# SCCSid "$SunId$ LBL" # # Track octree and scene files # set myglob(materials) *.mat set myglob(illum) *.rad set myglob(scene) *.rad set myglob(objects) * proc newfent f { # add file to our list global rifname radvar mybox myvar set rd [file dirname $rifname] if {[string first $rd $f] == 0} { set f [string range $f [expr [string length $rd] + 1] end] } if {[lsearch -exact $radvar($myvar) $f] == -1} { lappend radvar($myvar) $f $mybox($myvar) insert end $f $mybox($myvar) yview end } } proc lbgetf nm { # get list box files global myglob radvar mybox myvar curpat curmess set myvar $nm set oldnum [llength $radvar($nm)] if [getfile -grab -perm -glob $myglob($nm) -view view_txt -send newfent] { set curmess "Added [expr [llength $radvar($nm)] - $oldnum] entries." } elseif {[llength $radvar($nm)] > $oldnum} { set radvar($nm) [lreplace $radvar($nm) $oldnum end] set curmess "Cancelled." } $mybox($nm) delete 0 end eval $mybox($nm) insert end $radvar($nm) set myglob($nm) $curpat unset myvar } proc oct_delete {} { # delete octree file global radvar curmess if {"$radvar(OCTREE)" == {} || ! [file exists $radvar(OCTREE)]} { set curmess {No octree file.} return } if [tk_dialog .dlg {Verification} \ "Really delete octree file $radvar(OCTREE)?" \ questhead 0 {Delete} {Cancel}] { return 0 } if [catch {exec rm $radvar(OCTREE) < /dev/null} curmess] {return 0} set curmess {Octree file deleted.} return 1 } proc getdepend {} { # get object dependencies global radvar curmess mybox set curmess "Please wait..." update foreach newf [eval exec raddepend $radvar(illum) $radvar(scene)] { if {[lsearch -exact $radvar(objects) $newf] < 0} { lappend radvar(objects) $newf } } $mybox(objects) delete 0 end eval $mybox(objects) insert end $radvar(objects) set curmess "Done." } proc vwselfil {} { # View selected file entries global mybox foreach n {materials illum scene objects} { foreach sl [$mybox($n) curselection] { lappend files [$mybox($n) get $sl] } } view_txt $files } proc movselfil {n y} { # move selected files to new position global radvar mybox curmess set dl [delselfil] if {"$dl" == {}} { # get it from another window set dl [selection get] set curmess "Pasted [llength $dl] entries." } else { set curmess "Moved [llength $dl] entries." } if [llength $dl] { # The following should return "end" if past end, but doesn't! set i [$mybox($n) nearest $y] # So, we hack rather badly to discover the truth... if {$i == [$mybox($n) size] - 1 && $y > 12 && [$mybox($n) nearest [expr $y - 12]] == $i} { set i end } eval $mybox($n) insert $i $dl if {"$i" == "end"} { eval lappend radvar($n) $dl } else { set radvar($n) [eval linsert {$radvar($n)} $i $dl] } } } proc delselfil {} { # Delete selected file entries global radvar mybox curmess set dl {} foreach n {materials illum scene objects} { foreach sl [lsort -integer -decreasing [$mybox($n) curselection]] { set i [lsearch -exact $radvar($n) [$mybox($n) get $sl]] set dl "[lindex $radvar($n) $i] $dl" set radvar($n) [lreplace $radvar($n) $i $i] $mybox($n) delete $sl } } set curmess "Discarded [llength $dl] entries." return $dl } proc copyscene rf { # Copy scene data from specified RIF global mybox radvar load_vars [file tail $rf] {OCTREE materials illum scene objects} foreach n {materials illum scene objects} { $mybox($n) delete 0 end eval $mybox($n) insert end $radvar($n) } } proc do_scene w { # Create scene screen global radvar mybox rifname if {"$w" == "done"} { unset mybox return } set lbfont -*-courier-medium-r-normal--12-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1 frame $w # Octree entry label $w.octl -text Octree place $w.octl -relwidth .1071 -relheight .0610 -relx .0714 -rely .0610 entry $w.oct -textvariable radvar(OCTREE) -relief