#ifndef lint static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: eplus_idf.c,v 2.11 2014/03/04 17:06:42 greg Exp $"; #endif /* * eplus_idf.c * * EnergyPlus Input Data File i/o routines * * Created by Greg Ward on 1/31/14. */ #include #include #include #include #include "eplus_idf.h" #ifdef getc_unlocked /* avoid horrendous overhead of flockfile */ #undef getc #define getc getc_unlocked #endif /* Create a new object with empty field list (comment optional) */ IDF_OBJECT * idf_newobject(IDF_LOADED *idf, const char *pname, const char *comm, IDF_OBJECT *prev) { LUENT *pent; IDF_OBJECT *pnew; if ((idf == NULL) | (pname == NULL)) return(NULL); if (comm == NULL) comm = ""; pent = lu_find(&idf->ptab, pname); if (pent == NULL) return(NULL); if (pent->key == NULL) { /* new object name/type? */ pent->key = (char *)malloc(strlen(pname)+1); if (pent->key == NULL) return(NULL); strcpy(pent->key, pname); } pnew = (IDF_OBJECT *)malloc(sizeof(IDF_OBJECT)+strlen(comm)); if (pnew == NULL) return(NULL); strcpy(pnew->rem, comm); pnew->nfield = 0; pnew->flist = NULL; pnew->pname = pent->key; /* add to table */ pnew->pnext = (IDF_OBJECT *)pent->data; pent->data = (char *)pnew; pnew->dnext = NULL; /* add to file list */ if (prev != NULL || (prev = idf->plast) != NULL) { pnew->dnext = prev->dnext; if (prev == idf->plast) idf->plast = pnew; } if (idf->pfirst == NULL) idf->pfirst = idf->plast = pnew; else prev->dnext = pnew; return(pnew); } /* Add a field to the given object and follow with the given text */ int idf_addfield(IDF_OBJECT *param, const char *fval, const char *comm) { int fnum = 1; /* returned argument number */ IDF_FIELD *fnew, *flast; char *cp; if ((param == NULL) | (fval == NULL)) return(0); if (comm == NULL) comm = ""; fnew = (IDF_FIELD *)malloc(sizeof(IDF_FIELD)+strlen(fval)+strlen(comm)); if (fnew == NULL) return(0); fnew->next = NULL; cp = fnew->val; /* copy value and comments */ while ((*cp++ = *fval++)) ; fnew->rem = cp; while ((*cp++ = *comm++)) ; /* add to object's field list */ if ((flast = param->flist) != NULL) { ++fnum; while (flast->next != NULL) { flast = flast->next; ++fnum; } } if (flast == NULL) param->flist = fnew; else flast->next = fnew; param->nfield++; return(fnum); } /* Retrieve the indexed field from object (first field index is 1) */ IDF_FIELD * idf_getfield(IDF_OBJECT *param, int fn) { IDF_FIELD *fld; if ((param == NULL) | (fn <= 0)) return(NULL); fld = param->flist; while ((--fn > 0) & (fld != NULL)) fld = fld->next; return(fld); } /* Delete the specified object from loaded IDF */ int idf_delobject(IDF_LOADED *idf, IDF_OBJECT *param) { LUENT *pent; IDF_OBJECT *pptr, *plast; if ((idf == NULL) | (param == NULL)) return(0); /* remove from object table */ pent = lu_find(&idf->ptab, param->pname); for (plast = NULL, pptr = (IDF_OBJECT *)pent->data; pptr != NULL; plast = pptr, pptr = pptr->pnext) if (pptr == param) break; if (pptr == NULL) return(0); if (plast == NULL) pent->data = (char *)param->pnext; else plast->pnext = param->pnext; /* remove from global list */ for (plast = NULL, pptr = idf->pfirst; pptr != param; plast = pptr, pptr = pptr->dnext) if (pptr == NULL) return(0); if (plast == NULL) idf->pfirst = param->dnext; else plast->dnext = param->dnext; if (idf->plast == param) idf->plast = plast; /* free field list */ while (param->flist != NULL) { IDF_FIELD *fdel = param->flist; param->flist = fdel->next; free(fdel); } free(param); /* free object struct */ return(1); } /* Move the specified object to the given position in the IDF */ int idf_movobject(IDF_LOADED *idf, IDF_OBJECT *param, IDF_OBJECT *prev) { IDF_OBJECT *pptr, *plast; if ((idf == NULL) | (param == NULL)) return(0); /* quick check if already there */ if (param == (prev==NULL ? idf->pfirst : prev->dnext)) return(1); /* find in IDF list, first*/ for (plast = NULL, pptr = idf->pfirst; pptr != param; plast = pptr, pptr = pptr->dnext) if (pptr == NULL) return(0); if (plast == NULL) idf->pfirst = param->dnext; else plast->dnext = param->dnext; if (idf->plast == param) idf->plast = plast; if (prev == NULL) { /* means they want it at beginning */ param->dnext = idf->pfirst; idf->pfirst = param; } else { param->dnext = prev->dnext; prev->dnext = param; } return(1); } /* Get a named object list */ IDF_OBJECT * idf_getobject(IDF_LOADED *idf, const char *pname) { if ((idf == NULL) | (pname == NULL)) return(NULL); return((IDF_OBJECT *)lu_find(&idf->ptab,pname)->data); } /* Read an argument including terminating ',' or ';' -- return which */ static int idf_read_argument(char *buf, FILE *fp, int trim) { int skipwhite = trim; char *cp = buf; int c; while ((c = getc(fp)) != EOF && (c != ',') & (c != ';')) { if (skipwhite && isspace(c)) continue; skipwhite = 0; if (cp-buf < IDF_MAXARGL-1) *cp++ = c; } if (trim) while (cp > buf && isspace(cp[-1])) --cp; *cp = '\0'; return(c); } /* Read a comment, including all white space up to next alpha character */ static void idf_read_comment(char *buf, int len, FILE *fp) { int incomm = 0; char *cp = buf; char dummys[2]; int c; if ((buf == NULL) | (len <= 0)) { buf = dummys; len = sizeof(dummys); } while ((c = getc(fp)) != EOF && (isspace(c) || (incomm += (c == '!')))) { if (c == '\n') incomm = 0; if (cp-buf < len-2) *cp++ = c; else if (cp-buf == len-2) *cp++ = '\n'; } *cp = '\0'; if (c != EOF) ungetc(c, fp); } /* Read a object and fields from an open file and add to end of list */ IDF_OBJECT * idf_readobject(IDF_LOADED *idf, FILE *fp) { char abuf[IDF_MAXARGL], cbuf[100*IDF_MAXLINE]; int delim; IDF_OBJECT *pnew; if ((delim = idf_read_argument(abuf, fp, 1)) == EOF) return(NULL); idf_read_comment(cbuf, sizeof(cbuf), fp); pnew = idf_newobject(idf, abuf, cbuf, NULL); while (delim == ',') if ((delim = idf_read_argument(abuf, fp, 1)) != EOF) { idf_read_comment(cbuf, sizeof(cbuf), fp); idf_addfield(pnew, abuf, cbuf); } if (delim != ';') fputs("Expected ';' at end of object list!\n", stderr); return(pnew); } /* Upper-case string hashing function */ static unsigned long strcasehash(const char *s) { char strup[IDF_MAXARGL]; char *cdst = strup; while ((*cdst++ = toupper(*s++))) if (cdst >= strup+(sizeof(strup)-1)) { *cdst = '\0'; break; } return(lu_shash(strup)); } /* Initialize an IDF struct */ IDF_LOADED * idf_create(const char *hdrcomm) { IDF_LOADED *idf = (IDF_LOADED *)calloc(1, sizeof(IDF_LOADED)); if (idf == NULL) return(NULL); idf->ptab.hashf = &strcasehash; idf->ptab.keycmp = &strcasecmp; idf->ptab.freek = &free; lu_init(&idf->ptab, 200); if (hdrcomm != NULL && *hdrcomm) { idf->hrem = (char *)malloc(strlen(hdrcomm)+1); if (idf->hrem != NULL) strcpy(idf->hrem, hdrcomm); } return(idf); } /* Add comment(s) to header */ int idf_add2hdr(IDF_LOADED *idf, const char *hdrcomm) { int olen, len; if ((idf == NULL) | (hdrcomm == NULL)) return(0); len = strlen(hdrcomm); if (!len) return(0); if (idf->hrem == NULL) olen = 0; else olen = strlen(idf->hrem); if (olen) idf->hrem = (char *)realloc(idf->hrem, olen+len+1); else idf->hrem = (char *)malloc(len+1); if (idf->hrem == NULL) return(0); strcpy(idf->hrem+olen, hdrcomm); return(1); } /* Load an Input Data File */ IDF_LOADED * idf_load(const char *fname) { char hdrcomm[256*IDF_MAXLINE]; FILE *fp; IDF_LOADED *idf; if (fname == NULL) fp = stdin; /* open file if not stdin */ else if ((fp = fopen(fname, "r")) == NULL) return(NULL); /* read header comments */ idf_read_comment(hdrcomm, sizeof(hdrcomm), fp); idf = idf_create(hdrcomm); /* create IDF struct */ if (idf == NULL) return(NULL); /* read each object */ while (idf_readobject(idf, fp) != NULL) ; if (fp != stdin) /* close file if not stdin */ fclose(fp); return(idf); /* success! */ } /* Check string for end-of-line */ static int idf_hasEOL(const char *s) { while (*s) if (*s++ == '\n') return(1); return(0); } /* Write a object and fields to an open file */ int idf_writeparam(IDF_OBJECT *param, FILE *fp, int incl_comm) { IDF_FIELD *fptr; if ((param == NULL) | (fp == NULL)) return(0); fputs(param->pname, fp); fputc(',', fp); if (incl_comm) fputs(param->rem, fp); else fputc('\n', fp); for (fptr = param->flist; fptr != NULL; fptr = fptr->next) { if (!incl_comm) fputs(" ", fp); fputs(fptr->val, fp); if (fptr->next == NULL) { fputc(';', fp); if (incl_comm && !idf_hasEOL(fptr->rem)) fputc('\n', fp); } else fputc(',', fp); if (incl_comm) fputs(fptr->rem, fp); else fputc('\n', fp); } if (!incl_comm) fputc('\n', fp); return(!ferror(fp)); } /* Write out an Input Data File */ int idf_write(IDF_LOADED *idf, const char *fname, int incl_comm) { FILE *fp; IDF_OBJECT *pptr; if (idf == NULL) return(0); if (fname == NULL) fp = stdout; /* open file if not stdout */ else if ((fp = fopen(fname, "w")) == NULL) return(0); if (incl_comm) fputs(idf->hrem, fp); /* write header then parameters */ for (pptr = idf->pfirst; pptr != NULL; pptr = pptr->dnext) if (!idf_writeparam(pptr, fp, incl_comm>0)) { fclose(fp); return(0); } if (fp == stdout) /* flush/close file & check status */ return(fflush(fp) == 0); return(fclose(fp) == 0); } /* Free a loaded IDF */ void idf_free(IDF_LOADED *idf) { if (idf == NULL) return; if (idf->hrem != NULL) free(idf->hrem); while (idf->pfirst != NULL) idf_delobject(idf, idf->pfirst); lu_done(&idf->ptab); }