#ifndef lint static const char RCSid[] = "$Id: eplus_adduvf.c,v 2.3 2014/02/10 04:51:26 greg Exp $"; #endif /* * Add User View Factors to EnergyPlus Input Data File * * G.Ward for LBNL */ #include #include "rtio.h" #include "rtmath.h" #include "random.h" #include "eplus_idf.h" #include "triangulate.h" #include "rtprocess.h" #ifndef NSAMPLES #define NSAMPLES 100000 /* number of samples to use */ #endif char *progname; /* global argv[0] */ char temp_octree[128]; /* temporary octree */ const char UVF_PNAME[] = "ZoneProperty:UserViewFactor:bySurfaceName"; const char ADD_HEADER[] = "!+++ User View Factors computed by Radiance +++!\n"; #define NAME_FLD 1 /* name field always first? */ typedef struct { const char *pname; /* parameter type name */ short zone_fld; /* zone field index */ short vert_fld; /* vertex field index */ } SURF_PTYPE; /* surface type we're interested in */ const SURF_PTYPE surf_type[] = { {"BuildingSurface:Detailed", 4, 10}, {NULL} }; typedef struct s_zone { const char *zname; /* zone name */ struct s_zone *next; /* next zone in list */ int nsurf; /* surface count */ IDF_PARAMETER *pfirst; /* first matching parameter */ IDF_PARAMETER *plast; /* last matching parameter */ } ZONE; /* a list of collected zone surfaces */ ZONE *zone_list = NULL; /* our list of zones */ IDF_LOADED *our_idf = NULL; /* loaded/modified IDF */ /* Create a new zone and push to top of our list */ static ZONE * new_zone(const char *zname, IDF_PARAMETER *param) { ZONE *znew = (ZONE *)malloc(sizeof(ZONE)); if (znew == NULL) return(NULL); znew->zname = zname; /* assumes static */ znew->next = zone_list; znew->pfirst = znew->plast = param; znew->nsurf = 1; return(zone_list = znew); } /* Add the detailed surface (polygon) to the named zone */ static ZONE * add2zone(IDF_PARAMETER *param, const char *zname) { ZONE *zptr; for (zptr = zone_list; zptr != NULL; zptr = zptr->next) if (!strcmp(zptr->zname, zname)) break; if (zptr == NULL) return(new_zone(zname, param)); /* keep surfaces together */ if (!idf_movparam(our_idf, param, zptr->plast)) return(NULL); zptr->plast = param; zptr->nsurf++; return(zptr); } /* Return field for vertices in the given parameter */ static IDF_FIELD * get_vlist(IDF_PARAMETER *param, const char *zname) { int i = 0; IDF_FIELD *fptr; /* check for surface type */ while (strcmp(surf_type[i].pname, param->pname)) if (surf_type[++i].pname == NULL) return(NULL); if (zname != NULL) { /* matches specified zone? */ fptr = idf_getfield(param, surf_type[i].zone_fld); if (fptr == NULL || strcmp(fptr->val, zname)) return(NULL); } /* return field for #verts */ return(idf_getfield(param, surf_type[i].vert_fld)); } /* Convert surface to Radiance with modifier based on unique name */ static int rad_surface(IDF_PARAMETER *param, FILE *ofp) { const char *sname = idf_getfield(param,NAME_FLD)->val; IDF_FIELD *fptr = get_vlist(param, NULL); int nvert, i; if (fptr == NULL || (nvert = atoi(fptr->val)) < 3) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: bad surface '%s'\n", progname, sname); return(0); } fprintf(ofp, "\nvoid glow '%s'\n0\n0\n4 1 1 1 0\n", sname); fprintf(ofp, "\n'%s' polygon 's_%s'\n0\n0\n%d\n", sname, sname, 3*nvert); while (nvert--) { for (i = 3; i--; ) { fptr = fptr->next; if (fptr == NULL || !isflt(fptr->val)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: missing/bad