# RCSid: $Id: getfile3.6.tcl,v 2.11 2011/10/26 20:06:17 greg dead $ # # Usage: getfile [-win w] [-grab] [-perm] [-glob pattern] [-view proc] [-send proc] # # Create a dialog box (in window w if given) to get file name. # If -grab option is given, then getfile does a local grab on its window. # Normally, a single file name and return as value. # If perm switch is given, keep window up for multiple file entries. # If pattern is given, start with list of all the specified files, # breaking the string into directory and file match parts. # If a view procedure is given, a separate "View" button appears # for allowing the user to preview a selected file. # If a send procedure is given, a file name is sent upon # each double-click, and no File entry is displayed. # proc getfile args { # get filename interactively # Create necessary globals global curdir curfile curpat # Set defaults set w .fpwin set topwin 1 set dograb 0 set curdir . set curpat * set curfile {} set transient 1 # Get options while {[llength $args]} { switch -glob -- [lindex $args 0] { -win* { set w [lindex $args 1] set topwin 0 set args [lreplace $args 1 1] } -grab { set dograb 1 } -perm* { set transient 0 } -glob { set curdir [file dirname [lindex $args 1]] set curpat [file tail [lindex $args 1]] set args [lreplace $args 1 1] } -vi* { set viewproc [lindex $args 1] set args [lreplace $args 1 1] } -send { set sendproc [lindex $args 1] set args [lreplace $args 1 1] } default { error "bad argument to getfile: [lindex $args 0]" } } set args [lreplace $args 0 0] } # Save initial directory set startdir [pwd] # Create widgets catch {destroy $w} if $topwin { toplevel $w -width 400 -height 410 wm title $w "File Picker" wm iconname $w "Files" wm minsize $w 400 300 } else { frame $w -width 400 -height 410 pack $w } if $dograb { grab $w } $w configure -cursor top_left_arrow label $w.dt -text Directory: place $w.dt -relx .025 -rely .03125 helplink $w.dt file directory intro button $w.ls -text List -command "update_dir $w" place $w.ls -relx .025 -rely .125 -relwidth .15 -relheight .0625 helplink $w.ls file directory list entry $w.de -textvariable curdir -relief sunken place $w.de -relx .25 -rely .03125 -relwidth .6875 -relheight .0625 focus $w.de helplink $w.de file directory intro bind $w.de "update_dir $w" entry $w.pw -relief sunken -textvariable curpat place $w.pw -relx .25 -rely .125 -relwidth .34375 -relheight .0625 bind $w.pw "update_dir $w" helplink $w.pw file directory match frame $w.fm scrollbar $w.fm.sb -relief sunken -command "$w.fm.fl yview" listbox $w.fm.fl -relief sunken -yscroll "$w.fm.sb set" pack $w.fm.sb -side right -fill y pack $w.fm.fl -side left -expand yes -fill both place $w.fm -relx .25 -rely .21875 -relwidth .6875 -relheight .625 tk_listboxSingleSelect $w.fm.fl helplink $w.fm.fl file file intro if [info exists sendproc] { bind $w.fm.fl "set_curfile $w $sendproc" if {$transient} { bind $w.fm.fl \ "+if {\$curfile > {}} {destroy $w}" } } else { bind $w.fm.fl "set_curfile $w" label $w.fl -text File: place $w.fl -relx .10625 -rely .875 entry $w.fn -relief sunken -textvariable curfile place $w.fn -relx .25 -rely .875 \ -relwidth .6875 -relheight .0625 focus $w.fn helplink $w.fn file file entry if $transient { bind $w.fn "destroy $w" } else { bind $w.fn {} } } if {$transient != [info exists sendproc]} { button $w.ok -text OK -command "destroy $w" place $w.ok -relx .025 -rely .28125 \ -relwidth .15 -relheight .0625 } if {$transient || [info exists sendproc]} { button $w.cancel -text Cancel \ -command "destroy $w; unset curdir" place $w.cancel -relx .025 -rely .375 \ -relwidth .15 -relheight .0625 } if [info exists viewproc] { button $w.vi -text View -state disabled \ -command "$viewproc \[$w.fm.fl get \[$w.fm.fl curselection\]\]" place $w.vi -relx .025 -rely .46875 \ -relwidth .15 -relheight .0625 bind $w.fm.fl "+chk_select $w" helplink $w.vi file file view } # Load current directory update_dir $w if $transient { tkwait window $w cd $startdir if [info exists sendproc] { return [info exists curdir] } if [info exists curdir] { return $curdir/$curfile } return } elseif {[info exists sendproc]} { tkwait window $w cd $startdir if [info exists curdir] { return 1 } return 0 } # Else return the dialog window return $w } proc update_dir w { # Update working directory global curdir curpat if {"$curpat" == {}} { set curpat * } if {"$curdir" == {}} {set curdir {~}} if [catch {cd $curdir} curdir] { set oldcol [lindex [$w.de config -foreground] 4] $w.de config -foreground Red update idletasks after 1500 $w.de config -foreground $oldcol } set curdir [pwd] set offset [expr [string length $curdir] - 32] if {$offset > 0} { $w.de view [expr $offset + \ [string first / [string range $curdir $offset end]] \ + 1] } $w.fm.fl delete 0 end set ls ../ foreach f [glob -nocomplain *] { if [file isdirectory $f] { lappend ls $f/ } } foreach f [eval glob -nocomplain [split $curpat]] { if [file isfile $f] { lappend ls $f } } eval $w.fm.fl insert end [lsort $ls] } proc set_curfile {w {sp {}}} { # change current file selection global curdir curfile set f [$w.fm.fl get [$w.fm.fl curselection]] if [string match */ $f] { set curdir [string range $f 0 [expr [string length $f]-2]] update_dir $w } else { set curfile $f if {"$sp" != {}} { $sp $curdir/$curfile } } } proc chk_select w { # check if current selection is file set s [$w.fm.fl curselection] if {"$s" != {} && [file isfile [$w.fm.fl get $s]]} { $w.vi configure -state normal } else { $w.vi configure -state disabled } }