#!/usr/bin/perl -w # RCSid $Id: genBSDF.pl,v 2.69 2016/09/16 22:42:42 greg Exp $ # # Compute BSDF based on geometry and material description # # G. Ward # use strict; my $windoz = ($^O eq "MSWin32" or $^O eq "MSWin64"); use File::Temp qw/ :mktemp /; sub userror { print STDERR "Usage: genBSDF [-n Nproc][-c Nsamp][-W][-t{3|4} Nlog2][-r \"ropts\"][-s \"x=string;y=string\"][-dim xmin xmax ymin ymax zmin zmax][{+|-}C][{+|-}f][{+|-}b][{+|-}mgf][{+|-}geom units] [input ..]\n"; exit 1; } my ($td,$radscn,$mgfscn,$octree,$fsender,$bsender,$receivers,$facedat,$behinddat,$rmtmp); my ($tf,$rf,$tb,$rb,$tfx,$rfx,$tbx,$rbx,$tfz,$rfz,$tbz,$rbz,$cph); my ($curphase, $recovery); if ($#ARGV == 1 && "$ARGV[0]" =~ /^-rec/) { $td = $ARGV[1]; open(MYAVH, "< $td/savedARGV.txt") or die "$td: invalid path\n"; @ARGV = ; close MYAVH; chomp @ARGV; $recovery = 0; if (open(MYPH, "< $td/phase.txt")) { while () { chomp($recovery = $_); } close MYPH; } } elsif ($windoz) { my $tmploc = `echo \%TMP\%`; chomp $tmploc; $td = mkdtemp("$tmploc\\genBSDF.XXXXXX"); } else { $td = mkdtemp("/tmp/genBSDF.XXXXXX"); chomp $td; } if ($windoz) { $radscn = "$td\\device.rad"; $mgfscn = "$td\\device.mgf"; $octree = "$td\\device.oct"; $fsender = "$td\\fsender.rad"; $bsender = "$td\\bsender.rad"; $receivers = "$td\\receivers.rad"; $facedat = "$td\\face.dat"; $behinddat = "$td\\behind.dat"; $tf = "$td\\tf.dat"; $rf = "$td\\rf.dat"; $tb = "$td\\tb.dat"; $rb = "$td\\rb.dat"; $tfx = "$td\\tfx.dat"; $rfx = "$td\\rfx.dat"; $tbx = "$td\\tbx.dat"; $rbx = "$td\\rbx.dat"; $tfz = "$td\\tfz.dat"; $rfz = "$td\\rfz.dat"; $tbz = "$td\\tbz.dat"; $rbz = "$td\\rbz.dat"; $cph = "$td\\phase.txt"; $rmtmp = "rd /S /Q $td"; } else { $radscn = "$td/device.rad"; $mgfscn = "$td/device.mgf"; $octree = "$td/device.oct"; $fsender = "$td/fsender.rad"; $bsender = "$td/bsender.rad"; $receivers = "$td/receivers.rad"; $facedat = "$td/face.dat"; $behinddat = "$td/behind.dat"; $tf = "$td/tf.dat"; $rf = "$td/rf.dat"; $tb = "$td/tb.dat"; $rb = "$td/rb.dat"; $tfx = "$td/tfx.dat"; $rfx = "$td/rfx.dat"; $tbx = "$td/tbx.dat"; $rbx = "$td/rbx.dat"; $tfz = "$td/tfz.dat"; $rfz = "$td/rfz.dat"; $tbz = "$td/tbz.dat"; $rbz = "$td/rbz.dat"; $cph = "$td/phase.txt"; $rmtmp = "rm -rf $td"; } my @savedARGV = @ARGV; my $rfluxmtx = "rfluxmtx -ab 5 -ad 700 -lw 3e-6"; my $wrapper = "wrapBSDF"; my $tensortree = 0; my $ttlog2 = 4; my $nsamp = 2000; my $mgfin = 0; my $geout = 1; my $nproc = 1; my $docolor = 0; my $doforw = 0; my $doback = 1; my $pctcull = 90; my $gunit = "meter"; my $curspec = "Visible"; my @dim; # Get options while ($#ARGV >= 0) { if ("$ARGV[0]" =~ /^[-+]m/) { $mgfin = ("$ARGV[0]" =~ /^\+/); } elsif ("$ARGV[0]" eq "-r") { $rfluxmtx .