vertex for %s '%s'\n", progname, param->pname, sname); return(0); } fputc('\t', ofp); fputs(fptr->val, ofp); } fputc('\n', ofp); } return(!ferror(ofp)); } /* Start rcontrib process */ static int start_rcontrib(SUBPROC *pd, ZONE *zp) { #define BASE_AC 3 static char *base_av[BASE_AC] = { "rcontrib", "-ff", "-h" }; char cbuf[300]; char **av; FILE *ofp; IDF_PARAMETER *pptr; int i, n; /* start oconv command */ sprintf(cbuf, "oconv - > '%s'", temp_octree); if ((ofp = popen(cbuf, "w")) == NULL) { fputs(progname, stderr); fputs(": cannot open oconv process\n", stderr); return(0); } /* allocate argument list */ av = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char *)*(BASE_AC+4+2*zp->nsurf)); if (av == NULL) return(0); for (i = 0; i < BASE_AC; i++) av[i] = base_av[i]; sprintf(cbuf, "%d", NSAMPLES); av[i++] = "-c"; av[i++] = cbuf; /* add modifier arguments */ for (n = zp->nsurf, pptr = zp->pfirst; n--; pptr = pptr->dnext) { IDF_FIELD *fptr = idf_getfield(pptr,NAME_FLD); if (fptr == NULL || !fptr->val[0]) { fputs(progname, stderr); fputs(": missing name for surface parameter\n", stderr); return(0); } if (!rad_surface(pptr, ofp)) /* add surface to octree */ return(0); av[i++] = "-m"; av[i++] = fptr->val; } if (pclose(ofp) != 0) { /* finish oconv */ fputs(progname, stderr); fputs(": error running oconv process\n", stderr); return(0); } av[i++] = temp_octree; /* add final octree argument */ av[i] = NULL; if (!open_process(pd, av)) { /* start process */ fputs(progname, stderr); fputs(": cannot start rcontrib process\n", stderr); return(0); } free(av); /* all done -- clean up */ return(1); #undef BASE_AC } typedef struct { FVECT sdir[3]; /* XYZ unit sampling vectors */ double poff; /* Z-offset for plane of polygon */ double area_left; /* area left to sample */ int samp_left; /* remaining samples */ int wd; /* output file descriptor */ } POLYSAMP; /* structure for polygon sampling */ /* Initialize polygon sampling */ static Vert2_list * init_poly(POLYSAMP *ps, IDF_FIELD *f0, int nv) { IDF_FIELD *fptr = f0; int i, j; FVECT *vl3, e1, e2, vc; Vert2_list *vl2 = polyAlloc(nv); if (vl2 == NULL) return(NULL); vl2->p = ps; /* get 3-D vertices */ vl3 = (FVECT *)malloc(sizeof(FVECT)*nv); if (vl3 == NULL) return(NULL); for (i = 0; i < nv; i++) for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { if (fptr == NULL) { fputs(progname, stderr); fputs(": bad vertex in init_poly()\n", stderr); return(NULL); } vl3[i][j] = atof(fptr->val); } /* compute area and normal */ ps->sdir[2][0] = ps->sdir[2][1] = ps->sdir[2][2] = 0; VSUB(e1, vl3[1], vl3[0]); for (i = 2; i < nv; i++) { VSUB(e2, vl3[i], vl3[0]); fcross(vc, e1, e2); ps->sdir[2][0] += vc[0]; ps->sdir[2][1] += vc[1]; ps->sdir[2][2] += vc[2]; VCOPY(e1, e2); } ps->area_left = .5 * normalize(ps->sdir[2]); if (ps->area_left == .0) { fputs(progname, stderr); fputs(": degenerate polygon in init_poly()\n", stderr); return(0); } /* create X & Y axes */ VCOPY(ps->sdir[0], e1); normalize(ps->sdir[0]); fcross(ps->sdir[1], ps->sdir[2], ps->sdir[0]); /* compute plane offset */ ps->poff = DOT(vl3[0], ps->sdir[2]) + FTINY; /* assign 2-D vertices */ for (i = 0; i < nv; i++) { vl2->v[i].mX = DOT(vl3[i], ps->sdir[0]); vl2->v[i].mY = DOT(vl3[i], ps->sdir[1]); } free(vl3); /* it's ready! */ return(vl2); } /* Generate samples on 2-D triangle */ static int