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Revision: 2.3
Committed: Fri Oct 28 10:57:37 1994 UTC (29 years, 11 months ago) by greg
Content type: application/x-tcl
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 2.2: +1 -0 lines
Log Message:
made it so empty field in directory entry equals home directory

File Contents

# Content
1 # SCCSid "$SunId$ LBL"
2 #
3 # Usage: getfile [-win w] [-perm] [-glob pattern] [-view proc] [-send proc]
4 #
5 # Create a dialog box (in window w if given) to get file name.
6 # Normally, a single file name and return as value.
7 # If perm switch is given, keep window up for multiple file entries.
8 # If pattern is given, start with list of all the specified files,
9 # breaking the string into directory and file match parts.
10 # If a view procedure is given, a separate "View" button appears
11 # for allowing the user to preview a selected file.
12 # If a send procedure is given, a file name is sent upon
13 # each double-click, and no File entry is displayed.
14 #
16 proc getfile args { # get filename interactively
17 # Create necessary globals
18 global curdir curfile curpat
19 # Set defaults
20 set w .fpwin
21 set topwin 1
22 set curdir .
23 set curpat *
24 set transient 1
25 # Get options
26 while {[llength $args]} {
27 switch -glob -- [lindex $args 0] {
28 -win* {
29 set w [lindex $args 1]
30 set topwin 0
31 set args [lreplace $args 1 1]
32 }
33 -perm* {
34 set transient 0
35 }
36 -glob {
37 set curdir [file dirname [lindex $args 1]]
38 set curpat [file tail [lindex $args 1]]
39 set args [lreplace $args 1 1]
40 }
41 -vi* {
42 set viewproc [lindex $args 1]
43 set args [lreplace $args 1 1]
44 }
45 -send {
46 set sendproc [lindex $args 1]
47 set args [lreplace $args 1 1]
48 }
49 default { error "bad argument to getfile: [lindex $args 0]" }
50 }
51 set args [lreplace $args 0 0]
52 }
53 # Save initial directory
54 set startdir [pwd]
55 # Create widgets
56 catch {destroy $w}
57 if $topwin {
58 toplevel $w -geometry 400x410
59 wm title $w "File Picker"
60 wm iconname $w "Files"
61 wm minsize $w 400 300
62 } else {
63 frame $w -geometry 400x410
64 pack $w
65 }
66 label $w.dt -text Directory:
67 place $w.dt -relx .0625 -rely .03125 -relwidth .15625 -relheight .0625
68 helplink $w.dt file directory intro
69 button $ -text List -command "update_dir $w"
70 place $ -relx .0625 -rely .125 -relwidth .125 -relheight .0625
71 helplink $ file directory list
72 entry $ -textvariable curdir -relief sunken
73 place $ -relx .25 -rely .03125 -relwidth .6875 -relheight .0625
74 focus $
75 helplink $ file directory intro
76 bind $ <Return> "update_dir $w"
77 entry $ -relief sunken -textvariable curpat
78 place $ -relx .25 -rely .125 -relwidth .34375 -relheight .0625
79 bind $ <Return> "update_dir $w"
80 helplink $ file directory match
81 frame $
82 scrollbar $ -relief sunken -command "$ yview"
83 listbox $ -relief sunken -yscroll "$ set"
84 pack $ -side right -fill y
85 pack $ -side left -expand yes -fill both
86 place $ -relx .25 -rely .21875 -relwidth .6875 -relheight .625
87 tk_listboxSingleSelect $
88 helplink $ file file intro
89 if [info exists sendproc] {
90 bind $ <Double-Button-1> "set_curfile $w $sendproc"
91 if {$transient} {
92 bind $ <Double-Button-1> \
93 "+if {\$curfile > {}} {destroy $w}"
94 }
95 } else {
96 bind $ <Double-Button-1> "set_curfile $w"
97 label $w.fl -text File:
98 place $w.fl -relx .10625 -rely .875 \
99 -relwidth .10625 -relheight .0625
100 entry $w.fn -relief sunken -textvariable curfile
101 place $w.fn -relx .25 -rely .875 \
102 -relwidth .6875 -relheight .0625
103 focus $w.fn
104 helplink $w.fn file file entry
105 if $transient {
106 bind $w.fn <Return> "destroy $w"
107 } else {
108 bind $w.fn <Return> {}
109 }
110 }
111 if {$transient != [info exists sendproc]} {
112 button $w.ok -text OK -command "destroy $w"
113 place $w.ok -relx .0625 -rely .28125 \
114 -relwidth .125 -relheight .0625
115 }
116 if {$transient || [info exists sendproc]} {
117 button $w.cancel -text Cancel \
118 -command "destroy $w; unset curdir"
119 place $w.cancel -relx .0625 -rely .375 \
120 -relwidth .125 -relheight .0625
121 }
122 if [info exists viewproc] {
123 button $ -text View -state disabled \
124 -command "$viewproc \[$ get \[$ curselection\]\]"
125 place $ -relx .0625 -rely .46875 \
126 -relwidth .125 -relheight .0625
127 bind $ <ButtonRelease-1> "+chk_select $w"
128 helplink $ file file view
129 }
130 # Load current directory
131 update_dir $w
132 if $transient {
133 tkwait window $w
134 cd $startdir
135 if [info exists sendproc] {
136 return [info exists curdir]
137 }
138 if [info exists curdir] {
139 return $curdir/$curfile
140 }
141 return
142 } elseif {[info exists sendproc]} {
143 tkwait window $w
144 cd $startdir
145 if [info exists curdir] {
146 return 1
147 }
148 return 0
149 }
150 # Else return the dialog window
151 return $w
152 }
155 proc update_dir w { # Update working directory
156 global curdir curpat
157 if {"$curpat" == ""} {
158 set curpat *
159 }
160 if {"$curdir" == {}} {set curdir {~}}
161 if [catch {cd $curdir} curdir] {
162 set oldcol [lindex [$ config -foreground] 4]
163 $ config -foreground Red
164 update idletasks
165 after 1500
166 $ config -foreground $oldcol
167 }
168 set curdir [pwd]
169 $ delete 0 end
170 set ls ../
171 foreach f [glob *] {
172 if [file isdirectory $f] {
173 lappend ls $f/
174 }
175 }
176 foreach f [eval glob -nocomplain [split $curpat]] {
177 if [file isfile $f] {
178 lappend ls $f
179 }
180 }
181 eval $ insert end [lsort $ls]
182 }
185 proc set_curfile {w {sp ""}} { # change current file selection
186 global curdir curfile
187 set f [$ get [$ curselection]]
188 if [string match */ $f] {
189 set curdir [string range $f 0 [expr [string length $f]-2]]
190 update_dir $w
191 } else {
192 set curfile $f
193 if {"$sp" > ""} {
194 $sp $curdir/$curfile
195 }
196 }
197 }
200 proc chk_select w { # check if current selection is file
201 set s [$ curselection]
202 if {"$s" > "" && [file isfile [$ get $s]]} {
203 $ configure -state normal
204 } else {
205 $ configure -state disabled
206 }
207 }