#!/usr/bin/perl -w # RCSid $Id: genklemsamp.pl,v 2.11 2011/05/16 23:56:32 greg Exp $ # # Sample Klems (full) directions impinging on surface(s) # # G. Ward # use strict; my $windoz = ($^O eq "MSWin32" or $^O eq "MSWin64"); use File::Temp qw/ :mktemp /; if ($#ARGV < 0) { print STDERR "Usage: genklemsamp [-c N ][-f{a|f|d}] [view opts] [geom.rad ..]\n"; exit 1; } my $nsamp = 1000; my $fmt = "a"; my @vopts="-vo 1e-5"; while ($#ARGV >= 0) { if ("$ARGV[0]" eq "-c") { shift @ARGV; $nsamp = $ARGV[0]; } elsif ("$ARGV[0]" =~ /^-f[afd]$/) { $fmt = substr($ARGV[0], 2, 1); } elsif ("$ARGV[0]" =~ /^-v[pdu]$/) { push @vopts, "@ARGV[0..3]"; shift @ARGV; shift @ARGV; shift @ARGV; } elsif ("$ARGV[0]" =~ /^-v[fhvo]$/) { push @vopts, "@ARGV[0..1]"; shift @ARGV; } elsif ("$ARGV[0]" =~ /^-v./) { print STDERR "Unsupported view option: $ARGV[0]\n"; exit 1; } elsif ("$ARGV[0]" =~ /^-./) { print STDERR "Unknown option: $ARGV[0]\n"; exit 1; } else { last; } shift @ARGV; } my $ofmt = ""; $ofmt = "-o$fmt" if ("$fmt" ne "a"); # Require parallel view and compile settings push @vopts, "-vtl"; my $vwset = `vwright @vopts V`; chomp $vwset; $_ = $vwset; s/^.*Vhn://; s/;.*$//; my $width = $_; $_ = $vwset; s/^.*Vvn://; s/;.*$//; my $height = $_; my $sca = sqrt($nsamp/($width*$height)); # Kbin is input to get direction in full Klems basis with (x1,x2) randoms my $tcal = 'DEGREE : PI/180;' . 'Kpola(r) : select(r+1, -5, 5, 15, 25, 35, 45, 55, 65, 75, 90);' . 'Knaz(r) : select(r, 1, 8, 16, 20, 24, 24, 24, 16, 12);' . 'Kaccum(r) : if(r-.5, Knaz(r) + Kaccum(r-1), 0);' . 'Kmax : Kaccum(Knaz(0));' . 'Kfindrow(r, rem) : if(rem-Knaz(r)-.5, Kfindrow(r+1, rem-Knaz(r)), r);' . 'Krow = if(Kbin-(Kmax+.5), 0, Kfindrow(1, Kbin));' . 'Kcol = Kbin - Kaccum(Krow-1) - 1;' . 'Kazi = 360*DEGREE * (Kcol + .5 - x2) / Knaz(Krow);' . 'Kpol = DEGREE * (x1*Kpola(Krow) + (1-x1)*Kpola(Krow-1));' . 'sin_kpol = sin(Kpol);' . 'K0 = cos(Kazi)*sin_kpol;' . 'K1 = sin(Kazi)*sin_kpol;' . 'K2 = sqrt(1 - sin_kpol*sin_kpol);' ; my $ndiv = 145; my ($td, $inchk, $rmtmp, $orgcnt); if ($windoz) { my $tmploc = `echo \%TMP\%`; chomp($tmploc); $td = mkdtemp("$tmploc\\genklemsamp.XXXXXX"); chomp $td; $inchk = "rtrace -w -h -opLN $td\\surf.oct " . q{| rcalc -e "cond=and(5e9-$4,nOK);$1=$1;$2=$2;$3=$3" } . "-e \"and(a,b):if(a,b,a);sq(x):x*x\" -e \"$vwset\" " . q{-e "nOK=sq(Vdx*$5+Vdy*$6+Vdz*$7)-.999" } . " > $td\\origins.txt"; $rmtmp = "rmdir /S /Q $td"; } else { $td = mkdtemp("/tmp/genklemsamp.XXXXXX"); chomp $td; $inchk = "rtrace -w -h -faf -opLN $td/surf.oct " . q{| rcalc -e 'cond=and(5e9-$4,nOK);$1=$1;$2=$2;$3=$3' } . "-e 'and(a,b):if(a,b,a);sq(x):x*x' -e '$vwset' " . q{-e 'nOK=sq(Vdx*$5+Vdy*$6+Vdz*$7)-.999' } . "-if7 -of > $td/origins.flt"; $rmtmp = "rm -rf $td"; } sub GetNOrigins { if ($windoz) { my $count = 0; open(FILE, "< $td\\origins.txt"); $count++ while ; close(FILE); return $count; } return (-s "$td/origins.flt") / (4*3); } # Do we have any Radiance input files? if ($#ARGV >= 0) { system "oconv -f @ARGV > $td/surf.oct"; # Set our own view center and size based on bounding cube $_ = $vwset; s/^.*Vdx://; s/;.*$//; my @vd = $_; $_ = $vwset; s/^.*Vdy://; s/;.*$//; push @vd, $_; $_ = $vwset; s/^.*Vdz://; s/;.