= " $ARGV[1]"; shift @ARGV; } elsif ("$ARGV[0]" =~ /^[-+]g/) { $geout = ("$ARGV[0]" =~ /^\+/); $gunit = $ARGV[1]; if ($gunit !~ /^(?i)(meter|foot|inch|centimeter|millimeter)$/) { die "Illegal geometry unit '$gunit': must be meter, foot, inch, centimeter, or millimeter\n"; } shift @ARGV; } elsif ("$ARGV[0]" =~ /^[-+]C/) { $docolor = ("$ARGV[0]" =~ /^\+/); } elsif ("$ARGV[0]" =~ /^[-+]f/) { $doforw = ("$ARGV[0]" =~ /^\+/); } elsif ("$ARGV[0]" =~ /^[-+]b/) { $doback = ("$ARGV[0]" =~ /^\+/); } elsif ("$ARGV[0]" eq "-t") { # Use value < 0 for rttree_reduce bypass $pctcull = $ARGV[1]; if ($pctcull >= 100) { die "Illegal -t culling percentage, must be < 100\n"; } shift @ARGV; } elsif ("$ARGV[0]" =~ /^-t[34]$/) { $tensortree = substr($ARGV[0], 2, 1); $ttlog2 = $ARGV[1]; shift @ARGV; } elsif ("$ARGV[0]" eq "-s") { $wrapper .= " -f \"$ARGV[1]\""; shift @ARGV; } elsif ("$ARGV[0]" eq "-W") { $wrapper .= " -W"; } elsif ("$ARGV[0]" eq "-c") { $nsamp = $ARGV[1]; shift @ARGV; } elsif ("$ARGV[0]" eq "-n") { $nproc = $ARGV[1]; shift @ARGV; } elsif ("$ARGV[0]" =~ /^-d/) { userror() if ($#ARGV < 6); @dim = @ARGV[1..6]; shift @ARGV for (1..6); } elsif ("$ARGV[0]" =~ /^[-+]./) { userror(); } else { last; } shift @ARGV; } # Check that we're actually being asked to do something die "Must have at least one of +forward or +backward\n" if (!$doforw && !$doback); $wrapper .= $tensortree ? " -a t$tensortree" : " -a kf -c"; $wrapper .= " -u $gunit"; if ( !defined $recovery ) { # Issue warning for unhandled reciprocity case print STDERR "Warning: recommend both +forward and +backward with -t3\n" if ($tensortree==3 && !($doforw && $doback)); # Get scene description if ( $mgfin ) { system "mgf2rad @ARGV > $radscn"; die "Could not load MGF input\n" if ( $? ); } else { system "xform -e @ARGV > $radscn"; die "Could not load Radiance input\n" if ( $? ); } } if ( $#dim != 5 ) { @dim = split ' ', `getbbox -h $radscn`; } die "Device entirely inside room!\n" if ( $dim[4] >= 0 ); if ( $dim[5] > 1e-5 ) { print STDERR "Warning: Device extends into room\n"; } elsif ( $dim[5]*$dim[5] > .01*($dim[1]-$dim[0])*($dim[3]-$dim[2]) ) { print STDERR "Warning: Device far behind Z==0 plane\n"; } # Assume Zmax==0 to derive thickness so pkgBSDF will work $wrapper .= ' -f "t=' . (-$dim[4]) . ';w=' . ($dim[1] - $dim[0]) . ';h=' . ($dim[3] - $dim[2]) . '"'; $wrapper .