# SCCSid "$SunId$ LBL" # # Get help from a file, formatted like so: # # .category1.topic1 # # A bunch of unformatted text... # # .category2.topic2 # # etc. # # Calling program should define global help file directory as $helplib proc helplink {win file cat top} { # Create link for window(s) foreach w $win { bind $w "gethelp $file $cat $top; break" } } set curhelp(file) {} proc gethelp {helpfile category topic} { # Open help window global curhelp helpfontwidth if {! [winfo exists .helpwin]} { # Set up window toplevel .helpwin -cursor top_left_arrow wm minsize .helpwin 500 400 wm iconbitmap .helpwin question frame .helpwin.but -width 150 -height 400 pack .helpwin.but -side right -fill none -expand no label .helpwin.but.lab -textvariable curhelp(title) place .helpwin.but.lab -relx .1667 -rely 0 helplink .helpwin.but.lab help help intro menubutton .helpwin.but.catb -relief raised -height 1 \ -text Category -menu .helpwin.but.catb.m menu .helpwin.but.catb.m place .helpwin.but.catb -relx .1667 -rely .1100 \ -relwidth .5000 -relheight .0600 helplink .helpwin.but.catb help help category menubutton .helpwin.but.topb -relief raised -height 1 \ -text Topic -menu .helpwin.but.topb.m menu .helpwin.but.topb.m place .helpwin.but.topb -relx .1667 -rely .2200 \ -relwidth .5000 -relheight .0600 helplink .helpwin.but.topb help help topic button .helpwin.but.srchb -text Grep -relief raised \ -height 1 -command {helpsearch $curhelp(search)} place .helpwin.but.srchb -relx .1667 -rely .3500 \ -relwidth .5000 -relheight .0600 helplink .helpwin.but.srchb help navigate search entry .helpwin.but.srche -relief sunken -insertofftime 0 \ -textvariable curhelp(search) place .helpwin.but.srche -relx .1667 -rely .4200 \ -relwidth .6667 -relheight .0600 bind .helpwin.but.srche {set curhelp(msg) {} helpupdate} helplink .helpwin.but.srche help navigate search label .helpwin.but.msg -textvariable curhelp(msg) place .helpwin.but.msg -relx .1667 -rely .4800 button .helpwin.but.next -text Next -relief raised -height 1 \ -command {eval helphist new $curhelp(next)} place .helpwin.but.next -relx .1667 -rely .7500 \ -relwidth .5 -relheight .0600 helplink .helpwin.but.next help navigate next button .helpwin.but.back -text Back -relief raised -height 1 \ -command "helphist back" place .helpwin.but.back -relx .1667 -rely .6500 \ -relwidth .5 -relheight .0600 helplink .helpwin.but.back help navigate back button .helpwin.but.forw -text Forward -relief raised -height 1\ -command "helphist forward" place .helpwin.but.forw -relx .1667 -rely .5500 \ -relwidth .5 -relheight .0600 helplink .helpwin.but.forw help navigate forward button .helpwin.but.done -text Done -relief raised -height 1 \ -command "destroy .helpwin ; helpopen {}" place .helpwin.but.done -relx .1667 -rely .9000 \ -relwidth .5 -relheight .0600 helplink .helpwin.but.done help help done text .helpwin.txt -wrap word -width 48 -height 20 -bd 2 \ -yscrollcommand ".helpwin.sb set" -relief raised \ -font -*-courier-medium-r-normal--14-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1 .helpwin.txt tag configure highlight \ -font -*-courier-bold-r-normal--14-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1 set helpfontwidth 9 scrollbar .helpwin.sb -relief flat \ -command ".helpwin.txt yview" pack .helpwin.sb -side right -fill y pack .helpwin.txt -expand yes -fill both helplink .helpwin.sb help helpwin scroll helplink .helpwin.txt help helpwin intro tkwait visibility .helpwin } elseif {! [winfo ismapped .helpwin]} { # map window wm deiconify .helpwin } else { # raise window raise .helpwin } focus .helpwin.but.srche helpopen $helpfile helphist new $category $topic } proc helpopen fname { # open the named help file global curhelp helpindex helplib if {"$fname" == "$curhelp(file)"} {return} if {"$curhelp(file)" != {}} { close $curhelp(fid) unset curhelp helpindex } if {[set curhelp(file) $fname] == {}} {return} # Complete file name as required if {! [info exists helplib]} { set helplib /usr/local/lib/tk/help } if {"[file rootname $fname]" == "$fname"} { append fname .hlp } if {! [string match {[~/.]*} $fname]} { set fname $helplib/$fname } wm title .helpwin $fname set curhelp(title) "[string toupper\ [file rootname [file tail $fname]]] HELP" set ifile [file rootname $fname].ndx wm iconname .helpwin [string tolower $curhelp(title)] .helpwin.txt configure -state normal .helpwin.txt delete 1.0 end .helpwin.txt insert end "Loading $fname..." update set curhelp(fid) [open $fname r] if {! [file isfile $ifile] || [file mtime $fname] > [file mtime $ifile]} { set helpindex(catlist) {} while {[gets $curhelp(fid) li] >= 0} { if [regexp -nocase {^\.([A-Z][A-Z0-9]*)\.