sunken place $w.oct -relwidth .5714 -relheight .0610 -relx .2143 -rely .0610 helplink $w.oct trad scene octree button $w.odel -text Delete -relief raised -command oct_delete place $w.odel -relwidth .1071 -relheight .0610 -relx .8000 -rely .0610 helplink $w.odel trad scene octdelete # Materials listbox button $w.matb -text Materials -relief raised \ -command "lbgetf materials" set mybox(materials) $w.mat.lb place $w.matb -relwidth .1200 -relheight .0610 -relx .0714 -rely .1463 frame $w.mat scrollbar $w.mat.sb -relief sunken -command "$w.mat.lb yview" listbox $w.mat.lb -relief sunken -yscroll "$w.mat.sb set" -font $lbfont bind $w.mat.lb "movselfil materials %y" pack $w.mat.sb -side right -fill y pack $w.mat.lb -side left -expand yes -fill both place $w.mat -relwidth .5714 -relheight .0976 -relx .2143 -rely .1463 eval $w.mat.lb insert end $radvar(materials) helplink "$w.mat.lb $w.matb" trad scene materials # Illum listbox button $w.illb -text Illum -relief raised \ -command "lbgetf illum" set mybox(illum) $w.ill.lb place $w.illb -relwidth .1200 -relheight .0610 -relx .0714 -rely .2683 frame $w.ill scrollbar $w.ill.sb -relief sunken -command "$w.ill.lb yview" listbox $w.ill.lb -relief sunken -yscroll "$w.ill.sb set" -font $lbfont bind $w.ill.lb "movselfil illum %y" pack $w.ill.sb -side right -fill y pack $w.ill.lb -side left -expand yes -fill both place $w.ill -relwidth .5714 -relheight .0976 -relx .2143 -rely .2683 eval $w.ill.lb insert end $radvar(illum) helplink "$w.ill.lb $w.illb" trad scene illum # Scene listbox button $w.sceb -text Scene -relief raised \ -command "lbgetf scene" set mybox(scene) $w.sce.lb place $w.sceb -relwidth .1200 -relheight .0610 -relx .0714 -rely .3902 frame $w.sce scrollbar $w.sce.sb -relief sunken -command "$w.sce.lb yview" listbox $w.sce.lb -relief sunken -yscroll "$w.sce.sb set" -font $lbfont bind $w.sce.lb "movselfil scene %y" pack $w.sce.sb -side right -fill y pack $w.sce.lb -side left -expand yes -fill both place $w.sce -relwidth .5714 -relheight .2683 -relx .2143 -rely .3902 eval $w.sce.lb insert end $radvar(scene) helplink "$w.sce.lb $w.sceb" trad scene scene # Objects listbox button $w.objb -text Objects -relief raised \ -command "lbgetf objects" set mybox(objects) $w.obj.lb place $w.objb -relwidth .1200 -relheight .0610 -relx .0714 -rely .6829 frame $w.obj scrollbar $w.obj.sb -relief sunken -command "$w.obj.lb yview" listbox $w.obj.lb -relief sunken -yscroll "$w.obj.sb set" -font $lbfont bind $w.obj.lb "movselfil objects %y" pack $w.obj.sb -side right -fill y pack $w.obj.lb -side left -expand yes -fill both place $w.obj -relwidth .5714 -relheight .2683 -relx .2143 -rely .6829 eval $w.obj.lb insert end $radvar(objects) button $w.autob -text Auto -relief raised -command getdepend place $w.autob -relwidth .1200 -relheight .0610 -relx .0714 -rely .7927 helplink "$w.obj.lb $w.objb $w.autob" trad scene objects # View button button $w.vwb -text Edit -relief raised -command vwselfil place $w.vwb -relwidth .1071 -relheight .0610 -relx .8214 -rely .4000 helplink $w.vwb trad scene edit # Delete button button $w.del -text Discard -relief raised -command delselfil place $w.del -relwidth .1071 -relheight .0610 -relx .8214 -rely .5000 helplink $w.del trad scene discard # Revert and Copy buttons button $w.revert -text Revert -relief raised \ -command "copyscene $rifname" place $w.revert -relwidth .1071 -relheight .0610 -relx .98 -rely .98 \ -anchor se helplink $w.revert trad scene revert button $w.copy -text Copy -relief raised -command {getfile -grab \ -send copyscene -view view_txt -glob $rif_glob} place $w.copy -relwidth .1071 -relheight .0610 -relx .98 -rely .90 \ -anchor se helplink $w.copy trad scene copy }