= " -g $mgfscn" if ( $geout ); # Calculate CIE (u',v') from Radiance RGB: my $CIEuv = 'Xi=.5141*Ri+.3239*Gi+.1620*Bi;' . 'Yi=.2651*Ri+.6701*Gi+.0648*Bi;' . 'Zi=.0241*Ri+.1229*Gi+.8530*Bi;' . 'den=Xi+15*Yi+3*Zi;' . 'uprime=4*Xi/den;vprime=9*Yi/den;' ; my $FEPS = 1e-5; my $ns = 2**$ttlog2; my $nx = int(sqrt($nsamp*($dim[1]-$dim[0])/($dim[3]-$dim[2])) + 1); my $ny = int($nsamp/$nx + 1); $nsamp = $nx * $ny; $rfluxmtx .= " -n $nproc -c $nsamp"; if ( !defined $recovery ) { open(MYAVH, "> $td/savedARGV.txt"); foreach (@savedARGV) { print MYAVH "$_\n"; } close MYAVH; # Generate octree system "oconv -w $radscn > $octree"; die "Could not compile scene\n" if ( $? ); # Add MGF description if requested if ( $geout ) { open(MGFSCN, "> $mgfscn"); printf MGFSCN "xf -t %.6f %.6f 0\n", -($dim[0]+$dim[1])/2, -($dim[2]+$dim[3])/2; close MGFSCN; if ( $mgfin ) { system qq{mgfilt "#,o,xf,c,cxy,cspec,cmix,m,sides,rd,td,rs,ts,ir,v,p,n,f,fh,sph,cyl,cone,prism,ring,torus" @ARGV >> $mgfscn}; } else { system "rad2mgf $radscn >> $mgfscn"; } open(MGFSCN, ">> $mgfscn"); print MGFSCN "xf\n"; close MGFSCN; } # Create receiver & sender surfaces (rectangular) open(RADSCN, "> $receivers"); print RADSCN '#@rfluxmtx ' . ($tensortree ? "h=-sc$ns\n" : "h=-kf\n"); print RADSCN '#@rfluxmtx ' . "u=-Y o=$facedat\n\n"; print RADSCN "void glow receiver_face\n0\n0\n4 1 1 1 0\n\n"; print RADSCN "receiver_face source f_receiver\n0\n0\n4 0 0 1 180\n\n"; print RADSCN '#@rfluxmtx ' . ($tensortree ? "h=+sc$ns\n" : "h=+kf\n"); print RADSCN '#@rfluxmtx ' . "u=-Y o=$behinddat\n\n"; print RADSCN "void glow receiver_behind\n0\n0\n4 1 1 1 0\n\n"; print RADSCN "receiver_behind source b_receiver\n0\n0\n4 0 0 -1 180\n"; close RADSCN; # Prepare sender surfaces if ( $tensortree != 3 ) { # Isotropic tensor tree is exception open (RADSCN, "> $fsender"); print RADSCN '#@rfluxmtx u=-Y ' . ($tensortree ? "h=-sc$ns\n\n" : "h=-kf\n\n"); print RADSCN "void polygon fwd_sender\n0\n0\n12\n"; printf RADSCN "\t%e\t%e\t%e\n", $dim[0], $dim[2], $dim[4]-$FEPS; printf RADSCN "\t%e\t%e\t%e\n", $dim[0], $dim[3], $dim[4]-$FEPS; printf RADSCN "\t%e\t%e\t%e\n", $dim[1], $dim[3], $dim[4]-$FEPS; printf RADSCN "\t%e\t%e\t%e\n", $dim[1], $dim[2], $dim[4]-$FEPS; close RADSCN; open (RADSCN, "> $bsender"); print RADSCN '#@rfluxmtx u=-Y ' . ($tensortree ? "h=+sc$ns\n\n" : "h=+kf\n\n"); print RADSCN "void polygon bwd_sender\n0\n0\n12\n"; printf RADSCN "\t%e\t%e\t%e\n", $dim[0], $dim[2], $dim[5]+$FEPS; printf RADSCN "\t%e\t%e\t%e\n", $dim[1], $dim[2], $dim[5]+$FEPS; printf RADSCN "\t%e\t%e\t%e\n", $dim[1], $dim[3], $dim[5]+$FEPS; printf