sample_triangle(const Vert2_list *vl2, int a, int b, int c) { POLYSAMP *ps = (POLYSAMP *)vl2->p; float *samp; FVECT orig; FVECT ab, ac; double area; int i, j, ns; /* compute sampling axes */ for (i = 3; i--; ) { orig[i] = vl2->v[a].mX*ps->sdir[0][i] + vl2->v[a].mY*ps->sdir[1][i] + ps->poff*ps->sdir[2][i]; ab[i] = (vl2->v[b].mX - vl2->v[a].mX)*ps->sdir[0][i] + (vl2->v[b].mY - vl2->v[a].mY)*ps->sdir[1][i]; ac[i] = (vl2->v[c].mX - vl2->v[a].mX)*ps->sdir[0][i] + (vl2->v[c].mY - vl2->v[a].mY)*ps->sdir[1][i]; } /* compute number of samples to take */ area = .5*(vl2->v[a].mX*vl2->v[b].mY - vl2->v[b].mX*vl2->v[a].mY + vl2->v[b].mX*vl2->v[c].mY - vl2->v[c].mX*vl2->v[b].mY + vl2->v[c].mX*vl2->v[a].mY - vl2->v[a].mX*vl2->v[c].mY); if (area < .0) { fputs(progname, stderr); fputs(": negative triangle area in sample_triangle()\n", stderr); return(0); } if (area >= ps->area_left) { ns = ps->samp_left; ps->area_left = 0; } else { ns = (ps->samp_left*area/ps->area_left + .5); ps->samp_left -= ns; ps->area_left -= area; } if (ns <= 0) /* XXX should be error? */ return(1); /* buffer sample rays */ samp = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*6*ns); if (samp == NULL) return(0); for (i = ns; i--; ) { double sv[4]; multisamp(sv, 4, (i+frandom())/(double)ns); sv[0] *= sv[1] = sqrt(sv[1]); sv[1] = 1. - sv[1]; for (j = 3; j--; ) samp[ns*6 + j] = orig[j] + sv[0]*ab[j] + sv[1]*ac[j]; sv[3] = sqrt(sv[3]); sv[4] *= 2.*PI; samp[ns*6 + 3] = tcos(sv[4]) * sv[3]; samp[ns*6 + 4] = tsin(sv[4]) * sv[3]; samp[ns*6 + 5] = sqrt(1. - sv[3]*sv[3]); } /* send to our process */ writebuf(ps->wd, (char *)samp, sizeof(float)*6*ns); free(samp); /* that's it! */ return(1); } /* Sample the given surface */ static int sample_surface(IDF_PARAMETER *param, int wd) { IDF_FIELD *fptr = get_vlist(param, NULL); POLYSAMP psamp; int nv; Vert2_list *vlist2; /* set up our polygon sampler */ if (fptr == NULL || (nv = atoi(fptr->val)) < 3) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: error in %s '%s'\n", progname, param->pname, idf_getfield(param,NAME_FLD)->val); return(0); } vlist2 = init_poly(&psamp, fptr->next, nv); if (vlist2 == NULL) return(0); psamp.samp_left = NSAMPLES; /* assign samples & destination */ psamp.wd = wd; /* sample each subtriangle */ if (!polyTriangulate(vlist2, &sample_triangle)) return(0); polyFree(vlist2); /* clean up and return */ return(1); } /* Compute User View Factors using open rcontrib process */ static int compute_uvfs(SUBPROC *pd, ZONE *zp) { IDF_PARAMETER *pptr, *pout, *pptr1; float *uvfa; char uvfbuf[24]; int n, m; /* create output parameter */ pout = idf_newparam(our_idf, UVF_PNAME, " ! computed by Radiance\n ", zp->plast); if (pout == NULL) { fputs(progname, stderr); fputs(": cannot create new IDF parameter\n", stderr); return(0); } if (!idf_addfield(pout, zp->zname, " !- Zone Name\n ")) { fputs(progname, stderr); fputs(": cannot add zone name field\n", stderr); return(0); } /* allocate read buffer */ uvfa = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*3*zp->nsurf); if (uvfa == NULL) return(0); /* UVFs from each surface */ for (n = zp->nsurf, pptr = zp->pfirst; n--; pptr = pptr->dnext) { /* send samples to rcontrib */ if (!sample_surface(pptr, pd->w)) return(0); /* read results */ if (readbuf(pd->r, (char *)uvfa, sizeof(float)*3*zp->nsurf) != sizeof(float)*3*zp->nsurf) { fputs(progname, stderr); fputs(": read