*$//; push @vd, $_; my @bcube = split ' ', `getinfo -d < $td/surf.oct`; $width = $bcube[3]*sqrt(3); $height = $width; push @vopts, ("-vp", $bcube[0]+$bcube[3]/2-$width/2*$vd[0], $bcube[1]+$bcube[3]/2-$width/2*$vd[1], $bcube[2]+$bcube[3]/2-$width/2*$vd[2]); push @vopts, ("-vh", $width, "-vv", $height); $vwset = `vwright @vopts V`; $sca = sqrt($nsamp/($width*$height)); my $xres; my $yres; my $ntot = 0; # This generally passes through the loop twice to get density right while ($ntot < $nsamp) { $xres = int($width*$sca) + 1; $yres = int($height*$sca) + 1; system "vwrays -x $xres -y $yres -pa 0 -pj .7 @vopts | $inchk"; $ntot = GetNOrigins(); if ($ntot == 0) { if ($nsamp < 200) { $sca = sqrt(200/($width*$height)); redo; } print STDERR "View direction does not correspond to any surfaces\n"; exit 1; } $sca *= 1.05 * sqrt($nsamp/$ntot); } # All set to produce our samples for (my $k = 1; $k <= $ndiv; $k++) { my $rn = rand(10); my $r1 = rand; my $r2 = rand; # Chance of using = (number_still_needed)/(number_left_avail) if ($windoz) { system "rcalc $ofmt -e \"$tcal\" -e \"$vwset\" " . "-e \"cond=($nsamp-outno+1)/($ntot-recno+1)-rand($rn+recno)\" " . "-e \"Kbin=$k;x1=rand($r1+recno);x2=rand($r2+recno)\" " . q{-e "$1=$1+Vo*Vdx; $2=$2+Vo*Vdy; $3=$3+Vo*Vdz" } . q{-e "$4=-K0*Vhx-K1*Vvx+K2*Vdx" } . q{-e "$5=-K0*Vhy-K1*Vvy+K2*Vdy" } . q{-e "$6=-K0*Vhz-K1*Vvz+K2*Vdz" } . "$td\\origins.txt"; } else { system "rcalc $ofmt -e '$tcal' -e '$vwset' " . "-e 'cond=($nsamp-outno+1)/($ntot-recno+1)-rand($rn+recno)' " . "-e 'Kbin=$k;x1=rand($r1+recno);x2=rand($r2+recno)' " . q{-e '$1=$1+Vo*Vdx; $2=$2+Vo*Vdy; $3=$3+Vo*Vdz' } . q{-e '$4=-K0*Vhx-K1*Vvx+K2*Vdx' } . q{-e '$5=-K0*Vhy-K1*Vvy+K2*Vdy' } . q{-e '$6=-K0*Vhz-K1*Vvz+K2*Vdz' } . "-if3 $td/origins.flt"; } } } else { # No Radiance input files, so just sample over parallel view my $xres = int($width*$sca) + 1; my $yres = int($height*$sca) + 1; my $ntot = $xres * $yres; for (my $k = 1; $k <= $ndiv; $k++) { my $rn = rand(10); my $r1 = rand; my $r2 = rand; my $r3 = rand; my $r4 = rand; # Chance of using = (number_still_needed)/(number_left_avail) if ($windoz) { system "cnt $yres $xres | rcalc $ofmt -e \"$tcal\" -e \"$vwset\" " . "-e \"xc=\$2;yc=\$1\" ". "-e \"cond=($nsamp-outno+1)/($ntot-recno+1)-rand($rn+recno)\" " . "-e \"Kbin=$k;x1=rand($r1+recno);x2=rand($r2+recno)\" " . "-e \"hpos=Vhn*((xc+rand($r3+recno))/$xres - .5)\" " . "-e \"vpos=Vvn*((yc+rand($r4+recno))/$yres - .5)\" " . q{-e "$1=Vpx+Vo*Vdx+hpos*Vhx+vpos*Vvx" } . q{-e "$2=Vpy+Vo*Vdy+hpos*Vhy+vpos*Vvy" } . q{-e "$3=Vpz+Vo*Vdz+hpos*Vhz+vpos*Vvz" } . q{-e "$4=-K0*Vhx-K1*Vvx+K2*Vdx" } . q{-e "$5=-K0*Vhy-K1*Vvy+K2*Vdy" } . q{-e "$6=-K0*Vhz-K1*Vvz+K2*Vdz" } ; } else { system "cnt $yres $xres | rcalc $ofmt -e '$tcal' -e '$vwset' " . q{-e 'xc=$2;yc=$1' } . "-e 'cond=($nsamp-outno+1)/($ntot-recno+1)-rand($rn+recno)' " . "-e 'Kbin=$k;x1=rand($r1+recno);x2=rand($r2+recno)' " . "-e 'hpos=Vhn*((xc+rand($r3+recno))/$xres - .5)' " . "-e 'vpos=Vvn*((yc+rand($r4+recno))/$yres - .5)' " . q{-e '$1=Vpx+Vo*Vdx+hpos*Vhx+vpos*Vvx' } . q{-e '$2=Vpy+Vo*Vdy+hpos*Vhy+vpos*Vvy' } . q{-e '$3=Vpz+Vo*Vdz+hpos*Vhz+vpos*Vvz' } . q{-e '$4=-K0*Vhx-K1*Vvx+K2*Vdx' } . q{-e '$5=-K0*Vhy-K1*Vvy+K2*Vdy' } . q{-e '$6=-K0*Vhz-K1*Vvz+K2*Vdz' } ; } } } system $rmtmp;