RADSCN "\t%e\t%e\t%e\n", $dim[0], $dim[3], $dim[5]+$FEPS; close RADSCN; } print STDERR "Recover using: $0 -recover $td\n"; } # Open unbuffered progress file open(MYPH, ">> $td/phase.txt"); { my $ofh = select MYPH; $| = 1; select $ofh; } $curphase = 0; # Create data segments (all the work happens here) if ( $tensortree ) { do_tree_bsdf(); } else { do_matrix_bsdf(); } # Output XML # print STDERR "Running: $wrapper\n"; system "$wrapper -C \"Created by: genBSDF @savedARGV\""; die "Could not wrap BSDF data\n" if ( $? ); # Clean up temporary files and exit exec $rmtmp; #============== End of main program segment ==============# # Function to determine if next phase should be skipped or recovered sub do_phase { $curphase++; if (defined $recovery) { if ($recovery > $curphase) { return 0; } if ($recovery == $curphase) { return -1; } } print MYPH "$curphase\n"; return 1; } #++++++++++++++ Tensor tree BSDF generation ++++++++++++++# sub do_tree_bsdf { # Run rfluxmtx processes to compute each side do_ttree_dir(0) if ( $doback ); do_ttree_dir(1) if ( $doforw ); } # end of sub do_tree_bsdf() # Call rfluxmtx and process tensor tree BSDF for the given direction sub do_ttree_dir { my $forw = shift; my $r = do_phase(); if (!$r) { return; } $r = ($r < 0) ? " -r" : ""; my $cmd; if ( $tensortree == 3 ) { # Isotropic BSDF my $ns2 = $ns / 2; if ($windoz) { $cmd = "cnt $ns2 $ny $nx " . qq{| rcalc -e "r1=rand(.8681*recno-.673892)" } . qq{-e "r2=rand(-5.37138*recno+67.1737811)" } . qq{-e "r3=rand(+3.17603772*recno+83.766771)" } . qq{-e "Dx=1-2*(\$1+r1)/$ns;Dy:0;Dz=sqrt(1-Dx*Dx)" } . qq{-e "xp=(\$3+r2)*(($dim[1]-$dim[0])/$nx)+$dim[0]" } . qq{-e "yp=(\$2+r3)*(($dim[3]-$dim[2])/$ny)+$dim[2]" } . qq{-e "zp=$dim[5-$forw]" -e "myDz=Dz*($forw*2-1)" } . qq{-e "\$1=xp-Dx;\$2=yp-Dy;\$3=zp-myDz" } . qq{-e "\$4=Dx;\$5=Dy;\$6=myDz" } . "| $rfluxmtx$r -fa -y $ns2 - $receivers -i $octree"; } else { $cmd = "cnt $ns2 $ny $nx " . qq{| rcalc -e "r1=rand(.8681*recno-.673892)" } . qq{-e "r2=rand(-5.37138*recno+67.1737811)" } . qq{-e "r3=rand(+3.17603772*recno+83.766771)" } . qq{-e "Dx=1-2*(\$1+r1)/$ns;Dy:0;Dz=sqrt(1-Dx*Dx)" } . qq{-e "xp=(\$3+r2)*(($dim[1]-$dim[0])/$nx)+$dim[0]" } . qq{-e "yp=(\$2+r3)*(($dim[3]-$dim[2])/$ny)+$dim[2]" } . qq{-e "zp=$dim[5-$forw]" -e "myDz=Dz*($forw*2-1)" } . qq{-e '\$1=xp-Dx;\$2=yp-Dy;\$3=zp-myDz' } . qq{-e '\$4=Dx;\$5=Dy;\$6=myDz' -of } . "| $rfluxmtx$r -h -ff -y $ns2 - $receivers -i $octree"; } } else { # Anisotropic BSDF my $sender = ($bsender,$fsender)[$forw]; if ($windoz) { $cmd = "$rfluxmtx$r -fa $sender $receivers -i $octree"; } else { $cmd = "$rfluxmtx$r -h -ff $sender $receivers -i $octree"; } } # print STDERR "Starting: $cmd\n"; system $cmd; die "Failure running rfluxmtx" if ( $? ); ttree_out($forw); } # end of do_ttree_dir() # Simplify and store tensor tree results sub ttree_out { my $forw = shift; my ($refldat,$transdat); if ( $forw ) { $transdat = $facedat; $refldat = $behinddat; } else { $transdat = $behinddat; $refldat = $facedat; } # Only output one transmitted anisotropic distribution, preferring backwards if ( !$forw || !$doback || $tensortree==3 ) { my $ttyp = ("tb","tf")[$forw]; ttree_comp($ttyp, "Visible", $transdat, ($tb,$tf)[$forw]); if ( $docolor ) { ttree_comp($ttyp, "CIE-u", $transdat, ($tbx,$tfx)[$forw]); ttree_comp($ttyp, "CIE-v", $transdat, ($tbz,$tfz)[$forw]); } } # Output reflection my $rtyp = ("rb","rf")[$forw]; ttree_comp($rtyp, "Visible", $refldat, ($rb,$rf)[$forw]); if ( $docolor ) { ttree_comp($rtyp, "CIE-u", $refldat, ($rbx,$rfx)[$forw]); ttree_comp($rtyp, "CIE-v", $refldat, ($rbz,$rfz)[$forw]); } } # end of ttree_out() # Call rttree_reduce on the given component sub ttree_comp { my $typ = shift; my $spec = shift; my $src = shift; my $dest = shift; my $cmd; if ($windoz) { if ("$spec" eq "Visible") { $cmd = qq{rcalc -e "Omega:PI/($ns*$ns)" } . q{-e "Ri=$1;Gi=$2;Bi=$3" } . qq{-e "$CIEuv" } . q{-e "$1=Yi/Omega"}; } elsif ("$spec" eq "CIE-u") { $cmd = q{rcalc -e "Ri=$1;Gi=$2;Bi=$3" } . qq{-e "$CIEuv" } . q{-e "$1=uprime"}; } elsif ("$spec" eq "CIE-v") { $cmd = q{rcalc -e "Ri=$1;Gi=$2;Bi=$3" } . qq{-e "$CIEuv" } . q{-e "$1=vprime"}; } } else { if ("$spec" eq "Visible") { $cmd = "rcalc -if3 -e 'Omega:PI/($ns*$ns)' " . q{-e 'Ri=$1;Gi=$2;Bi=$3' } . "-e '$CIEuv' " . q{-e '$1=Yi/Omega'}; } elsif ("$spec" eq "CIE-u") { $cmd = q{rcalc -if3 -e 'Ri=$1;Gi=$2;Bi=$3' } . "-e '$CIEuv' " . q{-e '$1=uprime'}; } elsif ("$spec" eq "CIE-v") { $cmd = q{rcalc -if3 -e 'Ri=$1;Gi=$2;Bi=$3' } . "-e '$CIEuv' " . q{-e '$1=vprime'}; } } if ($pctcull >= 0) { my $avg = ( "$typ" =~ /^r[fb]/ ) ? " -a" : ""; my $pcull = ("$spec" eq "Visible") ? $pctcull : (100 - (100-$pctcull)*.25) ; if ($windoz) { $cmd = "rcollate -ho -oc 1 $src | " . $cmd . " | rttree_reduce$avg -h -fa -t $pcull -r $tensortree -g $ttlog2"; } else { $cmd .= " -of $src " . "| rttree_reduce$avg -h -ff -t $pcull -r $tensortree -g $ttlog2"; } # print STDERR "Running: $cmd\n"; system "$cmd > $dest"; die "Failure running rttree_reduce" if ( $? ); } else { if ($windoz) { $cmd = "rcollate -ho -oc 1 $src | " . $cmd ; } else { $cmd .