#ifndef lint static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: evalglare.c,v 2.2 2015/08/18 15:02:53 greg Exp $"; #endif /* EVALGLARE V1.17 * Evalglare Software License, Version 1.0 * * Copyright (c) 1995 - 2015 Fraunhofer ISE, EPFL. * All rights reserved. * * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, WITHOUT * modification, are permitted provided that the following all conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * 3. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution, * if any, must include the following acknowledgments: * "This product includes the evalglare software, developed at Fraunhofer ISE by J. Wienold" and * "This product includes Radiance software * (http://radsite.lbl.gov/) * developed by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory * (http://www.lbl.gov/)." * Alternately, this acknowledgment may appear in the software itself, * if and wherever such third-party acknowledgments normally appear. * * 4. The names "Evalglare," and "Fraunhofer ISE" must * not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this * software without prior written permission. For written * permission, please contact jan.wienold@epfl.ch * * 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "evalglare", * nor may "evalglare" appear in their name, without prior written * permission of Fraunhofer ISE. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, WITH * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * conditions 1.-5. apply * * 6. In order to ensure scientific correctness, any modification in source code imply fulfilling all following comditions: * a) A written permission from Fraunhofer ISE. For written permission, please contact jan.wienold@ise.fraunhofer.de. * b) The permission can be applied via email and must contain the applied changes in source code and at least two example calculations, * comparing the results of the modified version and the current version of evalglare. * b) Any redistribution of a modified version of evalglare must contain following note: * "This software uses a modified version of the source code of evalglare." * * * * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Fraunhofer ISE OR * ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF * USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT * OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * ==================================================================== * * This product includes Radiance software * (http://radsite.lbl.gov/) * developed by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory * (http://www.lbl.gov/). * * The Radiance Software License, Version 1.0 * * Copyright (c) 1990 - 2009 The Regents of the University of California, * through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * 3. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution, * if any, must include the following acknowledgment: * "This product includes Radiance software * (http://radsite.lbl.gov/) * developed by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory * (http://www.lbl.gov/)." * Alternately, this acknowledgment may appear in the software itself, * if and wherever such third-party acknowledgments normally appear. * * 4. The names "Radiance," "Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory" * and "The Regents of the University of California" must * not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this * software without prior written permission. For written * permission, please contact radiance@radsite.lbl.gov. * * 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "Radiance", * nor may "Radiance" appear in their name, without prior written * permission of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory OR * ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF * USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT * OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* evalglare.c, v0.2 2005/08/21 18:00:00 wienold */ /* evalglare.c, v0.3 2006/06/01 16:20:00 wienold changes to the v02 version: -fix problem with non-square pictures -set luminance values in the hemisphere behind the line of sight to 0 -fix error in vcp calculation */ /* evalglare.c, v0.4 2006/11/13 15:10:00 wienold changes to the v03 version: -fix problem with tabulator in picture header "cannot read view" -fix missing pixels in task area evalglare.c, v0.5 2006/11/29 9:30 wienold changes to the v04 version: - fix problem with glare sources at the edge of the picture */ /* evalglare.c, v0.6 2006/11/29 9:30 wienold changes to the v05 version: - add luminance restriction parameters in order to take into account restrictions of measuring systems */ /* evalglare.c, v0.7 2007/07/11 18:00 wienold changes to the v06 version: - add external provision of vertical illuminance */ /* evalglare.c, v0.8 2007/12/04 1:35 wienold changes to the v07 version: - limit dgp to max 1.0 - fill up cutted pictures with last known values - add second detailed output */ /* evalglare.c, v0.9 2008/07/02 wienold changes to the v08 version: - add version number in picheader - add option for showing version numer */ /* evalglare.c, v0.9a 2008/09/20 wienold changes to the v09 version: - reduce fix value threshold from 500 to 100 */ /* evalglare.c, v0.9b 2008/11/12 wienold changes to the v09a version: - check view type vta, if wrong than exit */ /* evalglare.c, v0.9c 2009/03/31 wienold changes to the v09b version: - peak extraction is default now (-y) , for deactivation use -x */ /* evalglare.c, v0.9d 2009/06/24 wienold changes to the v09c version: - fixed memory problem while using strcat */ /* evalglare.c, v0.9e 2009/10/10 wienold changes to the v09d version: - fixed problem while reading .pic of windows version */ /* evalglare.c, v0.9f 2009/10/21 wienold changes to the v09e version: - piping of input pictures possible, allow also vtv and vtc viewtyps */ /* evalglare.c, v0.9g 2009/10/21 wienold changes to the v09f version: - modified pictool.c - added -V (calc only vertical illuminance) */ /* evalglare.c, v0.9h 2011/10/10 wienold changes to the v09g version: - include disability glare for age factor of 1 - */ /* evalglare.c, v0.9i 2011/10/17 wienold changes to the v09h version: - M option: Correct wrong (measured) luminance images by feeding Ev and a luminance value, which should be replaced */ /* evalglare.c, v1.0 2012/02/08 wienold changes to the v09h version: - include all view types - check view option in header - add view options