([A-Z][A-Z0-9]*)$} \ $li dummy cat top] { lappend helpindex([string toupper $cat]) $top set helpindex([string toupper $cat,$top]) \ [tell $curhelp(fid)] if {[lsearch -exact $helpindex(catlist) $cat] < 0} { lappend helpindex(catlist) $cat } } } if {! [catch {set fi [open $ifile w]}]} { puts $fi "# This is an automatically created index\ file -- DO NOT EDIT!" writevars $fi helpindex close $fi catch {exec chmod 666 $ifile} } } else { source $ifile } .helpwin.but.catb.m delete 0 last foreach cat $helpindex(catlist) { .helpwin.but.catb.m add command -label $cat \ -command "helphist new $cat intro" } set curhelp(category) None .helpwin.but.topb.m delete 0 last set curhelp(topic) None set curhelp(next) {} helphist clear } proc helpgoto {cat top} { # find selected category and topic global curhelp helpindex # Capitalize "just in case" set cat [string toupper $cat] set top [string toupper $top] # Change topic menu if category is changed set curhelp(topic) $top if {"$cat" != "$curhelp(category)"} { set curhelp(category) $cat .helpwin.but.topb.m delete 0 last foreach top $helpindex($cat) { .helpwin.but.topb.m add command -label $top \ -command "helphist new \$curhelp(category) $top" } } helpupdate } proc helpupdate {} { # update help text window global curhelp helpindex helpfontwidth # Print category and topic set linelen [expr "[winfo width .helpwin.txt] / $helpfontwidth - 1"] .helpwin.txt configure -state normal .helpwin.txt delete 1.0 end set titlen [expr [string length $curhelp(category)] + \ [string length $curhelp(topic)] + 1] for {set i [expr ($linelen - $titlen)/2]} {[incr i -1] >= 0} {} { .helpwin.txt insert end { } } .helpwin.txt insert end "$curhelp(category) $curhelp(topic)\n" .helpwin.txt tag add highlight "1.0 lineend - $titlen c" "1.0 lineend" # Search for it in file if {"$curhelp(category) $curhelp(topic)" != "[string toupper $curhelp(next)]"} { if [info exists helpindex($curhelp(category),$curhelp(topic))] { seek $curhelp(fid) $helpindex($curhelp(category),$curhelp(topic)) } else { .helpwin.txt insert end "\nNo such help topic." .helpwin.txt configure -state disabled return ".$curhelp(category).$curhelp(topic) not found\ in $curhelp(file)" } } # Load help text into our window set linepos 0 while {[set ll [gets $curhelp(fid) li]] >= 0 && ! [regexp -nocase \ {^\.([A-Z][A-Z0-9]*)\.([A-Z][A-Z0-9]*)$} \ $li dummy cat top]} { if {$ll == 0} { # paragraph if $linepos { .helpwin.txt insert end "\n\n" set linepos 0 } else { .helpwin.txt insert end "\n" } } else { # line .helpwin.txt insert end $li incr linepos $ll .helpwin.txt insert end { } incr linepos # Highlight search string match if {"$curhelp(search)" != {}} { if [regexp -nocase -indices \ $curhelp(search) $li mi] { .helpwin.txt tag add highlight\ "end - 2 c - $ll c\ + [lindex $mi 0] c"\ "end - 1 c - $ll c\ + [lindex $mi 1] c" } } # Add extra space at the end of a sentence if [regexp {[.?!:][)"']?$} $li] { .helpwin.txt insert end { } incr linepos } } } # Highlight next category and topic if {$ll > 0} { .helpwin.txt insert end "Next: $cat $top" .helpwin.txt tag add highlight end-1lines end set curhelp(next) "$cat $top" .helpwin.but.next configure -state normal } else { set curhelp(next) {} .helpwin.but.next configure -state disabled } .helpwin.txt configure -state disabled return {} } proc helphist {op args} { # access help history list global curhelp switch -exact $op { clear { set curhelp(histlst) {} set curhelp(histpos) 0 set gotoit 0 } new { set curhelp(histpos) \ [expr [llength $curhelp(histlst)] - 1] if {"[string toupper [lindex $curhelp(histlst) \ $curhelp(histpos)]]" != "[string toupper $args]"} { lappend curhelp(histlst) $args incr curhelp(histpos) } set gotoit 1 } append { lappend curhelp(histlst) $args set gotoit 0 } back { incr curhelp(histpos) -1 set gotoit 1 } forward { incr curhelp(histpos) 1 set gotoit 1 } } if {$curhelp(histpos) + 1 >= [llength $curhelp(histlst)]} { .helpwin.but.forw configure -state disabled } else { .helpwin.but.forw configure -state normal } if {$curhelp(histpos) <= 0} { .helpwin.but.back configure -state disabled } else { .helpwin.but.back configure -state normal } if $gotoit { eval helpgoto [lindex $curhelp(histlst) $curhelp(histpos)] } } proc helpsearch word { # search for occurances of the given word global curhelp helpindex if {"$curhelp(search)" == {}} { set curhelp(msg) "No pattern." return 0 } set nmatches 0 set cat [lindex $helpindex(catlist) 0] set top [lindex $helpindex([string toupper $cat]) 0] set startpos [tell $curhelp(fid)] seek $curhelp(fid) $helpindex([string toupper $cat,$top]) set foundmatch 0 while {[gets $curhelp(fid) li] >= 0} { if [regexp -nocase {^\.([A-Z][A-Z0-9]*)\.([A-Z][A-Z0-9]*)$} \ $li dummy cat top] { set foundmatch 0 } elseif {! $foundmatch && \ [regexp -nocase $curhelp(search) $li]} { set foundmatch 1 if $nmatches { helphist append $cat $top } else { helphist new $cat $top } incr nmatches } } if $nmatches { set curhelp(msg) "$nmatches topic(s)." } else { set curhelp(msg) "Not found." } seek $curhelp(fid) $startpos return $nmatches }