= " $src"; } open(DATOUT, "> $dest"); print DATOUT "{\n"; close DATOUT; # print STDERR "Running: $cmd\n"; system "$cmd >> $dest"; die "Failure running rcalc" if ( $? ); open(DATOUT, ">> $dest"); for (my $i = ($tensortree==3)*$ns*$ns*$ns/2; $i-- > 0; ) { print DATOUT "0\n"; } print DATOUT "}\n"; close DATOUT; } if ( "$spec" ne "$curspec" ) { $wrapper .= " -s $spec"; $curspec = $spec; } $wrapper .= " -$typ $dest"; } # end of ttree_comp() #------------- End of do_tree_bsdf() & subroutines -------------# #+++++++++++++++ Klems matrix BSDF generation +++++++++++++++# sub do_matrix_bsdf { # Run rfluxmtx processes to compute each side do_matrix_dir(0) if ( $doback ); do_matrix_dir(1) if ( $doforw ); } # end of sub do_matrix_bsdf() # Call rfluxmtx and process tensor tree BSDF for the given direction sub do_matrix_dir { my $forw = shift; my $r = do_phase(); if (!$r) { return; } $r = ($r < 0) ? " -r" : ""; my $cmd; my $sender = ($bsender,$fsender)[$forw]; $cmd = "$rfluxmtx$r -fd $sender $receivers -i $octree"; # print STDERR "Starting: $cmd\n"; system $cmd; die "Failure running rfluxmtx" if ( $? ); matrix_out($forw); } # end of do_matrix_dir() sub matrix_out { my $forw = shift; my ($refldat,$transdat); if ( $forw ) { $transdat = $facedat; $refldat = $behinddat; } else { $transdat = $behinddat; $refldat = $facedat; } # Output transmission my $ttyp = ("tb","tf")[$forw]; matrix_comp($ttyp, "Visible", $transdat, ($tb,$tf)[$forw]); if ( $docolor ) { matrix_comp($ttyp, "CIE-X", $transdat, ($tbx,$tfx)[$forw]); matrix_comp($ttyp, "CIE-Z", $transdat, ($tbz,$tfz)[$forw]); } # Output reflection my $rtyp = ("rb","rf")[$forw]; matrix_comp($rtyp, "Visible", $refldat, ($rb,$rf)[$forw]); if ( $docolor ) { matrix_comp($rtyp, "CIE-X", $refldat, ($rbx,$rfx)[$forw]); matrix_comp($rtyp, "CIE-Z", $refldat, ($rbz,$rfz)[$forw]); } } # end of matrix_out() # Transpose matrix component data and save to file sub matrix_comp { my $typ = shift; my $spec = shift; my $src = shift; my $dest = shift; my $cmd = "rmtxop -fa -t"; if ("$spec" eq "Visible") { $cmd .= " -c 0.2651 0.6701 0.0648"; } elsif ("$spec" eq "CIE-X") { $cmd .= " -c 0.5141 0.3239 0.1620"; } elsif ("$spec" eq "CIE-Z") { $cmd .= " -c 0.0241 0.1229 0.8530"; } $cmd .= " $src | rcollate -ho -oc 145"; # print STDERR "Running: $cmd\n"; system "$cmd > $dest"; die "Failure running rmtxop" if ( $? ); if ( "$spec" ne "$curspec" ) { $wrapper .= " -s $spec"; $curspec = $spec; } $wrapper .= " -$typ $dest"; } # end of matrix_comp() #------------- End of do_matrix_bsdf() & subroutines --------------#