in command line - option for cutting out GUTH field of view */ /* evalglare.c, v1.02 2012/03/01 wienold,reetz,grobe changes to the v1.0 version: - fixed buffer overflow for string variable version[40] - replaced various strings to handle release by #define - removed most unused variables - initialized variables - removed nested functions - compiles now with -ansi -pedantic */ /* evalglare.c, v1.03 2012/04/17 wienold - include low light correction */ /* evalglare.c, v1.04 2012/04/23 wienold - remove bug for gen_dgp_profile output */ /* evalglare.c, v1.05 2012/05/29 wienold - remove variable overflow of low-light-correction for large Ev */ /* evalglare.c, v1.06 2012/05/29 wienold - initiate low-light-correction-variable */ /* evalglare.c, v1.07 2012/05/29 wienold - remove edge pixels from evaluation, when center of pixel is behind view (stability) */ /* evalglare.c, v1.08 2012/09/09 wienold - add direction vector in detailed output for each glare source - include age correction */ /* evalglare.c, v1.09 2012/09/09 wienold - faster calculation for the use of gen_dgp_profile: no vertical illuminance calculation, only dgp is calculated, second scan + split is deactivated, when no pixel >15000 is found */ /* evalglare.c, v1.10 2012/09/09 wienold - faster calculation for the use of gen_dgp_profile: no vertical illuminance calculation, only dgp is calculated, second scan + split is deactivated, when no pixel >15000 is found */ /* evalglare.c, v1.11 2013/01/17 wienold - fix output bug of dgp, when using -i or -I */ /* evalglare.c, v1.12 2013/10/31 wienold - include CIE equation for disability glare, Stiles-Holladay */ /* evalglare.c, v1.13 2014/04/06 wienold - remove bug: initialize Lveil_cie_sum used for the CIE equation for disability glare */ /* evalglare.c, v1.14 buggy changes... removed... */ /* evalglare.c, v1.15 add option for uniform colored glare sources */ /* evalglare.c, v1.16 2015/05/05 remove bugs: background luminance is now calculated not cos-weighted any more, to switch on cos-weighting use -n option calculation of the background luminance is now based on the real solid angle and not hard coded 2*PI any more fast calculation mode: total solid angle =2*PI (before PI) */ /* evalglare.c, v1.17 2015/07/15 add option for calculating band luminance -B angle_of_band remove of age factor due to non proven statistical evidence */ #define EVALGLARE #define PROGNAME "evalglare" #define VERSION "1.17 release 15.07.2015 by EPFL, J.Wienold" #define RELEASENAME PROGNAME " " VERSION #include "rtio.h" #include "platform.h" #include "pictool.h" #include #include char *progname; /* subroutine to add a pixel to a glare source */ void add_pixel_to_gs(pict * p, int x, int y, int gsn) { double old_av_posx, old_av_posy, old_av_lum, old_omega, act_omega, new_omega, act_lum; pict_get_npix(p, gsn) = pict_get_npix(p, gsn) + 1; old_av_posx = pict_get_av_posx(p, gsn); old_av_posy = pict_get_av_posy(p, gsn); old_av_lum = pict_get_av_lum(p, gsn); old_omega = pict_get_av_omega(p, gsn); act_omega = pict_get_omega(p, x, y); act_lum = luminance(pict_get_color(p, x, y)); new_omega = old_omega + act_omega; pict_get_av_posx(p, gsn) = (old_av_posx * old_omega + x * act_omega) / new_omega; pict_get_av_posy(p, gsn) = (old_av_posy * old_omega + y * act_omega) / new_omega; if (isnan((pict_get_av_posx(p, gsn)))) fprintf(stderr,"error in add_pixel_to_gs %d %d %f %f %f %f\n", x, y, old_av_posy, old_omega, act_omega, new_omega); pict_get_av_lum(p, gsn) = (old_av_lum * old_omega + act_lum * act_omega) / new_omega; pict_get_av_omega(p, gsn) = new_omega; pict_get_gsn(p, x, y) = gsn; if (act_lum < pict_get_lum_min(p, gsn)) { pict_get_lum_min(p, gsn) = act_lum; } if (act_lum > pict_get_lum_max(p, gsn)) { pict_get_lum_max(p, gsn) = act_lum; } /* printf("gsn,x,y,av_posx,av_posy,av_lum %i %f %f %f %f %f\n",gsn,x,y,pict_get_av_posx(p, gsn),pict_get_av_posy(p, gsn),pict_get_av_lum(p, gsn)); */ } /* subroutine for peak extraction */ int find_split(pict * p, int x, int y, double r, int i_split_start, int i_split_end) { int i_find_split, x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, ix, iy, iix, iiy, dx, dy, out_r; double r_actual; i_find_split = 0; x_min = 0; y_min = 0; x_max = pict_get_ysize(p) - 1; y_max = pict_get_ysize(p) - 1; for (iiy = 1; iiy <= 2; iiy++) { dy = iiy * 2 - 3; if (dy == -1) { iy = y; } else { iy = y + 1; } while (iy <= y_max && iy >= y_min) { out_r = 0; for (iix = 1; iix <= 2; iix++) { dx = iix * 2 - 3; if (dx == -1) { ix = x; } else { ix = x + 1; } while (ix <= x_max && ix >= x_min && iy >= y_min) { r_actual = acos(DOT(pict_get_cached_dir(p, x, y), pict_get_cached_dir(p, ix, iy))) * 2; if (r_actual <= r) { out_r = 1; if (pict_get_gsn(p, ix, iy) >= i_split_start && pict_get_gsn(p, ix, iy) <= i_split_end) { i_find_split = pict_get_gsn(p, ix, iy); } } else { ix = -99; } ix = ix + dx; } } if (out_r == 0) { iy = -99; } iy = iy + dy; } } return i_find_split; } /* static int icomp(int* a,int* b) { if (*a < *b) return -1; if (*a > *b) return 1; return 0; } */ /* subroutine to find nearby glare source pixels */ int find_near_pgs(pict * p, int x, int y, float r, int act_gsn, int max_gsn, int min_gsn) { int dx, dy, i_near_gs, xx, yy, x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, ix, iy, iix, iiy, old_gsn, new_gsn, find_gsn, change, stop_y_search, stop_x_search; double r_actual; int ixm[3]; i_near_gs = 0; stop_y_search = 0; stop_x_search = 0; x_min = 0; y_min = 0; if (act_gsn == 0) { x_max = x; } else { x_max = pict_get_xsize(p) - 1; } y_max = pict_get_ysize(p) - 1; old_gsn = pict_get_gsn(p, x, y); new_gsn = old_gsn; change = 0; if (act_gsn > 0) { i_near_gs = pict_get_gsn(p, x, y); } for (iiy = 1; iiy <= 2; iiy++) { dy = iiy * 2 - 3; if (dy == -1) { iy = y; } else { iy = y + 1; } ixm[1] = x; ixm[2] = x; stop_y_search = 0; while (iy <= y_max && iy >= y_min) { for (iix = 1; iix <= 2; iix++) { dx = iix * 2 - 3; ix = (ixm[1] + ixm[2]) / 2; stop_x_search = 0; while (ix <= x_max && ix >= x_min && stop_x_search == 0 && stop_y_search == 0) { /* printf(" dx,act_gsn, x,y,x_max, x_min, ix ,iy , ymax,ymin %i %i %i %i %i %i %i %i %i %i\n",dx,act_gsn,x,y,x_max,x_min,ix,iy,y_max,y_min);*/ r_actual = acos(DOT(pict_get_cached_dir(p, x, y), pict_get_cached_dir(p, ix, iy))) * 2; if (r_actual <= r) { if (pict_get_gsn(p, ix, iy) > 0) { if (act_gsn == 0) { i_near_gs = pict_get_gsn(p, ix, iy); stop_x_search = 1; stop_y_search = 1; } else { find_gsn = pict_get_gsn(p, ix, iy); if (pict_get_av_omega(p, old_gsn) < pict_get_av_omega(p, find_gsn) && pict_get_av_omega(p, find_gsn) > pict_get_av_omega(p, new_gsn) && find_gsn >= min_gsn && find_gsn <= max_gsn) { /* other primary glare source found with larger solid angle -> add together all */ new_gsn = find_gsn; change = 1; stop_x_search = 1; stop_y_search = 1; } } } } else { ixm[iix] = ix - dx; stop_x_search = 1; } ix = ix + dx; } } iy = iy + dy; } } if (change > 0) { pict_get_av_lum(p, old_gsn) = 0.; pict_get_av_omega(p, old_gsn) = 0.; pict_get_npix(p, old_gsn) = 0.; pict_get_lum_max(p, old_gsn) = 0.; i_near_gs = new_gsn; /* printf(" changing gs no %i",old_gsn); printf(" to %i\n",new_gsn); */ for (xx = 0; xx < pict_get_xsize(p); xx++) for (yy = 0; yy < pict_get_ysize(p); yy++) { if (pict_is_validpixel(p, x, y)) { if (pict_get_gsn(p, xx, yy) == old_gsn) { add_pixel_to_gs(p, xx, yy, new_gsn); } } } } return i_near_gs; } /* subroutine for calculation of task luminance */ double get_task_lum(pict * p, int x, int y, float r, int task_color) { int x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, ix, iy; double r_actual, av_lum, omega_sum, act_lum; x_max = pict_get_xsize(p) - 1; y_max = pict_get_ysize(p) - 1; x_min = 0; y_min = 0; av_lum = 0.0; omega_sum = 0.0; for (iy = y_min; iy <= y_max; iy++) { for (ix = x_min; ix <= x_max; ix++) { /* if (DOT(pict_get_cached_dir(p,ix,iy),p->view.vdir) < 0.0) continue;*/ r_actual = acos(DOT(pict_get_cached_dir(p, x, y), pict_get_cached_dir(p, ix, iy))) * 2; act_lum = luminance(pict_get_color(p, ix, iy)); if (r_actual <= r) { act_lum = luminance(pict_get_color(p, ix, iy)); av_lum += pict_get_omega(p, ix, iy) * act_lum; omega_sum += pict_get_omega(p, ix, iy); if (task_color == 1) { pict_get_color(p, ix, iy)[RED] = 0.0; pict_get_color(p, ix, iy)[GRN] = 0.0; pict_get_color(p, ix, iy)[BLU] = act_lum / WHTEFFICACY / CIE_bf; } } } } av_lum = av_lum / omega_sum; /* printf("average luminance of task %f \n",av_lum); printf("solid angle of task %f \n",omega_sum);*/ return av_lum; } /* subroutine for calculation of band luminance */ double get_band_lum(pict * p, float r, int task_color) { int x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, ix, iy, y_mid; double r_actual, av_lum, omega_sum, act_lum; x_max = pict_get_xsize(p) - 1; y_max = pict_get_ysize(p) - 1; x_min = 0; y_min = 0; y_mid = rint(y_max/2); av_lum = 0.0; omega_sum = 0.0; for (iy = y_min; iy <= y_max; iy++) { for (ix = x_min; ix <= x_max; ix++) { /* if (DOT(pict_get_cached_dir(p,ix,iy),p->view.vdir) < 0.0) continue;*/ r_actual = acos(DOT(pict_get_cached_dir(p, ix, y_mid), pict_get_cached_dir(p, ix, iy))) ; act_lum = luminance(pict_get_color(p, ix, iy)); if ((r_actual <= r) || (iy == y_mid) ) { act_lum = luminance(pict_get_color(p, ix, iy)); av_lum += pict_get_omega(p, ix, iy) * act_lum; omega_sum += pict_get_omega(p, ix, iy); if (task_color == 1) { pict_get_color(p, ix, iy)[RED] = 0.0; pict_get_color(p, ix, iy)[GRN] = act_lum / WHTEFFICACY / CIE_gf; pict_get_color(p, ix, iy)[BLU] = 0.0; } } } } av_lum = av_lum / omega_sum; /* printf("average luminance of band %f \n",av_lum);*/ /* printf("solid angle of band %f \n",omega_sum);*/ return av_lum; } /* subroutine for coloring the glare sources red is used only for explicit call of the subroutine with acol=0 , e.g. for disability glare -1: set to grey*/ int setglcolor(pict * p, int x, int y, int acol, int uniform_gs, double u_r, double u_g ,double u_b) { int icol; double pcol[3][1000], act_lum, l; l=u_r+u_g+u_b ; pcol[RED][0] = 1.0 / CIE_rf; pcol[GRN][0] = 0.; pcol[BLU][0] = 0.; pcol[RED][1] = 0.; pcol[GRN][1] = 1.0 / CIE_gf; pcol[BLU][1] = 0.; pcol[RED][2] = 0.; pcol[GRN][2] = 0.; pcol[BLU][2] = 1 / CIE_bf; pcol[RED][3] = 1.0 / (1.0 - CIE_bf); pcol[GRN][3] = 1.0 / (1.0 - CIE_bf); pcol[BLU][3] = 0.; pcol[RED][4] = 1.0 / (1.0 - CIE_gf); pcol[GRN][4] = 0.; pcol[BLU][4] = 1.0 / (1.0 - CIE_gf); pcol[RED][5] = 0.; pcol[GRN][5] = 1.0 / (1.0 - CIE_rf); pcol[BLU][5] = 1.0 / (1.0 - CIE_rf); pcol[RED][6] = 0.; pcol[GRN][6] = 1.0 / (1.0 - CIE_rf); pcol[BLU][6] = 1.0 / (1.0 - CIE_rf); pcol[RED][999] = 1.0 / WHTEFFICACY; pcol[GRN][999] = 1.0 / WHTEFFICACY; pcol[BLU][999] = 1.0 / WHTEFFICACY; pcol[RED][998] = u_r /(l* CIE_rf) ; pcol[GRN][998] = u_g /(l* CIE_gf); pcol[BLU][998] = u_b /(l* CIE_bf); /* printf("CIE_rf,CIE_gf,CIE_bf,l=%f %f %f %f\n",CIE_rf,CIE_gf,CIE_bf,l);*/ icol = acol ; if ( acol == -1) {icol=999; }else{if (acol>0){icol = acol % 5 +1; }}; if ( uniform_gs == 1) {icol=998; } ; act_lum = luminance(pict_get_color(p, x, y)); pict_get_color(p, x, y)[RED] = pcol[RED][icol] * act_lum / WHTEFFICACY; pict_get_color(p, x, y)[GRN] = pcol[GRN][icol] * act_lum / WHTEFFICACY; pict_get_color(p, x, y)[BLU] = pcol[BLU][icol] * act_lum / WHTEFFICACY; return icol; } /* this is the smooting subroutine */ void add_secondary_gs(pict * p, int x, int y, float r, int act_gs, int uniform_gs, double u_r, double u_g ,double u_b) { int x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, ix, iy, icol; double r_actual, omega_gs, omega_total, om; omega_gs = 0.0; omega_total = 0.0; x_min = x - r; if (x_min < 0) { x_min = 0; } x_max = x + r; if (x_max > pict_get_xsize(p) - 1) { x_max = pict_get_xsize(p) - 2; } y_min = y - r; if (y_min < 0) { y_min = 0; } y_max = y + r; if (y_max > pict_get_ysize(p) - 1) { y_max = pict_get_ysize(p) - 2; } for (ix = x_min; ix <= x_max; ix++) for (iy = y_min; iy <= y_max; iy++) { r_actual = sqrt((x - ix) * (x - ix) + (y - iy) * (y - iy)); if (r_actual <= r) { om = pict_get_omega(p, ix, iy); omega_total += om; if (pict_get_gsn(p, ix, iy) == act_gs && pict_get_pgs(p, ix, iy) == 1) { omega_gs = omega_gs + 1 * om; } } } if (omega_gs / omega_total > 0.2) { /* add pixel to gs */ add_pixel_to_gs(p, x, y, act_gs); /* color pixel of gs */ icol = setglcolor(p, x, y, act_gs, uniform_gs, u_r, u_g , u_b); } } /* subroutine for removing a pixel from a glare source */ void split_pixel_from_gs(pict * p, int x, int y, int new_gsn, int uniform_gs, double u_r, double u_g , double u_b) { int old_gsn, icol; double old_av_posx, old_av_posy, old_av_lum, old_omega, act_omega, new_omega, act_lum; /* change existing gs */ old_gsn = pict_get_gsn(p, x, y); pict_get_npix(p, old_gsn) = pict_get_npix(p, old_gsn) - 1; act_omega = pict_get_omega(p, x, y); old_av_posx = pict_get_av_posx(p, old_gsn); old_av_posy = pict_get_av_posy(p, old_gsn); old_omega = pict_get_av_omega(p, old_gsn); new_omega = old_omega - act_omega; pict_get_av_omega(p, old_gsn) = new_omega; pict_get_av_posx(p, old_gsn) = (old_av_posx * old_omega - x * act_omega) / new_omega; pict_get_av_posy(p, old_gsn) = (old_av_posy * old_omega - y * act_omega) / new_omega; act_lum = luminance(pict_get_color(p, x, y)); old_av_lum = pict_get_av_lum(p, old_gsn); pict_get_av_lum(p, old_gsn) = (old_av_lum * old_omega - act_lum * act_omega) / new_omega; /* add pixel to new gs */ add_pixel_to_gs(p, x, y, new_gsn); /* color pixel of new gs */ icol = setglcolor(p, x, y, new_gsn, uniform_gs, u_r, u_g , u_b); } /* subroutine for the calculation of the position index */ float get_posindex(pict * p, float x, float y, int postype) { float posindex; double teta, phi, sigma, tau, deg, d, s, r, fact; pict_get_vangle(p, x, y, p->view.vdir, p->view.vup, &phi); pict_get_hangle(p, x, y, p->view.vdir, p->view.vup, &teta); pict_get_sigma(p, x, y, p->view.vdir, p->view.vup, &sigma); pict_get_tau(p, x, y, p->view.vdir, p->view.vup, &tau); /* return (phi+teta+2*3.1415927); */ deg = 180 / 3.1415927; fact = 0.8; if (phi == 0) { phi = 0.00001; } if (sigma <= 0) { sigma = -sigma; } if (teta == 0) { teta = 0.0001; } tau = tau * deg; sigma = sigma * deg; posindex = exp((35.2 - 0.31889 * tau - 1.22 * exp(-2 * tau / 9)) / 1000 * sigma + (21 + 0.26667 * tau - 0.002963 * tau * tau) / 100000 * sigma * sigma); /* below line of sight, using Iwata model */ if (phi < 0) { d = 1 / tan(phi); s = tan(teta) / tan(phi); r = sqrt(1 / d * 1 / d + s * s / d / d); if (r > 0.6) fact = 1.2; if (r > 3) { fact = 1.2; r = 3; } posindex = 1 + fact * r; } if (posindex > 16) posindex = 16; return posindex; } double get_upper_cut_2eyes(float teta) { double phi; phi=pow(7.7458218+0.00057407915*teta-0.00021746318*teta*teta+8.5572726e-6*teta*teta*teta,2); return phi; } double get_lower_cut_2eyes(float teta) { double phi; phi=1/(-0.014699242-1.5541106e-5*teta+4.6898068e-6*teta*teta-5.1539687e-8*teta*teta*teta); return phi; } double get_lower_cut_central(float teta) { double phi; phi=(68.227109-2.9524084*teta+0.046674262*teta*teta)/(1-0.042317294*teta+0.00075698419*teta*teta-6.5364285e-7*teta*teta*teta); if (teta>73) { phi=60; } return phi; } /* subroutine for the cutting the total field of view */ void cut_view_1(pict*p) { int x,y; double border,ang,teta,phi,phi2; for(x=0;xview.vdir,p->view.vup,&ang)) { if (pict_is_validpixel(p, x, y)) { pict_get_vangle(p,x,y,p->view.vdir,p->view.vup,&phi2); pict_get_sigma(p,x,y,p->view.vdir,p->view.vup,&phi); pict_get_tau(p,x,y,p->view.vdir,p->view.vup,&teta); phi=phi*180/3.1415927; phi2=phi2*180/3.1415927; teta=teta*180/3.1415927; if (teta<0) { teta=-teta; } if(phi2>0){ border=get_upper_cut_2eyes(teta); if (phi>border) { pict_get_color(p,x,y)[RED]=0; pict_get_color(p,x,y)[GRN]=0; pict_get_color(p,x,y)[BLU]=0; } }else{ border=get_lower_cut_2eyes(180-teta); if (-phi135) { pict_get_color(p,x,y)[RED]=0; pict_get_color(p,x,y)[GRN]=0; pict_get_color(p,x,y)[BLU]=0; } } }else{ pict_get_color(p,x,y)[RED]=0; pict_get_color(p,x,y)[GRN]=0; pict_get_color(p,x,y)[BLU]=0; } /* printf("teta,phi,border=%f %f %f\n",teta,phi,border);*/ } } return; } /* subroutine for the cutting the field of view seen by both eyes*/ void cut_view_2(pict*p) { int x,y; double border,ang,teta,phi,phi2; for(x=0;xview.vdir,p->view.vup,&ang)) { if (pict_is_validpixel(p, x, y)) { pict_get_vangle(p,x,y,p->view.vdir,p->view.vup,&phi2); pict_get_hangle(p,x,y,p->view.vdir,p->view.vup,&teta); pict_get_sigma(p,x,y,p->view.vdir,p->view.vup,&phi); pict_get_tau(p,x,y,p->view.vdir,p->view.vup,&teta); phi=phi*180/3.1415927; phi2=phi2*180/3.1415927; teta=teta*180/3.1415927; /* printf("x,y,teta,phi,border=%i %i %f %f %f\n",x,y,teta,phi,border);*/ if (teta<0) { teta=-teta; } if(phi2>0){ border=60; if (phi>border) { pict_get_color(p,x,y)[RED]=0; pict_get_color(p,x,y)[GRN]=0; pict_get_color(p,x,y)[BLU]=0; } }else{ border=get_lower_cut_central(180-teta); if (phi>border) { pict_get_color(p,x,y)[RED]=0; pict_get_color(p,x,y)[GRN]=0; pict_get_color(p,x,y)[BLU]=0; } } }else{ pict_get_color(p,x,y)[RED]=0; pict_get_color(p,x,y)[GRN]=0; pict_get_color(p,x,y)[BLU]=0; } } } return; } /* subroutine for the cutting the field of view seen by both eyes luminance is modified by position index - just for experiments - undocumented */ void cut_view_3(pict*p) { int x,y; double border,ang,teta,phi,phi2,lum,newlum; for(x=0;xview.vdir,p->view.vup,&ang)) { if (DOT(pict_get_cached_dir(p,x,y),p->view.vdir) >= 0.0) { pict_get_vangle(p,x,y,p->view.vdir,p->view.vup,&phi2); pict_get_hangle(p,x,y,p->view.vdir,p->view.vup,&teta); pict_get_sigma(p,x,y,p->view.vdir,p->view.vup,&phi); pict_get_tau(p,x,y,p->view.vdir,p->view.vup,&teta); phi=phi*180/3.1415927; phi2=phi2*180/3.1415927; teta=teta*180/3.1415927; lum=luminance(pict_get_color(p,x,y)); newlum=lum/get_posindex(p,x,y,0); pict_get_color(p,x,y)[RED]=newlum/WHTEFFICACY; pict_get_color(p,x,y)[GRN]=newlum/WHTEFFICACY; pict_get_color(p,x,y)[BLU]=newlum/WHTEFFICACY; /* printf("x,y,teta,phi,border=%i %i %f %f %f\n",x,y,teta,phi,border);*/ if (teta<0) { teta=-teta; } if(phi2>0){ border=60; if (phi>border) { pict_get_color(p,x,y)[RED]=0; pict_get_color(p,x,y)[GRN]=0; pict_get_color(p,x,y)[BLU]=0; } }else{ border=get_lower_cut_central(180-teta); if (phi>border) { pict_get_color(p,x,y)[RED]=0; pict_get_color(p,x,y)[GRN]=0; pict_get_color(p,x,y)[BLU]=0; } } }else{ pict_get_color(p,x,y)[RED]=0; pict_get_color(p,x,y)[GRN]=0; pict_get_color(p,x,y)[BLU]=0; } } } return; } /* subroutine for the calculation of the daylight glare index */ float get_dgi(pict * p, float lum_backg, int igs, int posindex_2) { float dgi, sum_glare, omega_s; int i; sum_glare = 0; omega_s = 0; for (i = 0; i <= igs; i++) { if (pict_get_npix(p, i) > 0) { omega_s = pict_get_av_omega(p, i) / get_posindex(p,pict_get_av_posx(p,i), pict_get_av_posy(p,i),posindex_2) / get_posindex(p, pict_get_av_posx(p, i), pict_get_av_posy(p, i), posindex_2); sum_glare += 0.478 * pow(pict_get_av_lum(p, i), 1.6) * pow(omega_s,0.8) / (lum_backg + 0.07 * pow(pict_get_av_omega(p, i),0.5) * pict_get_av_lum(p, i)); /* printf("i,sum_glare %i %f\n",i,sum_glare); */ } } dgi = 10 * log10(sum_glare); return dgi; } /* subroutine for the calculation of the daylight glare probability */ double get_dgp(pict * p, double E_v, int igs, double a1, double a2, double a3, double a4, double a5, double c1, double c2, double c3, int posindex_2) { double dgp; double sum_glare; int i; sum_glare = 0; if (igs > 0) { for (i = 0; i <= igs; i++) { if (pict_get_npix(p, i) > 0) { sum_glare += pow(pict_get_av_lum(p, i), a1) / pow(get_posindex(p, pict_get_av_posx(p, i), pict_get_av_posy(p, i), posindex_2), a4) * pow(pict_get_av_omega(p, i), a2); /* printf("i,sum_glare %i %f\n",i,sum_glare);*/ } } dgp = c1 * pow(E_v, a5) + c3 + c2 * log10(1 + sum_glare / pow(E_v, a3)); } else { dgp = c3 + c1 * pow(E_v, a5); } if (dgp > 1) { dgp = 1; } /* printf("dgp %f\n",dgp);*/ return dgp; } /* subroutine for the calculation of the visual comfort probability */ float get_vcp(pict * p, double lum_a, int igs, int posindex_2) { float vcp; double sum_glare, dgr; int i, i_glare; sum_glare = 0; i_glare = 0; for (i = 0; i <= igs; i++) { if (pict_get_npix(p, i) > 0) { i_glare = i_glare + 1; sum_glare += (0.5 * pict_get_av_lum(p, i) * (20.4 * pict_get_av_omega(p, i) + 1.52 * pow(pict_get_av_omega(p, i), 0.2) - 0.075)) / (get_posindex(p, pict_get_av_posx (p, i), pict_get_av_posy (p, i), posindex_2) * pow(lum_a, 0.44)); } } dgr = pow(sum_glare, pow(i_glare, -0.0914)); vcp = 50 * erf((6.347 - 1.3227 * log(dgr)) / 1.414213562373) + 50; if (dgr > 750) { vcp = 0; } if (dgr < 20) { vcp = 100; } return vcp; } /* subroutine for the calculation of the unified glare rating */ float get_ugr(pict * p, double lum_backg, int igs, int posindex_2) { float ugr; double sum_glare; int i, i_glare; sum_glare = 0; i_glare = 0; for (i = 0; i <= igs; i++) { if (pict_get_npix(p, i) > 0) { i_glare = i_glare + 1; sum_glare += pow(pict_get_av_lum(p, i) / get_posindex(p, pict_get_av_posx(p, i), pict_get_av_posy(p, i), posindex_2), 2) * pict_get_av_omega(p, i); } } ugr = 8 * log10(0.25 / lum_backg * sum_glare); return ugr; } /* subroutine for the calculation of the disability glare according to Poynter */ float get_disability(pict * p, double lum_backg, int igs) { float disab; double sum_glare, sigma, deg; int i, i_glare; sum_glare = 0; i_glare = 0; deg = 180 / 3.1415927; for (i = 0; i <= igs; i++) { if (pict_get_npix(p, i) > 0) { i_glare = i_glare + 1; pict_get_sigma(p, pict_get_av_posx(p, i), pict_get_av_posy(p, i), p->view.vdir, p->view.vup, &sigma); sum_glare += pict_get_av_lum(p, i) * cos(sigma + 0.00000000001) * pict_get_av_omega(p, i) / (deg * sigma + 0.00000000001); if (isnan(sum_glare)) { printf("sigma for %f %f\n", pict_get_av_posx(p, i), pict_get_av_posy(p, i)); printf("omega for %f %f\n", pict_get_av_posx(p, i), pict_get_av_posy(p, i)); printf("avlum for %f %f\n", pict_get_av_posx(p, i), pict_get_av_posy(p, i)); printf("avlum for %f %f %f\n", pict_get_av_posx(p, i), pict_get_av_posy(p, i), sigma); } } } disab = 5 * sum_glare; return disab; } /* subroutine for the calculation of the cie glare index */ float get_cgi(pict * p, double E_v, double E_v_dir, int igs, int posindex_2) { float cgi; double sum_glare; int i, i_glare; sum_glare = 0; i_glare = 0; for (i = 0; i <= igs; i++) { if (pict_get_npix(p, i) > 0) { i_glare = i_glare + 1; sum_glare += pow(pict_get_av_lum(p, i) / get_posindex(p, pict_get_av_posx(p, i), pict_get_av_posy(p, i), posindex_2), 2) * pict_get_av_omega(p, i); } } cgi = 8 * log10((2 * (1 + E_v_dir / 500) / E_v) * sum_glare); return cgi; } #ifdef EVALGLARE /* main program ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int main(int argc, char **argv) { #define CLINEMAX 4095 /* memory allocated for command line string */ pict *p = pict_create(); int skip_second_scan,calcfast,age_corr,cut_view,cut_view_type,calc_vill, output, detail_out2, y1, fill, yfillmax, yfillmin, ext_vill, set_lum_max, set_lum_max2, task_color, i_splitstart, i_split, posindex_2, task_lum, checkfile, rval, i, i_max, x, y,x2,y2, igs, actual_igs, icol, xt, yt, change, before_igs, sgs, splithigh,uniform_gs, detail_out, posindex_picture, non_cos_lb, rx, ry, rmx, rmy,apply_disability,band_calc,band_color; double lum_total_max,age_corr_factor,age,dgp_ext,dgp,low_light_corr,omega_cos_contr, setvalue, lum_ideal, E_v_contr, sigma, E_vl_ext, lum_max, new_lum_max, r_center, search_pix, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, c3, c1, c2, r_split, max_angle, omegat, sang, E_v, E_v2, E_v_dir, avlum, act_lum, ang, l_max, lum_backg, lum_backg_cos, omega_sources, lum_sources, lum, lum_source,teta,Lveil_cie,Lveil_cie_sum,disability_thresh,u_r,u_g,u_b,band_angle,band_avlum; float lum_task, lum_thres, dgi, vcp, cgi, ugr, limit, abs_max, Lveil; char file_out[500], file_out2[500], version[500]; char *cline; VIEW userview = STDVIEW; int gotuserview = 0; /*set required user view parameters to invalid values*/ uniform_gs = 0; apply_disability = 0; disability_thresh = 0; Lveil_cie_sum=0.0; skip_second_scan=0; lum_total_max=0.0; calcfast=0; age_corr_factor = 1.0; age_corr = 0; age = 20.0; userview.horiz = 0; userview.vert = 0; userview.type = 0; dgp_ext = 0; E_vl_ext = 0.0; new_lum_max = 0.0; lum_max = 0.0; omegat = 0.0; yt = 0; xt = 0; yfillmin = 0; yfillmax = 0; cut_view = 0; cut_view_type = 0; setvalue = 2e09; omega_cos_contr = 0.0; lum_ideal = 0.0; max_angle = 0.2; lum_thres = 5.0; task_lum = 0; sgs = 0; splithigh = 1; detail_out = 0; detail_out2 = 0; posindex_picture = 0; checkfile = 0; ext_vill = 0; fill = 0; a1 = 2.0; a2 = 1.0; a3 = 1.87; a4 = 2.0; a5 = 1.0; c1 = 5.87e-05; c2 = 0.092; c3 = 0.159; non_cos_lb = 1; posindex_2 = 0; task_color = 0; limit = 50000.0; set_lum_max = 0; set_lum_max2 = 0; abs_max = 0; progname = argv[0]; E_v_contr = 0.0; strcpy(version, "1.15 release 05.02.2015 by J.Wienold"); low_light_corr=1.0; output = 0; calc_vill = 0; band_avlum = -99; band_calc = 0; /* command line for output picture*/ cline = (char *) malloc(CLINEMAX+1); cline[0] = '\0'; for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { /* fprintf(stderr, "%d %d \n",i,strlen(argv[i]));*/ if (strlen(cline)+strlen(argv[i])+strlen(RELEASENAME)+2 >=CLINEMAX) { exit (-1); } else { strcat(cline, argv[i]); strcat(cline, " "); } } strcat(cline, "\n"); strcat(cline, RELEASENAME); strcat(cline, "\n"); /* program options */ for (i = 1; i < argc && argv[i][0] == '-'; i++) { /* expand arguments */ while ((rval = expandarg(&argc, &argv, i)) > 0); if (rval < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot expand '%s'", argv[0], argv[i]); exit(1); } rval = getviewopt(&userview, argc - i, argv + i); if (rval >= 0) { i += rval; gotuserview++; continue; } switch (argv[i][1]) { case 'a': age = atof(argv[++i]); age_corr = 1; printf("age factor not supported any more \n"); exit(1); break; case 'b': lum_thres = atof(argv[++i]); break; case 'c': checkfile = 1; strcpy(file_out, argv[++i]); break; case 'u': uniform_gs = 1; u_r = atof(argv[++i]); u_g = atof(argv[++i]); u_b = atof(argv[++i]); break; case 