# RCSid: $Id: do_results3.6.tcl,v 2.13 2008/11/10 19:08:19 greg Exp $ # # Results screen for trad # set conv(TIFF-bw,nam) "TIFF B&W" set conv(TIFF-bw,com) "ra_tiff -b %s %s" set conv(TIFF-bw,suf) .tif set conv(TIFF-24,nam) "TIFF 24-bit" set conv(TIFF-24,com) "ra_tiff %s %s" set conv(TIFF-24,suf) .tif set conv(GIF-bw,nam) "GIF B&W" set conv(GIF-bw,com) "ra_gif -b %s %s" set conv(GIF-bw,suf) .gif set conv(GIF-8,nam) "GIF" set conv(GIF-8,com) "ra_gif -n 10 -d %s %s" set conv(GIF-8,suf) .gif set conv(PPM-bin,nam) "PPM (binary)" set conv(PPM-bin,com) "ra_ppm %s %s" set conv(PPM-bin,suf) .ppm set conv(PPM-asc,nam) "PPM (ASCII)" set conv(PPM-asc,com) "ra_ppm -a %s %s" set conv(PPM-asc,suf) .ppm set conv(PICT,nam) "PICT 32-bit" set conv(PICT,com) "ra_pict -g 1.8 %s %s" set conv(PICT,suf) .pict set conv(ras-bw,nam) "Sun B&W" set conv(ras-bw,com) "ra_pr -b %s %s" set conv(ras-bw,suf) .ras set conv(ras-8,nam) "Sun 8-bit" set conv(ras-8,com) "ra_pr %s %s" set conv(ras-8,suf) .ras set conv(ras-24,nam) "Sun 24-bit" set conv(ras-24,com) "ra_pr24 %s %s" set conv(ras-24,suf) .ras set conv(PS-bw,nam) "PostScript B&W" set conv(PS-bw,com) "ra_ps -b -C %s %s" set conv(PS-bw,suf) .ps set conv(PS-clr,nam) "PostScript Color" set conv(PS-clr,com) "ra_ps -c -C %s %s" set conv(PS-clr,suf) .ps set conv(tga-bw,nam) "Targa B&W" set conv(tga-bw,com) "ra_t8 -b %s %s" set conv(tga-bw,suf) .tga set conv(tga-8,nam) "Targa 8-bit" set conv(tga-8,com) "ra_t8 -n 10 -d %s %s" set conv(tga-8,suf) .tga set conv(tga-16,nam) "Targa 16-bit" set conv(tga-16,com) "ra_t16 -2 %s %s" set conv(tga-16,suf) .tga set conv(tga-24,nam) "Targa 24-bit" set conv(tga-24,com) "ra_t16 -3 %s %s" set conv(tga-24,suf) .tga set conv(types) {GIF-bw GIF-8 PICT PS-bw PS-clr PPM-asc PPM-bin ras-bw ras-8\ ras-24 tga-bw tga-8 tga-16 tga-24 TIFF-bw TIFF-24} set conv(typ) tga-24 proc testappend {flst tf} { # test if tf exists and append to flst if so upvar $flst mylist if [file isfile $tf] { lappend mylist $tf } } proc list_views {} { # List finished and unfinished pictures global radvar fvwbox ufvwbox alldone rawfroot set fpics {} set ufpics {} foreach vw $radvar(view) { if [file isfile ${rawfroot}_[lindex $vw 0].unf] { lappend ufpics [lindex $vw 0] } elseif {[file isfile $radvar(PICTURE)_[lindex $vw 0].hdr]} { lappend fpics [lindex $vw 0] } } $fvwbox delete 0 end eval $fvwbox insert end $fpics $ufvwbox delete 0 end eval $ufvwbox insert end $ufpics set alldone [expr [llength $fpics] == [llength $radvar(view)]] } proc delpic {} { # Delete selected pictures global curmess set selected_pics [get_selpics 1] if {$selected_pics == {}} { set curmess "No pictures selected." return } if [tk_dialog .dlg {Verification} \ "Really delete file(s) $selected_pics?" \ questhead 0 {Delete} {Cancel}] { return } if {! [catch {eval exec rm $selected_pics < /dev/null} curmess]} { set curmess "Deleted [llength $selected_pics] file(s)." } list_views } proc get_selpics {{getall 0}} { # return selected pictures global fvwbox ufvwbox radvar rawfroot set sl {} foreach i [$fvwbox curselection] { testappend sl $radvar(PICTURE)_[$fvwbox get $i].hdr if {$getall && $rawfroot != $radvar(PICTURE)} { testappend sl ${rawfroot}_[$fvwbox get $i].hdr } if {$getall && $radvar(ZFILE) != {}} { testappend sl $radvar(ZFILE)_[$fvwbox get $i].zbf } } foreach i [$ufvwbox curselection] { testappend sl ${rawfroot}_[$ufvwbox get $i].unf if {$getall && $radvar(ZFILE) != {}} { testappend sl $radvar(ZFILE)_[$ufvwbox get $i].zbf } } return $sl } proc dsppic {} { # Display selected pictures global curmess dispcom radvar set selected_pics [get_selpics] if {$selected_pics == {}} { set curmess "No pictures selected." return } if {$radvar(EXPOSURE) == {}} { set ev 0 } else { if [regexp {^[+-]} $radvar(EXPOSURE)] { set ev [expr {round($radvar(EXPOSURE))}] } else { set ev [expr {round(log($radvar(EXPOSURE))/log(2))}] } } foreach p $selected_pics { if {[string match *.unf $p] || $radvar(PICTURE) == $radvar(RAWFILE)} { set dc [format $dispcom $ev $p] } else { set dc [format $dispcom 0 $p] } catch {eval exec $dc} curmess } } proc cnvpic {} { # Convert selected pictures global curmess radvar conv convdest fvwbox set curmess "No finished