error from rcontrib process\n", stderr); return(0); } /* append UVF fields */ for (m = 0, pptr1 = zp->pfirst; m < zp->nsurf; m++, pptr1 = pptr1->dnext) { if (pptr1 == pptr) { if (uvfa[3*m + 1] > .001) fprintf(stderr, "%s: warning - non-zero self-VF (%.3e) for surface '%s'\n", progname, uvfa[3*m + 1], idf_getfield(pptr,NAME_FLD)->val); continue; /* don't record self-factor */ } sprintf(uvfbuf, "%.6f", uvfa[3*m + 1]); if (!idf_addfield(pout, idf_getfield(pptr,NAME_FLD)->val, NULL) || !idf_addfield(pout, idf_getfield(pptr1,NAME_FLD)->val, NULL) || !idf_addfield(pout, uvfbuf, (n || m < zp->nsurf-2) ? "\n " : "\n\n")) { fputs(progname, stderr); fputs(": error adding UVF fields\n", stderr); return(0); } } } free(uvfa); /* clean up and return */ return(1); } /* Compute zone User View Factors */ static int compute_zones(void) { ZONE *zptr; /* temporary octree name */ if (temp_filename(temp_octree, sizeof(temp_octree), TEMPLATE) == NULL) { fputs(progname, stderr); fputs(": cannot create temporary octree\n", stderr); return(0); } /* compute each zone */ for (zptr = zone_list; zptr != NULL; zptr = zptr->next) { SUBPROC rcproc; /* start rcontrib process */ if (!start_rcontrib(&rcproc, zptr)) return(0); /* compute+add view factors */ if (!compute_uvfs(&rcproc, zptr)) return(0); if (close_process(&rcproc) != 0) { fputs(progname, stderr); fputs(": bad return status from rcontrib\n", stderr); return(0); } } unlink(temp_octree); /* remove octree file */ return(1); } /* Load IDF and compute User View Factors */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int incl_comments = 1; char *origIDF, *revIDF; IDF_PARAMETER *pptr; int i; progname = argv[0]; if (argc > 2 && !strcmp(argv[1], "-c")) { incl_comments = -1; /* output header only */ ++argv; --argc; } if ((argc < 2) | (argc > 3)) { fputs("Usage: ", stderr); fputs(progname, stderr); fputs(" [-c] Model.idf [Revised.idf]\n", stderr); return(1); } origIDF = argv[1]; revIDF = (argc == 2) ? argv[1] : argv[2]; /* load Input Data File */ our_idf = idf_load(origIDF); if (our_idf == NULL) { fputs(progname, stderr); fputs(": cannot load IDF '", stderr); fputs(origIDF, stderr); fputs("'\n", stderr); return(1); } /* remove existing UVFs */ if ((pptr = idf_getparam(our_idf, UVF_PNAME)) != NULL) { IDF_PARAMETER *pnext; fputs(progname, stderr); fputs(": removing previous User View Factors\n", stderr); do { pnext = pptr->pnext; idf_delparam(our_idf, pptr); } while (pnext != NULL); } /* add to header */ if (our_idf->hrem == NULL || (i = strlen(our_idf->hrem)-strlen(ADD_HEADER)) < 0 || strcmp(our_idf->hrem+i, ADD_HEADER)) idf_add2hdr(our_idf, ADD_HEADER); /* gather zone surfaces */ for (i = 0; surf_type[i].pname != NULL; i++) for (pptr = idf_getparam(our_idf, surf_type[i].pname); pptr != NULL; pptr = pptr->pnext) { IDF_FIELD *fptr = idf_getfield(pptr, surf_type[i].zone_fld); if (fptr == NULL) { fputs(progname, stderr); fputs(": warning - missing zone field\n", stderr); continue; } if (add2zone(pptr, fptr->val) == NULL) return(1); } /* run rcontrib on each zone */ if (!compute_zones()) return(1); /* write out modified IDF */ if (!idf_write(our_idf, revIDF, incl_comments)) { fputs(progname, stderr); fputs(": error writing IDF '", stderr); fputs(revIDF, stderr); fputs("'\n", stderr); return(1); } return(0); /* finito! */ }