'r': max_angle = atof(argv[++i]); break; case 's': sgs = 1; break; case 'k': apply_disability = 1; disability_thresh = atof(argv[++i]); break; case 'p': posindex_picture = 1; break; case 'y': splithigh = 1; break; case 'x': splithigh = 0; break; case 'Y': splithigh = 1; limit = atof(argv[++i]); break; case 'i': ext_vill = 1; E_vl_ext = atof(argv[++i]); break; case 'I': ext_vill = 1; fill = 1; E_vl_ext = atof(argv[++i]); yfillmax = atoi(argv[++i]); yfillmin = atoi(argv[++i]); break; case 'd': detail_out = 1; break; case 'D': detail_out2 = 1; break; case 'm': set_lum_max = 1; lum_max = atof(argv[++i]); new_lum_max = atof(argv[++i]); strcpy(file_out2, argv[++i]); /* printf("max lum set to %f\n",new_lum_max);*/ break; case 'M': set_lum_max2 = 1; lum_max = atof(argv[++i]); E_vl_ext = atof(argv[++i]); strcpy(file_out2, argv[++i]); /* printf("max lum set to %f\n",new_lum_max);*/ break; case 'n': non_cos_lb = 0; break; case 't': task_lum = 1; xt = atoi(argv[++i]); yt = atoi(argv[++i]); omegat = atof(argv[++i]); task_color = 0; break; case 'T': task_lum = 1; xt = atoi(argv[++i]); yt = atoi(argv[++i]); /* omegat= DEG2RAD(atof(argv[++i]));*/ omegat = atof(argv[++i]); task_color = 1; break; case 'B': band_calc = 1; band_angle = atof(argv[++i]); band_color = 1; break; case 'w': a1 = atof(argv[++i]); a2 = atof(argv[++i]); a3 = atof(argv[++i]); a4 = atof(argv[++i]); a5 = atof(argv[++i]); c1 = atof(argv[++i]); c2 = atof(argv[++i]); c3 = atof(argv[++i]); break; case 'V': calc_vill = 1; break; case 'G': cut_view = 1; cut_view_type= atof(argv[++i]); break; case 'g': cut_view = 2; cut_view_type= atof(argv[++i]); break; /*case 'v': printf("evalglare %s \n",version); exit(1); */ case '1': output = 1; break; case 'v': if (argv[i][2] == '\0') { printf("%s \n",RELEASENAME); exit(1); } if (argv[i][2] != 'f') goto userr; rval = viewfile(argv[++i], &userview, NULL); if (rval < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot open view file \"%s\"\n", progname, argv[i]); exit(1); } else if (rval == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: bad view file \"%s\"\n", progname, argv[i]); exit(1); } else { gotuserview++; } break; default: goto userr; } } /*fast calculation, if gendgp_profile is used: No Vertical illuminance calculation, only dgp is calculated*/ if (output == 1 && ext_vill == 1) { calcfast=1; } /* read picture file */ if (i == argc) { SET_FILE_BINARY(stdin); FILE *fp = fdopen(fileno(stdin), "rb"); if (!(fp)) { fprintf(stderr, "fdopen on stdin failed\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (!(pict_read_fp(p, fp))) return EXIT_FAILURE;; } else { if (!pict_read(p, argv[i])) return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (gotuserview) { if (p->valid_view) fprintf(stderr, "warning: overriding image view by commandline argument\n"); if ((userview.horiz == 0) || (userview.vert == 0) || (userview.type == 0)) { fprintf(stderr, "error: if specified, a view must at least contain -vt -vv and -vh\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } p->view = userview; if (!(pict_update_view(p))) { fprintf(stderr, "error: invalid view specified"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } pict_update_evalglare_caches(p); } else if (!(p->valid_view)) { fprintf(stderr, "error: no valid view specified\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* fprintf(stderr,"Picture read!");*/ /* command line for output picture*/ pict_set_comment(p, cline); if (p->view.type == VT_PAR) { fprintf(stderr, "wrong view type! must not be parallel ! \n"); exit(1); } /* Check size of search radius */ rmx = (pict_get_xsize(p) / 2); rmy = (pict_get_ysize(p) / 2); rx = (pict_get_xsize(p) / 2 + 10); ry = (pict_get_ysize(p) / 2 + 10); r_center = acos(DOT(pict_get_cached_dir(p, rmx, rmy), pict_get_cached_dir(p, rx, ry))) * 2 / 10; search_pix = max_angle / r_center; if (search_pix < 1.0) { fprintf(stderr, "warning: search radius less than 1 pixel! deactivating smoothing and peak extraction...\n"); splithigh = 0; sgs = 0; } else { if (search_pix < 3.0) { fprintf(stderr, "warning: search radius less than 3 pixels! -> %f \n", search_pix); } } /* Check task position */ if (task_lum == 1) { if (xt >= pict_get_xsize(p) || yt >= pict_get_ysize(p) || xt < 0 || yt < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "error: task position outside picture!! exit..."); exit(1); } } /* printf("resolution: %dx%d\n",pict_get_xsize(p),pict_get_ysize(p)); */ sang = 0.0; E_v = 0.0; E_v_dir = 0.0; avlum = 0.0; pict_new_gli(p); igs = 0; /* cut out GUTH field of view and exit without glare evaluation */ if (cut_view==2) { if (cut_view_type==1) { cut_view_1(p); }else{ if (cut_view_type==2) { cut_view_2(p); }else{ if (cut_view_type==3) { fprintf(stderr,"warning: pixel luminance is weighted by position index - do not use image for glare evaluations!!"); cut_view_3(p); }else{ fprintf(stderr,"error: no valid option for view cutting!!"); exit(1); } }} pict_write(p, file_out); exit(1); } /* write positionindex into checkfile and exit, activated by option -p */ if (posindex_picture == 1) { for (x = 0; x < pict_get_xsize(p); x++) for (y = 0; y < pict_get_ysize(p); y++) { if (pict_get_hangle (p, x, y, p->view.vdir, p->view.vup, &ang)) { if (pict_is_validpixel(p, x, y)) { lum = get_posindex(p, x, y, posindex_2) / WHTEFFICACY; pict_get_color(p, x, y)[RED] = lum; pict_get_color(p, x, y)[GRN] = lum; pict_get_color(p, x, y)[BLU] = lum; lum_task = luminance(pict_get_color(p, x, y)); /*printf("x,y,posindex=%i %i %f %f\n",x,y,lum*WHTEFFICACY,lum_task);*/ } } } pict_write(p, file_out); exit(1); } /* calculation of vertical illuminance, average luminance, in case of filling activated-> fill picture */ /* fill, if necessary from 0 to yfillmin */ if (fill == 1) { for (x = 0; x < pict_get_xsize(p); x++) for (y = yfillmin; y > 0; y = y - 1) { y1 = y + 1; lum = luminance(pict_get_color(p, x, y1)); pict_get_color(p, x, y)[RED] = lum / 179.0; pict_get_color(p, x, y)[GRN] = lum / 179.0; pict_get_color(p, x, y)[BLU] = lum / 179.0; } } if (calcfast == 0) { for (x = 0; x < pict_get_xsize(p); x++) for (y = 0; y < pict_get_ysize(p); y++) { if (pict_get_hangle(p, x, y, p->view.vdir, p->view.vup, &ang)) { if (pict_is_validpixel(p, x, y)) { lum = luminance(pict_get_color(p, x, y)); if (fill == 1 && y >= yfillmax) { y1 = y - 1; lum = luminance(pict_get_color(p, x, y1)); pict_get_color(p, x, y)[RED] = lum / 179.0; pict_get_color(p, x, y)[GRN] = lum / 179.0; pict_get_color(p, x, y)[BLU] = lum / 179.0; } if (lum > abs_max) { abs_max = lum; } /* set luminance restriction, if -m is set */ if (set_lum_max == 1 && lum >= lum_max) { pict_get_color(p, x, y)[RED] = new_lum_max / 179.0; pict_get_color(p, x, y)[GRN] = new_lum_max / 179.0; pict_get_color(p, x, y)[BLU] = new_lum_max / 179.0; /* printf("old lum, new lum %f %f \n",lum,luminance(pict_get_color(p,x,y))); */ lum = luminance(pict_get_color(p, x, y)); } if (set_lum_max2 == 1 && lum >= lum_max) { E_v_contr += DOT(p->view.vdir, pict_get_cached_dir(p, x, y)) * pict_get_omega(p, x, y) * lum; omega_cos_contr += DOT(p->view.vdir, pict_get_cached_dir(p, x, y)) * pict_get_omega(p, x, y) * 1; } sang += pict_get_omega(p, x, y); E_v += DOT(p->view.vdir, pict_get_cached_dir(p, x, y)) * pict_get_omega(p, x, y) * lum; avlum += pict_get_omega(p, x, y) * luminance(pict_get_color(p, x, y)); } else { pict_get_color(p, x, y)[RED] = 0.0; pict_get_color(p, x, y)[GRN] = 0.0; pict_get_color(p, x, y)[BLU] = 0.0; } } } if (set_lum_max2 == 1 && E_v_contr > 0 && (E_vl_ext - E_v) > 0) { lum_ideal = (E_vl_ext - E_v + E_v_contr) / omega_cos_contr; if (lum_ideal > 0 && lum_ideal < setvalue) { setvalue = lum_ideal; } printf ("change luminance values!! lum_ideal,setvalue,E_vl_ext,E_v,E_v_contr %f %f %f %f %f\n", lum_ideal, setvalue, E_vl_ext, E_v, E_v_contr); for (x = 0; x < pict_get_xsize(p); x++) for (y = 0; y < pict_get_ysize(p); y++) { if (pict_get_hangle (p, x, y, p->view.vdir, p->view.vup, &ang)) { if (pict_is_validpixel(p, x, y)) { lum = luminance(pict_get_color(p, x, y)); if (set_lum_max2 == 1 && lum >= lum_max) { pict_get_color(p, x, y)[RED] = setvalue / 179.0; pict_get_color(p, x, y)[GRN] = setvalue / 179.0; pict_get_color(p, x, y)[BLU] = setvalue / 179.0; } } } } pict_write(p, file_out2); } if (set_lum_max == 1) { pict_write(p, file_out2); } if (calc_vill == 1) { printf("%f\n", E_v); exit(1); } }else{ /* in fast calculation mode: ev=ev_ext and sang=2*pi */ sang=2*3.14159265359; lum_task =E_vl_ext/sang; E_v=E_vl_ext; /* printf("calc fast!! %f %f\n", sang,lum_task);*/ } /* cut out GUTH field of view for glare evaluation */ if (cut_view==1) { if (cut_view_type==1) { cut_view_1(p); }else{ if (cut_view_type==2) { cut_view_2(p); }else{ if (cut_view_type==3) { fprintf(stderr,"warning: pixel luminance is weighted by position index - do not use image for glare evaluations!!"); cut_view_3(p); }else{ fprintf(stderr,"error: no valid option for view cutting!!"); exit(1); } }} } if (calcfast == 0) { avlum = avlum / sang; lum_task = avlum; } /* if (ext_vill==1) { E_v=E_vl_ext; avlum=E_v/3.1415927; } */ if (task_lum == 1) { lum_task = get_task_lum(p, xt, yt, omegat, task_color); } lum_source = lum_thres * lum_task; /* printf("Task Luminance=%f\n",lum_task); pict_write(p,"task.pic");*/ if (lum_thres > 100) { lum_source = lum_thres; } /* printf("Ev, avlum, Omega_tot%f %f %f \n",E_v, avlum, sang); */ /* first glare source scan: find primary glare sources */ for (x = 0; x < pict_get_xsize(p); x++) for (y = 0; y < pict_get_ysize(p); y++) { if (pict_get_hangle(p, x, y, p->view.vdir, p->view.vup, &ang)) { if (pict_is_validpixel(p, x, y)) { act_lum = luminance(pict_get_color(p, x, y)); if (act_lum > lum_source) { if (act_lum >lum_total_max) { lum_total_max=act_lum; } actual_igs = find_near_pgs(p, x, y, max_angle, 0, igs, 1); if (actual_igs == 0) { igs = igs + 1; pict_new_gli(p); pict_get_lum_min(p, igs) = HUGE_VAL; pict_get_Eglare(p,igs) = 0.0; pict_get_Dglare(p,igs) = 0.0; actual_igs = igs; } icol = setglcolor(p, x, y, actual_igs, uniform_gs, u_r, u_g , u_b); pict_get_gsn(p, x, y) = actual_igs; pict_get_pgs(p, x, y) = 1; add_pixel_to_gs(p, x, y, actual_igs); } else { pict_get_pgs(p, x, y) = 0; } } } } /* pict_write(p,"firstscan.pic"); */ if (calcfast == 1 ) { skip_second_scan=1; } /* second glare source scan: combine glare sources facing each other */ change = 1; while (change == 1 && skip_second_scan==0) { change = 0; for (x = 0; x < pict_get_xsize(p); x++) for (y = 0; y < pict_get_ysize(p); y++) { before_igs = pict_get_gsn(p, x, y); if (pict_get_hangle (p, x, y, p->view.vdir, p->view.vup, &ang)) { if (pict_is_validpixel(p, x, y) && before_igs > 0) { actual_igs = find_near_pgs(p, x, y, max_angle, before_igs, igs, 1); if (!(actual_igs == before_igs)) { change = 1; } if (before_igs > 0) { actual_igs = pict_get_gsn(p, x, y); icol = setglcolor(p, x, y, actual_igs, uniform_gs, u_r, u_g , u_b); } } } } /* pict_write(p,"secondscan.pic");*/ } /*smoothing: add secondary glare sources */ i_max = igs; if (sgs == 1) { /* simplified search radius: constant for entire picture, alway circle not an angle due to performance */ x = (pict_get_xsize(p) / 2); y = (pict_get_ysize(p) / 2); rx = (pict_get_xsize(p) / 2 + 10); ry = (pict_get_ysize(p) / 2 + 10); r_center = acos(DOT(pict_get_cached_dir(p, x, y), pict_get_cached_dir(p, rx, ry))) * 2 / 10; search_pix = max_angle / r_center / 1.75; for (x = 0; x < pict_get_xsize(p); x++) { for (y = 0; y < pict_get_ysize(p); y++) { if (pict_get_hangle (p, x, y, p->view.vdir, p->view.vup, &ang)) { if (pict_is_validpixel(p, x, y) && pict_get_gsn(p, x, y) == 0) { for (i = 1; i <= i_max; i++) { if (pict_get_npix(p, i) > 0) { add_secondary_gs(p, x, y, search_pix, i, uniform_gs, u_r, u_g , u_b); } } } } } } } /* extract extremes from glare sources to extra glare source */ if (splithigh == 1 && lum_total_max>limit) { r_split = max_angle / 2.0; for (i = 0; i <= i_max; i++) { if (pict_get_npix(p, i) > 0) { l_max = pict_get_lum_max(p, i); i_splitstart = igs + 1; if (l_max >= limit) { for (x = 0; x < pict_get_xsize(p); x++) for (y = 0; y < pict_get_ysize(p); y++) { if (pict_get_hangle (p, x, y, p->view.vdir, p->view.vup, &ang)) { if (pict_is_validpixel(p, x, y) && luminance(pict_get_color(p, x, y)) >= limit && pict_get_gsn(p, x, y) == i) { if (i_splitstart == (igs + 1)) { igs = igs + 1; pict_new_gli(p); pict_get_Eglare(p,igs) = 0.0; pict_get_Dglare(p,igs) = 0.0; pict_get_lum_min(p, igs) = 99999999999999.999; i_split = igs; } else { i_split = find_split(p, x, y, r_split, i_splitstart, igs); } if (i_split == 0) { igs = igs + 1; pict_new_gli(p); pict_get_Eglare(p,igs) = 0.0; pict_get_Dglare(p,igs) = 0.0; pict_get_lum_min(p, igs) = 99999999999999.999; i_split = igs; } split_pixel_from_gs(p, x, y, i_split, uniform_gs, u_r, u_g , u_b); } } } } change = 1; while (change == 1) { change = 0; for (x = 0; x < pict_get_xsize(p); x++) for (y = 0; y < pict_get_ysize(p); y++) { before_igs = pict_get_gsn(p, x, y); if (before_igs >= i_splitstart) { if (pict_get_hangle (p, x, y, p->view.vdir, p->view.vup, &ang)) { if (pict_is_validpixel(p, x, y) && before_igs > 0) { actual_igs = find_near_pgs(p, x, y, max_angle, before_igs, igs, i_splitstart); if (!