(sd,vu)/sqrt(1.0-d*d)) * (180./PI);
244 return( exp( sigma*( (35.2 - tau*.31889 - 1.22*exp(-.22222*tau))*1e-3
245 + sigma*(21. + tau*(.26667 + tau*-.002963))*1e-5 )
246 ) );
247 }
250 double
251 guth_dgr(gd) /* compute Guth discomfort glare rating */
252 struct glare_dir *gd;
253 {
254 #define q(w) (20.4*w+1.52*pow(w,.2)-.075)
255 register struct glare_src *gs;
256 double p;
257 double sum;
258 double wtot, brsum;
259 int n;
261 sum = wtot = brsum = 0.0; n = 0;
262 for (gs = all_srcs; gs != NULL; gs = gs->next) {
263 p = posindex(gs->dir, midview.vdir, midview.vup);
264 if (p <= FTINY)
265 continue;
266 sum += gs->lum * q(gs->dom) / p;
267 brsum += gs->lum * gs->dom;
268 wtot += gs->dom;
269 n++;
270 }
271 if (n == 0)
272 return(0.0);
273 else
274 return( pow(
275 .5*sum/pow((brsum+(5.-wtot)*gd->indirect/PI)/5.,.44),
276 pow((double)n, -.0914) ) );
277 #undef q
278 }
281 extern double erf(), erfc();
283 #ifndef M_SQRT2
284 #define M_SQRT2 1.41421356237309504880
285 #endif
287 #define norm_integral(z) (1.-.5*erfc((z)/M_SQRT2))
290 double
291 guth_vcp(gd) /* compute Guth visual comfort probability */
292 struct glare_dir *gd;
293 {
294 return(100.*norm_integral(6.374-1.3227*log(guth_dgr(gd))));
295 }