pictures selected." foreach i [$fvwbox curselection] { set vw [$fvwbox get $i] set p $radvar(PICTURE)_$vw.hdr set df [format $convdest $vw] set curmess "Converting $p to $df..." update set cc [format $conv($conv(typ),com) $p $df] if {! [catch {eval exec $cc} curmess]} { set curmess "Done." } } } proc prtpic {} { # Print selected pictures global curmess prntcom radvar fvwbox set curmess "No finished pictures selected." foreach i [$fvwbox curselection] { set p $radvar(PICTURE)_[$fvwbox get $i].hdr set curmess "Printing $p..." update set pc [format $prntcom $p] if {! [catch {eval exec $pc} curmess]} { set curmess "Done." } } } proc do_results w { # Results screen global radvar curmess fvwbox ufvwbox dispcom prntcom conv \ rawfroot convdest if {"$w" == "done"} { unset fvwbox ufvwbox convdest rawfroot return } frame $w # Finished view box label $w.vvl -text "Finished views" place $w.vvl -relx .0714 -rely .0610 frame $w.vnl scrollbar $w.vnl.sb -relief sunken -command "$w.vnl.lb yview" listbox $w.vnl.lb -relief sunken -yscroll "$w.vnl.sb set" pack $w.vnl.sb -side right -fill y pack $w.vnl.lb -side left -expand yes -fill both place $w.vnl -relwidth .2143 -relheight .4268 -relx .0714 -rely .1220 set fvwbox $w.vnl.lb helplink $w.vnl.lb trad results finished # Unfinished view box label $w.uvvl -text "Unfinished views" place $w.uvvl -relx .7143 -rely .0610 frame $w.uvnl scrollbar $w.uvnl.sb -relief sunken -command "$w.uvnl.lb yview" listbox $w.uvnl.lb -relief sunken -yscroll "$w.uvnl.sb set" pack $w.uvnl.sb -side right -fill y pack $w.uvnl.lb -side left -expand yes -fill both place $w.uvnl -relwidth .2143 -relheight .4268 -relx .7143 -rely .1220 set ufvwbox $w.uvnl.lb helplink $w.uvnl.lb trad results unfinished # Rescan button button $w.rsb -text Rescan -relief raised -command list_views place $w.rsb -relwidth .1071 -relheight .0610 -relx .4464 -rely .2439 helplink $w.rsb trad results rescan # Delete button button $w.del -text Delete -relief raised -command delpic place $w.del -relwidth .1071 -relheight .0610 -relx .4464 -rely .3659 helplink $w.del trad results delete # Display picture(s) if {! [info exists dispcom]} { set dispcom "ximage -e %+d %s >& /dev/null &" } button $w.dpyb -text Display -relief raised -command dsppic place $w.dpyb -relwidth .1071 -relheight .0610 -relx .0714 -rely .6098 helplink $w.dpyb trad results display label $w.dpycl -text Command: place $w.dpycl -relx .2143 -rely .6098 entry $w.dpyce -textvariable dispcom -relief sunken place $w.dpyce -relwidth .5714 -relheight .0610 -relx .3571 -rely .6098 helplink $w.dpyce trad results dispcommand # Convert picture(s) button $w.cnvb -text Convert -relief raised -command cnvpic place $w.cnvb -relwidth .1071 -relheight .0610 -relx .0714 -rely .7317 helplink $w.cnvb trad results convert menubutton $w.typb -text $conv($conv(typ),nam) -relief raised \ -menu $w.typb.m place $w.typb -relwidth .1986 -relheight .0610 -relx .2143 -rely .7317 helplink $w.typb trad results convtype menu $w.typb.m foreach t $conv(types) { $w.typb.m add radiobutton -variable conv(typ) -value $t \ -label $conv($t,nam) \ -command "$w.typb configure -text \"$conv($t,nam)\" set convdest $radvar(PICTURE)_%s$conv($t,suf)" } label $w.fil -text File: place $w.fil -relx .4486 -rely .7317 set convdest $radvar(PICTURE)_%s$conv($conv(typ),suf) entry $w.file -textvariable convdest -relief sunken place $w.file -relwidth .4086 -relheight .0610 -relx .5200 -rely .7317 helplink $w.file trad results convfile # Print picture(s) button $w.prtb -text Print -relief raised -command prtpic place $w.prtb -relwidth .1071 -relheight .0610 -relx .0714 -rely .8537 helplink $w.prtb trad results print label $w.prtl -text Command: place $w.prtl -relx .2143 -rely .8537 if {! [info exists prntcom]} { set prntcom "ra_ps %s | lpr" } entry $w.prte -textvariable prntcom -relief sunken place $w.prte -relwidth .5714 -relheight .0610 -relx .3571 -rely .8537 helplink $w.prte trad results printcommand # Fill in views if {$radvar(RAWFILE) != {}} { set rawfroot $radvar(RAWFILE) if {$radvar(RAWFILE) == $radvar(PICTURE)} { set curmess "Warning: finished views are unfiltered" } } else { set rawfroot $radvar(PICTURE) } list_views }