(actual_igs == before_igs)) { change = 1; } if (before_igs > 0) { actual_igs = pict_get_gsn(p, x, y); icol = setglcolor(p, x, y, actual_igs, uniform_gs, u_r, u_g , u_b); } } } } } } } } } /* calculation of direct vertical illuminance for CGI and for disability glare*/ if (calcfast == 0) { for (x = 0; x < pict_get_xsize(p); x++) for (y = 0; y < pict_get_ysize(p); y++) { if (pict_get_hangle(p, x, y, p->view.vdir, p->view.vup, &ang)) { if (pict_is_validpixel(p, x, y)) { if (pict_get_gsn(p, x, y) > 0) { pict_get_Eglare(p,pict_get_gsn(p, x, y)) += DOT(p->view.vdir, pict_get_cached_dir(p, x, y)) * pict_get_omega(p, x, y) * luminance(pict_get_color(p, x, y)); E_v_dir += DOT(p->view.vdir, pict_get_cached_dir(p, x, y)) * pict_get_omega(p, x, y) * luminance(pict_get_color(p, x, y)); } } } } lum_backg_cos = (E_v - E_v_dir) / 3.1415927; lum_backg = lum_backg_cos; } /* calc of band luminance if applied */ if (band_calc == 1) { band_avlum=get_band_lum( p, band_angle, band_color); } /*printf("total number of glare sources: %i\n",igs); */ lum_sources = 0; omega_sources = 0; for (x = 0; x <= igs; x++) { lum_sources += pict_get_av_lum(p, x) * pict_get_av_omega(p, x); omega_sources += pict_get_av_omega(p, x); } if (non_cos_lb == 1) { lum_backg = (sang * avlum - lum_sources) / (sang - omega_sources); } /* print detailed output */ if (detail_out == 1) { i = 0; for (x = 0; x <= igs; x++) { /* resorting glare source numbers */ if (pict_get_npix(p, x) > 0) { i = i + 1; } } printf ("%i No pixels x-pos y-pos L_s Omega_s Posindx L_b L_t E_vert Edir Max_Lum Sigma xdir ydir zdir Eglare_cie Lveil_cie \n", i); if (i == 0) { printf("%i %f %f %f %f %.10f %f %f %f %f %f %f\n", i, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, lum_backg, lum_task, E_v, E_v_dir, abs_max); } else { i = 0; for (x = 0; x <= igs; x++) { if (pict_get_npix(p, x) > 0) { i = i + 1; pict_get_sigma(p, pict_get_av_posx(p, x), pict_get_av_posy(p, x), p->view.vdir, p->view.vup, &sigma); x2=pict_get_av_posx(p, x); y2=pict_get_av_posy(p, x); teta = 180.0 / 3.1415927 * acos(DOT(p->view.vdir, pict_get_cached_dir(p, x2, y2))); Lveil_cie = 10*pict_get_Eglare(p,x)/(teta*teta+0.0000000000000001); if (apply_disability == 1 && Lveil_cie <=disability_thresh) { Lveil_cie =0 ; } Lveil_cie_sum = Lveil_cie_sum + Lveil_cie; printf("%i %f %f %f %f %.10f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f\n", i, pict_get_npix(p, x), pict_get_av_posx(p, x), pict_get_ysize(p) - pict_get_av_posy(p, x), pict_get_av_lum(p, x), pict_get_av_omega(p, x), get_posindex(p, pict_get_av_posx(p, x), pict_get_av_posy(p, x), posindex_2), lum_backg, lum_task, E_v, E_v_dir, abs_max, sigma * 180 / 3.1415927 ,pict_get_cached_dir(p, x2,y2)[0],pict_get_cached_dir(p, x2,y2)[1],pict_get_cached_dir(p, x2,y2)[2],pict_get_Eglare(p,x),Lveil_cie,teta ); } } } } /* calculation of indicees */ /* check vertical illuminance range */ E_v2 = E_v; if (E_v2 < 100) { fprintf(stderr, "Notice: Vertical illuminance is below 100 lux !!\n"); } dgp = get_dgp(p, E_v2, igs, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, c1, c2, c3, posindex_2); /* low light correction */ if (E_v < 1000) { low_light_corr=1.0*exp(0.024*E_v-4)/(1+exp(0.024*E_v-4));} else {low_light_corr=1.0 ;} dgp =low_light_corr*dgp; /* age correction */ if (age_corr == 1) { age_corr_factor=1.0/(1.1-0.5*age/100.0); } dgp =age_corr_factor*dgp; if (ext_vill == 1) { if (E_vl_ext < 100) { fprintf(stderr, "Notice: Vertical illuminance is below 100 lux !!\n"); } } if (calcfast == 0) { dgi = get_dgi(p, lum_backg, igs, posindex_2); ugr = get_ugr(p, lum_backg, igs, posindex_2); cgi = get_cgi(p, E_v, E_v_dir, igs, posindex_2); vcp = get_vcp(p, avlum, igs, posindex_2); Lveil = get_disability(p, avlum, igs); } /* check dgp range */ if (dgp <= 0.2) { fprintf(stderr, "Notice: Low brightness scene. dgp below 0.2! dgp might underestimate glare sources\n"); } if (E_v < 380) { fprintf(stderr, "Notice: Low brightness scene. Vertical illuminance less than 380 lux! dgp might underestimate glare sources\n"); } if (output == 0) { if (detail_out == 1) { if (ext_vill == 1) { dgp_ext = get_dgp(p, E_vl_ext, igs, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, c1, c2, c3, posindex_2); dgp = dgp_ext; if (E_vl_ext < 1000) { low_light_corr=1.0*exp(0.024*E_vl_ext-4)/(1+exp(0.024*E_vl_ext-4));} else {low_light_corr=1.0 ;} dgp =low_light_corr*dgp; dgp =age_corr_factor*dgp; } printf ("dgp,av_lum,E_v,lum_backg,E_v_dir,dgi,ugr,vcp,cgi,lum_sources,omega_sources,Lveil,Lveil_cie,band_avlum: %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f \n", dgp, avlum, E_v, lum_backg, E_v_dir, dgi, ugr, vcp, cgi, lum_sources / omega_sources, omega_sources, Lveil,Lveil_cie_sum,band_avlum); } else { if (detail_out2 == 1) { printf ("dgp,dgi,ugr,vcp,cgi,dgp_ext,Ev_calc,abs_max,Lveil: %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f \n", dgp, dgi, ugr, vcp, cgi, dgp_ext, E_v, abs_max, Lveil); } else { if (ext_vill == 1) { dgp_ext = get_dgp(p, E_vl_ext, igs, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, c1, c2, c3,posindex_2); if (E_vl_ext < 1000) { low_light_corr=1.0*exp(0.024*E_vl_ext-4)/(1+exp(0.024*E_vl_ext-4));} else {low_light_corr=1.0 ;} dgp =low_light_corr*dgp_ext; dgp =age_corr_factor*dgp; } printf("dgp,dgi,ugr,vcp,cgi,Lveil: %f %f %f %f %f %f \n", dgp, dgi, ugr, vcp, cgi, Lveil); } } } else { dgp_ext = get_dgp(p, E_vl_ext, igs, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, c1, c2, c3, posindex_2); dgp = dgp_ext; if (E_vl_ext < 1000) { low_light_corr=1.0*exp(0.024*E_vl_ext-4)/(1+exp(0.024*E_vl_ext-4)); } else {low_light_corr=1.0 ;} dgp =low_light_corr*dgp; dgp =age_corr_factor*dgp; printf("%f\n", dgp); } /*printf("lowlight=%f\n", low_light_corr); */ /* printf("hallo \n"); apply_disability = 1; disability_thresh = atof(argv[++i]); coloring of disability glare sources red, remove all other colors this function was removed because of bugs.... has to be re-written from scratch.... */ /*output */ if (checkfile == 1) { pict_write(p, file_out); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; exit(0); userr: fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-s][-d][-c picture][-t xpos ypos angle] [-T xpos ypos angle] [-b fact] [-r angle] [-y] [-Y lum] [-i Ev] [-I Ev ymax ymin] [-v] picfile\n", progname); exit(1); } #endif