/* Copyright (c) 1991 Regents of the University of California */ /* SCCSid "$SunId$ LBL" */ /* * Common data structures for glare source finding routines */ #define DEBUG 1 #include "standard.h" #include "view.h" #include "color.h" #include "setscan.h" #define GLAREBR 10.0 /* glare source is this * avg. lum. */ #define SAMPDENS 50 /* default samples per unit in image */ #define TSAMPSTEP 10 /* sample step to compute threshold */ #define SEPS 2 /* sources this close ==> contig. */ #define SAMIN .005 /* minimum solid angle for source */ #define MAXBUDDY (4.*sqrt(SAMIN/PI)) /* max separation for pairing */ #define TOOSMALL(s) ((s)->brt*(s)->dom < threshold*SAMIN) extern VIEW ourview; /* our view */ extern VIEW pictview; /* picture view */ extern VIEW leftview, rightview; /* leftmost and rightmost views */ extern int verbose; /* verbose reporting */ extern char *progname; /* global argv[0] */ extern double threshold; /* threshold value for glare sources */ extern int sampdens; /* sample density */ extern ANGLE glarang[]; /* glare calculation angles */ extern int nglarangs; extern double maxtheta; /* maximum glare angle (in radians) */ extern int hsize; /* horizontal size */ extern int hlim; /* horizontal limit of central view */ #define nglardirs (2*nglarangs+1) #define vsize (sampdens-1) #define h_theta(h) (-(double)(h)/(double)sampdens) extern struct illum { float theta; /* glare direction */ float lcos, lsin; /* cosine and sine to left view */ float rcos, rsin; /* cosine and sine to right view */ double sum; /* sum of indirect luminances */ int n; /* number of values in sum */ } *indirect; /* array of indirect illuminances */ struct srcspan { short v; /* vertical position */ short l, r; /* left and right horizontal limits */ float brsum; /* sum of brightnesses for this span */ struct srcspan *next; /* next source span in list */ }; extern struct source { FVECT dir; /* source direction */ double dom; /* solid angle of source */ double brt; /* average source brightness */ struct srcspan *first; /* first span for this source */ struct source *next; /* next source in list */ } *donelist; /* finished sources */ extern double getviewpix();